Dinosaur Train Evolution (COM...

By Evastarunit73

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Some heroes fight with strength and power but this team fights with hope in this story buddy and his team hav... More

buddy grows up
shiny's hope
desert prowlers
king of the sea
gilbert the substitute/shiny's sercret
valkyrie awakens
buddy's mentor
the plan
tree of elements part 1
tree of elements part 2: the path
tree of elements part 3:buddy awakens
tree of elements part 4: buddy vs. valkyrie
dealing with winter
the winter tyrannosaur
the super croc
the phoenix rises
elemental festival
a master fisher
still the best babysitter ever
runaway train!
predator X strikes
hyper hybrid rage!
old rivals
the bet part 1
the bet part 2: game on
Vacation Part 1
Vacation Part 2: Kauai
Vacation Part 3: Night Of The Were-Raptor
Vacation Part 4: Family Tension
Vacation Part 5: Our Bond
Vacation Part 6: The Spy
Fitting In
A False Phoenix
Wings Of Hope Part 1
Wings Of Hope Part 2: Redemption, At Last.
A Father's Dilemma (Epilogue)

father and son

197 6 19
By Evastarunit73

15 years ago

mr. And mrs. Pteranodon were looking at their newborn children one just happened to be a tyrannosaurus rex they named "buddy" the pteranodon couple were concerned on whether or not they should keep him

"what do we do?" mrs. Pteranodon asked her husband

"im not sure" mr. Pteranodon replied

"but hon he is a t rex" mrs. Pteranodon said

"but you wanted to save him" mr. Pteranodon said

"yes i did but i didn't expect him to be a t rex im not sure if we should keep him" mrs. Pteranodon said

Mr. Pteranodon knew what a t rex was capable of it could crush bones and it is very aggressive but he had a second thought in his mind

"hon we cant just let him die just because he's a t rex" mr. Pteranodon said

"i know but what if he gets bigger? You know as t rexes grow they become more aggressive what makes you think he wont go for us?" mrs. Pteranodon asked

"you're overreacting hon" mr. Pteranodon

"i should be overreacting if he grows up he will eat meat and most t rexes like live prey" mrs. Pteranodon said

"i believe we could teach him to eat fish instead he is a carnivore after all and please hon he is just a child it doesn't matter if he's a t rex or a pteranodon what matters is we take care of him" mr. Pteranodon said

"you're right hon" mrs. Pteranodon said as she kissed her husband on the cheek

"now lets try to take care of him in anyway we can" mr. Pteranodon said as their tyrannosaurus child started crying

Mrs. Pteranodon had very motherly instincts so the first thing she did when she heard her child cry is she flew over to him to calm him down

"i think he needs to eat i'll go get fish while you calm him down" mr. Pteranodon said

"okay" mrs. Pteranodon said as her husband flew off to find fish for his child


Buddy was still crying while his siblings were not mrs. Pteranodon held buddy in her hands and tries to calm him down

"its okay sweetie your dad's gonna be back any second now" mrs. Pteranodon said as mr. Pteranodon came back with a giant fish

"what took you so long?" mrs. Pteranodon said still holding buddy

"this one gave me a real challenge it really wanted to get away but i managed to catch it" mr. Pteranodon said as he gave the fish to their child

Buddy stared at the fish he didn't know what it was or where it came from he couldn't walk either so he just sat there staring at it

"come on buddy look at me just do it like this" mr. Pteranodon said as he ate part of the fish he caught buddy started doing the same and ate the fish

The other pteranodon kids ate the fish as well

"see i told you t rexes can eat fish" mr. Pteranodon said as he put his arm on his wife's shoulder

"even if he does grow up we'll always be there for him" mr. Pteranodon said

Mrs. Pteranodon nodded

"dont worry my son i wont let anything happen to you" mr. Pteranodon thought as he nuzzled his son


The sun rose again on pteranodon terrace as the animals woke up buddy roared again to wake up his family but his father was in a very deep sleep

"what should we do?" don asked

"maybe we should just let him sleep for a bit he'll wake up eventually" mrs. Pteranodon said

The others fish while buddy stayed to watch over his dad when the team finally came back they brought a giant fish for their dad to eat

"okay kids eat up" mrs. Pteranodon said as he children ate their breakfast

"hey mom can we go on the dinosaur train?" tiny asked

"sure! But im coming with you guys but where are you going?" mrs pteranodon asked

"the big pond they said the predator that was attacking left" tiny said

"okay then lets go" don said as they flew but they stopped since they notice buddy wasn't moving

