The Last Of Us Part 2 x Male...

By Deotakukids

164K 3.6K 1.2K

This is a continuation of my first The Last Of Us x Male Reader. So I would highly suggest that you read that... More

On The Way
Paths Begin To Meet
The Dark Comes
The T.V. Station
In The Subway
Years Ago
Nearing The End
The End
A Thought (Lemon)

The Beginning

26.7K 409 144
By Deotakukids

A/N: The trailer for this wasn't canon for the story. It was just a cool little thing that I wanted to do. The main characters are real though.

No One's POV

(Y/N) was nineteen years old as he sat in the snow while Ellie sat next to him. They have been together for a few months and they loved each other happily. Ellie laid her head on (Y/N)'s shoulder with a smile on her face, "So, how long do you plan on sitting here?" (Y/N) gave a look of deep thought, "Hmm, maybe until my butt freezes to the snow." This made Ellie laugh a little, "That sounds great. I can go away when you get annoying, come to visit whenever I want, and get to decide what you eat. But I wouldn't be able to cuddle with you because you will be cold, I would have to come all the way out here to see you, and you may die from a stalker. Sorry, but I can't let that happen." "Damn. I really had my mind set on staying here forever." Ellie then lightly hit his arm, "Well to bad. Now come on, I am craving a salami and cheddar sandwich." (Y/N) got up to offer his hand to Ellie, "Ma lady." Ellie took his hand to pull herself up to peck (Y/N)'s lips, "Why thank you good sir."

Present Day

Jesse smacked (Y/N)'s face who just turned twenty-one, "Come man. wake up." (Y/N) grunted as he sat up, "Why couldn't you leave me in my memories?" Jesse threw on his jacket, "Oh it was just a fight. You've had two of them before." (Y/N) put on his boots, "Yeah, but not like this." "What was it about anyway?" "Well I don't know how it started, but my cousin Jessie and Ellie's old friend Riley got thrown in. We went back and fourth and I was so angry that the rest was a blur." "So you can't exactly remember what the fight was about." "Yeah." "Then why don't you just apologize?" "Well I plan to today. Just in my own way." "Ohh that sounds like it'll go well. How's your face?" (Y/N) rubbed his cheek as it had a faint hue of blue, "It's doin' fine." "I'm gonna go get Ellie for the runs. You do what you have to do to get ready." Jesse walked outside for (Y/N) to follow who grabbed the doorknob, "Come on Rosy." Rosy ran out to go by (Y/N)'s side as he closed the door. 

Jesse walked off for (Y/N) to walk towards the main part of town as the snow crunched beneath his feet with every step. Rosy stayed next to him for (Y/N) to look down and pet her head as they walked onto the main street, "Your a good girl." As (Y/N) was walking Susan sneaked up behind him, "Boo!" This made (Y/N) jump a little as he looked behind him, "Jesus! Don't ever do that again." Susan laughed as she walked next to (Y/N), "Oh that was so good. Usually no one sneaks up on you. What's on your mind?" "Nothing. The snow crunching just made it to where I couldn't hear you." "That doesn't add up." (Y/N) stayed silent for Susan to pat (Y/N)'s back, "It's been a week. She misses ya too." "I doubt it." "Oh your such a downer." "Not all the time. Only when I-" He then hit the side of the building they were walking next to, to have snow come of and land on Susan, "I want to be." Susan burred as she wiped the snow off, "Well played. But I will get my revenge." She then started to walk away, "Well I have go check all of the guns and supplies for the scouts today." "So your in charge of what I have for the next few days." "Oh don't worry. I'll make sure that most of your stuff will work." "That's reassuring." Susan then went to walk away as she petted Rosy, "Such a good girl."

(Y/N) quickly made his way to the bar to have a man near his age welcome him, "Hey (Y/N). Everything you need is in the back." (Y/N) made his way to the back, "Thanks Mike." As he walked past Rosy caught a piece of chicken that Mike tossed to her. After a few minutes (Y/N) did what he came to do and left with a paper brown bag, "Thanks Mike." "No problem. But now you owe me." "Yeah I'll look for bacon bits." "You know what I want." He walked out and headed towards the main gate to notice four children trying to make a snowman. They were failing though as they weren't tall enough to put the head on. So (Y/N) made a detour to to help them roll up the body and head. The kids were very grateful as (Y/N) taught them how to roll up the snow and bundle it up to stick together. A few other kids came to play and pet Rosy who pounced in the snow. 

