Chris Evans: One Shots

By sognatoresempre

2.2K 42 38

One shot drabbles about our fave actor, Chris Evans. Trying this out to keep my writing from getting rusty... More

Under the Rain
Deck the Halls (A Chris and Tiffany Oneshot)
Corruption (Part 1)
Corruption (Part 2)

Comic Con And Foster Home

1K 21 24
By sognatoresempre

The crowd at the Marvel panel for the Midwest ACE Comic Con is dwindling down. It is almost 7 in the evening and Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie have yet to take a break since they started the interviews early in the afternoon. They have gone on to sign autographs immediately after and are now having pictures taken with fans.

Needless to say, the three Marvel hunks are still all smiles regardless of how long their afternoon has been. They give in to every pose request of the adoring public.

Since the crowd has already thinned out, conversations at the end of the line can be heard from where the pictures are being taken. A group of five children, a labrador and a woman, in her thirties, in scrubs and a trench coat, is having a rather animated exchange with a comic con staff.

Although Chris is currently occupied with his photograph being taken, he couldn't help but look in the direction of the conversation.

"Please sir, we have bought tickets and the actors are clearly still here. Won't you let the kids have their picture taken with them?" The woman's green eyes look exhausted but filled with pleading, nonetheless. Her hair was in such a messy bun, some hair strands limping loosely about her cheeks.

"But you weren't here at 6:30. The rules clearly said lines close at 6:30." The lanky staff in black shirt won't budge. He even sounds irritated.

"I know, sir. But I got tied up with assisting a surgery that took hours. I know it's not an excuse either but just this once, please. The kids may not have another opportunity like this one again. Please."

Chis doesn't know why, but there's something about the woman's tone that struck his heart. It makes the ache even worse as he stares at the children, all looking heartbroken. He studies them carefully as he excuses himself from the picture-taking.

The oldest child, a girl with Asian features, looks no older than 10. Another girl, with red hair and freckles, seems like she's only 7. The rest of the group are boys. One, who has Latin American features, looks like he is no older than 10 either. The other one, an African-American kid who happens to have the same hair as Mackie and the youngest one, who looks like he just turned 4. This young one has blonde hair and was sporting a one-of-a-kind Captain America shirt. It would seem like he had painted the shield on the shirt, himself.

"That's unfortunate, isn't it?" is all the staff would say.

The blonde boy is about to cry, but the woman, takes a knee to comfort him. "Come now, Bryce. Don't cry. I guess I will just have to save some money so we could come next time. And next time, I promise to take the entire day off."

She carries the kid in her arms as the other children start to turn away from the photoshoot area. The last batch of fans are already having their pictures taken with the Winter Soldier and the Falcon. On the other hand, Captain America, in plaid and Boston cap, approaches the comic con employee and whispers something in his ear, to which the latter answers with jarring.

"Excuse me!" Chris mutters loud enough so that the group walking away could hear him.

But none of them would turn around. They are still heading for the exit of the hall. There's only one thing to be done, he thought. He sprints to where the group is.

"Excuse me, Miss... and Miss' kids!" Again, his voice is loud yet delightful.

As if on cue, everyone Chris is calling out to turns to face him. When they realize who it is that's sprinting after them, all their faces spell astonishment.

"I'm sorry. That guy manning the venue is being an..." Chris pauses as he struggles to find a word that would replace 'ass'. After all, 85% of those listening to him speak are children. "is being difficult. Yes. He's being difficult."

The woman gulps in air. Now that Chris could see her much closer, there's something about her features that captivates even if she's wearing exhaustion all across her face.

"He was just doing his job," she says honestly.

"Yes he probably is. But that doesn't mean we couldn't extend a little benevolence to children who merely want a photograph or two." The smile on Chris' face is as genuine as the puzzlement in Bryce's face.

"But what is ben-lence, Mr. Steve Rogers?" the kid inquires.

The woman carrying the boy shakes her head, perhaps of embarrassment or of the randomness of the question... Or both.

"It's kindness," she and Chris mutter in unison. They stare at each other for a while.

He clears his throat. "Anyway, we always have the time to take a picture with all of you. That is if you're still up for it?" His teethy smile is so saccharine it could give anyone seeing it a toothache.

The woman doesn't have to answer because now, all the five children, with their labrador, shriek and bark in agreement. "YES!"

"Let's get you ready, then." He holds two children on his either side as the woman tries to keep pace. He gives her a side glance. "I'm Chris, by the way."

