By weasleyssweater

211K 7K 4.8K

"You're my golden girl" - Paz Parkinson is stuck fighting a war against some of the people that she loves mo... More

zero | recap
one | letters
two | burnt bacon
three | seven harry's
four | the wedding
five | hogwarts
six | crucio
seven | dumbledore's army
eight | suspicions
nine | dungeons
ten | the sword
eleven | crimson
twelve | potterwatch
thirteen | a shot
fourteen | captured
fifteen | an odd feeling
sixteen | darkness
seventeen | confrontation
eighteen | rogue
nineteen | what he wanted
twenty | breakdowns
twenty-one | false hope
twenty-two | wild card
twenty-three | fireworks
twenty-four | sunshine
twenty-five | to be better
twenty-six | the portrait
twenty-seven | pansy's discovery
twenty-eight | harry potter
twenty-nine | heartbreak
thirty | cup of coffee
thirty-one | green or red
thirty-two | breakfast
thirty-four | graduation
thirty-five | new beginnings
extra extra extra !

thirty-three | hogwarts, again

4K 146 86
By weasleyssweater

please make sure to read (and respond if possible) my small note at the end of this chapter!! :) happy reading <3

"WE'RE LATE! WE'RE gonna miss the train!" Blaise shouts, running about the Parkinson house in a frantic manor. His trunk was levitating close behind him, bumping into the walls and furniture as it attempted to follow him in and out of every room.

"Shut up, we've got an hour." Theo, who was trying to get a few more minutes of sleep on the couch, groans, before stuffing a pillow over his face.

As Theo and Blaise were beginning an argument of when they should leave for King's Cross Station downstairs, Astoria and Paz were finishing up the last of their packing upstairs. Paz had been nervous of forgetting anything, double and triple checking that she had packed absolutely everything she could have possibly needed.

It had been a long, tiring six years, but she had finally made it. Her seventh year of Hogwarts. Her final year of Hogwarts. It felt so surreal, she couldn't process the fact that she wouldn't be returning after these next few months.

"Blaise is insisting we go," Astoria sighs as she enters Paz's room, her trunk behind her. Paz rolls her eyes.

Blaise had been the most eager of all to return to Hogwarts. So much so that he wanted to arrive to the train at nine in the morning, though Paz had convinced him that leaving at 10:15 would give them plenty of time.

"Alright, I just need one more minute. I'll meet you downstairs." Paz answers, Astoria sending her a smile before turning around and beginning down the stairs.

Paz took a seat on her bed, staring at her closed trunk and small bag on top of it. She then glanced over to her bedside table, where a framed picture of Paz and Pansy sat. Paz reached over and grabbed a hold of it, smiling as she watched her sister hug her tightly.

Feeling as tears began to swell in her eyes, Paz placed the picture inside of her bag before mumbling a charm under her breath so her trunk and bag would follow close behind her. She then picked up Nott the Pygmy Puff, who had been jumping around her room all morning, and placed him on her shoulder.

The two made their way down the stairs and entering the living room, where, to Paz's surprise, Draco was standing. Alongside Draco was his trunk.

"You moving in while we're leaving or something?" Paz jokes, earning an eye roll from Draco.

"If only, Parkinson. Someone," Draco glances over to Astoria, "Convinced me to return to school."

"A wise choice, if I may say so myself," Blaise chimes in. "Can we go now? It's 10:20, we're five minutes behind schedule."

"Oh shut it, Zabini." Theo, who was still laying on the couch, groans. In retaliation, Blaise picks up the pillow covering his face before beginning to hit him with it.

Theo attempted to ignore it, though after five or six hits eventually had enough and sat up. He pushed Blaise away before rubbing his eyes and slowly standing up, somewhat resembling what Paz would think a zombie would look like.

Mr. Weasley had arranged a Ministry car to pick up the small lot. Once it had arrived and they all piled in, the driver had to make several trips back to the Parkinson house, as each person kept realizing that they had forgotten something.

By the time they finally arrived to King's Cross Station, it was 10:50. Blaise had practically pushed everyone out of the car in fear of missing the train. Paz thanked the driver as everyone grabbed their trunks from the back of the car and placed them each on their own carts, along with the rest of their belongings. The five then began off towards the middle of platforms nine and ten, easily passing through the barrier to reappear on Platform 9 3/4.

"Paz.. Paz, over here!" A voice shouts, Paz looking over to find Mr. and Mrs. Weasley waving the group of five over.

