By UnderFellGirl13

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What will happen if the Afton's children went into Underfell? Will they perish or survive...or find a new fam... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
* BONUS! *

Chapter 13

135 4 9
By UnderFellGirl13

They walk into the entrance of the core, seeing blue walls with technology works on it. Daniel sees no sign of Fredbear, she must've gone further. Then, they saw an elevator in front of them. Michael gets a call from Alphys. "Alright, that elevator should take you to the top of the core." Alphys replied. They walk up to the elevator. Michael click on the buttons, but the elevator isn't working. "Uh, Alphys? The elevator isn't working." Michael replied. "What!? It was just fixed yesterday! N-No matter! Go to the East path, that should lead to the top of the core." Alphys replied as they begin to run. When they walk into the right path, but it's a dead end, there's only flames in their path. "It's dead end, Alphys." Michael replied. "You've got to be kidding me! Alright, go to the west road!" Alphys complained, wondering what was going on. They ran to the west path, heading north and saw a continuing path. "Alright, this should lead you guys to the top of the core—Watch out!" Alphys shouted as Elizabeth's green soul appeared. Madjick pops out of its hat! Elizabeth gasp as she thought of an idea. She pressed Talk. "Hi there—" Elizabeth cheered. Madjick interrupts her by chattering to itself. Its gibberish dizzies her...Her defense drop by 1. "Tinkle tinkle hoy." Madjick responded, attacking Elizabeth with its magic. Elizabeth did not move at all, confused by the magic in her. She sees Madjick name is yellow, she spared Madjick, having 60Gs, now they have 369Gs. "Jesus Christ! Are you alright!?" Alphys asked, sounded worried. "Y-Yeah, she's not hurt. What's happening, Alphys?" Michael asked, checking on Elizabeth. "I don't know! There's so many monsters here! Okay, we just had to avoid them!" Alphys replied, getting annoyed that she's messing things up. They moved north, finding a blocked path to east. It was blocked by a blue lightning-like across the wall, but there is a switch to discourage the power. "Looks like you can't proceed without switching that damn thing off. But that will activate the lasers, be careful. It's orange, orange and blue." Alphys explained. Michael nodded as he flip the switch. But the patterns changed! It was blue, blue, and orange. They quickly froze for the blues to pass than begins walking towards the other side. "Crap! Are you alright?!" Alphys asked, sounding nervous. "We're fine, uh...Are you sure things are getting in control?" Michael asked, suspicious. "U-Uh...I don't know, but keep going east, I'm on your back!" Alphys replied. They stroll down to the east, seeing two direction, North and East. "Alright, East again!" Alphys replied. Michael begins to sweat as he look at Flowey. "She's gonna mess that up again. North could be safe!" Flowey replied, pointing at northern pathway. They walk north, suddenly encountered by another monster. Daniel's red soul appeared, knowing he must fight someone. Knight knight blocks the way! Daniel makes distressful noises as he looked at his options of ACT. He spot Sing, he remember singing Shyren at Waterfalls. He sings Shyren's song. Knight knight starts to look sleepy... "Farewell." She spoken as she attack Daniel. Luckily, he skips them all. Knight knight smashes her morningstar. He kept singing. Knight knight falls asleep. Knight knight is snoring. Daniel giggled as he spared her, getting 70Gs, now they have 439Gs. Suddenly, Michael's phone ring again. "What the hell are you doing!? I told you to take East!" Alphys complained. "S-Sorry, Dr. Alphys. We thought east was dangerous." Michael explained. "Wha-Y-you don't trust me...?" Alphys asked, sounding so scared. "Uh-Well, uh...It's too hard to explain, we'll continue down to east." Michael replied. They walk out of the northern room since it's dead end. They walk east, seeing another path full of lasers. "Crap! More lasers, hold on, I'm hacking into the light system...What!? It's not turning off!" Alphys shouted, pressing hard on herself. "A-Alphys! Is there a better way than hacking into the system?!" Michael asked, trying his best not to complain. "Uh, I can turn off the core light system. There! Go! Now!" Alphys complained. As soon the lasers were turned off, they had a head start. "Ah! Careful!" Flowey shouted, nearly dropped by Elizabeth. "Sorry Flowey!" Elizabeth replied. Then, Alphys called. "W-WAIT! STOP!" Alphys shouted. They stop after seeing light flashing, then they froze once the blue lasers were on them. "Alphys..." Michael growled. "It turn itself back on! I don't know how it happen! O-Okay! Uh...okay! I'm gonna shut it down again, move a little then stop!" Alphys explained, before hanging up. The laser switch off as they move little, repeating it until they across the laser bridge. "See? I've got everything under control!" Alphys replied, panicking. She hang up without letting Michael speak to her, he has concerns. "Damn it, Alphys!" Michael growled as they walk up to the northern pathway. Then, Daniel saw a Save Point in the centre of all direction. "O-okay! You should should...uh, I-I'm sorry! I had to go!" Alphys cried as she left them. "wha-Alphys! ALPHYS! WE HAD A DEAL! GOD DAMNIT!!!" Michael shouted, slam his phone against the wall, good thing it didn't break. Daniel whined a bit, then he walks up to the Save Point. "The air is filled with the smell of ozone...It fills you with Determination." Daniel sighs as he look at Michael. "What are we going to do now?" Daniel asked, worried. "I...ugh! Let's just look around!" Michael complained. "Let's split up!" Elizabeth replied. "Wha-No! Elizabeth!" Michael complained. "It'll be faster! Come on! Michael!" Daniel complained, dragging Michael to West pathway while Elizabeth and Flowey figure out their own way.