Afterwards he waved goodbye as the kids said goodbye and thanked him for the help. They started decorating the snowman as (Y/N) smiled seeing the kids playing as if the world was normal. Which to them this world was normal. He made it to the front gate for all of the scouts to arrive as they went to get their horses. (Y/N) went to his horse, "Hey Bama. We feelin' good today?" The horse brushed it's face against (Y/N)'s cheek who opened the gate of the stall letting the horse free. He then heard a commotion behind him, "Come on Shimmer. We have to go." Ellie's horse wouldn't move, so (Y/N) turned his back for a second, to then turn right back around. He walked up to Shimmer as Ellie took a step back as she watched (Y/N), "Hey Shimmer. You ready for the day?" He then felt a rumble, so he grabbed an apple from the sack near the stables and fed it to Shimmer. Shimmer ate it to walk out of the stable as (Y/N) handed her rope to Ellie, "Here ya go. She was just angry." Ellie took the rope, "Thanks." She looked down as she avoided eye contact. (Y/N) then handed her the paper sack, "This is for when you get hungry." Ellie took it, "Thanks." (Y/N) rubbed his legs to walk to his horse and walk out as Dina walked up to Ellie, "You didn't instantly walk away or throw away the food." Ellie walked off, "Shut it."

(Y/N) stopped in front of the main gate as all of the scouts did the same. Jesse then gave them all a rifle to stand in front of them all as the gate was opened, "All right. You all know the drill. Run your routes. Mark you logbooks. Clear any infected you see. You run into anything you can't handle, you come back. Be smart about it. All right, get goin'." (Y/N) went to the side of the horse to have Rosy jump onto the horse and curled up in a small bed on the back of the saddle. (Y/N) then brought his leg over the horse and sat on the saddle to grab the horse's reins. He did a quick glance at Ellie who was looking over at Dina. He went through the gate for Ellie to watch him leave to then follow Dina out.

(Y/N) rode Bama through the snow as he headed towards a spot meant for the city folk to come to for essentials as it had fast food restaurants, stores, a gas station, and motels. He stopped when he was only a quarter away from his destination to go from a full on sprint to a quick walk to give the horse some time to rest. The horse walked through the trees as (Y/N) looked around at the scenery, "Man this place is beautiful. But damn I don't miss the cold when it becomes summer." (Y/N) then went into a bag on the side of the horse to pull out a blanket. He turned around to cover Rosy with it, "Don't want you to freeze and get slow." Rosy accepted the warmth as she seemed to smile. (Y/N) then petted the horse, "We're almost at the motel. Just have to go a little longer. Do you wanna be fast or take it easy?" The horse let out a nay that was strong and quick. (Y/N) patted the horse's neck as he got ready while Rosy did the same. Bama went faster than before as (Y/N) led him to avoid trees until they reached a road, to which they turned right. They went down the street to soon see buildings come into view for Bama to slow down. The horse came to a full stop for (Y/N) and Rosy to get off as (Y/N) trusted Bama to not wonder off.

(Y/N) walked down the street passing fast food restaurants, motels, stores, and a gas station. He soon arrived at a Burger King, "An hour just to get to you. You better be worth it, or I am gonna kill Jesse." The windows were boarded up with metal, the doors heavily fortified and locked so no one could get in, and no way in. (Y/N) walked around the building, "Now let's make this trip worth it. Because it's for damn sure not gonna be for nothin'." (Y/N) then looked up and down the street to notice a hardware store down the street giving him an idea. He made his way to it to slide the door open, as it used to be an automatic door that opened when people got close. (Y/N) walked in to look back at Rosy, "Things are going our way." He then heard clicks far into the store, "Why do I have to be proved wrong?" He quietly went into the store as he looked at the signs hanging from the ceiling. He heard constant clicks, but (Y/N) was lucky enough to not see any infected yet. He saw the sign that had power tools on it, which soon became his destination. 

