Comic Con And Foster Home

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The crowd at the Marvel panel for the Midwest ACE Comic Con is dwindling down. It is almost 7 in the evening and Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie have yet to take a break since they started the interviews early in the afternoon. They have gone on to sign autographs immediately after and are now having pictures taken with fans.

Needless to say, the three Marvel hunks are still all smiles regardless of how long their afternoon has been. They give in to every pose request of the adoring public.

Since the crowd has already thinned out, conversations at the end of the line can be heard from where the pictures are being taken. A group of five children, a labrador and a woman, in her thirties, in scrubs and a trench coat, is having a rather animated exchange with a comic con staff.

Although Chris is currently occupied with his photograph being taken, he couldn't help but look in the direction of the conversation.

"Please sir, we have bought tickets and the actors are clearly still here. Won't you let the kids have their picture taken with them?" The woman's green eyes look exhausted but filled with pleading, nonetheless. Her hair was in such a messy bun, some hair strands limping loosely about her cheeks.

"But you weren't here at 6:30. The rules clearly said lines close at 6:30." The lanky staff in black shirt won't budge. He even sounds irritated.

"I know, sir. But I got tied up with assisting a surgery that took hours. I know it's not an excuse either but just this once, please. The kids may not have another opportunity like this one again. Please."

Chis doesn't know why, but there's something about the woman's tone that struck his heart. It makes the ache even worse as he stares at the children, all looking heartbroken. He studies them carefully as he excuses himself from the picture-taking.

The oldest child, a girl with Asian features, looks no older than 10. Another girl, with red hair and freckles, seems like she's only 7. The rest of the group are boys. One, who has Latin American features, looks like he is no older than 10 either. The other one, an African-American kid who happens to have the same hair as Mackie and the youngest one, who looks like he just turned 4. This young one has blonde hair and was sporting a one-of-a-kind Captain America shirt. It would seem like he had painted the shield on the shirt, himself.

"That's unfortunate, isn't it?" is all the staff would say.

The blonde boy is about to cry, but the woman, takes a knee to comfort him. "Come now, Bryce. Don't cry. I guess I will just have to save some money so we could come next time. And next time, I promise to take the entire day off."

She carries the kid in her arms as the other children start to turn away from the photoshoot area. The last batch of fans are already having their pictures taken with the Winter Soldier and the Falcon. On the other hand, Captain America, in plaid and Boston cap, approaches the comic con employee and whispers something in his ear, to which the latter answers with jarring.

"Excuse me!" Chris mutters loud enough so that the group walking away could hear him.

But none of them would turn around. They are still heading for the exit of the hall. There's only one thing to be done, he thought. He sprints to where the group is.

"Excuse me, Miss... and Miss' kids!" Again, his voice is loud yet delightful.

As if on cue, everyone Chris is calling out to turns to face him. When they realize who it is that's sprinting after them, all their faces spell astonishment.

"I'm sorry. That guy manning the venue is being an..." Chris pauses as he struggles to find a word that would replace 'ass'. After all, 85% of those listening to him speak are children. "is being difficult. Yes. He's being difficult."

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