Michael and Daniel found ice cubes from a travellator, fallen into the whiteness clouds below. "Damn. That's from way back to Snowdin Town..." Michael replied, remembering the wolf. They stroll to the northern pathway, finding a two more paths, West and North. They saw a sign on the hall of West. "Solve this puzzle, and The End will open." Daniel read, looking interested. They head West, finding a puzzle that Elizabeth would solve. "Well, shit..." Michael responded, looking useless while staring up at the puzzle. Michael sighs as he step up on the puzzle, checking out the tutorial. While he was busy, Daniel decides to have a small look to the northern pathway. He sees another path to East, he skip it while he keeps going north. He found a trash can and a sign behind it, he walks up to it, reading through their language. "Why not relax and have a nice snack? Hmm." Daniel hummed, wondering what the sign meant. He decides to check out the trashcan, he found a Glamburger, might be useful. He take it to his inventory.

Elizabeth took the Northern pathway, finding a sign on the left. She looks at Flowey for reading. "It said "Traverse the northern room, and The End will open." That's it! Go north!" Flowey replied, taking the lead. She looks at East, wonderment increase her. She walks to East, slightly annoyed Flowey since it's her disability: Curiosity and adventurous. She sees two paths to South and North, she head north, finding a trashcan. "Oh! Look! Adorable trashcan!" Elizabeth cheered. "Yay." Flowey replied, rolling his eyes as Elizabeth have a look in the trash, finding 100Gs. She'll give it to Michael when they found each other. She head back to the centre, heading north. She found a pathway to the switch, she is determined to get there. She humph as she took a step, therefore a monster comes up and attack her. Her green soul appeared in her chest as she checks on her enemies. Whimsalot and Final Froggit appeared. She look at her options, he pressed Pray. She kneel and pray for safety. Whimsalot remember its conscience. "There's still hope." Whimsalot responded, adding in a bit of healing attacks. "Skip, jump." Final Froggit replied while they attack her. She gets hit three times, she has 15HP. But she did get the healing attack, she spared Whimsalot while she face Final Froggit. "Robbit, robbit." Final Froggit attacked her with fast flies, till she was lucky enough to avoid them. She look through her options of ACT to Final Froggit. She pressed Mystify. She did something mysterious. Final Froggit recognises it has more to learn from this world. Final Froggit makes thoughtful croak. It attacks Elizabeth, took two damaged, making her HP down to 12. She spared Final Froggit, getting 100Gs. She took a deep breath as she walk forward, until she was encountered by another monster. Mercenaries emerge from the shadows. She decides to get this over with, she fight through the enemies without violence. She sighs as she spared Madjick lastly, getting 100Gs. "Alright we got this over with-" Before Flowey finish, they were encountered by another monster. "You kidding me?" Flowey asked while Elizabeth go for it. She swift and dance against the attacks, winning to get 100Gs and the switch. She flip the switch, only have 4HP. She hears a click behind the walls, she knew she has unlock something. She picked up Flowey, heading back to find Michael and Daniel.

Michael groaned as he keeps losing in this puzzle he was playing, which annoys him the most. He nearly ticked until Elizabeth came and responded. "I'll do the puzzle!" Elizabeth cheered, pushes Michael out of the way. "Where the heck did ya came from!?" Michael asked, shaken of seeing Elizabeth while she begins to do the job of the puzzle, she finish it very quickly. "Easy-peasy! Oh and here's 400Gs!" Elizabeth cheered, giving Michael all her Gs. "Where the heck you get them!?" Michael complained, getting 769Gs for food! She giggled while she hug Flowey, he chuckled while rolling his eyes. "Hey guys! I found The End!" Daniel replied, running up to them. "Great!" Michael cheered, giving Elizabeth his healing items. Elizabeth eat a Hotdog to increase her HP. "Have you found Fredbear yet?" Daniel asked, bit sadden. "We will find him, Dan. Just not right now, let's go guys." Michael replied, walking out of the puzzle room.

