Cinderella (Outsiders version)

By xCandy_101x

141K 3.6K 588

After Skyler Curtis is kicked out of her house, by her mother, she is forced to move in with her cousins, all... More

Home sweet... mess
getting eggs
Dallas and I? Uhh...
Make me feel wanted
Rummble Day
Now it's me
Show time
A true mother
Mouthing off to cops
The Visit
An old, not so, friend
Start over
The results
Normal Day... NOT!!
Beautiful life
Going home
Cheater, Cheater
Ask the Author
Moving in
Happily Ever After
Wedding Day <3

Poor ol' Johnny

7.4K 195 42
By xCandy_101x

We finally came upon the old house. Dally was the first one to enter, leaving El and I, behind. We both looked at each other and laughed. Being alone with two girls, get drive a guy crazy. It's not as fun as some may think.

"Those girls, are driving me nuts" Dally complained, as El and I walked inside the house.

"Hey, we're not that bad" I said, sitting on the arm of the couch. El stood next to me.

"Yea, we were just being girls" she added. Dally shook his head.

"And I thought being alone with two girls would be fun" he mumbled. I smiled. See, what'd I tell ya. Not as fun as it seems. Ponyboy walked into the living room, and immediately spotted El. She ran up to him and hugged him tightly. He returned that hug.

"Ponyboy! I missed you so much" El exclaimed.

"Me too" Pony replied. I went up to Ponyboy and crossed my arms.

"How could you, Pony?" He pulled away and looked at me, confusion written all over his face.

"How could I what?"

"Not tell me you had a girlfriend!" He smiled and blushed at my words. "I mean, I would understand if she was some rat you fetched out of the sewer, but really? Your girlfriend is pretty enough to be a fucking model, what is wrong with you?"

"I was gonna tell you about her when she came" he replied.

"And when was that supposed to happen?" He shrugged.

"I thought she was going to get out in a week or so" he responded. My mouth dropped.

"Do you want me to kick your ass? Never Keep something like this from me" I said. EL laughed from the conversation I was having with Pony. "I should be the first person to know when you get a girlfriend."

"I was about as surprised as you, Sky" Two-Bit said, coming up behind me. I smiled at Pony and hugged him.

"Better not let her go, or I'll really kick your ass" I joked. Well, half of it was true, he better not break up with her.

"Don't you have a boyfriend, Sky?" I turned to El and shook my head.

"Sadly, no, because someone doesn't let me, and scares off all the guys that try talk to me" I said, loud enough for Darry and Soda to hear. Both guys turn to me.

"What?" I just shook my head. Then, my eyes fell onto Johnny, who just sat on the couch, quietly watching. I go and sit next to him.

"Hey Johnny, why so quiet?" He shrugged. "Are you, like, the shy type?" I could easily see him blush, making him look cute as ever. I gasped. "You are so cute!" Again, I'm making a big fool of myself. Johnny just looks at me with his dark eyes. His little puppy eyes that nearly make me melt from the cuteness. Again, before I knew it, I was hugging him tightly.

"Why, will you look at that, Johnny, you already got this girl under your spell" Two-Bit laughs.

"Because he's just so adorable" I squealed, still squeezing Johnny with my tight hug. "One of the few guys I hug."

"Calm down Sky, you'll suffocate him" Soda said. I turned to him, not letting go of Johnny.

"Will not, he loves my hugs, right Johnny?"

"I-I guess so" he replied.

"See" I said. Soda just shook his head. I turn back to Johnny, who just sits there, looking bored. "Do you smile?" He looked at me.

"Y-yea, sometimes" he responded.

"Smile" I said.


"Can you smile for me, please?" I asked, fluttering my eyelashes at him. He gave me a warm smile. "Aw, so cute" I said. He laughed.

"Wow Sky, you sure know how to make a guy smile" El joked. We all laughed. El was sitting on Ponyboy's lap, Pony's hands resting on her waist. El had an arm around his neck. They looked so happy together. That's how I imagined all my relationships to be, but they always took a turn for the worst. But the worse experience had to be with Peter. He asked me out in person, something not many guys would do. I said yes, because I thought he really liked me. We dated for about a week, until one day, he asked me to go to the gym after school. I did as told. As soon as the bell rang, I headed over there. It was dark and vacant. I called out his name over and over again, but there would be no reply. I decided to head home, when the lights turned on. My whole 5th grade class was there, laughing at me. I asked what was going on and Peter just told me that he never truly liked me, it was all a prank. He said that I am really stupid to think that he'll ever really go out with a loser like me. I ran home crying, ashamed that I fell for his trick. It was so humiliating for me. I will never forget that time. Never, it is permanently glued into my head. That fucking bastard will pay for what he did to me.

"Oh guys, Buck's having a party this Saturday, supposed to be big, told me to tell y'all" Dallas announced, bringing me back from my bad memory. I finally released Johnny and jumped of the couch.

"We should go" I suggested.

"I don't know Sky, I might have to work late" Darry said.

"Aw, c'mon Darry, can't you take the day off?"

"I don't think I can afford to take the day off" he replied. I looked at him, giving him my best puppy dog eyes ever used, by me.

"Please, for me?" He looked at me, probably trying to resist these cute eyes of mine.

"If I say yes, would you stop doing that?"

"Maybe" I replied. He sighed.

"Okay" he said. I jumped up and down from excitement.

"Yay! El, lets go shopping" I suggested. She stood up.

"I'm totally up for that" she responded. "Be right back guys." With that, we left. We walked all the way to the nearest clothing shop. Instantly, we searched for the perfect dress.

"Hey El" I said.


"What if, we wear masquerade masks, and become the mystery girls at the party?" She popped her head up from behind the clothes.

