A Shelby Mistress

By PeakyGirl

1.3M 34.9K 7.9K

It's 1921, Tommy is left heartbroken over Grace's betrayal and having decided not to follow her to New York h... More

Aurora Hayes
The Shelby's
The Meeting
Prying Stranger
White Tulips
Lee Fire
His Mouse
Small Heath
Aunt Polly
Whiskey Courage
Coin Toss
Torn Apart
Domestic Bliss
Old Friend
Watery Lane
Moving Up
Three Words
Opening Night
Past Meeting
Birthdays and Witches
Family Meeting
Camden Town
White Mare
Boat Trip
May Carleton
Past Love
Derby Day
Broken Soul
Resting Place
Christmas One Shot
Sisterly Love
Birthday Kiss
Field Of Snow
Arrow House
Helen McCrory
Afternoon Tea
Charles Shelby
The Wedding
Wedding Party
Foundation Dinner
First Kiss
Father Hughes
Night Terrors
Alfie Solomons
Soft Moans
Billy Shelby
When Snow Falls
Mrs Shelby
The King
A Baby
Unexpected Visitor
Old Friend


8K 249 43
By PeakyGirl

"Tommy" Aurora moaned in Tommy's ear, tightening her legs around his back as he drove her to the brink of pleasure.
She loved their mornings together more than any other part of the day. It was the time they truly got to be alone, no interruptions just him and her. Tommy having lost touch of her during the night would always wake first and pull her into his arms. He would then gently take her on the bed and whisper sweet nothings in her ear until she fell apart from the inside out. Afterwards Aurora would lay in his arms again and they would talk for a moment until they had to get up and get ready for the days work. Every morning was the same yet each passing morning became more magical than the last.

There it was again, his name leaking off her tongue like a warm song that tickled his ear in delight. It pulled him in, he wanted to hear it over and over. Tommy easily tired of things but his mouse was not one of those things, she was beautiful, the first flower of May, warm, bright and lovely.
Gripping her thigh with one hand and burying his head further into her neck Tommy pressed him deeper inside her, matching his thrusts with her moans while biting down on his bottom lip to stop his own from escaping. He was close, so very close.

"Ror! Ror!"
John's voice booming echoing up the stairs gave them no time to prepare for his arrival. Before they could register that he was calling for Aurora the door to their room swung open and there was John with a smirk plastered on his face.
"Get the fuck out John" Tommy spat shielding Aurora's body with his own as her body began to tremble with laughter at Tommy's fury.
Of course she was embarrassed too and refused to look over at John while his brother still rested inside her.
"Tommy mate I've seen your arse before" John pointed out causing Aurora's silent laughter to burst out from her mouth and fill the room.
"John, what do you want?" Tommy big out through his teeth as they clenched painfully.
"Nothin' from you Tom. Ror could you do us a favour and walk Katie to school?" John grinned at Aurora who finally looked his way and waved awkwardly.
"Where's Esme?" Tommy questioned with a frown, growing more and more pissed off at being interrupted each time John opened his mouth.
"Been up all night with the baby, he's not feelin' well" John responded with a sigh leaning against the door.
"You're Katie's Dad John, you fuckin' take her. Close the door on your way out" Tommy ordered shaking his head and turning his attention back to Aurora. She had a look on her face that made him groan in discontent. It was the look she gave every time she was eager please someone or do good within the world.
"Can't Tom m'needed at the shop, Arthur hasn't showed up in fookin' days" John protested with a shrug along with a shit eating grin that Aurora knew was purposely placed in order to irritate Tommy.

Three days to be exact. Three days since Arthur had accidentally killed a boy, three days since he had shut himself from the world and refused to leave his house as he drove himself further into his own misery. Aurora had tried countless times to help him but all he wanted to do was drink and stare into the fire until he passed out. Arthur's mind had become lost yet his body remained there in the house filled with regrets and guilt. He wouldn't listen to a word anyone said including Aurora leaving her to come to the conclusion that the only thing to be done was for Arthur to help himself.