"What American wouldn't know who you are," she says nonchalantly until she realizes, after a good few seconds what his introduction implies. She slaps her mouth with her free hand. "I'm sorry. I'm Rylee." After, she introduces the kids. "This is Bryce, Rhada, Allie, Mateo, and Adrian. And this big fluffy boy here is Hood."

"Nice to meet all your acquaintances," he mutters. They walked straight to the pictorial area just as the last batch are saying their thank yous and goodbyes to Anthony and Sebastian. "We've got one last group before we call it a day." Chris mentions to the two.

When they see the bunch of kids, his co-actors instantly burst into wide smiles. "What a lovely bunch we have here!" Mackie exclaims.

A member of the comic con staff approaches. "We do have to see your tickets."

"Oh yeah," Rylee searches her tote bag and brings out six tickets. "Here, miss."

"You may have a solo picture each and one group picture if you wish or any seven pictures of whatever it is you like to do," the employee says.

"It's the last batch. I think we can do a few more for them," Chris tells the staff.

"Oh no," Rylee butts in. "We don't wanna impose. We'll take the seven pics. I'll waive my solo so they could have two group pictures, if that's alright?"

The staff nods but then mouths 'Whatever' while rolling her eyes, then moving out of the way.

Rylee can sense her standoffishness but doesn't take it against her. She understands the service world completely. The staff may have had a long day and just craves for a good night's rest. Heck, that's what she wants right about now if only she doesn't care so much about these kids.

"Are you sure you wouldn't want a photo?" Chris asks.

"She's a DC fan," Rhada, the Asian-looking girl comments.

"Oh!" Seb chuckles. "We have a rival in our midst." Chris elbows him to shut him up. He seems almost disconcerted by his friend's remark.

"Better a rival than an enemy," Rylee answers smiling.

It's Anthony's and Chris' turn to chuckle. "Oh that is cold," the Falcon actor whistles.

As if to remind everyone why they're there, the photographer speaks. "Are you guys ready?"

All the children, except for Bryce, take off their jackets. The three actors are gobsmacked seeing that everyone's actually wearing customized Marvel shirts. Just like Bryce's, it seems that it was the children themselves who painted what they're wearing.

The prints aren't a hundred percent clean but they're decent enough to be worn outside the house.

"Did you guys do all those?" Chris asks.

"They did. Their plan was to have it signed if we only arrived earlier."

Bryce tugs at Chris' shirt. "Captain, can you please sign mine after taking the picture?"

Rylee's emerald eyes turn as huge as the full moon. "Sweetheart! What do we always say? Do not abuse someone's..."

"Ben-lence," the blonde boy finishes her statement. The sadness in his eyes cannot be mistaken. "I'm sorry."

She strides towards the child and tucks his hair 'neath his ears. She tries not to laugh at his use of the word 'benevolence.' Chris, on the other hand, is beaming from ear to ear. What kid is such a quick learner? Replacing kindness with a word he just learned a few minutes ago.

"Sweetheart, we're here only because we were given a chance. Asking them for an autograph is a bit too much already," she whispers in Bryce's ear.

But the nosy person that he is since the group arrived, Chris is able to hear Rylee's every word. He takes a knee beside her and brushes the boy's arm. "You know your mom's right. We should never abuse people's kindness. But," he glances at Rylee first before continuing as if asking her permission to say what he has to say.

When she nods, he speaks again. "I believe we should reward good people. And I feel in my heart you and your siblings and your mom are good people. Are you a good boy?"

Bryce nods.

"That's settled, then. We'll sign your shirts after we take pictures."

Rylee is still feeling a bit unsure about the signing of autograph but she knows if she did not take an overtime, they would have been able to arrive at the venue on time. So she simply speaks in an almost whisper "Thank you."

As a reply, Chris offers his hand to her to help her up. "No problem. Besides, we might lure you to the Marvel side with the goodness in our hearts," he says in jest.

She snickers at the joke.

"So what pose do you want for the group picture?" He turns to ask the lot.

"With you, the Buddha pose!" Bryce screams in excitement.

The Captain America actor looks in Rylee's direction as if to ask what the boy meant.

She giggles while trying to explain the pose. "We were talking about Buddhism last week, given Radha's cultural background and he came across a picture of Laughing Buddha with 5 children."

She scrolls the screen of her phone and shows the saved image to Chris. "This one."

He starts to laugh hysterically. "Alright. That could be arranged."

