Riverdale Oneshots

Por Story_fanfics23

18.9K 178 56

Riverdale one-shots, Including multiple ships and events that I would find cute happening. If you have any re... Mais

Sweet Pea x Betty
Toni x Betty
Toni x Redhead
Jughead x Betty x Archie
Betty x Jughead
Betty x Sweet Pea
Sweet Pea x Betty
Veronica x Betty
Veronica x Archie
Betty x Reggie
Veronica x Jughead
Kevin x Fangs
Veronica x Archie
Betty (x Archie)
Betty x Sweet Pea
Betty x Reggie
Sweet Pea x Betty
Sweet Pea x Betty (Part 1)
Sweet Pea x Betty (Part 2)
Sweet Pea x Fangs x Betty
Toni x Betty x Sweet Pea (Part 1)
Toni x Sweet Pea x Betty
Betty x Reggie
AN: Recommendations
Sweet Pea x Betty x Fangs

Reggie x Sweet Pea x Betty

903 8 2
Por Story_fanfics23

Hiya, This was inspired by @TintedLoveXOXO. I hope you all enjoy it. Just for reference, Betty was never in a relationship with Jughead, I merely needed a girl. If you have any recommendations, please let me know!

In Riverdale high there had always been the cliché groups, the only difference is they would mix. Betty Cooper has a perfect 4.0 Gpa, as does Cheryl Blossom who is HBIC, cheer captain, and Betty's cousin. Betty is a cheerleader but gets classified as a bookworm as she loves her books, specifically the ones about Murder mysteries.

Reggie Mantle, a jock, captain of the football team, due to Archie having other things on his plate. Reggie sometimes associated himself with people outside of his popularity, such as Betty Cooper. Little did many know, Reggie had always had a soft spot for the girl next door. He knew she was hiding something from the world, but liked her non the less. Recently they had begun talking more and more, naive Betty figured it was for help with his grades, or just friends.

Sweet Pea, one of the most feared serpents in school. Jealous of Jones as he got everything. He had recently had someone catch his eye, someone known as Betty Cooper, but so had Jones. This time, Sweet Pea knew she was worth fighting for as Jones would eventually Break her heart and move on too quick. He asked her to tutor him in math, but honestly, it was just so he could spend time with her. They quickly connected and began to joke about together. To Sweet pea, it almost seemed like they were flirting, but the moment they did Betty would reposition herself and bring the school subject to the table.

As for Betty Cooper, she found herself in a sticky situation as she liked both of them. In her mind, she had decided that whoever asked her out first, will probably be who she dates. She didn't want to pick between them. Sure they were a bit boisterous and rude, especially to each other, but to her, they were nothing but sweet, caring and sometimes protective. Cheryl had shared information with Betty, that she had got off her new Girlfriend Toni; Sweet Pea liked Betty but Jughead might too. Betty wasn't bothered by Jughead, she knew his reputation. Reggie may have had a player past but she hasn't seen him with a girl in ages, and he at least always made it clear to the girl. Archie Andrews then approached her in the hall, groaning about how Reggie kept going on about her, and by accident let it slip that in fact Reggie Mantle also had a Major crush on Cooper.

Today was a regular Friday for Betty, or up to now, it was. Betty was preparing her study session with Sweet Pea. She had everything ready just as he walked into the library. He sat next to her and turned to look at her. "Before we do this, I have a question," He said looking at her in the eyes. Betty couldn't help the blush that spread across her now rosy cheeks. As he was about to continue, Reggie walked into the room.

"Betty, can I ask you something?" Reggie asked, panting. Betty was panicked. Suddenly felt light-headed and unsure of what to do. "Sweets wanted to ask something first, then sure." She said in an almost whisper. Sweet Pea looked at her with a smile. "Can I take you on a date after this?" Sweet pea asked, to which Betty shot him a glance and then Reggie. "That's what I was going to ask her Serpent!" Reggie yelled. Betty didn't know what to do. Technically Sweets asked her out first, but Reggie was also going to. "I like both of you," she mumbled not meaning for them to hear it but they did. They both whipped their heads around and looked at her. She immediately shut up before they both scrunched their eyebrows together waiting for her to talk. She found it funny how they were both similar but didn't even realise it. She sighed. "You are both caring, loyal and protective. You are both very good looking and always manage to make me smile. You two are more alike than you will admit. Both of you sat there waiting for me to answer the question that was never asked. You both scrunched your eyebrows when I stopped talking. Now both of you are fiddling with your hair. You also both feel like you shadow behind someone else, which you do not." She said explaining just how alike they were, even though they were from the opposite sides of the tracks.

Both boys froze and looked at the other one, sure enough, both of them had put their hands to their hair and had scrunched eyebrows. Eventually, both of them chuckled before giving a nod to the other. "I don't want to choose between you too. You both mean too much to me. How about the three of us go to Pops?" She suggested. Both the boys nodded and Sweets decided to skip studying. They walked to Pops, both of the boys holding one of Betty's hands.