"Fuck sake John" Tommy muttered with a sigh knowing his and Aurora's morning was sadly coming to an end.
"I'll be right there John, just let me get dressed" Aurora nodded with a smile gesturing for him to leave so Tommy could finally release her from his hold and she could get Katie to school on time.
"Thanks Ror! I owe you one!" John chirped backing out the door and closing it behind him.
Letting out another laugh Aurora looked up at Tommy and patting his shoulder she rested her hand there for a moment before gently pushing him away.
"Sorry love, fun's over" Aurora smiled sympathetically before quickly kissing Tommy on the lips and scrambling out of the bed with a loud yawn.
"It could always resume at the office" Tommy smirked still sat on the bed as he lit his morning cigarette and allowed the smoke to be inhaled into his lungs. The first cigarette was always the best, none of the others throughout the day could compare.
"I can't, I 'ave to pick up me dress for tonight's celebrations and you 'ave a meeting with Polly" Aurora pointed out opening up her wardrobe and running her hands along her dresses as she tried to make a decision on what to wear.

"Meeting with Pol...yeah....can't wait" Tommy dragged out like a child who was being forced to do something they didn't want to do.
Turning her head to look at him Aurora shrugged.
"Think of it this way love, she can only kill you once"
Today would be the day Polly found out the fate of her children. Tommy had pulled apart every resource he could and the results had been less than wanted. Aurora's heart broke for Polly and over the last few days she had all but avoided the woman to stop herself from breaking and spilling out everything she knew. Firstly Tommy had informed Aurora of Polly's daughters death revealing the truth that Polly had been right all along. Her son Michael was alive and well but his Mother, the woman raising him refused to allow Polly access to him and with the boy being under eighteen Polly couldn't do anything but wait. Polly would be angry and upset, rightfully so and as the man who was giving her the bad news Tommy had no choice but feel the full force of Polly's storm. Aurora just hoped Michael would come to Polly after his birthday, Polly deserved to have some happiness, she deserved to have her son back in her life.

"Also I need you to let Lizzie go a little bit earlier today so she can get dressed in time for opening" Aurora smiled, her request seeming more of a polite demand and pulling out a dress she threw it towards Tommy along with a pair of stockings. She would have to wash and dress quickly if she was going to get Katie to school on time.
"I'm the boss mouse, therefore I get to say when she can go" Tommy responded taking Aurora's dress off his knee and laying it out on the bed as he finally got up.
"Hmmm...yeah Tommy, four alright?" Aurora hummed in agreement yet the tone in her voice had him second guessing himself for a moment. The woman was a minx and appeared to be learning a lot from Polly on how to deal with him.
"Four's fine" Tommy found himself agreeing before he could stop himself making Aurora grin in satisfaction.
"What about Arthur? Will he be there?" Aurora asked knowing the answer would most likely be no. Celebrating The Garrisons reopening wasn't something Aurora saw Arthur wanting to do. It wasn't something she wanted to do either but she would go for Tommy.
Coming up behind her Tommy held Aurora's shoulders and kissed the back of her head.
"If Arthur's want to come he will mouse, the decision is his"
Nodding her head in agreement Aurora let out a sigh and closed her eyes, the twisting in her gut telling her that there was more trouble and upset to come.

"Come on Ror, we're going to be late!" Katie exclaimed pulling her Aunt by the hand through the streets of Small Heath.
"Katie there's plenty of time" Aurora giggled allowing herself to be pulled along while trying not to slip on the frost covered floor that came with the winter months.
"I 'ave to meet Lottie by the gates Ror so we can talk 'fore class" Katie responded with a roll of her eyes to which Aurora just shook her head. She used to do the same thing as a child. Her and Peter always met up before school started to share their sweets and discuss what they had done over the weekend even though they spent the majority of it together. It was always Aurora's favourite part of the school day so she understood the importance of it.

