Y2J v An Anarchist Part 2

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~With Peter~

Our match began with a handshake as a show of respect.

We then did a grappling game with him putting me in a headlock. I then pushed him to the ropes and did an Irish whip. He knocked me down and we would do our old training leaps until he did an Ricky Steamboat type armdrag. He held me in my arm in a arm stretch position until I reversed it to another armdrag. He then used his left leg to get out of the hold by kicking my head.

It hurt a little, but I sold it like it was for real. I went to the corner and Chris splashed me while doing a monkey flip, but I landed on my feet, and arm dragged him where he was sitting on his butt. I ran to the ropes and came at him with a front dropkick. I covered and a kickout at 2.

So far this becoming a pretty decent match. I saw a lot of people being excited. I went for another dropkick, but I connected with nothing. He rolled me up but I kicked out at 1. I tried to go for an Enzugiri, but he grabbed my legs and tried to put me into the Walls, but I flipped him over and connected with a running splash. Covered him again and he barely kicked out at 2.

To add insult to injury, I decided to try his own Lionsault, but I missed and Chris hit the Codebreaker on me. He covered me and I kicked out at 2 1/2! I'll tell you if this doesn't get labeled as match of the night, I don't know what will.

Chris: Hit the Judas Effect when I get up, but I kick out at the last millisecond!

He said it to me in a secret way.

He got up and I was tearing up. Once he got up, I gave him his own move. I covered and he barely kicked out. I was livid on the outside, but on the inside I was breaking down. I went into the corner to hit the Judas Effect again, and when he stood up, he had his hands up, telling me to bring the fight with tears in his eyes, pouring down his face.

I was sad to finish him, but this was what he wanted and there was nothing I can do about it.

Me: Thank-you Chris. I love you, man.

And I hit the Judas Effect. I knelt down not wanting to cover him, but I had to. I hooked his leg and his final match in WWE was over.


I broke off the cover and grabbed Chris by his head and covered my face to hide my tears

Announcer: Here is your winner, Peter Reynolds!

I didn't want to win, but this was Chris' last match and he wanted it like that. There was nothing I can do to change his mind.

I helped him up and hugged him to the point I wanted to sob my eyes out. I even raised his hand and pointed to him as the winner.

~10:00 PM~

When we got to the back together, Chris was tearing up while Superstars from the blue brand are clapping and cheering for Chris' retirement. He received a bunch of hugs, even one from Hunter in particular.

Hunter: You got what you wanted. You wanted to put Peter over and your did.

Chris: It was.

Me: You're stubborn. You know that, right?

He smiled and patted my back.

Chris: Peter. If you have a minute, I wanna talk to you.

Me: Of course.

We went to a corner and I was going to break down in tears.

Chris: Pete, would you have the honor, of inducting me at the Hall of Fame ceremony?

I was stunned and I had to take the offer.

Me: It would be an honor to induct you, Chris.

We hugged for about a minute because as emotional as this was, I couldn't stop crying.

Chris: Hey, look at me, man.

I looked at him in his eyes.

Chris: Even though I'm now retired, I wanna tell you something: if your mom was still here with us, she would have been so proud of you.

That hit me hard to where I live.

Chris: And I've talked to Hunter about Wrestlemania an Fozzy, and Peter?

Me: Yeah, man?

Chris: I'll be honored to perform "Judas" for your entrance at Wrestlemania.

Me: Thank you so much. What do you think about the rivalry between Brock and I?

Chris: It's really well-thought out. The impact of the story is heartwarming. And your dyslexia, that's playing a big part of this story. I'm rooting for you, man.

Me: Chris, this is amazing coming from my mentor. Come on, let's head on over to the bar and celebrate your retirement.

Chris: Let's go!

As soon as we came back to our locker rooms, I showered, dressed, and went with Chris to celebrate his career. He had his signature Yeah Boy! while I had a mocktail (a cocktail with no alcohol).

Still, as emotional as it was, this is probably one of the biggest chapters in my career as a wrestler. I posted a selfie of Chris and I at the bar and I posted:


"This man has been the best mentor, wrestler, and friend I've ever met in my life. As we celebrate his retirement, I wanna say one thing: #ThankYouChris"

It got a ton of support and love from the WWE Universe and that was amazing to have Chris as a mentor as I was his protégé.

Chris: Pete?

Me: Yeah?

Chris: I've seen your promo this week on Raw and you said you need an alter ego, correct?

Me: Yeah. What do you mean?

Chris: Use The Painmaker. That should give you an edge at Wrestlemania. You earned it.

I was gonna ask him if I could, but now he's letting me use it?!

Me: Thank you Chris. I will always dedicate my career to you.

We hugged once again and it was almost so too much for me, but I can take it.

After all of that, I had to get back to Raw, where the final confrontation between Lesnar and I will be chaotic.

My Heart Will Go On (Kairi Sane X Male OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora