Days of This Venerable One

By pickledcucumber59

12.6K 198 60

This Venerable One just want to have some peace With spoilers alert More

This Venerable One Can Sing 2
This Venerable One Can Sing 3
This Venerable One has Tasted His Own Medicine
This Venerable One has Tasted His Own Medicine 2
Shizun, I love you!

This Venerable One Can Sing 1

6.2K 64 13
By pickledcucumber59

Chu Wanning strummed the guqin string with his thin, delicate fingers. His expression relaxed and serene and it was a relaxing midday. The hearth warmth the little hut he shared with Mo Ran quietly. Outside the snowing was just stopped, leaving a vast white blanket glittering under sunshine.

Tomorrow is New Year Eve at Gu Yu Yue. Xue Meng asked Chu Wanning to perform on stage on behalf of Sisheng Peak. Every sect has to contribute something to enliven the party. Chu Wanning hesitate but to please his favorite student, he would perform. He practiced the melodious tone he usually plays. Mo Ran was cleaning the dusts around the room with the wood spirits help.

'Wanning, you have played this song too often. How about play a new song?'

'You have any idea what to play.'

'Well, there is a song that I heard in plays recently...'

'How the hell should I know. Sing it'

Mo Ran cleared his voice. He is a bit worried about his voice but he sang it anyway. Chu Wanning listened but then listened intensely and his phoenix eyes widened. He couldn't believe what he heard. Mo Ran's deep and clear voice resonating through the room gently. The wood spirits also stopped cleaning and looked at him. Chu Wanning stared at him when Mo Ran finished his singing.

'That's how it sounds, I guess...' Mo Ran turned to see the wood spirits looking at him and then to Chu Wanning, 'Uh, why you guys looking at me?'

Chu Wanning was utterly shocked. He never expected a person like Mo Ran would have such beautiful voice but then remember who his mother was. It isn't strange at all if he inherits his mother talent. Chu Wanning asked, 'Sing again.'

Mo Ran sang it again, thinking Chu Wanning want to learn the song. He sang it melodiously. The wood spirits felt their power surging and energetically cleaning the place. Chu Wanning staring at him in disbelief. Mo Ran voice soothe his heart and he couldn't help but close his eyes.

'Mo Ran, your voice is really beautiful.'

Mo Ran stopped singing and shocked until he turned his head to Chu Wanning. 'Eh?'

'I mean it. It such a pity to waste such talent. Come here, I will teach you how to play guqin.'

Mo Ran was still not sure but he obediently walked to Chu Wanning and his guqin.

Mo Ran and Chu Wanning sat closely to each other until their body sticking closely. It was nothing to them anyway since how many nights they spend together. Chu Wanning soft hands and fingers guiding Mo Ran clumsy hands. Chu Wanning told him this key that key then told him to strum a certain key. When Mo Ran made mistakes, Chu Wanning hand would gently guide his finger to right key. It kept like that for two hours then Chu Wanning started to have déjà vu. He looked at Mo Ran angrily.

'Are you playing with me?'

Mo Ran was dumbfounded, 'Uh, what do you mean?'

Chu Wanning eyes stared at him piercingly as he made a decision, 'Don't you try to fool me twice. I will play you a song and you have to play it perfectly, with no mistake, or tonight no... no.... you sleep on the floor.'

Mo Ran started to realize what Chu Wanning meant, 'No, no, I really can't play. I don't have a talent in this, unlike you.' Mo Ran pleading to Chu Wanning with honesty.

Chu Wanning pushed Mo Ran harshly, 'Listen carefully, I won't play twice'

It was a song with simple keynotes. Mo Ran looked and listened intently, fearing for Chu Wanning threat. Chu Wanning finished the song and then stood, giving space to Mo Ran. Chu Wanning ordered Mo Ran to play. Mo Ran had no choice but oblige.

