𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑦 𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑘𝑠...

By SWReed

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2nd Place in Fanfiction Spring 2021 Seasonal Contests TᕼIՏ IՏ Tᕼᗴ ՏᗴᑕOᑎᗪ ᗷOOK Iᑎ Tᕼᗴ ᗰIᘜᕼTY ᗪᑌᑕKՏ ՏᗴᖇIᗴՏ . Th... More

Disclaimer and Credits
Cast List
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Authors Note
☆the mighty ducks photo album☆
●the mighty ducks gif album●
○the mighty ducks photo album 2○
☆the mighty ducks gif album 2☆
●the mighty ducks photo album 3●
○the mighty ducks gif album 3○
☆the mighty ducks photo album 4☆
●the mighty ducks photo album 5●
Vicki's Mixtape Vol. 2 💕

Chapter 4

862 9 17
By SWReed

"Tada!" Mr. Tibbles pull off a red sheet to reveal a giant Wheaties box with our picture on it. We all "ooohed" and "aahed".

"Hey y'all," Dwayne pointed at the box. "That's us!" He smiled.

"Well, no durr," Fulton said playfully, making Jules and Banksie laugh.

"Today, it's a Wheaties box," Mr. Tibbles started, putting his hands in the air. "Tomorrow it's video games, action figures, lunch boxes, the sky's the limit!" He smiled, making me nod my head. Charlie and I then looked at each other, then turned to Mr. Tibbles, "Now just to make sure you all know who you are," He opened up a box in front of him. "Try on one of these," He then pulled out a Team USA jersey with stars on it and REED on the back with Fulton's signature number, 44. "Brought to you by those lovely people at Hendrix, for all your hockey needs," He smiled while showing us the Hendrix logo on the sleeve. "Fulton here you go!" He then tossed it across the room to Fulton who smiled and tried it on. Then everyone swarmed the box, trying to get their jerseys.

In excitement, I waited in the back to get my jersey, when I got to the box, it was empty, "Coach, where's my jersey?" I turned to look at Coach Bombay who was looking at Charlie's jersey.

"Oh, Vicki," Mr. Tibbles started, grabbing my attention. "Coach Bombay told me that you had special requests for your gear so we're making yours specially with a few of our own newer products in Los Angeles." He smiled.

Giving him a nod, I went to sit back down next to Charlie, "But Coach we're the Ducks, this has Hendrix written all over it," He looked at the jersey with disgust written all over it. "Why can't we be Team USA Ducks?"

"It's business stuff, Charlie." Coach chuckled.

Sitting back down in my chair next to Charlie, "I can agree with Charlie, I don't like it either."

"See!" He threw his hands in the air, pointing to me, snapping his head to look at me. "Even Vicki agrees!"

"Guys, like I said it's business stuff." Coach reminded, he went back to his breakfast.

When we finished our breakfast, Mr. Tibbles had another box full of Team USA tracksuits and Nike shoes for us, he made us all get changed into our tracksuits and go out for our lesson since we were technically skipping school.

Miss McKay took us out to a nice pond where we all sat on picnic blankets and had our water bottles while we listened to the lesson, which was about Ancient Greece.

"Ancient Greece was the beginning of Western Civilization," Miss McKay walked over to a nearby picnic bench to sit as the light breeze blew through her dress. "See Ancient Greece didn't have professional sports or Wheaties boxes," She smiled. "So they competed for another reason. Anyone?" She looked around the group.

"Falafels?" Goldberg said with a hint of questioning in his voice making us all laugh.

"No, anyone else?" Miss McKay smiled.

Charlie then raised his hand, "Pride."

Miss McKay smiled, "That's right, Charlie, pride. The various city-states waved their flags and wore their home colors proudly."

Charlie and I were sitting on the grass, with my head in his lap as I laid on my side. I did have a good view of Banksie though and every now and again I would catch glimpses of him looking over at me, which made me blush.

"Did America always dominate?" Fulton asked with confidence in his voice.