"Oh, seventh years! I can't believe it!" Mrs. Weasley cries, coming around to wrap Paz in a long hug. "Ginny, Luna, Hermione and Neville are already on the train, you lot better hop in before they leave without you!"

"Thanks Mrs. Weasley, I'll see you at Christmas." Paz smiles, bringing her and Mr. Weasley in for another hug before following her friends onto the train.

"I'm not sitting with your friends, there's no way." Draco states. Astoria slaps him on the arm, causing him to dramatically cry out in pain.

"The last time I checked, you got along quite well with all my friends." Paz states back at him, shooting a small glare that no one but him noticed.

"It's fine, Paz. We'll take this compartment for now and meet up with you later." Astoria smiles, leading Draco into the first empty compartment the two could find.

Blaise and Theo, though, did not follow them in. Instead, they stayed and stared at Paz, waiting for her to make a move.

"You guys don't want to stay with them?" Paz questions, slightly confused.

"Of course not, I like your friends." Blaise shrugs, squeezing past Paz and starting off to find the four. Paz then looks to Theo, who had just rolled his eyes at Blaise.

"Blaise only wants to go with you because he has a crush on the blonde one," Theo states, earning a laugh from Paz.

"Yeah, I have noticed that. Have you seen the way he talks to her?" Paz begins, the two starting to walk down the train, trying to find the four.

"It's like he's trying to flirt, but just sort of sounds scared." Theo states, causing the two to fall into a fit of laughter.

Theo, of course, was right. Over the course of the summer, both Theo and Paz had noticed a change in how Blaise acted around Luna. Paz, of course, said something to Blaise, which caused him to grow red in the face and insist he 'did not have a thing for Luna Lovegood'.  Paz knew this was a lie.

She loved both Luna and Blaise so much, she wouldn't mind seeing them together. In fact, she encourages Blaise all the time to ask Luna out on a date. He, however, still insists he had no feelings for her. He even states these lies to Theo, who, just as Paz, does not believe him.

"Theo, in here." Blaise's voice states.

Paz and Theo then enter the compartment that Blaise, who was already sitting next to Luna, had found before them.

Ginny had immediately stood up and wrapped Paz in a hug, Paz quickly wrapping her arms back around her best friend.

"Hello Paz, Theo." Hermione smiles, Paz and Theo saying Hello right back. Paz couldn't help the odd feeling that overcame her upon seeing Hermione without Harry or Ron.

"Hey Paz," Neville smiles, wrapping her in yet another hug.

"Good to see you Neville, how was the rest of your holiday?" Paz asks, breaking away from him and taking a seat in the middle of Ginny and Theo.

"It was alright, my gran and I did some traveling, nothing too interesting." He sighs.

Paz had nearly forgotten Luna was there, as her and Blaise were already deep in conversation over what Luna had done over the summer. Luna had not even realized Theo and Paz had entered the compartment until several minutes later, greeting them both with warm hello's.

As time went by, Astoria and Draco had finally come to meet and sit with the small group. To no ones surprise, Draco got along just fine with Ginny, Luna, Hermione and Neville, just like he had during the summer. In fact, Paz was growing to be convinced that Draco was beginning to like these Gryffindor's and Ravenclaw more than his fellow Slytherin's.

Looking towards the window, the sun began to slowly set. Paz, who was trying her best to keep her eyes open, eventually gave in. She leaned against Theo, who had his arm tightly around her, and let her eyes finally close for a short nap before returning back to Hogwarts.

Paz had been expecting her seventh year to be challenging, but she had completely underestimated just how challenging it turned out to be. Within the first two weeks back, she already felt as if she was months behind in work.

Other than feeling as if she was constantly drowning in work, Paz was enjoying her time at Hogwarts. She especially loved her classes that she now got to share with Theo, despite always ditching him to be partners with Ginny if she was also in said class.

Paz's mornings were filled with rushed breakfasts and her nights were filled with hours spent in the library, only to then return to the Slytherin common room to sit with her friends and do even more work. Although it wasn't all that bad, as she and her friends still managed to have far too much fun, Paz felt as if something was missing.


No matter how hard she tried, no matter how many times she told herself Pansy wasn't coming back, Paz couldn't let go. She couldn't get over the fact that her sister, her best friend, was gone for good. She had barely gotten any sleep all summer because of this and now that she was back at Hogwarts, the place where Pansy had been killed, sleeping felt impossible.

Doing lots of things felt impossible without Pansy, the main thing being living. Paz had gotten used to not having Pansy around, and she hated it. She hated the fact that this was her new normal. In attempt to not think about the situation, Paz had sunken herself in her studies, and everyone had noticed, especially Theo.