Mo Ran played it perfectly with no mistake, as Chu Wanning played. No talent my ass, you don't need a talent to play guqin, thought Chu Wanning.

Mo Ran finished playing and sighed heavily. Crisis averted. He nervously looking at Chu Wanning, 'Wanning, how it is?'

Chu Wanning looked at him with pride and sadness. His eyebrows furrowed but his mouth smiling gently, 'Thank god, you are not as stupid as I thought.'


On the New Year Eve, people from many sects gathered. Chu Wanning and Mo Ran arrived at the Gu Yu Yue Hall and was greeted by Xue Meng. Xue Meng had prepared a table for both of them. They chatted lively and asked each other news.

Meanwhile, Jiang Xi sat with Mei Hanxue siblings. Jiang Xi looked at how close Xue Meng with his so called cousin and shizun. Mei Hanxue noticed the concerned look on Jiang Xi.

'Sect Leader, what is wrong?'

Jiang Xi sighed, 'Is Chu Wanning returned to Sisheng Peak as shizun?'

'No, why?'

Jiang Xi sighed again, 'That's great, then. I don't think Yuheng Elder fits as a shizun. See, he made his two students bend and attracted to him. One is a two-faced psychopath and one is an idiot with attachment issues, and both of them almost bring end to the world. I'm just glad that Xue Meng doesn't bend and become a normal straight sect leader. I hope he finds a right woman.'

Mei Hanxue averted his eyes from Jiang Xi. His hand that held the teacup shaking and he was almost chocked on his tea. Mei Hanxue and Xue Meng had backstreet relationship, fearing that people would react like they react to Chu Wanning and Mo Ran relationship, although they have no shizun and disciple relationship. Xue Meng had told him about Jiang Xi is his father, so Mei Hanxue was so nervous and feared that Jiang Xi would dissect him if he knew their relationship.

It was lively night and it was time for Chu Wanning to perform. People stared at Chu Wanning and Mo Ran. Chu Wanning white hands pulled Mo Ran arms to stand up from his chair. After arguing a while, Mo Ran finally walked with his husband to the stage. People had no idea why, so they assumed Chu Wanning wanted Mo Ran to help him as assistant or something. Chu Wanning sat behind his guqin while Mo Ran stand on the stage. Chu Wanning started to play and Mo Ran sang. People are shocked but more shocked at the beautiful and melodious voice.

They stared intently at the stage. Xue Meng also gaped. The number one in martial arts cultivation, whose name fear everyone who heard them, would have voice that made people who listening touched.

They whispered with amazement and disbelief, until someone from Sisheng Peak poked fun while drunk, 'Hei, Mo Zongshi, with your looks, you should work in entertainment house. I will be your first client!' People around laughed. Mo Ran who just finished singing, smiling in embarrassment while his eyes furrowed angrily. Then a piercing sound came from his back, and the sharp light moved towards the man, slicing his hair bun.

Chu Wanning phoenix eyes narrowed dangerously. The speaker paled. He thought of it as a harmless joke and never expected to get such reaction from Chu Wanning. He of course didn't say it seriously as he was straight and no way a tough looking man like Mo Ran would pass as a beautiful courtesan. However, it was still like asking death from Beidou Immortal. The drunk man become quiet and reclined backward, 'Uh, I apologize. I hope Yuheng Elder would forgive this silly unworthy disciple.'

Chu Wanning stood up and pulled Mo Ran from the stage, passing the drunk man with piercing look while walking toward their table. People were dead silent until the next performance from Mei Hanxue. He doesn't play instrument but did standup comedy just to poke fun on Xue Meng.

After everyone performed, they continued to chat and had a feast. Some still dancing and having fun. Mei Hanxue approached Mo Ran and greeted him politely. Mo Ran told him to pull a seat and sat beside him.

'Mo Zongshi really could sing, I'm impressed.'

'I didn't deserve it,' Mo Ran laughed shyly.

