Love War Book II(BrightWin)

By PrinceWayo

1.7K 126 38

2gether the series/2moons1/why r u cast and many more BL actor. this book is 2nd part of Love Win book I so i... More

Chapter one
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight

Chapter Two

184 13 3
By PrinceWayo

Author's POV

Usual time, Tine woke up earlier than his alarm, this day is the last day of Wayo to their home, starting later with the help of their maid's while Wayo was in the school.

He still doesn't want to let go Wayo, but he have too. Wayo woke up earlier and you can see how excited he was to live outside alone. Although, Tine was a bit sad he still believe that Wayo could make it.

After eating and preparing everything, he and Wayo went to their school, luckily he still can see him because both of them are same major in computer science. He send Wayo to his room before patting his head. Wayo smile before he run towards inside his classroom. Tine sighed softly before walking to his own classroom, at the halfway he met Nanno, Fighter younger sister. "Watdee." He greeted her,  and Nanno smile and greeted back. "Oh right, is P'Fight doing okay now? I heard what happened to him." Tine concerned asked.

Nanno nodded. "Yes, I think so, P'Fight is tough guy. I'm sure he could handle it. What I'm worried is about my niece, she will grow up without mother taking care of her." She smile and Tine nodded, then she suddenly remembered that she have to attend to her boyfriend football game. "Right, Ai'Tine, can you come with me later?"

Tine lifted his eyebrow. "Where?"

"At the football field." She said.

"Mai-ow, I have to look after my brother."

"Come on Ai'Tine, you have to leave your brother alone sometimes, he have to do what teenagers doing. What do you think the reason why he want to move from your place?" Nanno said before adding. "Of course he wanted to explore himself, while being independent, study hard and have a lot of friends."

Tine face become sad, he knew that Wayo wouldn't say it but, he felt that this is the reason. Wayo don't want to disappoint him thats why he always do what he wants to, but he forgot about what Wayo wanted to do. He become over protective that he don't know if Wayo already chocking.

"Don't be sad, every teenagers wants that, so don't think too much, let him be for the meantime, for sure he will come to you if he  need help." Nanno patted Tine shoulder. Tine nodded. "Then you have to come with me okay?"

"Okay." Tine and Nanno arrive at their classroom.

Luke, Tine long time friend wave his hand to Tine and Tine wave back. He sat beside Luke . "Tine why you have a long face today? You forgot to take your brother medicine?" Luke jokingly said. Well, everyone know about Tine having a brother complex, Tine glared at him and Luke smile. "Just kidding, ahh right, come and watch my football match can you?"

"Nah, you're the second person asked me today, Nanno already invited me because her boyfriend was playing too." Tine said.

Nanno boyfriend was at the other team, while Luke was computer science department. "Ohh I see, at least you're there, cheer me up too okay?"

Tine a bit confused. "But I'm at the other side."

"Come on, at least cheer me up too, you're my friend right?" Luke look at him with pitifully look.

"Hmmm, okay." Tine wanted to try to be busy too, so Wayo could have a time for himself.

"Yey!" Luke looks very happy. Nanno shake her head. The homeroom teacher arrived then everyone greeted her and started the lecture.

After the lecture, Tine went to the library to get some books he need, the library was between the DVM course, or Doctor of veterinarian medicine, so it's not unusual to met a vet med student. Tine look around at the bookshelf and when he found the books he need, he look at it and flip just few page, he walked backwards while doing it, he suddenly bumped into a person, Tine startled and immediately apologize to that person. "Ow, khortot na khrab." The other person glared at him, Tine look up and their eyes met. Strangely the guy looks familiar to him, before Tine trying to recognize him the other guy said.

"Stupid." While glaring at him.

Tine startled. "Ow, it's accident why you have to call me stupid?" Tine look at the other guy up and down, obviously he was senior and this guy is a freshman, still he have lock of manners towards seniority. Finally Tine remember a person who have same attitude at him. "Shiiya, It's you!" His voice a bit higher which is not good inside the library

The other guy, look around and found everyone is looking at them, his glaring eyes look confused now and bit embarrass.

"I knew it, it was you that's why you look familiar and your shitty attitude." Tine continue and forgot he was inside the library. The librarian walk towards them, and the other guy scratch his back head, Tine still continue to talk, the librarian poke at Tine back. Tine was pissed off at the other guy and suddenly someone is poking at his back shoulder. "What!?" Tine said and look at his back. The librarian lifted her eyebrows, then when Tine saw her face, Tine smile and laugh a little. "Hehe."