They walk across the bridge, finding the entrance to the Showdown. Daniel spotted the Save Point, he pat on it. "Behind this door must be the elevator to the King's castle. You're filled with Determination." They stare down the hall, seeing Mettafell there. Elizabeth goes first, her brothers followed behind. They stopped once Mettafell saw them. "OH YES. THERE YOU ARE, DARLINGS. IT'S TIME TO HAVE OUR LITTLE SHOWDOWN. IT'S TIME TO FINALLY STOP THIS "MALFUNCTIONING" ROBOT...NOT!!!" Mettafell bash out, which shaken the Afton's Children. "MALFUNCTION? REPROGRAMMING? GET REAL. THIS WAS ALL A TEST FOR YOU HUMANS, A BIT SHOW OF COURSE. ALPHYS WATCHES YOUR ADVENTURE AS YOU GO ON YOUR JOURNEY TO THE END." Mettafell explains, seeing the humans feeling betrayed. "Alphys..." Michael whispered, tighten his phone. "YOU MUST UNDERSTAND. SHE ISN'T TRUSTWORTHY, SHE TAKES AND KEEPS, FINDERS KEEPERS, CLASSIC, ISN'T IT? NOT ONLY SHE STEALS, SHE TORTURES. SHE KIDNAP ME WHILE I WAS TRYING TO FIND MY WAY TO BECOME THE STAR! BUT INSTEAD, HATERS AND CREEPERS SPOILED MY GOAL. I HAVE NOT MUCH VIEWS OF THIS ENTERTAINMENT. ALPHYS ORDERED ME TO BE A DANGEROUS MACHINE FOR YOU TO EARN HER TRUST, BUT WITHOUT KNOWING I'M THE VICTIM HERE." Mettafell explained, shocking the others, speechless. "NOW, SHE'S OUTSIDE OF THE ROOM, WAITING FOR THE MOMENT TO BE THE "HERO" OF YOUR JOURNEY. TO STOP THIS "MURDEROUS" MACHINE AND BE SEEN AS THE GUARDIAN ANGEL." Mettafell explained. "M-Mettafell! W-We know you were her slave—" "WHAT!? YOU SCRAMMER! YOU WORK WITH THIS "BITCH" WHO TORTURES PEOPLE!" Mettafell angers out. "Wait! We had a deal—" Then, the door shut tightly, hearing Alphys at the other side. "What the heck is going on!? This door is shut tight!" Alphys shouted, banging on the door. "SORRY. "AL" BUT YOUR PREVIOUS PLAN IS CANNCELLED! THIS BRAND-NEW SHOW WILL BLOW YOUR MIND!!!" Mettafell shouted while Elizabeth knew what will happen. "LOOK OUT!" Elizabeth shouted as she pushes her brothers and Flowey out of the way. Then, the floor Mettafell and Elizabeth was on lift, speedily. Elizabeth gasp as she turns to see Mettafell. "NOW IN THIS NEW EPISODE! MORE BLOOD! MORE VIOLENCE! MORE MURDER! THAT'S WHAT THIS SHOW REALLY NEEDS! THE ATTACK OF THE KILLER ROBOT!" Mettafell shouted as Elizabeth's green soul appeared. "Shit! Elizabeth!" Michael shouted, panicking with Daniel and Flowey. Then, his phone ring, from Alphys. "What the heck is going on in there!!?" Alphys complained. "Elizabeth is fighting Mettafell!" Michael whined, wasn't concentrating that Alphys is the traitor here. "I WANT YOUR SOUL. SO, I CAN GET MYSELF OUT OF THIS MISRABLE LAND CALLED "HOME". NOW, GIVEN UP YOUR SOUL!" Mettafell demanded as Elizabeth's yellow soul shoot him, but it's defective. "THAT WORTHLESS PEA-SHOOTER WON'T WORK ON ME, DARLING. DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT ACTING IS!? LISTEN DARLING I SEEN YOU FIGHT. YOU'RE WEAK AND PATHETIC TO LIVE. IT WILL GIVE ASGORE A CHANCE TO TAKE YOUR SOUL SO EASILY." Mettafell explained, throwing broken boxes on Elizabeth, she shoot through them with her yellow soul. "I NEED YOUR SOUL TO STOP ASGORE'S PLAN. I CAN SAVE HUMANITY FROM THESE MONSTERS DOWN HERE!" Mettafell shouted. Elizabeth sees new attacks, she gasp as she shoot the broken boxes and shoot the target to get the arm out of the way. "THAT MEANS I WILL BE ABLE TO SEE MY INNER BEAUTY, MY FAME, MY DESTINY!" Mettafell shouted. Elizabeth dodge Mettafell's attack like a total dancer. "Mettafell! I get what you are feeling!" Elizabeth cried. "YOU DON'T KNOW ME." Mettafell responded. Then, Elizabeth's phone begin to ring. She answers it, getting Alphys voice. "Hey! I know this is bad! But there is this switch to turn him off! It's behind his back!" Alphys explained, hanging up. Elizabeth looked at Mettafell, seeing his depressing aggressed face while crossing his arm. Elizabeth took a deep breath as she spoke up. "Hey Mettafell! There's a cute fan behind you!" Elizabeth shouted, pointing behind Mettafell. "Huh!? I have a fan!?" Mettafell asked, looking back. "Where!? I don't see them!?" Mettafell asked, looking for his fan that doesn't exist. Elizabeth had the chance as she run over to the back of Mettafell, flip his switch. He froze after feeling his switch flipped. "Did you. Just flip. My switch?" Mettafell asked before shaking like crazy, it almost about to explode. She covered herself with her arms as the explosions lighten up and covered the view of the destructions. Feeling the wind swift wildly nearly blew her apron away. She hears a whimpered voice that just broke her heart. "Oh no..." The red smoke blocked the view what Mettafell has become after Elizabeth flip that switch. "You flip my switch...ike someone backstab me ...You've just released the ugliness side of me ...Now, I won't hesitate to ..." Then, the appearance of Mettafell revealed. He has a red chestplate, red boots, four arms (just like in his normal form) and four red eyes with white scelera(?) (only two being shown, the others being covered by hair). His soul can be seen under his chest, as a "Cracked Soul." His soul might be cracked due to Alphys' abuse. "...STEAL YOUR SOUL WITH VIOLENCE!!!" Mettafell shouted, as the screen of viewers, the rastings. Then, the room becomes the showdown where audience where in the background, Cheering? She looks back at Mettafell while she begins to dance. She believes that this is a Dance Fight. She took a deep breath, stares at Mettafell with