'But your voice really beautiful. Actually Taxue Palace needs singers to sing mantras. There are mantras that only could be sung. These mantras could be used to summon ancient beasts and only cultivators with beautiful voice can summon them. But high level beasts really so picky,' Mei Hanxue said regretfully then looked at Mo Ran with hopes, 'But after I hear your voice, and with your high level cultivation, I think you can summon these high level beasts. Would you go to Taxue Palace and study under our singer cultivators?'

Mo Ran wasn't sure of this straight forward request. But Mei Hanxue was so excited. Mei Hanxue noticed and said, 'Forgive me, but I hope Mo Zongshi would consider this. Please take your time to consider. I also thought this would fit for you.'

Xue Meng who just listener before looking at his lover in disbelief. In what way Mo Ran fit in this job?

'We just recently acquired the mantra to awaken the Fire Phoenix, the one that reside in Phoenix Mountain. Of course this relate to you as you-know-what. Singers were sent there but no voice could please the Fire Phoenix. Legend says she was a widow and missing her dead husband. Her husband was a great singer and the mantra is lyric for the song that he often sung to her. So, if there is a singer that has similar voice with her husband, it would awaken her. So, I want to make a bet on you.'

Chu Wanning wary for Mei Hanxue intent so he asked, 'What do you want to do with Fire Phoenix?'

Mei Hanxue smiled, 'Nothing, really. I just think Mo Zongshi talent could not be wasted. Any singer who able to awaken the ancient beasts could make contract with the beasts and summon them in battle. If Mo Zongshi would be able to summon Fire Phoenix and the beast would be very helpful in battle.'

Mo Ran goals in life is to please and serve his shizun for his whole life like a pet dog, and never thought to be a singer. And he never wants to be a singer. But Mei Hanxue offers is interesting. So the obedient dog looked at his master.

'I think it would be great for your cultivation. Why not give it a try?' Chu Wanning knew about these singers so he didn't suspect Mei Hanxue for anything, no matter how notoriously suspicious this guy is. Even Xue Meng, his lover, is always suspicious of him, in life and in bed.

Day one Mo Ran went to Taxue Palace to train, leaving Chu Wanning with their dog and wood spirits. Chu Wanning was lonely. He did chores and trained his cultivation just to kill time. Day three he missed Mo Ran a lot. It would be Taxian Jun turn. Since Taxian Jun personality would not fit to be singer by one hundred percent, Mo Ran planned to lock himself before Taxian Jun appear.

But precisely that moment, Taxian Jun made a loud arrival.

'That fucking playboy make this venerable one sing like courtesan! Do this venerable one looked like a courtesan!!??' Then broke in to the house loudly.

Chu Wanning finally could see his husband again after being separated for three days. He was happy and happier that it was Taxian Jun. He would never tell people that he, the Yuheng Elder, the Beidou Immortal, prefer Taxian Jun, his mad lover than Mo Zongshi, his gentle lover on bed.

He had enough with Mo Zongshi

Everytime they have sex he would be like taking a survey or a call center asking customer if they are satisfied with the service

'Wanning, it is hurt?'


'Wanning, do you like it?'


'Wanning, did I hurt you?'


'Wanning, is it good?'


'Wanning, is it not good enough?'




Then Mo Ran rammed rushing like a designer rushing a project at midnight to present to client on next morning.

'This venerable one would never go back, or I will destroy Taxue Palace'

And that night they satiated their thirst. Taxian Jun wasn't patient and quickly rammed Chu Wanning. His length stroking and stretch Chu Wanning inside madly. Chu Wanning felt pain but the pain made him ecstatic and in seconds Taxian Jun make him climaxed, while with Mo zongshi he has to endure his question and answer session for one hour before he climaxed.

On the next day, Mo zongshi returned and went to Kunlun, not caring Taxian Jun threats. Chu Wanning looked at Mo Ran drifting with his sword and disappear, like a wife who was left alone by her husband for a long time and longing for his return.

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