"uh buddy you coming?" shiny asked

"nope you guys can go im gonna stay here and watch over dad" buddy said

"okay then" shiny said as she and the others flew to the station


Mrs. Pteranodon tiny shiny and don arrived at the station where the train was already there

"all aboard!" mr. Conductor shouted as the pteranodons got on the train

Mr. Conductor started counting the passengers and was surprised when two members of the pteranodon family weren't there

"hmm... Is it just me or is buddy not here?" mr. Conductor asked

"oh buddy decided to stay at home cause my husband was sleeping" mrs. Pteranodon said

"oh will thats certainly different usually its shiny and don who stay at home with their dad but hey if it gets them to bond with each other thats fine" mr. Conductor said

"i think they'll be alright since my husband has a soft spot for buddy ever since he was an infant" mrs. Pteranodon said

"TIME TUNNEL! TIME TUNNEL APPROACHING!" mr. Conductor shouted as the train went through the tunnel


buddy was just sitting near the nest biting his stick and then he heard his dad snort

"huh? No no i didn't eat that it was larry" mr. Pteranodon said as he sleeping

"uh dad?" buddy said as he shook his father

"huh? What?! Good morning team!" mr pteranodon shouted but there was nobody there but buddy

"wait where is everybody?" mr. Pteranodon asked

"they went to the big pond but i decided to stay here to make sure you're safe" buddy replied

"i am really lucky to have a son like you aren't i?" mr. Pteranodon asked

"hehe thanks dad" buddy giggled

"so what now?" buddy asked

"well since both of us have nothing to do why dont we bond with each other" mr. Pteranodon suggetsed

"thats a great idea!" buddy said

"but first......" mr. Pteranodon looked around

"ah ha! First i need to eat" mr. Pteranodon said as he ate the fish the others left for him

"okay then now we can go" mr. Pteranodon said

Buddy smiled as they walked through the trees

"hey buddy?" mr. Pteranodon asked

"yeah?" buddy asked

"what will happen once you grow up into an adult? I mean you only have a few more years till you're fully grown" mr. Pteranodon said

"and you did say you wanted to join the t rex migration when you were little" mr. Pteranodon said as buddy stopped walking

Buddy sighed

"dad listen" buddy said

"i've been thinking a lot recently about the t rex migration and well..." buddy trailed off

"so what do you think?" mr. Pteranodon asked

"i regret saying i want to join it" buddy said as his father was shocked he had always wanted to join the rex migration but now he regrets it?

"but you said you always wanted to join it" mr. Pteranodon said

"yes i did but the only reason i actually wanted to join is because i wanted to be with my species but i recently regretted saying that" buddy said

"why so?" mr. Pteranodon asked

"i love my family more you were the ones who protected me cared for me and loved me i dont want to be out there with a bunch of rexes i dont know i want to be here where i live with my family" buddy smiled

A single tear left mr. Pteranodon's eye as he was happy he wasn't going to loose his son

"thank goodness" mr. Pteranodon said as buddy wiped the tear of his father's cheek


The pteranodons were having a great time in the big pond and they were playing games but tiny was a little bit concerned

"tiny are you okay? You haven't eaten your fish" mrs. Pteranodon said

"im just nervous" tiny said

"about what?" mrs. Pteranodon asked

"maybe buddy's primal instincts may come back again and who knows now he has fire powers he may end up burning our entire home" tiny said

"tiny listen to me dont ever think that buddy will do that he can contain his primal instincts he only uses them in fighting and he will never turn on his loved ones" mrs. Pteranodon said

"but what if he does?" tiny asked

"he wont i know it" mrs. Pteranodon said

"but how mom?" tiny asked

"cause i doubted him before" mrs. Pteranodon said as tiny was confused

"what do you mean by that mom?" tiny asked

Her mother sighed

"you see when buddy hatched i was afraid when he grew up he would just kill us all but look at him now he is kind and gentle he will never turn on what he loves and that is his family i believe in him and you should too" mrs. Pteranodon said

Tiny smiled

"thanks mom" tiny said

"anytime sweetie" mrs. Pteranodon said as she hugged her daughter


Buddy and his dad were walking on the beach

"dad can i ask you something?" buddy asked

"sure" his father replied

"how did you meet mom?" buddy asked

"that is something i wanted to tell you for a long time now buddy" mr. Pteranodon said as he explained to buddy


Mr. Pteranodon or martin was young he was in his early 20s he really loved racing so much so he even got into a race himself he was just walking on the beach of pteranodon terrace and then while he was walking he looked at the sunset