Justice. "LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION!" Mettafell screamed as the decoration lights lit up while everyone cheered for Elizabeth, for her not to recognise. She sees legs coming at her, she avoids Mettafell's dance move while Elizabeth shoots them like a real dancer. "MORE DRAMA! ROMANCE! BLOODSHED!!" Mettafell screamed, summoning mini Mettafell's to bump on Elizabeth. She shoots through them but gets hit by their blow kisses, having 2HP down to HP18. "I want to be the idol for everyone!" Mettafell replied, swiftly harm Elizabeth with her legs. Michael and Daniel ran into the audience, trying to get through to get Elizabeth out of the show. "Elizabeth!" Michael shouted, seeing Elizabeth dodge Mettafell's leg attack. Elizabeth spared Mettafell, ready for her next attack. "Smile for the camera!~" Mettafell cheered. The mini mettafell's flew towards Elizabeth. She shoot through the arm of Mettafell's by aiming the yellow target to get her arm out of the way while shooting her way to safety. She humph. "I won't fight back, Mettafell!" Elizabeth shouted. "Oooh!~ If you won't! You will be the next death star of the show! But first! Tell me how great I am!~" Mettafell responded by giving Elizabeth a signature. She was about to write what she think about Mettafell, then the signature was flew away. "Oh put down your pen! I already know how great I am!" Mettafell cheered, ignoring the hater's shout. Michael tried to push through the crowed, then a security guard came in. "Sorry, kid. Did you have your ticket?" Security guard asked, holding out his hand. "Wait! I'm not here to watch mettafell's show! I'm here to get my sister!" Michael complained. Back to the showdown on stage, Elizabeth took a deep breath and take her turn. "You really show your kind heart to everyone! Wanna show you mine?~" Mettafell asked, showing her soul to Elizabeth, knowing it's a soul of the ghost. Mettafell's soul tried to electric Elizabeth but she took a shot on Mettafell's soul, it did somehow break something in Mettafell's since there was a bit of shock and smoke coming out of her machine. In the audience, Fredbear stare at the showdown, walking over without any attention. But, she did gets distracted by other monsters trying to push. The mini Mettafell's tried to give Elizabeth the kiss of death, but she shoots through the minis with her Justice Soul. She took a deep breath while she took her turn, she pose dramatically, making audience cheered, craving for more of Elizabeth's dance moves. "Oh~ So you wanna dance?" Mettafell's asked, snapping her finger as a disco ball comes down, ready for the blue attack. "Sorry but we can't let anyone on the stage—" "SHE'S MY LITTLE SISTER! GODDAMNIT!" Michael shouted while Daniel sees Elizabeth dance while shooting the disco ball to get through the lines of blue. "Can you keep up the pace, darling?" Mettafell asked, smirking. Then, the blue attack were fast enough to hurt Elizabeth, it got her down to 12HP. She wants another turn if she gets her HP down a bit. "Ready for the bombs?" Mettafell asked, summoning bombs at Elizabeth. She shoots from side to side, getting the bombs out of her way while their triggers get Elizabeth out of their way. Despite her pain, she acts within a star in her, responding applauds of glee. "Listen! My sister wouldn't allow you to kick us out—" Michael soon realise that Daniel and Flowey is missing. "Daniel!? DANIEL!" Michael shouted, looking for his little brother while the security went all over the place to find Daniel. "Time for a happy breaktime!~" Mettafell cheered. Elizabeth sighs, relaxing her arms. Then, it stops while Mettafell begins to dance faster. Elizabeth pull out her Starfait, shocking the audience as she ate it, filling her HP up to 20 again. She looks at Mettafell, preparing for the next bout. "How about another heart-to-heart?" Mettafell asked as his soul comes out with breakable boxes shielding his soul. She didn't hesitate and shoot through the boxes with all she could, avoiding the electric matter and the boxes that blown away. But they come back, repaired. Elizabeth growled trying her very best to defeat Mettafell once and for all. Then, a single shot on the soul, Mettafell's arms was cut off by the damage of his broken soul. She gasps after seeing Mettafell's arm was gone while the electric smoke was flowing out from his none-arms. "Oh dear, just a scratch! Don't worry!" Mettafell cheered to the audience, who didn't agree, including her acting. "A SCRATCH!? Your arms are off!" Elizabeth gasp. Then, Mettafell attack her with boxes and bombs, blocking Elizabeth's walkthrough. She shoots the boxes to get pass the blocks, suddenly, it begins to reverse backwards. She gets hit by the bombs, lowered her HP to 17. She poses with glee, having Haters of Mettafell's to Elizabeth's fans. "You...DISGRACEFUL!" Mettafell shouted, filled with jealousy after seeing his haters were applauding and cheering on Elizabeth, giving her all the love. Then, bunch of boxes and bombs drop on Elizabeth. Elizabeth gasp, shooting across the danger of bombs. She gets hit once, having 15HP. She swings her body with the magic of act, getting applause from her fans, having her rates rising faster. Without a doubt, she dance and triggered her yellow soul to boxes and bombs, having the best show in the audience's eyes, but anger and jealous in Mettafell's eyes. "ENOUGH OF THIS! YOU REALLY WANT TO BE THAT FAMOUS!?" Mettafell shouted. Elizabeth