His roommate is...

By drearymistakes

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Cassandra Clay who likes to be known as "Cas" has to move in with someone who is renting out a room since she... More

Chapter 1 / The search
Chapter 2/ Meeting the roommate
Chapter 3// College day
Chapter 4//Study group
Chapter 5// His new girl
Chapter 6// Hanging out
Chapter 7// One month later
Chapter 8// Study and more study
Chapter 9// Sunday
Chapter 11//The move
Chapter 12// The secret
Chapter 13// The invite
Chapter 14// The truth
Chapter 15 // Coping
Chapter 16// Trying to get in touch with you
Chapter 17// Too late
Chapter 18// Results are in
Chapter 19// The wedding
Chapter 20// Five years later
Chapter 21// Remembering
Chapter 22// You're invited
Chapter 23// The big party
Chapter 24//You want the truth huh?
Chapter 25// I love you and that's final

Chapter 10//Let's stay in it's pouring out there

478 16 10
By drearymistakes

-Two weeks later-

I made my way out of the last class I just had for the day which was math. I'm still pretty upset about the whole missing both of my exams thing. I'm even more upset that I wasted my time with Chase. Should've known it was too good to be true a senior actually liking me. How stupid of me to even break my own rule about not being into guys so I can focus on my studying. Ugh, whatever I have to stop thinking about it.

While I make my way down the steps to exit the building I look up to a boy leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets giving me a sarrow look. The person I did not want to see all day... Chase.

I breathe out a long breath through my nose shaking my head. Pacing to the doors he moves in front of them blocking the exit. I roll my eyes trying to squeeze through the tiny space he left but nope he would not budge.

I huffed out a breath, "move." I demanded crossing my arms together.

Chase sighed looking at my eyes, "look, I have been trying to reach you but I got nothing. Maybe you blocked my number I don't know but please just hear me out."

I shook my lead lightly, "fine." I spoke in a bitter tone.

He finally relaxed then parted his lips, "I feel shitty for what I did two weeks ago... And what I said to you- I just I wouldn't have blamed you if you slapped me across the face because I sure as hell deserved it. And I know how much school means to you so do you think you can ever forgive me?" He paused staring into my eyes. Chase forced a chuckle, "can I have a second chance? I haven't stopped thinking about you."

I looked down thinking of what he just said to me. I'll give it to him for apologizing but really two weeks to apoglize? Well, I guess he wanted to give me space. I lie and say my feelings for him vanished because they haven't. Finally I breathed out then looked up at him.

Nodding my head I part my lips, "I guess I can forgive you and give you a second chance. I just hope you don't blow it..." I finished.

The corner of his lip grew, "I won't. And hey unblock my number?" He asked nudging me with his elbow.

I laughed, "yeah sure."

Since he finally moved out of the way I opened the door to leave.

"Hey, do you wanna hangout today? It's only two o'clock." Chase questioned pointing to me.

I pondered for a minute as I looked up at the sky. "Uh, there's supposed to be like a huge storm today. So I think I'll just stay home for today." I explained holding the door open. I guess he had one more class today.

Chase nodded, "Oh right, yeah it's supposed to be really bad. It actually looks like it's already starting since the clouds are dark and it's windy. Okay, so maybe tomorrow. Drive safely." And just like that he turned the opposite way.

Okay. I don't know if that was a good thing or bad thing to be somewhat friends with him again. Oh well, better get home before it starts storming.


I got out the shower drying my hair with a towel. I put on a long sleeve pj shirt and a pair of sweats since it was pretty cold. My hair dried a bit from drying it with my towel so I put my towel in my hamper. After that I went downstairs to sit in the living room. While I sit down and turning on the tv the news was on speaking about the storm. It's now three twenty-five and Dylan isn't home. It's already raining but not down pouring.

Suddenly, I hear the door open and I turn my head to see Dylan soaked. He almost slips which causes me to cover my mouth before I laugh in his face.

"I can hear you, this isn't funny." He called out. Dylan closed the door behind him kicking off his shoes. "Man, I wish my job let me off sooner before all the rain."

"Yeah, it's supposed to get worse they said." I spoke aloud turning my head back to the tv.

"Ah, I'm going to go shower."

I nodded my head then thought I should get started on dinner. I'm making pasta which I feel we always have but oh well. While I get started on the dinner I let the pot of water boil for a bit. Next I take out a jar of sauce. I go back to sit while I let the pot to heat up.

After a few minutes I gather the box of noodles pouring it into the boiling water. Next I set up a plate for Dylan and I. Finally I drain the water out of the pot and serve Dylan and I. It smells pretty good if I don't say so myself. I eat at the dinner table while Dylan walks in a few minutes later from finishing his shower.

"Smells good," he spoke.


Dylan sat down across from me forking the noodles. I drink my juice then look outside. It is a huge mess out there.

"I think they said the power is going to go-" spoke Dylan but was cut off by everything turning black. "out."

I stood up grabbing my empty plate, "oh man." I spoke aloud. Dylan followed to the kitchen as we each put our dish in the sink.

"I'm gonna go light some candles." He said moving to the living room.


Dylan and I hangout in the living room together as he's staring at the rain downpour and the wind brushing against the trees. I lay back on the couch staring up at my phone as I forgot to unblock Chase. I just that and I get a bunch of text messages and missed calls from him popping up at once.

"Who's that?" Dylan asked turning his attention to me.