They walked in and sat at the booth talking about everything. "You sure surprised me, Mantle," Sweet Pea said looking at him. "Same to you Pea," he said. Eventually, Betty had to go home leaving the two boys to discuss further. Betty went to sleep with a smile on her face to have formed a new friendship. The three of them proceeded to hang out over the weekend, having lunch at pops and then going to the movies. Betty rested her head on Reggie's shoulder and held Sweet Pea's hand. Over the weekend it became a habit for Betty to show affection to both the guys. Even though they had yet to admit it, Reggie and Sweet Pea loved how she was including both of them, but better yet they were growing on each other faster then they thought possible.

What surprised Betty the most was when she watched Sweet Pea and Reggie step out of Reggie's car. They walked over to her and wrapped her into a group hug. They then walked into school. Reggie's arm around her waist, due to being smaller then Pea, and Pea's arm around her shoulders. Reggie and Sweet Pea looked at each other with a smile as Betty was lost in her own world. They walked into the School and got a lot of glances. Girls drooling with envy and the guys wishing Betty was theirs. The two guys were very protective and knew that walking in this way, would show never to mess with Betty. That she had two guys, in one way or another. Betty did not realise any of these glances. she just hummed a song and walked to her locker with the two boys. They got to her locker and both released her.

Once they had gone to all their lockers, Betty headed to the lounge with the two boys chatting away behind her. "Oh my god B," Veronica Squealed looking at Betty and the two boys. Everyone in the lounge went quite. "What did Betty do to you two? You can now talk? Better yet, the three of you are together?!" Cheryl asked jumping out of her seat. Betty blushed a crimson red, whilst the boys' eyes opened wide looking around. "dating?" Reggie asked looking at Betty and then Sweet Pea. Neither of them said anything. The bulldogs, the serpents and the girls all watched the three. "I thought you hated his guts," Jughead stated, talking to Sweet Pea and Reggie. "We are more alike than we realized," Sweet Pea said finally finding his voice again. He put a comforting hand on Betty's shoulder noticing how tense she was. She let out a shaky breath before talking "We aren't dating, i just pointed out their similarities." She said, trying to make it sound believable. "Definitely didn't seem like it this morning." Archie said stating how they had walked into school. Both the boys got red. "And I have never seen Sweets give the look he was giving to Reggie, to any guy or girl, apart from Betty." Toni said butting in. "Same for Reggie," Moose Pipped up.

Betty could no longer take the discussing and began to feel extremely guilty. She didn't mean for this to happen. She never meant to rope the guys into this. Before anyone could stop her, she had run out of the Lounge. Sweet Pea, Reggie, Jughead, Veronica, Archie and Cheryl all jumped up to go after her, but once they stepped into the hallway she was gone. After 30 minutes of looking around, no one had found Betty. Betty never missed class though, so surely she would show up to the first period. They all headed towards their first classes keeping their eye out for Betty.

In the meantime, Betty had gone to Mr Johnson, her Math teacher, and asked him if she could do her work in the library due to personal issues going on. Mr Johnson loved Betty and therefore agreed. Betty proceeded to do so with her English teacher and History teacher, both of them agreeing to one of their favourite students. Betty walked to the library, making sure to stay away from peoples sight. She slumped in the corner of the Library, somewhere no one would really think to look. She began her work as soon as possible, not thinking too much about everything else that was happening around her. Once she finished her work, she began to silently weep. Two guys, dating, rumours, worthless, her parents picking on her and her so-called 'perfection'– all thoughts that passed through her mind.

Sweet Pea and Reggie were both panicking now. No one had seen her all morning, it had rolled around to lunch and no one had seen her. The teachers never even called her name from the attendance list. Reggie headed to the Cantine to ask her friends about it. He shocked himself when he turned and gave Sweet Pea a hug and telling him: "keep me, updated Sweets,". He never called him a nickname, better yet never hugged a guy. Sweet Pea was shocked himself, to say the least, but of course wrapped his arms around the smaller guy, nodding to him. Maybe this wasn't as bad as the boys thought. To them, they figured this could develop into more. Sweet Pea made a mental note to talk to Reggie about it later, before asking Betty. Thinking about Betty, he thought of the one place Betty might know better than anyone else- the library.

