We Are Wildflowers

By EmirAnder

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In the city of Vir girls are property, bred and raised to be the perfect wives. To serve and obey and honor t... More

Part One : A Garden Of Flowers


253 33 27
By EmirAnder

------- ELAIA ------

After lunch one of the handlers tells me I have a visitor which confuses me because I thought we weren't allowed to have visitors at the facility. Nobody came to visit me the last time I was here. 

I follow the handler down the hall, past Mr. Morrison's office towards the front lobby. As we walk, I try to hide my shaky hands. Am I being sent away? Are they here to take me to the terrible place? The thought terrifies me. "Am I in trouble?" I can't help but ask. 

The handler ignores my question as he opens the door to the lobby, ushering me inside the big white room. At the other end are the shining glass double doors that lead to freedom. I could try to make a run for it, but then they'd send me to the terrible place for sure. 

The receptionist seated at the desk nods to the handler as he leads me down a corridor to the left of the entrance. It's a long, concrete hallway with lights set into the ceiling and security cameras every one hundred feet. I've never been down this hallway before. It's creeping me out. 

"Where are you taking me?" I ask the handler, our shoes clicking against the concrete floor as we walk. 

"Be quiet," the handler snaps back, giving me a stern look over his shoulder. I give a slight nod, remaining quiet as we walk towards the edge of the hall, passing frosted glass doors with gold letters painted on them. I wish I could read what they say. Castine would be able to read them. 

At the end of the hall there is another glass door. The handler opens it, waiting for me to step outside. I hesitate a moment, afraid of what will be waiting for me. 

"Hurry up, girl. I don't have all day," the handler spits impatiently. 

"Sorry," I murmur, stepping out into the fresh air. He shuts the door behind me and I am left in a small garden with trees surrounding it, poured concrete, benches wrapping around the entire area, and tall glass walls surrounding the enclosure. 

When I see him all the stress from the inspection this morning melts away. All my fears dissipate and I run to him. "Kres!" I cry, nearly sliding on the concrete as I rush towards him. 

He stands, taking me in his arms. We hold each other for a long time. "I missed you so much," he whispers in my hair, kissing my hair over and over. 

"I missed you too," I whisper back, tears filling my eyes. It's only been a week, but it feels like I've spent an eternity without him. 

We finally pull away and he rests his hands on my elbows, inspecting me. "Are you alright?" Kres asks, the concern evident in his voice. 

I nod. "I'm alright," I tell him as he wipes my tears away with his thumbs. "Just really glad you're here," I add with a laugh. He cups my cheek in his hand, staring down at me with those adoring green eyes. After a moment the smile fades from his lips and he drops his hand. 

"We need to talk," he says quietly, glancing to the security camera in the corner above the glass door. He takes my hand in his, leading towards the benches in the furthest corner of the yard.

I nod. "How are you even here? I didn't think we were allowed to have visitors," I say as we sit down. 

"When the future lord of the city says he needs to see his fiancé people listen," he replies with a smirk, rubbing his thumb over the ring he put on my finger. 

"What do we need to talk about?" I ask, meeting his gaze. 

He lets out a heavy sigh. "My father has been acting strange lately," he tells me quietly.

"About us?" I ask, knitting my eyebrows together in confusion. 

"About everything," Kres says, smoothing back his thick red hair. "He's been having more meetings with city council than usual. Travel outside the city has been banned completely. People are starting to talk. They have questions and my father isn't answering them," he explains. "He's not even telling me what's going on," he adds with another sigh. 

"I thought your father told you everything," I reply. 

"He used to," Kres replies, squeezing my hand tight. There's a long pause before he speaks again. "Things are changing, Elaia," he tells me gently. "Things are getting worse, especially for women."

"What does that mean for us?" I ask, dreading the answer. 

Kres shakes his head. "Nothing yet, but if we're not careful," he lets his sentence fall, and I can tell he doesn't want to tell me. 

"What?" I prompt. "You know you can tell me anything." 

He nods. "I know. It's just... I don't know what any of this means for us yet. But I am going to find out," he says reassuringly. 

"Are we safe?" I ask him. 

He shakes his head violently. "No," he whispers. 

"Am I safe?" I ask next, worried that he's about to confirm my worst fears. 

Kres stares at me for a long time, actual tears glistening in his eyes. I thought men didn't cry? "No, Elaia. No one is safe right now. That Sunday? When we were supposed to go for a picnic? This is part of what I wanted to talk to you about," he says uncertainly. 

"I overheard my father talking to one of the council members. Something about too many girls getting out of hand. They're planning on changing everything," he says. 

"What does that mean? Kres, you're scaring me." New tears well in my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Elaia, I don't mean to scare you, my love. But you need to know that things aren't alright in our city right now," he says. "I told you I would always protect you and I meant it."

"How is scaring me protecting me?" I ask him, throwing my hands out.

Kres sighs, glancing to the camera again before meeting my gaze again. There's a long moment of silence before he speaks again. "I don't think it was your father's decision to send you back to the facility."

"What?" I stare at him in complete shock. "That doesn't make any sense!" I cry. A bit of frustration wells up inside of me. Kres is only confusing me more. 

