NXT Champion?

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~NXT Takeover: Toronto 3; With Peter~

Toronto, I'm home. We drove to a hotel and set up our base of operations, but we don't have time to go sightseeing, we could do that after Takeover. Kairi's opponent was Candice LeRae and I'm looking forward to that match as well as mine. I had to tell Adam that Shayna is here watching us and going to sabotage the match.

Adam: Are you serious? She's here?

Me: She is, but I don't know where. All I know is that Io told me that Shayna will try to ruin this match, but since it's taking place in a steel cage, there's a chance we just might have to stay away from the top and the door as well.

Adam: Good call.

Me: Also, even though Io is a heel, she said she has my back.

Adam: That's good. What's the plan for tonight?

Me: We have to a couple of crazy spots. I'll do a moonsault off the cage onto you, you do what you want because, we need blood. I'm gonna take blame again because I don't want you to pay the fines. I want you to throw me into the cage as hard as you can as well as a superkick to almost my mouth to cause my lip to bleed. And if Shayna even tries to interfere by trying to cost me, we have to improvise.

Adam: I'll perform a dropkick on you when you're in her face, causing her to be knocked down.

Me: I'll let Io know the situation and if she can get her hands on Shayna while the match is going on, we could have a chance. Do you mind if I pin you for the three count?

Adam: Absolutely. You're the rising star in NXT and I'll be moving to Smackdown with the UE.

Me: You are?

Adam: Yeah. Technically this is my last takeover.

Me: Oh man. I'm gonna miss you!

Adam: Can't believe our chemistry is something special in the ring. So I'll let you go for now until the match starts.

Me: See you in a little bit.

We bro hugged and walked away.

Match Card:

Candice LeRae v Kairi Sane (c)

Dominik Dijacovik (c) v Johnny Gargano

Pete Dunne v Velveteen Dream

Undisputed Era (c) v The Revival

Adam Cole (c) v Peter Reynolds


Kairi Sane (c) def Candice LeRae

Dominik Dijacovik (c) def Johnny Gargano

Velveteen Dream def Pete Dunne

The Revival def Undisputed Era - NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS

~9:38 PM~

My gear: Chris' painmaker inspired gear when he won the IWGP Intercontinental Championship from Tetsuya Naito, but replaced the black paint with red paint instead.

My match is up next and Chris is already in gear that almost looks like mine, same with the rest of his band. I had the Canadian flag with me to wave as I was waiting for Chris to perform my song.

Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Fozzy and Y2J, CHRIS JERICHO!

"Painless" starts playing and Chris starts singing:

My life trapped in between
A whisper and a scream
A suicide machine of my own making

I went out to wield the flag and everyone cheered! I was home in Toronto representing NXT and I am so proud of it. Chris pointed at me and offered a fist bump and we connected as I went to the ring, giving some Too Sweets to the fans as I still wielding the flag. I went into the cage, but I swept my feet, and entered the cage.

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