My Heart Will Go On (Kairi Sa...

By Freedom_Fighter24

22.3K 361 538

Peter Reynolds may have signed an NXT contract, but a Pirate Princess in particular caught his eye. Will they... More

Signing With WWE
A Confrontation Worth A Ton Of Money
A Feud Worth Having Control Over
The First Match In NXT
The Date
Confessions and A Confrontation
Three on One
Double Date With A Twist
Contract Signing
Preparing For Takeover
NXT Champion?
A Call That Broke Me In Half
Coming Back From Canada
Meeting With Adam
Final Match Of Adam Cole In NXT
Visiting Chris and A Tournament
Cleared, But Not Cleared to Compete
Meeting With Hunter
Author's Note
Tattoo Day
How Great Booking Can Make A Difference In Ratings
Virtual Message
Takeover: Las Vegas
New Champion?
Meeting Kairi's Mother
A New Friendship?
Invasion and A Rescue?
Lighting The Fuse
Playing Some WarGames
Here Are Your Winners...
Ce-le-bra-tion, Guys COME ON!
Final NXT Moment For Me
Meeting Brock Lesnar
Monday Night Raw
WWE Raw Debut
Birthday Surprise
Royal Rumble
One More Match For Jericho?
An InSane Debut And A HOF Announcement
A Confrontation With Lesnar and A Certain Someone
Hunter Stopping By
A Match Worth Fighting For
Y2J v An Anarchist Part 1
Y2J v An Anarchist Part 2
Last Confrontation With Lesnar
Induction Part 1
Induction Part 2
No Holds Barred Part 1
No Holds Barred Part 2
An Offer She Can't Refuse
How The Author Would Book Kairi Sane
Author's Note

Almost There

223 5 2
By Freedom_Fighter24

~With Peter; Wednesday~

Today was the Semifinals and I can't wait to see Tetsuya and Cesaro go at it next week on Wednesday. Tonight, I'm monitoring Naito and Cesaro for each match as I got my own against Ciampa with Gargano in his corner. My match is in the main event so it makes it easier for me to get ready. I got dressed in my new gear and went to catering.

When Ciampa saw what I was wearing he was a bit confused.

Ciampa: You're gonna compete in that?

Me: It's my new gear. You like it?

Ciampa: Yeah. I like it! It suits you!

Me: Thanks. I'll be adding some new face paint and a new entrance song at Takeover: Las Vegas.

Gargano: Who do you pick between Cesaro and Riddle.

Me: Cesaro. Let me in you guys on a secret. I actually don't want to win at Las Vegas.

Ciampa: What? Why not?

Me: Unknown to Cesaro, he's going to win the title from me. Ever since he's been buried on Raw and Smackdown, I thought he would need the NXT title to reinvigorate his career in WWE. I have a ton of respect for the guy and I wanna put him over. And Naito, let's say he's going to be buried in the finals.

Gargano: Cesaro and Naito are in the finals?!

Me: Shh! Don't say it out loud, Naito would hear this!

Gargano: Sorry. I didn't mean to say it out loud.

Me: You're alright. The show's about to start, I gotta go out on commentary.

Ciampa: Alright. See you later on.

Me: Yep.

Ciampa: How's Kairi?

Me: She's doing fine. Right now she just upgraded from a sling to a cast. And since she's in a cast, there's a chance she just might come back to the ring. And keep in mind, she hasn't got over the fact that ~Bayzler~ broke her arm so don't make her relive that part.

Ciampa: You got it.

I went to gorilla as I waited for the show to start.

~8:00 PM~

DAMN! I love the sound the "NXT " chants. They just make your night. "Painless" played and I went out to a huge ovation from the fans.

Alicia: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, the NXT CHAMPION, "The Anarchist" Peter Reynolds!

I kept interacting with the fans as I walked over to commentary table, giving too sweets and sitting next to Beth.

Beth: How are you doing, Peter?

Me: I'm doing alright, how about yourself?

Beth: I'm good.

Me: Mauro, how are you doing, my man?

Renallo: I'm doing fantastic.

Me: Tom?

Phillips: Doing alright too.

Renallo: This is your first time on commentary?

Me: It is, I don't know how I'll do, but I'll do my best.

Renallo: You will do fine as we are about to get underway to our first Semifinal match!

Cesaro enters your a big ovation. It was magical.

Alicia: The following contest is a Semifinal match, scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Lucerne, Switzerland, weighing at 240lbs, CESARO!

Me: Guys, this man is my pick to win this entire tournament.

Renallo: Really?

Me: Yeah, he may have returned to NXT, but I know for a fact that if he beats Riddle, Cesaro gets to advance to the finals with either Tetsuya Naito or Bronson Reed. Let's see who wins.

Riddle entered and everyone was chanting "bro" while the guy gave fist bumps to everyone.

Alicia: And his opponent, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing at 217lbs, The King Of Bros, MATT RIDDLE!