"You coming Paz?" Theo broke her from her thoughts. Glancing over, Theo, Blaise and Luna were all standing up, ready to leave the library.

"Oh- yes, yeah sorry." Paz stutters, stuffing her things in her bag, which still has the enchantment Astoria had put on it the previous year, and began following the three out.

Theo threw his arm around Paz's shoulder, queuing Paz to lean her head against the side of him. It had been another long afternoon turned night spent in the library for the small group of friends. Paz could barely keep her eyes open, though had no desire to fall asleep yet.

"You're not staying up late tonight." Theo says quietly, so only Paz could hear.

"I have work to finish," Paz days, pausing to yawn, "I won't be long."

Theo rolls his eyes.  Blaise and Luna split from the two, as Blaise always walks Luna to the Ravenclaw house when she spends the day in the library with them.  Theo and Paz continue down towards the dungeons, a place Paz hated passing, and enter the Slytherin common room.

Paz goes to break away from Theo and head towards the fire place, where she saw Astoria who seemed to be doing an essay, though Theo grabbed a hold of her and pulled her towards the dormitories.

"Please let go Theodore," Paz whines, though doesn't try to pull from his grip.  Her body felt as if it was shutting down in that moment, she had no strength to pull away even if she wanted to.

"You need sleep, you look like you haven't slept in days." Theo says, grabbing Paz's hand and leading her towards his room.

"I took a nap yesterday in Ginny's room." Paz states as the two enter Theo's room.

"Doesn't sounds like a full nights sleep, does it?" Theo questions, causing Paz to groan. "C'mon, you can sleep with me tonight.  Tomorrow's Saturday, we can sleep in late and spend the day by the lake." Theo smiles, grabbing Paz's bag and placing it near the door before walking over to his closet.

While he is rummaging through his clothes, Paz kicks off her shoes and flops backwards onto his bed, her exhaustion finally beginning to get the best of her.

"Here," Theo tosses a t-shirt and long pair of shorts on top of Paz, "Don't fall asleep in your uniform."

Paz, once again, groans, before pushing herself up and quickly changing into Theo's clothes.  By the time she had finished, Theo was already comfortable underneath the covers, pulling her under with him.

"Thanks for this," Paz mumbles, moving in closer to Theo.  He wraps an arm around her and smiles, their faces just inches away from each other.

"Anything for my golden girl." Theo says softly, placing a short kiss on Paz's lips before pulling her in closer.

Within minutes Paz had fallen asleep.  Theo could tell that she wasn't faking, as he could hear faint snores coming from her.  Despite Theo constantly informing Paz that she did in fact snore, she would always insist that he was lying and that she didn't.

Theo stayed awake for a while after Paz fell asleep.  The room was now dark, but he could just make out the outline of her face and features.  No matter what the lighting, Theo couldn't help but find her incredibly beautiful. 

Blaise had eventually returned to the room, mumbling a 'goodnight' before jumping into his bed and falling asleep within seconds, Draco doing the same thirty minutes later. Theo, though, stayed awake for quite some time. 

Paz would occasionally begin to stir in her sleep, mumbling out names, mostly Pansy, before Theo would hold her closer and rub her back in an attempt to calm her down.

He knew that Paz didn't sleep because she was trying to avoid nightmares.  She attempted to hide certain things like this from Theo, though he easily saw past all of her lies.  He also wasn't too sure why she was so persistent in pretending as if she was completely fine.  No one, not even Theo himself, was anywhere near fine after the events of the past year.  Theo was just hoping that Paz would soon let down her toughness act and allow him to help her get better.

Finally giving in, Theo places a kiss on Paz's forehead before shutting his eyes and falling asleep himself.


As September came to a close, this meant Quidditch matches would soon be beginning.  Despite never bothering to try out for the house team, Ginny had finally convinced Paz to go out for a spot.  To her surprise, she had made the team as a Chaser. 

Paz had always enjoyed Quidditch, from playing it in Malfoy Manor as a child to cheering on her house, and Ginny, during Hogwarts matches, it was always something she had loved. Since making the team, everyone had also noticed a little more pep in her step. Not only did it mean a break from school work and dreading her N.E.W.T's, but it also meant more time spent with Theo, Blaise and Draco, who were also on the team.