"I don't know much more than what I've just told you, but I am going to try to find out what is going on," he says, smoothing his hair back again. "Just...," he hesitates, glancing at his watch. 

"Just what?" I ask, wondering what he's about to say. 

"Just be careful, Elaia," he says, leaning in close. "Stay alert. Don't trust anyone," he whispers. 


"They're coming for you. All of you." he replies, acting like he's whispering sweet nothing's in my ear. Probably in case security is watching us. 

"Who?" I whisper back, catching the handler that escorted me out here watching us through the glass. 

Kres presses a soft kiss to my forehead. "The factory."

"What is the-," Kres presses his finger to my lips, silencing me. The glass door clicks open and the handler steps out to the yard, eying us suspiciously. 

"That's enough, Mr. Annistor," he snaps, glaring at Kres. "Hurry up and leave, and you can take your hands off the girl while you're at it." 

"Isn't a man allowed to show his soon-to-be-wife a little affection?" Kres asks deviously, smirking up at the handler. 

"Not here you're not," the handler spits back. 

Kres shrugs innocently, as if he didn't know any better before standing up and offering me his hand. I take it and he helps me to my feet. "I'm grateful I was able to see you, my dear," he tells me as we walk towards the entrance back into the facility. 

"I'm glad too," I reply softly, smiling up at him as if we haven't just been talking about horrendous things. "I'll miss you," I add as he pulls me into a tight embrace. 

"It's alright, Elaia," he tells me quietly, clinging to me as if his life depends on it.

"I know," I whisper back, dreading the moment that we have to part ways. I don't want him to leave me here. I want him to stay right here with me. Or better yet, I wish I could leave with him.

"I'm going to get you out," Kres whispers so quietly that I almost don't hear him. 

My heart soars at his words. Kres is going to find a way to get me out of here. "I love you," I tell him, finally pulling away from him. 

The handler stands by the door, impatiently waiting for us to say our goodbyes. He glares at us dubiously, his arms folded over his chest.  "Any day now," he remarks.

"I love you more than the stars," Kres replies, pressing one final kiss to my forehead before turning and heading back down the long hallway. I begin to follow but the handler steps forward, stopping me.

"What were you doing?" He asks, letting the glass door slam shut behind him. 

"We were just talking," I reply nervously, backing away from the handler as he stalks towards me. 

He lets out a cynical laugh. "I think you were doing a little more than talking," he jabs, forcing me back into the small yard. I stumble backwards onto the bench, flinching away from him as he closes the gap between us. 

"We missed each other. That's all," I tell him, fighting off my fear as best as I can. I won't tell him what Kres just told me. I won't get him in trouble. 

The handler slaps me hard across the face and I yelp, tears stinging my eyes. "Don't lie to me, girl!" He spits, droplets of his saliva landing on my face. 

"I have a name!" I'm not sure why I say this to him. Perhaps I'm tired of being referred to as 'girl'. 

"What was he whispering to you!" He spits. 

"Nothing!" I cry, tears streaming down my cheeks. "He was just telling me silly things about how much he loves me and misses me!" I sob, wishing he would just leave me alone. 

The handler glares down at me for a long time and I can see the pure hatred in his eyes. "Really?" He asks, towering over me. "That's all?"

"Yes," I cry, wiping at my tears. "That's all," I echo, trying to steady my breaths. I just want him to leave me alone. I want them all to leave me alone.

After a long moment, the handler finally turns and stalks back towards the door, opening it with his badge. "Well, come on then," he spits. 

I stand up, wiping at my last few tears. "Where are you taking me?" I ask him, refusing to step any closer until he answers me. 

"Back to your room, stupid girl," he snaps at me. 

"My name is Elaia," I choke out, still not moving towards him. "And I would like to be addressed by it. Please," I tell him. I'm so upset that I'm shaking. 

The handler rolls his eyes. "Fine. Elaia," he drags my name out mockingly, "will you please come with me back to your room?" He asks through gritted teeth, forcing himself to smile. 

Finally, I step towards him. "Yes," I say. As I approach the entrance I'm expecting the handler to step in front of me again and stop me from going back inside, but this time he lets me enter the building. I walk down the hall quickly, wanting to get away from him as quickly as I can. I've just turned down the hall near the cafeteria, when I hear someone sobbing. 

I glance behind me to find the handler gone. When did he stop following me? I should ignore the cries and go back to my room. But I turn right, towards the cafeteria instead. 

Easing one of the swinging doors open, I take a tentative glance inside. It's empty, except for a single girl with red hair sitting in the corner of the room, sobbing. I slip inside the cafeteria, making sure the door doesn't slam before I walk over to her. 

"Are you alright?" I ask quietly when I get close enough for her to hear me. She turns towards me, mascara and blush smeared down her pale cheeks, her hazel eyes wide with a mixture of fear and relief. 

I stumble backwards in shock. "Trinia?" 

------- Author's Note -------

Hello, Loves! I hope you're still enjoying following Elaia and Castine's story! Did this chapter surprise you? Is the story still intriguing and interesting to read? I would love to hear your thoughts!

Thank you for more than 3K reads!

Stay inspired!

- M I R A N D A

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