"Orright, do you want to go get some sweets then Katie?" Aurora offered pointing towards the sweet shop that rested on the edge of the street.
Squinting Aurora could see the shop was packed with other school kids filling their bags with whatever took their fancy or what they could eat discretely in school without being caught by the teachers.
"Can we?" Katie chirped looking at Aurora who had let go of her hand to riffle through her purse.
"Only if you get me a lolly" Aurora smiled handing over two shillings to Katie as her stomach grumbled. She had skipped breakfast in order to have more time to get her niece to school. Aurora didn't want to be trusted with this task and end up getting the poor girl caned for making her late. Now Aurora was hungry and wanted nothing more than a lolly to satisfy her before she made her way into town.
"Deal" Katie nodded racing off towards the shop while Aurora slowly strolled after her. The shop was filled to the brim and Aurora thought it best she wait outside while Katie squeezed her way through the crowds.

Coming to stand at the side of the door, Aurora wrapped her arms around her mid section and allowed her teeth to chatter. Now that she wasn't moving she was ice cold and wishing she was by the fire at home with her first cup of tea. Retrieving the pocket watch from her coat Aurora glanced down at the time, it was half eight, giving Katie plenty to pick out her sweets, get to school and see her friend.
"Good morning Miss Hayes"
Aurora felt her insides turn to ice as his voice rang through her body making her freeze on the spot, unable to move. She watched how her hand trembled in fright causing the pocket watch to slip from her fingers and bounce off the pavement with a thud.
"You ought to be careful, to break something of such value would be a pity" He scolded lightly, his breath tickling her left ear. He was so close, she could feel the heat seeping from his skin and into her own allowing a wave of displeasure to soak her bones.
Not wanting to turn in his direction, Aurora shook her head and slowly bent her knees in order to retrieve the pocket watch. Taking a deep breath she stilled for a moment before quickly putting the watch back in her coat pocket and standing.
"Not talking today are we Miss Hayes"
Aurora couldn't quite understand how a few simple words could cause her to feel threatened.
What would happen if she didn't speak? Tommy told her not to but he wasn't here and she was panicking.
"Good morning Mr Campbell, Sir" Aurora forced out turning to take a glance at him with the smallest of smiles.
"Ah so there is a tongue in there after all" Campbell jested looking at Aurora as if she were some prized deer resting in a field, unaware that she was being hunted. Letting out an awkward laugh at his attempt to joke Aurora looked into the shop window and saw Katie waiting in line. Only a few more minutes and Aurora could escape from him.
"What are you doin' 'ere Mr Campbell?" Aurora asked lifting her head high. She would show this man that she wasn't just someone he could prey on, someone he could manipulate.
"Every man has a sweet tooth, does he not?"
That smile, it made Aurora feel sick. To everyone around them it was the charming smile of a gentleman but Aurora saw right through it and didn't like what she saw on the other side.
"Yes Tommy loves vanilla cake smothered in chocolate butter icing and coated with chocolate crumbs"  Aurora replied innocently while empathising Tommy's name.
"How is that fella of yours?" Campbell questioned just as Katie was exiting the shop with a bag of sweets in her hand and a smile on her face.
"Tommy's the picture of health. Come on Katie you don't want to be late. Goodbye sir" Aurora rushed out taking Katie by the arm and hurrying her along without giving Campbell a second glance.

The office building was quiet just how Tommy preferred it to be. The silence was welcoming and he felt a small weight come off his shoulders. He would have to deal with Polly soon but for now Tommy would soak in the peace and wait for it to be destroyed.
Walking up the stairs Tommy made his way to his office, already craving that glass of whiskey and a cigarette whilst he fussed over countless papers and war. Through the glass of the doors he saw Lizzie already working at her desk, typing away on the new typewriter he had gotten her as a gift. Tommy had to admit it, Lizzie was a good work and tried her hardest to make sure everything was perfect. He was thankful for her. His mouse had been right, this opportunity had been the making of Lizzie and if she continued to work how she did then she would rise alongside them.