"We should do that" she agreed. I smiled at the wonderful idea I just came up with. We kept searching and searching. Then, my eye caught something. I reached for it, and took out the most beautiful dress I ever saw. It was a black strapless dress, with a pretty flower design below the waist. I went into the dressing room and tried it on. It was one of those tight fitting dresses, adjusting to the form of my body.

"Hey El, look at this" I said. I walked out and showed her the dress I have found. Her mouth dropped.

"You look gorgeous, Sky" she replied. I smiled. The dress went up to a little above my knees. Perfect, just perfect. I quickly changed out of it, and helped El find one. After searching for hours, we found one. It was short in the front, and got longer in the back. Like as if the dress had a tail. It had a flower design, all along the single strap. The top part, looked tight fitting, which would go perfect for her body. There was a belt on the waist, and from there down, it was blue and flowy. If that's even a word. The top was a black. So yea, I think it would look pretty on her. She tried it on, and when she came out, I was left speechless.

"Well, how do I look?"

"You look amazing!" She smiled at me.


"No doubt about it" I replied. She changed out of the dress, and we paid for the two, beautiful, dresses. "Excuse me, do you by any chance have two masquerade masks?" I asked the clerk lady.

"Yes, as a matter of fact I do" she replied, going into the back room. When she came out, she was holding two beautiful, black and silver masks.

"How much?"

"You know what, I'll just give them to you" she said. El and I smiled.

"Thank you so much" El responded. We grabbed our dresses and the masks, and left the store. On the way back home, we went on and on about how cool my idea was. "I bet nobody would recognize us."

"I know right, we'll be total strangers" I said. We both laughed. "Say, you've known Johnny for sometime right?" El nodded. "Why is he so... quiet?"

"Oh, well, he's always getting beat at home, and he also got jumped not too long ago, that's also why he's jumpy. I guess he just prefers to keep his mouth shut, just so ho won't get himself into trouble."

"Oh" I replied. Wow, I guess Johnny has it worse than I do. I really feel bad for him. If only there was something I could do. What made me wonder was, why hasn't he ran away? Is it the gang that keeps him here? Or what? Is he dying to get the attention a mom or dad should give him?

"Sky, you alright?" I nodded. "Well, since it's your first day here, why we go out and uh, brake a law or two?" She asked with a wink. I smiled.

"I like your style, you just spoke my mind" I replied. We both laughed as we arrived at the Curtis house.

"Hey guys, what ya got there?" El and I looked at each other.

"Nothing" we both responded, trying not to sound suspicious.

"Skyler, I already moved your bags into the room you'll be staying in" Soda informed me. 

"Thanks Soda... what room is it?" He motioned me to follow him. I did, and he led me into the room next to the kitchen.

"You'll be sharing with me, and Darry'll share with Ponyboy" he said.

"Okay" I replied, setting my bag down on the side of the bed. We walked back out, only to find Ponyboy and El kissing! They're KISSING! I stop dead in my tracks. "Well that's messed up, the kid gets his first kiss before me" I said, loud enough for everybody to hear.

"Well, you want to have you're first kiss right now?" Steve asked, slowly coming up to me. Soda pulls me back and glares at him.

"If you know what's best for ya, you better run" Soda said. Just like that, they both dash out of the house. I just stand there.

"See what I mean, this is why I can't get a fucking boyfriend" I yelled.

"Well, next time you meet a boy, I'll help you tie Soda to a tree" El said.

"Hell ya" I replied, giving her a high-five. "But what if he gets free?"

"Then, we'll hand cuff him to a pole" she responded. I cocked an eye brow.

"Where are we going to get hand cuffs from?"

"I stole a pair from a cop once, we can use those" she stated.

"You know, I'm liking you better and better" I said. She smiled at me.

"So, when's dinner?" We all turn to Two-Bit.

"You just finished eating, Two-Bit" Dally said.

"Yea, so?" He just shakes his head.

"You know, I wonder how you can fit so much food in your stomach" Dally teased. I laughed, and he shoots me a smile.

"You know, I think I'm going to like it here" I said.

"Hope you do, I don't want you to leave" El replied.


"Cause, it gets boring with out another girl 'round, the guys don't know how to hang 'the girl way" she said. I chuckled.

"Not to worry, I'm not goin' nowhere" I replied. She smiled at me. God, Ponyboy sure has good taste. I've never had a friend like El. Shoot, I've never had a friend at all, besides Lucy. But El is actually near my age.  I sighed and plopped down next to her. "Man, can't wait 'til the party" I said.

"Me neither, we are going to make even the hippies fall in love" El said, low enough for only me to hear. I nod.

"I wonder if the guys will recognize us" I said.

"I know right, it'll be a good chance to test my relationship with Ponyboy" she responded. I nodded in agreement.

"Either way, you can totally trust him" I stated. She smiled.

"I know, but just to be on the safe side" she replied. We both chuckled. Then, Soda came in, huffing from running to much.

"Whoa, how far did ya run?"

"All.. the way... to the... lot" he breathed. I laughed.

"Were you planning on killing him?"

"Maybe" he responded. I stood up and hugged him.

"You are such an idiot" I joked. He hugged me back.

"Just trying to protect you from the guys, I know what they really want, and if they do want that, they're gonna have to get through me first." I shook my head. Oh Soda, you are an idiot. I pulled away and just stood there.

"And you really think I'll go along with it?"

"Well, uh-"

"Dude, Soda, you've known her your whole life, you should already know the answer to that" El said. I nodded in agreement to what she just said. Soda scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Geez Soda, it's like you don't know me" I added.

"How am I supposed to know what goes on in your head" Soda said.  I rolled my brown eyes and walked over to El.

"Can was tie him to a tree now?" She smiled at me.

Heyheyhey, sooo plzz comment, vote, and/or fan.... luv ya peeps, buh bye :D

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