The brief photo session has gone by smoothly. There are lots of giggles and banters that by the end of it, even the cranky employees have shifted into a jollier mood. The Marvel actors sign each child's shirts and after, say their goodbyes.

The children and Rylee extend their gratitude before they left the hall. While they're waiting for a cab at the entrance of the building, a big black SUV stops in front of them. When the window to the back is lowered, they see Chris waving his hand at the children.

"Where are you little Buddhas off to?"

"To buy pizza and ice cream to celebrate today. You want to join us?" Mateo answers.

"Mateo..." Rylee remarks embarrassingly.

"We know Ry-Ry. We shouldn't abuse people's kindness. But we are the one being kind here by inviting him to join some celebration." He looks back at Chris. "Don't you think so, Mr. Evans?"

"I think you're right young man," the actor answers. He still has that beaming smile plastered on his face.

"So, do you want to celebrate with us?" The oldest boy inquires again.

The truth is, Chris is intrigued by this group of kids and their rather young mother. No matter how he tries to brush it off, he's drawn to the enigma that is this woman in scrubs.

He pretend-thinks and after a while, nods his head. "I shall take your offer. I would love a good pizza and some ice cream after a long day. That is if Rylee would allow it."

How could she say no to this charming man? Since they met him a while back he has been nothing but a ball of positive sunshine. Couple that with good looks and she's ready to dig her own grave.

She swallows some air. "Alright. Would you like to join us Mr. Chris Evans?"

"I thought you'd never ask." With that, he opens the door to the SUV. "Hop in my little Buddhas."


After buying their food for the mini-celebration, the SUV parks at a modest two-storey house. Mateo and Chris help in carrying the takeaway bags, but before he joins the family, the actor gives a few instructions to the driver. The latter nods and drives off.

Rylee, who's carrying Bryce on one hand, unlocks the front door with a key and one by one, the children walk in. "Welcome to Garrett's Foster Home!" She invites Chris in with a smile.

The actor, however, didn't expect her words of welcome. "You mean... I'm sorry. I thought they were your children."

"No worries," She locks the door behind him. "With the time I'm putting to help take care of them, I might as well be a mother to them."

Somehow, that revelation, makes Chris' mind calmer. "You don't run this foster home?"

"Nah." She places Bryce on the sofa as she takes off her coat and hangs it on the coat rack. She maneuvers to the dining area to prepare the food. Chris follows close behind. "Nana Rosie Garrett runs it. I just help out."

The dining room wall is filled with pictures. Chris guesses they're all of children who stayed in the house at one point in their life. At the far end is a portrait of a middle-aged woman and who seems like a younger Rylee. Both hugging each other while their faces look at the camera.

It has to be said, he is curious and his curiosity got the better of him. "Did you live here, too?" he asks, still staring at the picture.

Her answer is brief. " A lot of times, yes."

Her reply gives Chris the notion she doesn't want to talk about it so he let his nosiness rest.

Rylee calls in the children when the table was set. They say their graces and once the prayer's done, attack the food in front of them. For Chris, it's like being at home with his niece and nephews. The atmosphere is light and fun and childish. Just what he needs after a long day.

Once in a while, he finds himself staring at Rylee. He basks in her patience for the children she did not really give birth to. The way she chats with them as if she's really their mom. He joins in the conversation a lot of times especially when asked about his opinion during ice cream time.

He often hears about the difficulties when it comes to fostering children, but in this home, the kids, although still really young, bear a sense of maturity in them.

After dinner, the children kiss Chris goodnight and goodbye. Rylee walks with him outside as he heads for the waiting SUV.

"How do you guys do it? I mean keeping these children as grounded as possible?" he inquires.

"Well, we're the Vasquez Group Home," Rylee kids.

His forehead furrows. "I don't think I follow. I thought you said you were the Garrett Foster Home."

She laughs. "Oh sorry. Wrong superhero movie from the wrong comic book creator. I meant we're like the Shazam foster kids. We help each other out always."

"Gosh, I should convert you to Marvel," Chris quips.

"You could try, but you would fail. Those kids have been trying for so long now," her emerald hues sparkle under the lit porch.

"I would take that as a challenge. Thank you for a great night, Ms. Rylee..." Without meaning it, he plants a soft kiss on her cheek.

Surprise as she is, she's still able to verbally reply to this man, the only one who has made her heart skip a thousand times per second. "And thank you for giving in to the requests of the little Buddhas, Mr. Chris."

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