"Morning Lizzie, Polly here yet?" Tommy questioned as he opened the doors, startling the raven hair woman and letting out a yelp Lizzie jumped up in her seat.
"Morning Tommy and no not yet" Lizzie smiled shaking her head as she threw him a quick glance.
"Right, I'll be in the office. Oh and Lizzie you finish at four today, the mouse has given her orders" Tommy muttered walking through the room and opening the door to the main office.
"Tommy! A letter came today, I've put it on your desk. It's from America" Lizzie called out pausing in her work to look at him in question.
"America huh? Interesting" He hummed finally stepping into his office and closing the door behind him.
Tommy was intrigued, he wasn't expecting a letter from across the pond. He had no business with the Americans, not yet.
Throwing down his briefcase down on his desk he poured himself a drink and picked up the envelope. Sitting down Tommy drained the contents of his glass and threw the envelope away with a frustrated sigh. He had recognised the handwriting right away, it was small and elegant. Tommy could see her now, her brows furrowed in concentration and her bottom lip pouted as she thought deeply about her words.
Grabbing the whiskey bottle that rested on his desk, Tommy threw his head back and closed his eyes. Now he could hear her, her lovely voice whispering in his ear, his name rolling off her tongue with a gentle purr.
"Are you not going to open it Tommy?"
"No Grace, all that needed to be said was said. You're in the past, she's not, she's here with me" Tommy grumbled hearing another voice appear beside him, the smell of sweet fruits invading his senses.
"M'always 'ere Tommy"
"That you are mouse" Tommy smirked lifting his bottle in the air and finally opening his eyes to see there was no one there but him.

Aurora had successfully made it to school on time with Katie and after making sure she was inside the gates safe, Aurora had ran for a taxi and made her way into town. Now as she wondered up to the dress shop, her lolly resting in her mouth she couldn't help but constantly look over her shoulder. Surely Campbell wouldn't have followed her here, he didn't know where Aurora was going yet a part of her was terrified that he always knew where she would be. Every alleyway Aurora came across, she expected him to appear and drag her into the dark.

Only once her hand touched the door to the dress shop did Aurora let out the breath she had been holding. Stepping inside Aurora placed a large smile on her face and waved towards Emma who was behind the counter. Emma was her favourite dress maker and Aurora trusted no one but her to complete her orders especially her dress for The Garrison reopening.
"Morning Emma" Aurora chirped coming to rest her hands on the counter and slapping it excitedly.
"Excited Aurora?" Emma giggled as she bend down to retrieve a large white box containing Aurora's dress. Tied around the box was a deep red ribbon, the same colour as the beautiful garment inside.
"Yes, I've missed The Garrison. It feels like forever has passed since I was last in there" Aurora sighed with a laugh, her hand reaching out to gently play with the ribbon.
"Oh it's goin' to be such a great night, especially once Mr Shelby sees you in this" Emma winked tapping the box, her eyes lit up in mischief.
"Tommy is helpin' host so he'll 'ave to wait until later tonight to admire it up close" Aurora smirked, her face flushing as she imagined Tommy's intense stare resting upon her form, ravishing her without a single touch.

"Have you no shame?!" A shrill voice cried out from behind Aurora and turning around she saw two women stood a few feet away from her but the glare coming from the smallest woman was enough to take out a whole army.
It was plain to see that the poor woman was going through troubling times. Her clumped up hair was twisted in a wild knotted bun, her face was ashen and her eyes were bloodshot red. She had either been crying or had no sleep, perhaps both. From the tears gathering in the woman's eyes Aurora knew she had done something wrong.
"M'sorry, are you orright?" Aurora whispered meekly, flinching as the woman's face twisted in absolute fury.
"Am I alright?! My baby is resting in a morgue, I will never see his beautiful eyes again and you're here laughing after what you monsters did to him. Why did you take my only boy?!" The woman wept watching Aurora's face drop in horror as she realised who the woman was. It was Mrs Ross, the mother of the child Arthur had killed only three days ago.
"I am so sorry for your loss..I...didn't...." Aurora stuttered out, choking over her words as tears gathered in her eyes.
"Is that all you've got to say? You're sorry? Sorry won't bring him back? Sorry won't make that man suffer for what he did!"
Mrs Ross looked ready to attack and if it hadn't been for her companion holding her Aurora imagined she would have done it already.
"Arthur...he....and....I..oh god I'm sorry" Aurora whimpered wanting the earth to swallow her up and be done with her.
Yanking her arm away from her companion Mrs Ross took slow steady steps towards Aurora until their faces were mere inches apart.
"You all need to be put down like the wild horrid dogs you are"
And with that Mrs Ross leaned back and proceeded to spit in Aurora's face who gasped in horror. Letting the first few tears escape Aurora lifted her hand and wiped away the spit with a sob. She wouldn't retaliate, she deserved every single piece of Mrs Ross's fury.
"M'sorry...please excuse me"
Leaving the box on the counter Aurora stepped around Mrs Ross and staring down at the floor in shame she quickly made her way out the shop.
"You will all burn in hell!" She heard Mrs Ross screech from behind her causing Aurora to sob more as the people around her stopped and stared.