What he didn't noticed was another pteranodon was there so he bumped into her

"hey watch where you're going!" the girl said

"oh i am sorry here let me help you" martin said as he help the girl get up

"please next time try to look before you walk alright?" the girl asked

"im really sorry i just like watching the sunset its very beautiful" martin said

"it is isn't it?" the girl asked

"oh um whats your name?" martin asked

"my name is linda and you?" the girl asked

"its martin" martin replied

"okay then martin nice to meet you" linda said as the sun went down

"linda sweetie are you there?" a voice said

"who was that?" martin asked

"that was my mom sorry i really shouldn't be talking to strangers" linda said as she was about to leave

"well we can be friends right?" martin asked

"hmm.... Sure but i need to ask my parents first" linda said

"okay then bye linda" martin said as he flew away


"so did her parents take it well or?" buddy asked

"at first they didn't like me especially her dad he really didn't want her daughter to be dating a boy at her age" mr. Pteranodon said

"well yeah i mean if i was him i probably wont let my daughter date a guy that quick" buddy said

"but saying that shiny does have a relationship with gilbert although i'll allow it she really cares for him"mr. Pteranodon said

"so how did your relationship with her go?" buddy asked

"well like a lot of couples we started out as friends you know? And she was probably my only friend who was a girl at the time cause all my friends were boys and believe me the ones who were pteranodons were mostly a bunch of jerks" mr. Pteranodon said

"well mom did tell me that a lot of male pteranodons are like that but im lucky you didn't turn out like that" buddy said

"yeah my parents always thought me to be helpful and not disrespectful" mr. Pteranodon said

"hmm.... Seems like i didn't only get my attitude from my birth parent but from my adopted parent as well" buddy said

His father smiled

"so when did you propose to her?" buddy asked

"around the time when i quit being a racer i already had 10 trophies under my belt and i really didn't want to continue my career any further than that" mr. Pteranodon said

"so thats why they call you the wing king" buddy said

"yep they dont call me the wing king for nothin' back then i was the top of the game even when i was a rookie" mr. Pteranodon said

"so what really made you quit? Racers dont just quit for no reason other than some of them are forced to retire" buddy said

"it was your mother yes i did love racing but i loved her more so i quit i wanted to be with her for the rest of my life" mr. Pteranodon

"so what happened next?" buddy asked

"we were on our way back home after my last race and during that time i sang to her and played my guitar and after all of that when we finally arrived back home her parents were there and i already had this planned out in my head so i did it" mr. Pteranodon asked


"hey mom hey dad" linda said as she hugged her parents

"okay martin you only have one chance at this dont blow it" martin thought as he put his hand on linda's hand

"martin what are you....?" linda trailed off as martin kneeled down.

"will you marry me?" he asked

Linda was overwhelmed by this she didn't know what to do

Her father came to her

she looked at him

"hey its your choice not mine" her father said

Linda smiled

"i will marry you" linda said as martin was so happy he laughed so much


"i was probably the happiest pteranodon that night" mr. Pteranodon

"yeah" buddy said

"but what happened when she got pregnant?" buddy asked

"well as you know i was quite happy cause when i was your age i already wanted to be a dad so i was excited" mr. Pteranodon said

"but what did you think when i hatched?" buddy asked

"when you hatched it was the best day of my life i always wanted to have a son named buddy and i always promised to protect and care for my son" mr. Pteranodon said

Buddy had never felt like this before tears rolled down his cheeks and he lowered his head near his father

And then he hugged him

"i love you dad" buddy said with tears still rolling down his cheeks

"im proud to call you my son" mr. Pteranodon said as he hugged his son

The train whistle was heard as the two of them let go of each other and ran to the nest waiting for them they hid in one of the big bushes there and waited

Mrs. Pteranodon tiny shiny and don came but saw nobody

"where are they?" shiny asked.

"mom you dont think that buddy actually..." tiny trailed off

"he would never do that" mrs. Pteranodon said as they heard growling

"wh-who's there?" don asked and then

"WELCOME HOME!" buddy and mr. Pteranodon come out of the bushes making the others jump in surprise

"BUDDY SERIOUSLY?!" shiny shouted

"hey dont look at me it was dad's idea" buddy said

"what do you mean? I dont know what you're talking about" mr. Pteranodon giggled

"so how were you two?" tiny asked

"well let me tell you guys" buddy said as he told them everything


author's notes: another chapter boi! And instead of introducing a new character or making a new action chapter i wanted to step back a bit and focus on buddy's relationship with his dad and i also wanted to touch upon his dad's past so yeah


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