"Chase, he apologized to me today so I unblocked his number."

He scoffed, "what? no you didn't." He began to shake his head. "Give me your phone. Since we're stormed in I don't want any contact to the outside world." He explained reaching over to me.

I squeezed my brows together, "that means Becky too."

He smirked, "I know that. Now phones off." He demanded as he showed em turning off his phone.

I sighed then did as he said. I set my phone faced down on the table. I sat up bringing my knees to my chest. As I shrugged my shoulders I begun to speak, "what do you wanna do?"

Dylan shrugged his shoulders. There's no electricity so I guess it's a good thing we're saving our phone battery. Now it hit me I've been meaning to do a face mask with Chase before he blew everything so maybe now Dylan can do it with me.

I turned my attention to Dylan with a huge smile. He shook his head lightly as I can tell he's confused. Finally I breathed out, "do a face mask with me."

He looked up as I can tell he's debating. "Ah, what the hell let's go."

I squealed lifting myself off the couch as I strolled to my room. I grabbed both of them as he was waiting outside my room. I handed him one then we both walked to the bathroom. He lit at least one candle in each room afraid he might start a fire.

"Okay, so we apply it to our face then peel it off and rinse our face with cold water. Sound easy?" I asked him. Dylan just nodded his head. Okay let's do it.


Together we lay on the living room floor staring at the ceiling. We sat in silence for a good ten minutes as we had to keep the mask on for twenty minutes.

"I guess we should get to know each other better." Dylan mumbled with his hands relaxed on his stomach looking up.

I squeezed my brows together, "we lived together for like almost two months already."

He shrugged his shoulders, "I'm sure there's things you don't know about me and stuff I don't know about you."

Well, he has a point. "Okay," I started lying on my side with my right elbow holding my head up. "Tell me things."

He breathed out, "I actually- these past two months it was fun having a roommate. I lived alone ever since I moved out at eighteen. My life was pretty boring before you walked into it. I thought at first it would be weird to live with a girl but it wasn't."

I laughed, "I thought you didn't like me. I mean we disagreed on so many things all the time." I explained forcing a grin.

He shook his head pouting, "no, I think if we did get along one hundred percent then I would have hated all this." He paused as he turned on his side with his elbow holding him up. "But you are actually fun to be around. You know your boundaries. Your strong, smart, you damn well stand up for yourself and one more thing you're not perfect. That's what I like most about you."

For some reason I swallowed hard, though I didn't break eye contact with him.

Dylan looked at me with the green face mask covering every inch of his face. He reached down for my hand as he held it in his. "I want you to know that you are beautiful Cas and- if you think wasting your time with a fuckhead like Chase then, by all means, go right ahead. But I leave tomorrow and I won't be here to know what goes on in your life 24/7 anymore. Your in my life now and I want to protect you. Ever since I met you I knew I didn't want to see you hurt. I especially don't want to lose you."

I was lucky I was wearing a face mask. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to hide my emotions. I couldn't even speak without feeling like to cry. But I had to say this, "why? Why keep this all bottled up? I thought I didn't mean anything to you." I spoke with every fiber in me holding back my emtions.

Dylan smiled, "I didn't think I had to. I thought you already knew."

I shook my head, "I had no idea."

His smile turned genuine, "well now you do."

He brushed his thumb against the back of my palm. My heart quickened looking at our hands. I think he just showed me a side of him I never saw before. A side where he cared deeply about me and I had no idea.

I removed my hand from his touching my face. "Ah, we better take this off." I forced a laugh. I stood up as did Dylan. Together we walk to the bathroom. As I'm peeling mine off without a problem I notice Dylan struggling.

"Ow," he mumbled trying to rip it off.

"Woah- woah okay don't do that." I laughed. "Let me help." He turns to face me while I look up to him on my toes peeling the mask off for him. "Wow, it's really on there." I laughed. Dylan moves his hands to my waist holding me to keep my balance. The hair on the back of my neck stands up as his finger brushes against my exposed skin.

After getting the last piece off he doesn't move and neither did I. I look at his eyes never noticing how dreamy they are. My heart has never beat this fast before. I can't believe all this time I never realized what I have been missing. I was out there searching for anyone to steal my heart but all this time he was right here in front of me.

"Uh, wow remind me to never do that again. Hurt like hell." He explained gently moving his hands away from my waist.

I still felt like I was on another planet. I couldn't even find the most simplest words to respond to his comment.

"Cas? You all right?" Dylan mumbled meeting my eyeline.

Finally I got out of my trance, "oh yeah I'm fine." I forced a chuckle. I moved to the sink to splash my face with cold water. After I grabbed a towel dabbing my face. After Dylan did the same I touch my face. "Ah, smooth."

"Me too." Dylan agreed.

After I turn to him as he's adrming his soft skin in the mirror. I felt my eye lids droop and my heart sink. He was leaving tomorrow. Leaving me.

As he noticed me from the mirror he let his hand fall from his face. "Everything all right?"

I looked down fiddilng with my fingers. "I- I just think it's going to be a bit lonely here with you gone." I said refusing to look him in the eye.

"Come here," Dylan whispered. He brought me into a hug resting his chin on my head. I buried my face to his chest breathing in then out. "Everything's going to be okay. You'll probably like that I'm gone."

I let a tear roll down my face. No I won't Dylan. No I won't...

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Remember to vote and comment! :)

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