Draco, to no ones surprise, had been named captain. He had taken over his prior roll as Seeker, while Blaise and Theo were both Beaters. The other Chasers were a fourth year named Daisy Carmichael, and a sixth year named Harley Watson. The Keeper position had been taken over by a very eager, and quite tall and lanky, third year called Michael McAdams.

Paz currently found herself sat across from Draco early Sunday morning, waiting for the rest of the team to join them for a quick breakfast before practice.

"Have you heard who we're versing first?" Draco asks.

"No, I can only assume Gryffindor." Paz says, noticing slight annoyance in Draco's voice.

"Yeah," Draco scoffs, "At least they don't have Potter anymore. He was quite good.."

"So is Ginny." Paz states, then taking a large bite of her toast.

"Dont remind me," Draco groans, "Oh, there's Harley."

Paz turns to see the sight of Harley Watson walking into the Great Hall, smiling as he spots Draco and Paz. Soon enough, the entire team had finally made their way to the Great Hall.

Theo and Blaise were the last to show up, both looking as if they had gotten no sleep the night prior. Come to think of it, Paz hadn't seen either of the two after the early morning practice they had the previous morning.

"Why do you two look so awful?" Paz asks abruptly, causing the other team members to laugh while Theo and Blaise roll their eyes at her, though did not answer the question.

"Go ahead boys, tell Paz why you two look like living hell." Draco says, still laughing to himself.

"It's no ones business." Blaise states, stuffing his mouth full with a muffin.

Paz then looks to Theo, who does the same as Blaise.

"Oh for bloody sake, there was a cricket in our room. It got in on Friday and those two idiots refused to sleep until they caught it and got rid of it." Draco finally days, causing everyone to once again burst out laughing.

"Well, did you finally catch it?" Michael asks. Theo and Blaise stay silent and look down towards their plates, which was an easy tell that they did not.

After much more laughing and a few more pieces of toast, the lot made their way to the Quidditch pitch and spent the rest of the morning practicing for their up and coming game.

It wasn't until two in the afternoon that the Hufflepuff team had shown up, which meant their practice time had finally finished. They all landed on the ground and got off their brooms, walking off towards the locker room.

Daisy and Paz changed on the opposite side of the locker room before tossing their brooms and bags over their shoulders, meeting back up with them at the entrance.

"Alright, no practice tomorrow, I think we deserve a day off as that was our best practice so far. Our first game is coming up in two weeks and we need to be ready to flatten Gryffindor." Draco states, earning nods from the rest of the team.

They then set off towards the castle. Blaise ran ahead of everyone, mumbling something about being late and Luna Lovegood. Paz found herself walking in between Theo and Draco, who both smelled quite bad after that long practice.

"Want to spend the day by the lake?" Theo asks Paz, glancing over towards the large lake. Many students were outside, enjoying the last few sunny days at Hogwarts while they were still here.

"Yeah, that'd be nice," Paz smiles, then turning towards Draco. "Care to join?"

"I would, but Astoria and I are working on our Defense Against the Dark Arts essays today. Maybe after, though." Draco says.

Once they finally reach the castle and retreat to the Slytherin house, they all split ways towards their own dormitories. Paz takes a quick shower and throws on a pair of baggy jeans along with an old t shirt that was most likely Theo's. Slipping on a pair of old shoes and slinging her bag over her shoulder, Paz then set off towards the lake.

The sun began to warm up her cold body the second she stepped foot outside for the second time that day. Know that Theo was most likely still in the shower (he always took much longer than anyone else in the house during the summer), Paz set off to find a nice spot to sit. Glancing around for an empty area, her eyes landed landed upon Ginny and Neville, who were set up right at the edge of the lake.

Although she knew Theo had meant for just the two of them to spend the day together, Paz missed spending time with Ginny and Neville. Between getting work done and Quidditch practice, Paz felt like she barely saw her two Gryffindor friends anymore.

"Hey guys," Paz smiles, taking a seat on the blanket Ginny and Neville had lain out.

"I was hoping you'd stop by after practice," Ginny smiles, then tossing a chocolate frog box towards Paz. "You haven't sat with us out here in ages."

"Oh shut it, I was just sitting here with you guys last week." Paz states as she begins to open up the chocolate frog box.

"Is Theo joining us as well?" Neville asks.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Paz questions, following Neville's gaze towards the entrance back into the castle. Theo was standing there, looking around for Paz.

"Oi! Nott!" Ginny shouts, easily grabbing his attention, though in the process also startles Paz.

"Geez Ginny, that was right in my ear." Paz complains, resulting in Ginny throwing a crumpled up piece of parchment at her.