"Fulton, that's a very good question," Miss McKay smiled and nodded her head as we all looked at each other, agreeing. "No America wasn't around back then," I heard Averman pat Fulton on the back as his face dropped slightly while he complimented him for asking an intelligent question. "Compared to other countries, America is young. America is a teenager, just like you. Always on the verge of greatness," Charlie looked down at me and started playing with my hair, which made me laugh under my breath. "A little awkward at times but always on the verge of greatness." Getting an idea, I raised my hand in the air, Miss McKay smiled when she saw me raise my hand, "Yes Vic?"

I lifted my head up from Charlie's lap, "I don't mean to deviate from the subject," I said with a bit of hesitation in my voice. "But I heard the Olympics were founded in Ancient Greece, is this why we're learning about Ancient Greece?"

Miss McKay smiled into a wide grin at my question, "Your very observant, Vic, and yes to both of your questions. The Olympics were founded in Ancient Greece and that's why we're learning about them," She smiled, then looked around. "Javelin, long distant running, wrestling, discus, all of those sports were made in Ancient Greece and still played today." Miss McKay smiled.

"What about hockey?" Dwayne asked, adjusting his cowboy hat on his head.

"No, hockey was made much later on by the Canadians." Miss McKay answered Dwayne's question.

Then Coach Bombay came riding upon a golf cart, "Hey Ducks! Time for our skate!"

Everyone smiled and stood up to get their skates on, while I grabbed my water bottle and headed for the golf cart, "Hello Coach."

Coach smiled before I hopped on the back of the golf cart, "Hello Coach." He mocked me.

"Everyone gimme your water bottles!" I signaled for everyone to give me their bottles as they all skated up to me on the sidewalk, handing me their bottles before Coach drove away with the Ducks behind us on rollerblades. "Ok guys, if your thirsty just come skate your way up and I'll give you a squirt!" I held my thumbs in the air. Coach then drove the cart on to the road with the Ducks behind.

"I dunno what I've been told!" Coach started.

"I dunno what I've been told!" The team echoed.

"Team USA is gonna win the gold!" I smiled, clapping my hands together, encouraging the team to keep up the skating.

"Team USA is gonna win the gold!" They echoed, Fulton came up the middle and opened his mouth, wanting a drink.

I then squirted some water from his bottle in his mouth before he fell back to where he was, "Sound off!" Coach smiled, looking back at everyone for a second.

"1! 2!"

"Sound off!" I smiled, pumping my fist in the air.

"3! 4!"

"Bring'em on down!" Coach yelled.

"1! 2! 3! 4!" We all chanted, pumping our fists in the air.

Coach drove the cart through the rolling empty road, cars sometimes passing us slowly. While I sat in the back of the cart, I was chatting with the Ducks and new team members, smiling, laughing, getting along with each other.

Banksie came up for quite a few drinks in our little outing, when he came up again I smiled, "So your pretty thirsty?" I said.

"Yup, like an elephant." He chuckled, opening his mouth for me to squirt some water inside before falling back to his spot again.

When we arrived back at the rink, Mr. Tibbles was waiting outside with Miss McKay, "Hey team!" Mr. Tibbles waved, smiling. Coach pulled the golf cart into a parking spot. The team then collected their bottles from me and stood around chatting while Coach and I walked over. "So how was the skate?" He asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Pretty good," Coach nodded his head, scrunching his face as he rubbed his nose. "Refreshing and scenic."

"That's good, I have an announcement for everyone," He started. "Team! Team! Gather 'round!" He waved his hands, calling the team over. "Now, the day after tomorrow we'll be leaving for Los Angeles. I have a written packet of what to bring and a schedule for every day." Mr. Tibbles held up a packet for everyone to see, then gave the first one to Coach, Miss McKay then handed everyone a packet.

I skimmed through the list on what to bring and I saw a formal dress or suit with a necktie or bow tie, "Mr. Tibbles?" I raked my head which grabbed his attention. "It says here a formal dress or suit with a necktie or bow tie?" My face scrunched.