Tine and the other guy was kicked out the library without anything book at their hands. The other guys sighed deeply while Tine feeling wrongly, he scratched his back head and look at the other guy. The other guy still glaring at him, before walking away.

Tine pissed off again and shouted. "Ai-hee-ah!" (A/N: son of a bitch)

Suddenly the library door open and look at Tine, Tine laugh a bit again and say sorry few more times. The librarian just glaring at him. Tine find Nanno to go to the football field. Nanno boyfriend was not that popular at football also at the school reputation, but he was popular for being a jerk. Still Nanno don't want to believe it until she see it to herself.

Nanno and Tine found a vacant seat, it also not far so it's a better view. It's DVM vs computer science team match, Nanno cheerful to her boyfriend, while Tine was okay and watch the game. Luke was very good at playing football, so Tine envy him a little bit, since Panitchayasawad family have problem on their stamina. So everyone in the family was not good at sports.

Nanno boyfriend playing dirty the entire match which is make Tine a bit pissed off, he don't know why Nanno like this guy, but for him, Nanno's boyfriend was piece of shit like that freshman. The crowd notice that too so everyone annoyed how Nanno's boyfriend played. One of the Luke's team got injured so they have to replace him. After that, everyone at the Tine's side pissed off, they literally shouting. "What the heck, get out of the football game you pissed of shit, you played dirty! Jerk!" Nanno felt ashamed also, because her boyfriend went at front of the audience and do a middle finger. "Boo! Jerk asshole!"

Tine knew it, even their are same department as Nanno's boyfriend, they never like that how he play. The couch finally decided to let him rest and send somebody else. His face look very familiar again to Tine, and uncontrollably cursed. "Ai-hee-ah!" Nanno and the other students startled by him. Because he cursed so loud that even the football player heard it. The guy that just in received immediately a cursed from someone, he then look at the person who cursed at him when he found that guy, he immediately glare. Tine look around and said. "Sorry sorry."

Nanno confused and asked. "What's wrong Ai'Tine?"

Tine pointed at the guy and said. "I hate that guy guts, he's getting to my nerves, I hate him so much!"

"Calm down, look around you." Nanno said.

Tine spin his head almost 360, and found everyone glaring at him like wanted to swallow him. Tine look confused and whisper at Nanno. "Why everyone looking at me?"

Nanno whisper back. "That guy, the guy you hated the most was so popular, everyone will kill you if you talk bad at him."

Tine puffed his cheeks. "Why? Is he that popular? How come I didn't know him?"

"Sure enough you will not know him, all the girls from this university liked him, besides how would you know that if only one person coming out from your mouth and thats only Wayo." Nanno explained.

Tine hit to his heart but sure enough it was true. "Then who is he?"

"That one is Sarawat Guntithanon, a freshman student from DVM, his family is fifty rich also, but surprisingly he wanted to study DVM, I heard he was rebellious child and his family don't care about him too."

Somehow, Tine pity him. He feel that the reason why he was jerk is because of his own family. Luckily Tine was loved by his family even they're rich his father still have a lot of time for them.

Tine mumble the other guy name. 'Sarawat'

After the game, the DVM won the match by score of 3-2. Luke run towards Tine and Nanno to talk, at the other team, Sarawat looking at them.

After that, Tine decided to go to the Wayo's new place, to loot at him and his roommate. Wayo's stuff already inside the room, and fixed by Panitchayasawad maid's. He was told that the room have everything that Wayo's need, also have two bed so Wayo don't need to share his bedroom with someone else. He entered the room and look around, Wayo went outside to buy food for him and for his roommate, Tine sat first at Wayo's bed, at the other side was the bathroom, the bathroom suddenly open, and a manly voice said. "Ai'Yo, I thought..." Tine staring at the guy while the guy staring also at him. His hand was on the top of his head with a towel, and he was topless, only the towel around at his waist covering his body.

"Ahhhh! Shiiya!" Tine and Sarawat shouted at the same time. Sarawat immediately cover his chest while Tine cover his eyes.

To be continued.

Still2gether starting at Friday 🥰🥰🥰

Pinoy BL suggestions that you probably will like that you could watch in YouTube with English subtitles

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Hello stranger the series 9/10
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Sakristan the series 5/10

Upcoming pinoy BL
My day the series premier August 8 the trailer was so fucking awesome you will love it for sure.

My extra ordinary the series.
Oh my gee the series
Quranthings the series.
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