He went to the aisle 13 to turn the corner and instantly hide around the corner as three clickers were walking up and down the one aisle that (Y/N) needed to search. (Y/N) quickly went to the other aisle, 14, to peek around the corner to only see a normal stalker. He signaled Rosy to go down aisle 12, for (Y/N) to take out his hatchet and throw it at the closest clicker. The blade pierced through the clicker's skull making it fall to the ground creating enough noise for the other two to look near the dead infected as they got closer to it. Rosy did what she did for (Y/N) to look at the stalker on aisle 14. He tried to think of a plan to notice a wrench on the ground further down the aisle. (Y/N) hyped himself up a little for the stalker to turn it's back to (Y/N) who quickly and quietly made his way to the wrench. He grabbed it for the stalker to of taken a few steps forward and turn around. (Y/N) ran to the stalker to whack it in the head with the wrench knocking it down, it fumbled around for a second until (Y/N) gave it a second blow ending it's life. (Y/N) dropped the wrench on the body to make it to the middle of the aisle as all of the aisles were cut in half to make it easier for people to go between aisles easier and shop quicker. He made he made it to the end to look around the corner to see Rosy in one of the shelves as she had her eyes set on the clicker further away from (Y/N). The young man made his way to the clicker closest as he crouch walked towards it. When he got close enough he stood up to strangle the infected and stab it in the neck with a knife that he kept in his belt. The last clicker turned around to have Rosy leap from the shelf and lock her jaw into the clicker's neck until it stopped moving signaling that it was dead.

(Y/N) could still hear clicks, but he didn't let this bother him as he searched what he was looking for. He soon found the top of a blow torch, so he got on one knee, reached into his backpack to pull out a can, duct tape, and a bottle of lighter fluid. With that he created what he could consider a blowtorch. With that he made his way out to close the door, "Nothing can ever be easy." With that he went to the Burger King to smash a window. He looked around to make sure that no infected was coming. Luckily none seemed to come so (Y/N) grabbed a rock to start the blowtorch sending the fuel out out. So he scratched the rock against the end creating a spark creating fire to continuously come out. (Y/N) used it to start cutting through the thin metal that was nailed to the wall many times. It took him a while but he created a big rectangle that he pushed making it fall. It was big enough for him to go through with Rosy following suit. The place was covered in sleeping bags, backpacks, clothes, and many other things you need to survive. The backpacks had some stuff in them, but the counter was closed as a metal door that came down was locked along with the door to the bathrooms. 

He could hear quite a bit of infected behind the counter and door as they seemed a bit rowdy to the noise (Y/N) made. (Y/N) went around all of the sleeping bags and tents to rummage through the backpacks. He tried to find only the necessities; like water, food or ammo, to fill half of his backpack. He was going to try to find more, but somebody had a metal water bottle. So he accidentally knocked it over making all of the infected start banging on the barriers preventing them from getting out. (Y/N) quickly ran out, "Nope nope. Hell no." He then got on Bama for Rosy to get on the bed, "Jesse said to kill all of the infected, but they are trapped. I'll come back with some reinforcement." He then made Bama start galloping away as they went towards a movie theater as it was a safe spot, but a storm has already begun and was getting worse. 

Somewhere else Ellie and Dina had found a secret weed lab under one of the safe zones. Dina found a few joints, and Ellie tried to open it but couldn't. Dina then tried to open it to just say, "Fuck it." to then throw it to the ground allowing her to all of the joints. Dina then sat down on a couch as she lit the end up, "We're not going anywhere due to the storm." Ellie sat down next to her as she seemed a little uncomfortable, "We're trapped." Dina offered the joint, but Ellie kindly rejected. Dina took a huff, "Can I ask you a question?" "I dunno, can you?" "Did I ruin our friend ship when I kissed you?" "What no- well it- it's just a bit awkward." "I was really drunk and I thought that you broke up." "Broke up?" "Well you two have barely talked for the past week and you've avoiding him. So I just though that, ya know." "No, we just had a little fight." "Well when Jesse and I had a fight, it didn't last this long. Three days, tops." "Well we're just different." "How long are you gonna give him the silence treatment for?" "It will continue until he apologizes." "Well until then, can you pass me that paper bag? I am hungry." Ellie grabbed the bag to hand it over to Dina. Dina reached in to pull out a sandwich, "What kind of meat is on this thing?" Ellie took it to examine it, to have a smile creep up on her face, "This is salami, with cheddar." "And?" "It's my favorite sandwich. Salami is very hard to come by." "So after a week he just makes you a sandwich." Ellie took a bite as she kept her smile, "It's his way of saying that he's sorry."

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