Dallas and I? Uhh...

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"I'm thinking on Tuesday, you know" Dallas said. El thought long and hard about that. She ran a hand through her soft, curly hair.

"I don't know, what day is it today?"

"It's Sunday" Dallas replied, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. I smiled. Even though I was in the kitchen with Steve and Two-Bit, I could hear them all the way in the living room. And both Steve and Two-Bit know how to talk tons and loud.

"Well then, it's set. The fight will be on Tuesday" El said, making it official. I wonder what they're talking about over there.

"Ease dropping, Sky?" I turn to Steve, who has a smirk on his face.

"No, I'm just over hearing what they're talking about" I respond, matter-of-factly. He chuckled.

"Same thing" he said.

"Nuh ah, it's different" I replied.


"Different words, hello" I responded. Suddenly, my heart started thumping through me chest, as if the guy I've loved for so long was standing right behind me. I could feel the heat lingering between us. The passion we feel for each other. But, I've never loved anyone before. I turned around, only to look into the dark brown eyes of Dallas. "Oh, hey" I greeted. He cocked an eye brow.

"Sky, c'mon" El called from the living room. I stood up and followed her, as she walked out the front door. We sat on the steps, in the afternoon, darken skies.

"So, what's up?"

"I wanted to ask you if you're willing to fight with us in the upcoming rumble?"

"Are you kidding, Of course!" She gave me a smile. I looked into her pretty hazel eyes. She seemed like that kind of girl that stands up for what she believes in, and won't let anybody tell her other wise. It made me wonder how her and Ponyboy got together. I mean, I see the reason why he chose her, I just don't know how it happened. "Hey El, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, anything" she replied.

"How did you and Pony get together?" She seemed surprised by my question, I could totally tell she was blushing. Then, she smiles as she thought about that time. A dreamy smile that makes me wonder if the memory was that wonderful.

"Well, I've actually had a crush on him for about half a year, and I thought he never knew who I was. But one day-"

~Flash back~

I walked around the corner of the hallway. Okay, putting a love frog in a girl's hair caused me detention, but calling a teacher a bitch, gets me suspended. I sighed, the things I do for fun. I instantly stop when I see the group of jocks next to my locker.

"Yea, we're going to jump him today, after school" one said. The others chuckled. There were about four or five.

"Man, Ponyboy sure won't be expecting this, what makes it even better" another replied. I quickly backed up, and made a run for it. I have to warn Ponyboy, the bell is going to ring at any moment. With time on my side, I made it outside the school, right when the bell rang. Instantly, I searched around for Pony. He has to be around here somewhere. I ran all the way around to the back, seeing him walking onto the football field.

"Ponyboy!" I run to him, as he turns round. It's like a dream to me, I'm running to Ponyboy, if only he would have his arms wide open for me to run into them. Foccus El, you have to warn him. Suddenly, I see some guy tackle him down. "NO!" I keep running, but guys grab my arms, and throw me to the ground too. I hit my hed against the cold, hard ground. "Pony" I whisper. From where I'm laying down, I could the jock kicking him in the stomach, numerous times. I could hear Pony, moaning from the pain. I close my eyes for a moment. No Pony! I can't let them do this to him, I WON'T let them do this to him. I quickly stand up, and punch one of the guys in the jaw. Anther grabs both my arms, and lifts me up. That's when I kick the first one away, and flip the other, before running off to help Pony. I instantly push to the guy away, and try to pull Ponyboy to his feet, when the guy grabs my hair, and pulls me back.

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