"Hey guys." Theo says, taking a seat close to Paz. Ginny and Neville both greet Theo with hello's before they start a conversation about the up and coming Herbology test.

Paz and Theo both come to the agreement that today was a day of relaxation. Despite having an enormous amount of work to get done, neither had any motivation to do it. Both were completely drained of any energy, just listening to Ginny and Neville speak of school work made their brains want to explode.

"Look who's over there," Theo mumbles in Paz's ear, discreetly pointing towards a different side of the lake.

Paz let out a laugh before placing her hand over her mouth. Blaise had once again ditched the pair for Luna, the two seeming to be enjoying a picnic in this fine weather.

"You know she still denies that they are together?" Ginny laughs, catching onto what Paz and Theo were talking about.

"Same with Blaise," Paz says, shaking her ehad in annoyance, "I wonder why they won't admit it."

"Hmm, two people not admitting their feelings for each other. Reminds me of a couple I know..." Ginny jokes, tapping her chin as if she was thinking.

Paz lets out a laugh, shoving Ginny playfully.

"Paz always knew I liked her." Theo says, pulling Paz in close and leaving sloppy kisses on her cheek.

"That's false information- ew, Theo, stop- you're drooling on me," Paz laughs, attempting to pull away from his grip as he continued to practically lick her face in a playful manor.

"I think I liked you two better when you pretended that you weren't a couple." Neville jokes, as both he and Ginny roll their eyes as the couple in front of them.

Theo finally stops messing with Paz, looking towards Neville.

"I've heard you've got a special someone of your own, Longbottom." Theo states, quirking an eyebrow. Ginny and Paz both let out loud gasps at this statement, clearly unaware of whatever Theo was talking about.

Neville, whose cheeks were now bright red, shook his head.

"No, not really. Well, maybe-" He begins, just as Ginny cut him off.

"And you haven't told me?" She practically shouts, though Neville knew she was only joking around.

"Spill Neville." Paz states, removing herself from a Theo and laying on her stomach, propping her head up on her hands.

"Thanks Nott," Neville mumbles, before finally giving in and telling the small group of his growing relationship with Hannah Abbott.


Winter brought freezing weather and horrible conditions for Quidditch, but everyone had grown used to this by now.  Slytherin had just lost to Gryffindor during their first match of the year, Ginny just out reaching Draco for the snitch.  Although Paz wanted to win, she didn't mind much. She knew how talented Ginny was and was happy to celebrate the Gryffindor win in their common room afterwards.

As for the second match of the season against Hufflepuff, Slytherin had beaten them by nearly 200 points, which came to a surprise to them.  Hufflepuff had beaten Ravenclaw by 170 points, and Ravenclaw had an extremely talented team this year.  Regardless, Slytherin was currently in first place for the House Cup.

This, of course, changes nearly daily between Gryffindor and Slytherin.  This year, though, no one actually payed much attention to who was in the lead.  Everyone was just trying to enjoy their time at Hogwarts and attempt to move past what had happened half a year ago.

Two days before everyone was leaving for Christmas Holiday, Paz found herself sitting in the Gryffindor common room with Ginny and Luna.  During times like this, life sort of felt normal.  Paz felt like she was in her third year again, gossiping with her two best friends near the fire place before returning back to the Slytherin common room to sit beside that fire place and do the same thing with Pansy.  This, though, was where the feeling of all this being normal stopped.

"Have you spoken to Harry recently?" Paz asks Ginny, attempting to get her mind off of Pansy.

"Yes actually," Ginny says excitedly, sitting up from her seat, "He and Ron are going to be home all break, I haven't seen either of them in forever."

"How is Auror training going for them?" Luna asks curiously, Paz was wondering the same thing.

"From what I can tell he likes it.. but I think he's using all of this as a distraction." Ginny sighs, ruffling up her hair a bit, "He's been through so much, I can't imagine that he's all the sudden fine after losing practically his entire family."

"Everyone deals with loss differently, he seems to push it all away- that's what I've noticed throughout the years anyways." Luna adds in, Ginny and Paz both agreeing.

"I suppose so..." Ginny says, before bringing up a different topic of conversation, "Anyways, Luna, how're you and Blaise?"

Paz lets out a laugh as Luna begins to blush, though doesn't take her eyes up from her lap.

"He's alright I suppose, I'm sure Paz knows more than me."

"Oh come on Luna, everyone knows you two have got a thing going on between you two. We're your best friends, you can at least tell us." Paz says, though Luna continues to avoid eye contact with either of the girls.