"Ah yes! Thank you for reminding me!" He pointed. "When you arrive, that night there will be a dinner party held for all of the competing athletes and teams for the winter and summer games, so please bring something appropriate to wear." When Mr. Tibbles dismissed us, we all went back into the locker room to grab our things.

Before we all left, Coach stopped us, "No practice tomorrow. Just be with your families and get ready." Coach smiled while everyone walked off.

I walked over to the bike rack where my bike was locked up, I bent down and unlocked the padlock before looking up to see Banksie standing in front of me with his helmet, duffle-bag, pads, and rollerblades still on, "Mind if I skate with ya?" He shrugged.

"Sure, anything for my best guy friend." I playfully punched his shoulder while I hopped on my bike and Banksie skated next to me.

"So since it's our last day tomorrow before we go to Los Angeles, I wanted to invite you and your mom to brunch tomorrow." Banksie gave me a small smile.

"Wait a minute," I chuckled. "How do your parents already know that we're going away in a day?"

"I really dunno, dads got his connections and ways I guess." He scratched his head, shrugging.

Blushing, I secured a loose strand of hair behind my ear, "And yes, I'll be happy to go, Banksie. Thanks for the invite you Cake-Eater."

"No problem, Coach." He poked my shoulder teasingly.

An awkward silence fell over us, so I decided to break it, "So, how do ya feel about the newbies?"

Banksie's skates clicked on the ground as the skates rolled, "Dean seems like an asshole, and Robertson is a complete show-off-" He scoffed.

Poking my cheek, I smiled, "Awwww, someone's jealous!"

"No! No, I am not!" He retorted while chuckling and skating circles around me on my bike.

"Uh-huh, denial big time," I shook my head. "Cake-Eater is in denial," I emphasized.

"Says the Coach who had a crush on her own players." He chuckled which made me slap him in the chest but he dodged it, skating around the back of my bike and coming to my side.

"How do ya know about that!?" I whispered loudly.

"Charlie and Fulton!" Banksie smirked. "Who else?" He shrugged.

"Well that's not a surprise," I mumbled just enough for him to hear. "They are like brothers to me."

"Yup." Banksie continued to skate at my side. Banksie then skated with me to my house and went into my driveway with me.

"You better get some sleep, Cake-Eater," Hoping off my bike, I propped it up with the kickstand. "We'll all have shitty jet lag when we get to LA."

"Ya, you do the same, Vicki." He adjusted the strap of his bag on his shoulder. Walking up to him, his bangs were all messed up again under his helmet.

I walked up to him and shifted them to the one side where they naturally where, "God they get so messy." I muttered under my breath, looking up at his bangs. My cheeks heated up when I realized he was staring at me, smirking.

"Well, what did ya expect, Vicki," Banks then lightly secured another loose strand of hair behind my ear. When his fingers came down, the slowly traced my jawline for a moment as his eyes then looked at my lips. "Sleep well, Vicki." He then looked up at my crimson face. My heart drummed in my chest at the closeness of our faces.

"Sleep well," I mumbled, loud enough for him to hear. "Banksie." I finished, then we embraced each other in a hug.

When we broke away, I took my bike by the handles, kicking up the kickstand and walking away to the backyard to put my bike away in the shed, when I reached the front steps, I turned around and waved to Banks who was still staring at me. He waved back with a smile before I turned back around, taking my bike to the shed and then running through the back door of our house.

I dashed all the way up to my room, slamming the door closed, pressing my back to it, staring at the ceiling, "Vicki, honey, are you ok?" My mother called out from downstairs.

"Yeah! I'm fine!" Lying to my mom, I dragged my back down across the door until I hit the floor, taking my knees to my chest.

I then huffed, running both hands through my hair, and cupping my own cheeks to feel if they were still warm, which they were. My heart was still beating rapidly from his touch and our closeness. "Banksie," I sighed. "What are you doing to me?" Then I shook my head.  

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