King Trollex in The Moon Univ...

Door RVengerOfficial

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Trollex, Poppy and Reef have been sent by a moon God to see new characters from the universe Trollex was born... Meer

Watching 40+ Movies
Antz and The Prince of Egypt
The Road to El Dorado
Pushed Away
Let Down Your Hair
Girl Group
Follow Me
The Spirit Realm/Chi Hands
The Big Fight
Mid-Credit Scene and Post-Credits Scene
February 5th 2021 Trailer
King Trollex in The Moon Universe 2 Official Trailer 1

Home and Kung Fu Panda 3

181 6 10
Door RVengerOfficial

King Trollex: *pants* Are we finished yet? I've been here so many days, i don't know what to do. What the?

*The gang was on a giant Eiffel Tower on the tip floating in a giant bubble*

King Trollex: You know, after 30+ movies i adventured on, i'm starting to lose my mind. *starts tipping over* Oh, karp. *screams* You know, i think this is crazier than everything we've been on!

Reef Marina: You're saying that when we dealt with a pie machine, a giant dragon AND a flood? *screams*

*then the gang saw two people, one a person, one a alien*

King Trollex: Maybe we can talk to them! Just keep tipping!

*moments later, the point stood near to the person's body*

???: What?

King Trollex: Oh, hey. Whoa, whoa! *falls down*

???: Ooh! The new accompanices!

???: Oh, i don't think they're "accompanices".

Oh: Yes, but beings aware, Tip, for these could be rare fishies.

King Trollex: Everybody's been saying that.

Oh: *screams* And they talk!

Tip: What's wrong with talking fishies? I see a fish hanging on my wall singing a song. Is that wrong?

Oh: Me guessings the not.

Tip: Who are you guys?

Oh: Apprently, they comes from a world called the DreamWorkians Universees.

Tip: Don't you mean DreamWorks Universe? They must come from the Trolls World Tour World.

King Trollex: That's right! I'm King Trollex, that's Reef Marina and that's . . .

Tip: Queen Poppy? We know everything about you guys.

King Trollex: Well, we were trying to welcome you but they're is a giant bull wreaking havoc on our universes, so we had to warn you.

Tip: We know. We just hope he doesn't come right after i find my Mom.

Oh: Right after the findings of Mymom.

Tip: My mom.

Oh: What did i say?

King Trollex: Well, we had to warn you. The next World is very dangerous. So, make sure to stay here and find your mom. I wish you good luck.

Tip: Thank You.

Oh: Thankings you!

*outside the Home World*

King Trollex: So, this is the next world, huh? I can't do it. I just can't.

Queen Poppy: Here. I got this. *walks in* Why hello, Kai? Do you want to be friends with me?

*Reef and Trollex then see a Green flash*

King Trollex: Poppy!

Reef Marina: That's it! We're running in!

King Trollex: No, no, no, no, no, nonononononononononnonononnononnonono! *They jump in to be at the meeting place where Po and Tigress are*

*At Techno Reef*

Coral Blush's Mom: What happened to Trollex?

Coral Blush's Dad: Is he alright?

Bliss Marina: I'm going.

Coral Blush's Mom: Where are you going?

Bliss Marina: To the DreamWorks Universe. My brother and your King are probably in trouble.

Coral Blush's Mom: Well, Good luck, I suppose.

Bliss Marina: I'm gonna need it. *swims away*

???: *pops up out of the ocean* Hello.

Techno Trolls: *gasp*

*at the Kung Fu Panda 3 World*

Po: Nice to see you guys again. Well, you came at the right moment, we're figuring out a way to stop this Kai.

King Trollex: K-K-Kai? *pictures Kai* Excuse me for a second. *inside his head* I wasn't ready for this! I wasn't! But I have to do it . . . For the Universe. Okay, I'm ready.

Po: Okay, now pay attention, cause I'm going through this 10 more times.

*10 times later*

Reef Marina: We're those 10 more times?

Po: Yep. Now who's ready to stop Kai!?

Pandas: *cheering*

King Trollex: Yeah, Yeah, we're gonna die.

Tigress: Trust me, little one. This is Po we're talking about. He was able to stop giant fire cannons. And defeat a Tiger. Some of it with his butt. He can do this.

King Trollex: *uncomfortable* I did not need to hear that last part. I got this. *swims away*

Reef Marina: I hope he does . . . Whoa!

Panda Girl: Fishy baby!

Reef Marina: No, I am not your fishy baby! *Panda Girl shakes Reef up and down* Sto-o-o-o-o-op!

*King Trollex swims up with Po where Trollex sees Kai*

King Trollex: *heavy breathing*

Po: Hey dude, he might not want you.

King Trollex: Maybe he might. I'll take your word on that.

*Kai gets up to see Po*

Kai: So this is the Dragon Warrior destined to stop me? *Trollex hides beneath Po*

Po: You must be Kai! Master of vengeance, I think.

Kai: Yes! Finally! Thank you. Almost makes me want to spare you life.

Po: Oh you want to spare me? How bout you spare the chit chat!

Kai: Well, before you . . .

Po: Ughh, chit-chat!

Kai: You . . .

Po: Chitty-chitty-chat-chat-chat-chat-chat!

Kai: You . . .

Po: Chit-chat!

Kai: *growls* Round them all up. *Grabs his jade amulets and flings them with his blades showing the jade versions of the Kung Fu masters as well as a jaded version of the Moon God*

King Trollex: Do not look at what I'm about to do. *Covers up his lower body half with his hands*

Po: Oh, it's true, you all turned green. Except you, Mantis, you're still the same.

Kai: Now, as I was saying, while I want your chi, I want the fish.

Po: The fish?

Reef Marina and Tigress: The fish?

King Trollex: The fi . . . Me?

Kai: Yes, the fish. He has a lot of chi. Out of his whole tribe in the Trolls World Tour world.

King Trollex: Umm . . .

Kai: *unleashes a move saying the jade people to start attacking*

Po: Here we go!

King Trollex: I don't know, I don't know, idontknow, idontknow, I don't know what to . . .

Tigress: Hey, you can do this. The hardcore do understand.

King Trollex: You're right. Stop worrying, fishy! *screams while trying to hit the Jade Moon God*

*Trollex hits a move but then hurts his arm cause he realized how hard Jade is, then the Moon God tries releasing a punch with his legs but Trollex misses, punching him again, but then the Moon God releases a huge punch, knocking out Trollex super far away where Kai catches him and puts him in his pocket*

Kai: Sleep tight, fishy. You're gonna need it. And as for you guys . . . I'll be back.

*Kai exits the Kung Fu Panda 3 World*

Reef Marina: I have to save him. No matter what.

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