"No- no, I'm afraid there's nothing going on between Blaise and I," Luna says softly, then standing up. "I'll be off to bed now, I'll see you two in the morning. Goodnight."

Without waiting for Ginny it Paz to answer, Luna quickly grabs her bag and begins towards the exit of the Gryffindor common room. Ginny and Paz glance towards each other, shrugging before taking advantage of the extra couch space.

"You think Luna's alright? She hasn't been herself in.." Ginny begins to trail off, thinking of the last time she felt that Luna was most herself

"A while," Paz finishes for her. "I'd say she hasn't been herself since she got snatched this time last year." Paz says, then fully realizing just what she had said.

"Bloody hell," Ginny mumbles, "Maybe that's why she's been extra odd and to herself lately."

"Yeah.. we should do something nice for her. Maybe get her a nice Christmas present." Paz suggests, Ginny then grinning widely.

"We can just wrap up Blaise and call it a day." She smiles, Paz noticing how proud she was of herself for that one.

"Very funny Ginevra, but seriously, I think we've underestimated Luna and how well she has been handling all of this. Not to mention my boyfriends best friends house is where she was kept for months, and she has to see him everyday." Paz states.

"Oh, I've never even thought of that," Ginny says quietly, the two girls then growing quiet for quite some time, both seeming to be stuck in their own thoughts.

As the night went on, Paz began to crave hot chocolate. Ginny, of course, agreed to sneak into the kitchens with her. The two quietly crept down near the Hufflepuff house, finally reaching the specific painting needed to enter the kitchens.

Ginny had the honor of tickling the pear, the door handle soon revealing itself as the two girls stepped inside. An abundance of house elves then crowded around the two and within three minutes, they had received their hit chocolate. Paz had the idea of asking for a third cup, deciding to head up to Luna's room and give it to her.

Thanking the house elves, Paz and Ginny then left the kitchens as quickly as they had arrived, beginning the short journey towards the Ravenclaw house.

"How're we going to get in?" Ginny questions, taking a sip of her drink after.

"Hmm," Paz hums, the two slowly approaching the entrance. To her delight, she then spots Terry Boot coming from the opposite end of the hallway. "Terry can let us in."

Paz and Ginny waited a few moments until Terry had finally reached the entrance, smiling as he saw the two girls.

"Hey guys! Are you trying to get in?" Terry asks.

"Yeah, we've got a gift for Luna." Paz smiles, holding up the cup of hot chocolate.

"Oh, that's sweet of you, here, give me one second." Terry says, before answering the riddle that was presented to him.

He then leads Paz and Ginny inside to the Ravenclaw common room, a place they were never in all too much. It was, however, extremely beautiful.

"Well, goodnight guys, and have a good holiday if I don't see you!" Terry smiles, before walking off to his own room.

"You too Terry," Ginny and Paz shout back just as he walks out of view.

They walks up to the girls dormitories and knock a few times on Luna's door before entering. To no ones surprise Luna was still awake, reading the latest issue of the Quibbler on her bed. Her eyes looked slightly red from where Ginny and Paz were standing.

"Oh, hello girls." Luna says, placing the Quibbler down on her bedside table.

"We've brought you some hot chocolate." Paz says, walking closer to Luna and holding it out for her. Luna graciously grabs a hold of it, thanking her for it after taking a sip.

Paz and Ginny then make themselves comfortable on Luna's bed as the three begin to reminisce on their earlier years at Hogwarts. They fell into a fit of laughter upon thinking back to their second year, talking about the time Hermione Granger had punched Draco Malfoy square in the face.

Despite everything that had happened, Paz was beginning to realize that she had to focus on the present. And right now, the present was sitting around with her two best friends, drinking hot chocolate and laughing over memories that seem to be so close to her, yet somehow so far away.

sorry for the hold up on this update! anyways, before i start babbling, i was hoping for your opinion! i'm thinking of possibly writing a shorter story for blaise and luna, as they have some sort of relationship growing in this book :)

it would be in this same AU, so paz would be there, which makes my heart happy! (if you can't tell, i love paz.) so let me know what you guys think, would you like something like that? if so, would you want it to be a short book with short chapters, or something like this? long chapters, but it would be no where near as long as this story. let me know!!

also sorry for any big errors in this chapter, it's 6am and i haven't slept yet. i'll read through it and fix anything when i wake up at noon tomorrow, LOL.

thank you so much for 2.6k reads and over 230 votes!! ah!! two more chapters + the epilogue until golden is over :(


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