blinked, linking that Mettafell is jealous of her fame. "Wait a second—" Then, Mettafell strongly throw her lots of bombs to get her to stop acting. Fredbear was climbing up the stairs, ignoring some audience staring and screaming at the showdown. Fredbear was nearly close to her success. Elizabeth whimpered while her HP is down to 6, she hates a Hotdog, filling her up to 20. "WHY YOU GET THE FANS WHILE I GET THE HATERS!?!" Mettafell cried, releasing his soul. Two bombs were circling his soul while legs attacked Elizabeth target the soul with damage. She avoids the leg attack to survive, keeping her HP stay full. Then, the shots damage Mettafell as his legs were fallen off. Elizabeth gasp, shocked and feeling scared while Mettafell growled. " get to be the next superstar...the next slave of Alphys, huh?" Mettafell asked. Then, his soul comes out again, using the electric attacks on Elizabeth, she nearly get hit. Mettafell notices the ratings, it was 11360 views. "Oh my! What a fabulous score! I wonder what my fans think! Call in the first phone!" Mettafell cheered. She gets her phone suddenly ringed, including Elizabeth's phone. "Oh, hello darling! What do you—" "GO TO HELL! BITCH!" Then, they hang up. What response Elizabeth gets was positive. "Are you a falling star? You really shine!" Elizabeth blinked. Mettafell shaken after what they say to him. "No...Uh, ANOTHER CALL!" Mettafell demanded. "The yellow hair girl is cuter than you are! Even if you aren't cute at all!" "You are a joke, but that girl is one hella a princess!" "There's no way you're better than her!" Mettafell was shaking while hearing what his Haters say good things about Elizabeth. "Are you an angel!?" "I can't explain how much adorable you are!" "You are so talent!" Elizabeth listens to all her fans, smiling but soon stop once she saw Mettafell shaking while hearing the negative voice. She saddens while everything just muted. She watches Mettafell crying, demanding them to stop calling but couldn't resist. She snaps after hearing this voice. "You are the next superstar while Mettafell sleeps with dead bodies!" "ENOUGH!" Elizabeth shouted, silent the phone calls and everyone who was talking to them. Daniel turn his head, finding Fredbear moving up the stairs. Daniel eyes widen after finding Fredbear moving again "I knew he was moving!" Flowey replied. Elizabeth inhaled, then exhale after a moment of silence. She looks at Mettafell, seeing his confusion. Elizabeth walks up to him, finding the arm part from one of the audiences, putting on Mettafell's right arm. "What are you doing!?" Mettafell asked, irritating, tighten his fits. Then, Elizabeth pull out a paper and a blue crayon, she stays silent while hearing audience whispering. She knew what Mettafell needs: Positive Response. "Can I have your autograph?" Elizabeth asked, holding out her crayon and paper with a smile. It was a sudden shocked, everyone wasn't excepting something like this, not only Elizabeth a shooting star, but a kind soul with Justice. "Wh-What...?" Mettafell asked, shaking a bit. "Since I watch your show, I find them very entertaining! A week ago, I was talking to Napstablook and he said that you have good taste with decorations and amazement actresses!" Elizabeth explained, hearing whispers in the audience. Mettafell nervously hold the crayon, writing down his autograph into Elizabeth's paper. After he wrote down his signature, giving the paper to Elizabeth. Elizabeth was internally screaming inside with excitement but let it out with joy. "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!" Elizabeth cheered, hugging Mettafell tightly. It brought a spark of pleasure, forcing a smile on Mettafell's face, he was crying with happy tears. With his right arm, he hugs Elizabeth while smiling. Then, the phone ring in Elizabeth's phone, she checks who it was, turn out to be Napstablook. She answers it and put it on the speaker mode. "Hey Mettafell...Uh, I know what I said before you became...Whatever, uhm, I just look back at our argument and I think...I was going too harsh and...I think you are the coolest cousins I have in the family...Thanks to this little girl for cheering me up back in the ruins. I'm sorry for being a dick to you..." Then, Napstablook hang up the phone. Mettafell was nearly emotional after hearing what Napstablook has said. Elizabeth smiled, seeing Mettafell smiling realistically. It was a nice moment, then saw Michael trying to get on stage, the two security was trying to block him. "Security! Let him through!" Mettafell demanded. The two-security let Michael through, he ran over to Elizabeth. He hugs her tightly, Elizabeth smiled while she hugs back to him. "Thank god..." Michael sighs. "Guys...?" Flowey called from behind. They looked and shocked after seeing Fredbear walking to them. "D-Daniel...?" Michael asked, looking scared. "It's alright! He's actually a good guy!" Daniel replied as Fredbear walks up to Mettafell. "W-What is he doing? Why he's staring at me?" Mettafell asked, looking nervous. Fredbear stop a step away from Mettafell, she blinked. "...Do you hate this body...?" Fredbear asked, revealing her female voice. They blinked. "My best friend...was a girl...?" Daniel asked, looking at Michael. Mettafell stare at the little toy, confused by him...or her. "U-Uh...what do you mean, uh, little toy?" Mettafell asked, anxious. "...Alphys tortures you...Just like "Purple Guy" killed me...I can feel your