Aurora was now sat at home in bed. Her face had been washed and she'd finished crying but Aurora was still sad. She hadn't killed the boy but the guilt she felt whilst Mrs Ross was looking at her threatened to tear her apart. Aurora might not have murdered him but the family did save Arthur from hanging by covering the killing up and Aurora would do so again if she had too. She hated what had happened nevertheless family always came first. Her reasoning didn't stop the image of the boys battered face and his heartbroken Mother from leaving her mind.

"Knock knock" Aurora heard Lizzie call out from behind the bedroom door.
How long had Aurora been sat on the bed?
Surely it wasn't after four but glancing around Aurora saw that the room was starting to grow dark. With winter coming in quickly daylight was now becoming shorter and shorter with each passing day.
"Come in Lizzie" Aurora called out with a yawn and watching the door open she saw Lizzie stood there with a sympathetic smile on her face holding two boxes, one which appeared to be Aurora's. She recognised the red ribbon and inwardly flinched.
"You forgot something" Lizzie pointed out lifting the boxes up in order to present them.
"How did you?" Aurora asked in confusion wondering how Lizzie had her dress.
"Well when I went to pick me dress up Emma told me an interesting story about a grieving Mother spitting in your face before you left the shop without your dress. Rora did she really spit on you?" Lizzie exclaimed looking disgusted as she examined Aurora's face.
"God Lizzie! I fucking washed it off but yeah she spat in my face" Aurora shrugged with a sigh "I deserved it anyway"
"Aurora! You didn't kill her kid, you didn't do anythin' to her! She can't just spit in your face because you're a Shelby!"
Coming over to the bed Lizzie placed the boxes down before climbing in next to Aurora and bringing Aurora's head to rest on her shoulder.
"M'not a Shelby liz" Aurora muttered causing Lizzie to scoff harshly.
"Only by name but it will 'appen soon. Tommy is as smitten as a kitten"
Both women fell into a fit of giggles like two teenage girls, their heads bouncing off the wall as they did so.

"What would I do without you Lizzie?" Aurora asked, wiping away her tears of laughter.
"Let some woman spit in your face" Lizzie humoured, clicking her tongue as she turned her head to look at Aurora, her eyebrows raised.
"Orright! Orright! It's not bloody funny, I've never been spat at before" Aurora groaned allowing her smile to break through.
"You'll survive Rora, now come on its time to get dressed" Lizzie ordered clapping her hands and grabbing Aurora's dress back.
"I don't think m'going, it doesn't feel right now" Aurora confessed looking anywhere but the box Lizzie was holding.
"Oh fuck off Aurora! You're goin' and we're goin' to sing and dance and fuckin' drink. Rora you've been waiting for this day and it's here, at least come along and if you're not havin' fun then I'll bring you home" Lizzie reassured Aurora already knowing that once her friend got to The Garrison she wouldn't want to leave.
"Ok I'll come" Aurora nodded releasing a deep breath knowing there was no point in arguing.
Tonight wasn't just about The Garrison, it was about supporting family and Aurora needed to be there for her family but most of all Aurora just wanted to be with Tommy. She wanted to see his smile, the smile that told her she was safe and everything was fine.

Looking around The Garrison Tommy grinned in pride. Everything was ready. The night would be perfect. Shrugging off his coat he watched the letter he had been avoiding all day slip out his pocket and land softly on the ground. He could feel it staring at him, haunting him and suddenly she was there once again.
"Are you not going to open it Tommy?"

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