He then came over to me and gave me a bump and I had to give it back. Once Riddle got into the ring, the match was underway.

The match began with a fist bump, until Cesaro started giving Riddle some uppercuts. Riddle was fighting back with uppercuts of his own, and was giving a fight until Cesaro started fighting back.

Renallo: Cesaro returning to NXT this two weeks ago on NXT after some years on Raw and Smackdown that have been, quote, "miserable".

Beth: Yeah, you can't blame a man for wanting to come back. He called NXT his home and he was emotional to be back.

Phillips: It was a shocking moment because when you look at the career of Cesaro, he hasn't had the best of times on Raw and Smackdown. Coming back to NXT makes a lot of sense.

Me: You gotta start fresh, I mean, Cesaro is talented and has that work ethic you see everyday.

Renallo: And Cesaro with a EUROPEAN UPPERCUT! Cover!

Me: And riddle kicks out at 2 1/2! Renallo, I don't know about you, but I think Riddle is becoming a favorite of mine!

Renallo: You think so?

Me: Yeah! I still pick Cesaro to win the whole thing, but Riddle, he's earned my respect!

Riddle was going for the Broderick, but Cesaro countered with a Neutralizer for the win.

Alicia: Here is your winner, CESARO!

Renallo: Well, Peter, seems like your pick is advancing to the finals!

Me: That's right! Cesaro better win the finals next week cause if he doesn't, I will cry. I guarantee it! If you don't mind, I'm going to get ready for my match tonight.

Renallo: Okay, Pete! Have fun!

Me: Thanks!

I got up from the commentary table, shook all of their hands, and went towards the back.

Results so far:

Cesaro def Matt Riddle to advance to Finals next week.

Tetsuya Naito def Bronson Reed to advance to the finals next week.

The Revival (c) def Imperium's Marcel Bartel and Fabian Aichner

Kayden Carter def Io Shirai (c) to become number one contender!

~9:29 PM~

My match is up next and I had a bit of nervousness going on, but I can handle it. When "Painless" played, everyone went berserk. I entered the arena to get another ovation.

Alicia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Toronto Ontario, Canada, weighing at 228lbs, he is the NXT CHAMPION, Peter Reynolds!

Renallo: That young man is determined to do anything he needs to make sure he's the best Superstar in NXT, but there is one guy who wants to bring Goldie back.

Alicia: And his opponent, weighing at 213lbs, Tommaso Ciampa!

Beth: That man is crazy and he thinks he's on a mission from God. I don't like it.

Phillips: I tend to agree with you on that, Beth because look at the eyes of the Psycho Killer. He wants nothing more than his opponents to feel pain.

The match began with our basic moves that were clotheslines, suplexes, and spots where we would actually try to kill ourselves: Suicide dives, a moonsault from the top rope, and our finishers, but the end of the match will have to wait.

~9:56 PM~

Ciampa was going for a Fairytale Ending, but I countered with an attempted surprise rollup, but Ciampa, quickly, reversed it to another Fairytale Ending, but didn't pin me for the win. I kicked out, locked in the armbar, the move that sent Adam Cole packing from NXT, and Ciampa had no choice but to tap out.

Alicia: Here is your winner, the NXT Champion, PETER REYNOLDS!

Naito attacked me from behind and was gonna give me his Swinging DDT maneuver, until Cesaro came out to save me. Before the show went to a close, Cesaro grabbed a mic, and said, "Hey, Naito, next week, you're going for a swing."

That riled Naito up as Cesaro's music played.

After the show, I went in the showers, got dressed, and before I went home, Io came up to me about something.

Io: *Hey, Peter.*

Me: *Hey, what's up, Io?*

She hugged me with a smile and it was great to see her in a good mood despite being an every looking face.

Io: *Just wanted to know how you and Kairi are.*

Me: *She's doing fine now. Io, right now she's going to the hospital to get a cast for her arm and since Kairi is healing up faster than I expected, there's a chance she just might make it for Takeover: Las Vegas.*

Io: *That's great!*

Me: *Yeah!*

Io: *Anyway, you wanna come with me to the Ford's Garage? The fans are going there to eat.*

Me: *I gotta check with Kairi if she's alright with it.*

Io: *Take your time. I'll see you over there if she allows you?*

Me: *Yeah. And congratulations on your win. That win was for Kairi wasn't it?*

Io: *How do you know?!*

Me: *Because it's obvious: you're her best friend.*

Io: *You make a good point. I'll see you over there.*

Me: *Sure!*

Io drove away as I texted Kairi about it. She asked me who else was going, and when I told Io was going, Kairi approved, and I went over there.

~10 Minutes Later~

When I got there, Io was happy, of course because we're friends.

Io: *Kairi allowed you?*

Me: *If you want her to. Let's go in there and surprise our fans.*

Io: *Yeah!*

When we went inside, they saw us and they were excited as hell, but little did I know, someone was going to attack me from behind.

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