pain, Mettafell..." Fredbear replied, shocking others. "Purple guy...?" Michael asked, confused while looking at his siblings. "You don't need just need I want for my friends...don't be famous until Charlie...or Charlotte helps me break the barrier..." After what Fredbear has said, shocking everyone while the audience tried to get on stage to Fredbear with lots of questions that needs to be answered. Security guards keeps the audience away from the stage, keeping them safe from bunch of questions. Fredbear was blinked while staring at Mettafell, seeing Mettafell's shocking look. "What are you trying to put me here?" Mettafell asked. "...I help souls who are are next on my way...Go and see your cousin without that need freedom..." Fredbear replied while the security guards taking the wild audience out of the room, opening the door, revealing Alphys was there, trying to walk in but the audience was holding her back. Mettafell saw Alphys, then looked at Fredbear, seeing her patience. Mettafell listens to Fredbear as his soul flow out, he was a black ghost with a stylish hair, feeling of happiness was freed. He felt more opening and happier while outside of the body. "Go now! Before Alphys comes back!" Fredbear replied. Mettafell smiled as he float away, going through the walls. As soon Mettafell is gone, Alphys ran over. "Mettafell! I got the destruction button! Stop right there..." Alphys soon saw the empty body she has create is broken. "What...? What happen to Mettafell!?" Alphys asked, finding no soul. "He's gone, Alphys. better explain this to yourself! Mettafell turn out to be your slave! You however turn out to be a psychopathic doctor that may have escaped the Gothen City Arkham Asylum! And a total traitor of a lair by leading us to danger and tricking us! We have a bloody deal!" Michael irritably shouted, grabbing Alphys' coat while tightening her. "WE DID HAD A DEAL!" Alphys shouted. "Then, what's your question!? After that! We are no longer friends!" Michael complained, pushes Alphys away and step back, expecting some gun from Alphys pocket. She stays silent, looking a bit blue, shaking by her body movement. She took her glasses off, revealing a rough looking scar on her left eye, they look a bit shocked but would not let that fool them. Alphys sighs. "Will you take that son of a bitch down...?" Alphys asked, turning her expression to anger. The Afton children were confused by what she meant, but soon realise that they are right at the elevator to Asgore's castle. "...are you saying you want us to take Asgore down...?" Michael asked, looking a bit shocked. "Don't you understand what he had done to us...? He does not even want us to leave! He never gave us peace! He never gives us a chance! He NEVER even been loyal to our kingdom...he's the real monster of this hell...the real king of devil...we're all just his victims, his slaves, even if Mettafell is my own slave...but, to be fair, I don't think I need him anymore...since I hurt a lot of friends, including go, take down that Devilish Dickhead..." Alphys explained before walking away, heading out of the door. Everyone was speechless after the conversation; they head to the entrance to Asgore's Castle's elevator. They saw a long hallway, at the very end, there is a single elevator. Possibly leads to Asgore's Castle, which feels like they were elevating down to hell where Asgore lives. "Alright...we just had to get pass him...then, we'll leave..." Michael direct the plan, thinking what Alphys has said. If they didn't kill Asgore, the kingdom will suffer. They walk slowly to the end, feeling sickening in their stomachs. They never speak, but silent screams who raising, shouting to stop while they keep going. Once they were right in front of the elevator, Michael pressed the button to get the elevator open. Suddenly, Alphys shouted. "STOP! WAIT!" Alphys shouted. They look back and saw Alphys, buffing while walking over to them. "I...forgot to tell you something...y-you see...uh...I'm sorry, a human soul isn't strong enough to get pass the barrier, it only works with a human and a monster soul!" Alphys sadly explains. It just made things a lot worse, almost likely to vomit. Daniel was about to cry, but hug Flowey and Fredbear. "W-We had to kill Asgore!?" Michael complained. "Didn't I said to take that dickhead down!?" Alphys complained. Then, they start to have a heated argument. Daniel couldn't take it but knew one thing to do...he knew that Fredbear might able to break the barrier, but in great danger to Michael and Elizabeth. Daniel grown tired of being scared all day over nothing, he looks at the elevator, walking in. "D-Daniel!? What are you doing!?" Flowey shouted, attesting others to see. Then, Daniel pressed the button as the elevator door closed. "Daniel!? What was that for!?" Flowey complained. Daniel sighs as he felt the elevator is lifting. "Remember, I had the Save Point, I have multiple lives, but I couldn't bare myself to see my family to get hurt because of me...I'm tired of being scared...I just want to get out of here...I want to prove my older brother I aren't scared, he can stop bullying me..." Daniel explained, sitting down while imagining how others react after he left. Flowey stays silent, looking at Fredbear who blinked. "Alright...but what if you've given in...?" Flowey asked, looking nervous. "...I'm not given in...I'm determined..." Daniel replied, waiting silently for the elevator to open their way to Asgore's Castle.