He walked into the library, hearing faint sniffles. He walked in the direction of the sniffles and found the beautiful blond huddled in the corner of the Library. She quickly looked up at him with a small frown. Taking in her loose hair, red puffy eyes, quivering lip and trembling body, Sweet Pea jumped into action. He quickly picked her up wrapping his arms around her before sitting down with her in his lap. "What's going on Betts?" he whispered. She shook her head, not knowing what to say. He just sat and twirled her hair, waiting. Giving her time. She eventually turned and nuzzled her head into his chest. He felt his heart do a flip. "I'm so sorry for dragging you and Reggie into that, I never meant to. Things haven't been great at home and I lost sight of what may come of this. All the rumours that will spread. Gosh, I'm so sorry pea," she finally cried out into his chest. "Look at me," he whispered. She complied and looked into his eyes. "I am not bothered remotely. People are Assholes, even me. Reggie and I found a new and unexpected bond. I think I could see myself liking Reggie as I like you. You will always have me by your side, no matter what. If you ever want to talk about your home life, I could lend a piece or two of advice. I know I'm a serpent and can be a bad one at that, but you mean so much to me. If you ever need to talk or do this again, find me. I will join you and just silently sit or listen, whatever you need." he replied, taking some of the weight off of Betty's shoulders. "Shall we go join our Friends?" he asked her quietly. She nodded smiling at him and wrapping her arms around him, nuzzling her head into his neck. He chuckled and picked her up, her wrapping her legs around his torso. He picked up her bag and walked with her.

They entered the cantine, being greeted by a concerned Reggie. "Betts, are you okay? What happened? Where was she?" he began to ramble making Betty giggle. Reggie could feel a pang of jealousy at how Sweet Pea and Betty were stood. Him holding her. He wasn't sure who he was jealous of, but he was jealous. Truth be told, Reggie had become fond of the big bad serpent with a snake on his neck, something he never thought he would admit. "Let's eat for now and Betty can explain it then. The three of us need to have a talk after school." Sweet Pea replied. Betty agreed, kissing his cheek, making Reggie's stomach flip, he liked seeing her kiss Sweet Pea. She then turned to Reggie, releasing her grip on Sweet Pea and made what seemed like grabby hands to Reggie. Both the boys chuckled at Betty's actions, finding it adorable. Sweet Pea passed Betty to Reggie, who now held her in his arms. She kissed his cheek, which he returned on her head. She nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck. He chuckled and walked over to the table where their friends were sitting at. he sat down with Betty on his lap. Both boys made sure the blond girl ate. Betty made sure to explain to Reggie how she got overwhelmed and everything hit her at once.

Eventually, the bell rang and the three kids walked to their next class. All their friends had been quietly swooning at lunch, being happy for the three who seemed happier than ever.

After school, the three met up and head to pops. "I like Reggie as much as I like Betty," Sweet Pea mumbled obviously thinking aloud. Both Betty's and Reggie's heads shot up to look at him. He looked at them suddenly realising what happened. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Reggie. " I like you too Pea, just as much as I like this girl." He said wrapping his arm around Betty. She giggled at his reaction. Sweet Pea looked at Reggie and Betty with a smile. "Can we try this then? The three of us?" Sweet Pea asked looking at the two other teenagers. Both looked flabbergasted. "You asking me to be a boyfriend of two, huh?" Reggie asked with a smirk. Sweet pea nodded with a blush, dropping his usual wall of a bad boy act. "Two people to cheer me on at a game. A hot guy and A beautiful girl, Hell yes" Reggie whooped, Taking hold of Sweet Pea's hand behind Betty's Back. Both boys looked at Betty who seemed to be deep in thought. "Betts?" they both asked with a small frown, as she had yet to answer. She looked up at them with a surprised look. They had stopped walking and were now stood silently. Betty was clearly overthinking something, but eventually thought to screw it and jumped onto Sweet Pea, he caught her and chuckled. Before he could say anything, she had connected her soft plump lips with his. It sent sparks through her.

"As much as I'm liking the show, I'm supposedly also going to be your Boyfriend," Reggie chuckled. Betty then moved from Sweet Pea to Reggie and did the same to him. It sent the same sparks through her and Reggie, as betty and Sweet Pea had just felt. Reggie and Sweet Pea merely pecked each other on the lips, not getting as passionate quite yet as it was new to both of them. Sweet Pea stood in the middle and wrapped his arms around both of them. "Thank you Pea," Betty smiled at him, kissing his cheek and holding Reggie's hand behind his back. "Oh, now I need two different nicknames for you other than the obvious Reg and Sweets. Uhm babe is standard. How about Reggie is Bub and Sweet Pea is Bubba," Betty rambled on. Both boys chuckled, with a slight blush both very much liking the nicknames. Betty squealed with delight when she finally realised that she had both boys that she liked. She then disconnected from both of them, skipping and dancing away, singing to herself. "Wait up Bubs," Reg yelled behind her. "Can we join, princess?" Sweet pea said sneaking up behind her and wrapping his arms over her shoulders. Betty let out a yelp before giggling.

The three teens were carried away in their own world, happier than ever and not caring about what anybody else thought. They were it for each other. They made each other happy. The town was shocked to find out about the newly formed relationship, especially Betty's Mother, but they non the less supported it as they had never seen anyone of the three kids so happy. The serpent, the bulldog and the girl next door.

I hope you enjoyed it! I apologise for any mistakes.


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