A few minutes later. The elevator door opened, revealing a dark room, the walls were stoned red, the lights were torches hanging on the walls, lighting the room up. Daniel took a steady deep breath, stepping out of the elevator and beginning to walk, heading the right hallway, then saw a Save Point. He pats it and saved his multiple lives, he heads north. He finds a view of the blooded kingdom, it was abandoned, by the look of all the cracks and broke by the buildings. Flowey spot an elevator beside the view, he pat Daniel's cheek. "Dan! There!" Flowey replied, pointing at the elevator. Daniel walks over to it, pressed a button. But the elevator does not seem to be working. Daniel shrug his shoulders, they head East, passing the view of the blooded kingdom. Daniel head north, walking on the pathway to the entrance of Asgore's homeland. Once he walks inside, he saw a cute house, nothing like a harmful place, it is like the house back in the RUINs of Toriel's. Which brought sadness of leaving her, he hugged Fredbear. Daniel sees another Save Point, he pats it and saved. Daniel walks up to the door, opening it slightly. The house seems to be dusted, does not seems to be used for years. The house really does remind him of Toriel's, except, there is no staircase, instead there is a door, with two locks. He might need to find two keys, he looks at Flowey, who is looking blue. He sighs and head the right hallway, heading into the first room. It was a bedroom, has two beds on aside, two presents on the floor, a closet next to the right bed and a small bookshelf next to the left bed. "I suspect we check into the presents." Flowey reckoned. "W-Why?" Daniel asked, having a look at the present. "I don't know! Something useful!" Flowey complained. Daniel sighs as he unwrapped the present, finding an item. There is a heart-shaped locket inside the box. He looks at Flowey, who nodded. He put the heart-shaped locket around his next, increasing his armour. He checks out the next present, finding a weapon inside. There is a worn dagger inside the box. He took it as his weapon since he must fight Asgore. He looks at Flowey, still seeing that sad look. He looks at the left bed. "What a comfortable bed." Daniel replied, thinking if he laid on it, he would not get up. He soon notices a cute picture of a drawing golden flower. "Flowey, look, what a nice drawing!" Daniel cheered, pointing at the picture that was hanging on the walls. "Yeah...that's nice..." Flowey replied. He looks at the bookshelf, finding nice books. Then, he found a photograph, everyone was smiling. He looks through the closet, finding nice striped shirts inside. He looks at the bed, it was a twin-sized bed. He hummed while looking at the toys, does not seems to interest him. He walks out of the room and head a bit further into the hallway. He sees another door, but it seems to be locked. He walks further and found a golden key on a small table. He was about to grab it, till two Froggits stop their way. "Oh...THEY'RE back..." Flowey replied, rolling his eyes. But it was not a battle this time, they begin to talk about something. "A long time ago, a human fell into the RUINS." One Froggit replied. "Injured by its fall, the human called out for help." Then, the two Froggits disappears, Daniel blinked with confusion. He grabs the key and put it on his keychains on the phone. He heads into the next room, seems to be Asgore's bedroom. He found a trophy: Number 1 Nose-Nuzzle Champs '98! He read. He found a drawer, a clothes drawer. There were robes, button-up shirts...and a pink, hand-knit sweater that says "Mr. Dad Guy." Daniel giggled while put that shirt back, it even gives Flowey to giggled, but swift away. Fredbear blinked, knowing something different about Flowey. He found a bureau, there is an old Santa Claus outfit inside. He has a look at the desk, finding the king's journal. He looks through, finding sad poems and difficult writings, it seems that there was tears on the journal. He walks out to respect the king's privacy; he looks through the mirror that was next to the king's door beside. "It's still me..." Daniel replied, looking through the mirror, seeing himself. He decides to find the other key to unlock the doorway to the Throne Room. He walks back, till he was interrupted by two whimsun. "ASRIEL, the king's son, heard the human's call." One of the Whimsun replied. "He brought the human back to the castle." Whimsun replied before they fly away. Daniel hummed, wondering: Asriel? The prince? He believes something must've bad happen that could break Asgore to angry pieces. He heads to the Living Room, finding the room the same. He found a great reading chair near the fireplace, but it doesn't seems like anyone uses it...not anymore. He looks at the fireplace, the coals were still warm. He was about to walk into the kitchen, then three Moldsmall. "Over time, ASRIEL and the human became like siblings." "The King and Queen treated the human child as their own." "The underground was full of hope." They whither away, going pass Daniel. Flowey was looking blue and feeling very uncomfortable. Daniel can agree with him, he does not like sad stories, but he support them. "Flowey, do you know what story they're telling?" Daniel asked, looking nervous. "Um...It's a tragic story..." Flowey answered, ignoring Fredbear's glaze. Daniel sighs as he walks into the kitchen, finding another key in the kitchen. He took it and put it on his keychains. He walks out of the kitchen, heading back to the locked door. He unlocked the chains and locks, opening the door, revealing a dark hallway. He slowly walks into it, getting into the tragic part of the story.

"Then...One day...The human became very ill."

"The sick human had only one request. To see the flowers from their village. But there was nothing we could do."

"The next day...The human died."

"ASRIEL, wrecked with grief, absorbed the human's SOUL. He transformed into a being with incredible power."

"With the human SOUL, ASRIEL crossed through the barrier. He carried the human's body into the sunset. Back to the village of the humans."

"ASRIEL reached the centre of the village. There, he found a bed of golden flowers. He carried the human onto it."

"Suddenly, screams rang out. The villagers saw ASRIEL holding the human's body. They thought that he had killed the child."

"The humans attacked him with everything they had. He was struck with blow after blow. ASRIEL had the power to destroy them all."

"But...ASRIEL did not fight back. Clutching the human...ASRIEL smiled, and walked away."

"Wounded, ASRIEL stumbled home. He entered the castle and collapsed. His dust spread across the garden."

"The kingdom fell into despair. The king and queen had lost two children in one night. The humans had once again taken everything from us."

"The king decided it was time to end our suffering. Every human who falls down here must die. With enough souls, we can shatter the barrier forever."

"It's not long now...But Asgore...he given up on us..."

"No one knows why...all we know he has become the devil of this Hell...where we call "Home"..."

"We will remain trapped down here...Forever..."

Daniel saddens, tears were formed in his cornered eyes. He could barely cope with this story to go on any further. He looks at Flowey who was crying, he wipes the tears away from his face. He took a deep breath but not a steady one, he stares up at the hallway, leading to the Judgement Hall. He looks at Flowey, thought of an idea. "Flowey. I got a plan..." Daniel replied, placing Flowey on the ground, getting him out of the shoe. "W-What's the plan...?" Flowey asked, looking sad. Daniel begins to whisper the plan to Flowey. It was a small moment, then Flowey agrees with Daniel, looking a bit depressed. He sink to the ground while Daniel walks into the Judgement Hall, hoping for some Mercy. What will happen next? Will there be a Happy Ending for everyone? Or sacrifice will be requested.

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