Lovers: Boarding School Vol...

By Letalis

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[Part 2 of the Lovers: Boarding School series] "If you repeat the past, you'll only repeat its mistakes." Wel... More

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206 20 178
By Letalis

[The song in the video insert = Perfect for this chapter. ^^^THIS SONG ^^^ HOWEVER PERFECTLY DESCRIBES VIOLET'S AND JAMES RELATIONSHIP! IT IS *chef's kiss* YES.]

Gomen'nasai for the late update! I don't know why so many people want my ass this month and I'm truly sorry for failing you guys please forgive me ( ɵ̥̥ ˑ̫ ɵ̥̥)

Okay enough about my flaky ass, let's go swimming!

*WARNING*: underwater smut scene ahead. From what I've read online, having sex in water ain't all that pleasant so please don't take this fictional piece of work as a sex guide! Writers take creative liberty on stuff that would be awkward and unrealistic in RL all the time and this story ain't any different!


*not edited*

"Charlie and Frank, am I right?"

Two male NPCs in a hallway froze at the female voice demanding their attention. With sweat collecting on both of their foreheads, the two NPCs looked behind them and found the current queen of the school, Violet Leigh, smirking at them with her arms crossed over her chest.

"I-It's Chris and Felix," one of the NPCs bravely corrected.

"Does it matter?"

The two NPCs sealed their mouths closed like their fates.

Creeping closer to them, Violet went up the NPCs and made quick work of them.

"You on the left," she said with unabashed cockiness, "go fetch me some Turkish delight from Masters. Before dinner time."

The NPC's eyes bugged out. "But that's two hours away!"

"D-D-Did I stutter?" she challenged, shutting the NPC down. The NPC immediately folded and stared down at his feet.

"And you--" Violet purred as she set her sights on his friend. "Since you're not as mouthy as this one, why don't you do my Gone with the Wind paper for Mr. Reinhart's English class? It's due in two hours."

The NPC on the right gulped and hung his head in silent submission.

The girl with the Cartier earrings smiled as brilliantly as the diamonds she wore. "I'm glad you two understand so quickly," she said, satisfied. "Now scram."

The two NPCs scurried off in different directions, leaving the smug raven-haired witch to herself. By the time the two NPCs had left to complete their assigned errands, the hallway had vastly thinned out, with more and more NPCs escaping or evading the hallway in which Violet strutted down like a tigress prowling for its next easy meal.

Violet's path remained relatively NPC free as she descended down the stairs humming a little tune to herself. Control, respect, and bomb ass sex danced in the palm of her hand and the irresistible power and satisfaction it granted her was intoxicating. Those days where she'd been the butt of everyone's disdain felt so long ago, and she felt like this new Violet, this new her, was a dazzling new skin that was impenetrable and resistant to anything, even death.

That old Violet who suffered and grieved for naught was dead; and now this new Violet was the one who answered the phone.

Her rare elated mood turned a rancid green however when she reached the main landing of those stairs and spotted, in her periphery, a tall and familiar silhouette coming from the opposite direction. He was ascending the stairs, with his leather messenger bag slung over his shoulder and his hand carrying a thin, bone-white book that Violet instantly recognized.

Violet hurled sludge-covered insults at the man in her mind as their paths began to intersect in the landing. Idiot, Scumbag, Shits-for-brains-Idiot-Scumbag--

When they were at their closest, Violet turned away from him, not wanting to be reminded of the odious words of hate that had severed their tenuous relationship. Asshole, Shithead, Creep--

Violet's mental disparaging paused when the man took one step to his right and blocked her way. Annoyed by him and the sight of his pinstripe dress pants and Italian dress shoes, Violet took one step to her left to evade him. But the man stood in her way again, preventing her from escaping him.

A flush of intense anger singed across her face. What the hell does he want?

Gritting her teeth, Violet finally looked up at the man and growled, "What do you--"

But her fierce words and their eye contact were cut short when Violet glanced the strangely calm smile on Gabriel's face. The blazing inferno of her victorious high and fiery rage wilted into a flickering candle flame when a familiar, icy fear breathed down the nape of her neck. Oh god no.

Cautious, Violet kept her eyes on their feet, hiding her alarmed expression by using the thick fringe covering her forehead.

"Ex-Excuse me, Mr. Reinhart," Violet said, hoping the fear lingering in her voice came off as timidness. "I've got to head to--"

The sharp corner of Gabriel's book tilted her chin upwards, catching her off guard. Instantaneously, Violet was petrified, her eyes glued to gently smiling demigod that was galvanizing her reaction with amusement twinkling in his intense emeralds.

"Acting is not your forte, Ms. Leigh," he said, digging the corner of his copy of Oedipus Rex into the triangle of flesh below her chin.

Violet couldn't speak, or breathe, or think; she was a cornered mouse that was staring up at the serpentine eyes of a cat.

Leaning in close to her ear, Gabriel dragged the corner of his book down her body as he spoke.

"Little Bird, Little Bird," he whispered as the book's corner traveled down her throat to the crevice between her breasts. "I could taste the fear off your skin." The corner of the book sliced down her stomach before it hit the thick band of her skirt, stopping there.

Then, as if satisfied by the reaction he got from her, he straightened his posture, smiled at her one more time, and walked right past her like he hadn't noticed her at all. She heard him climb up the stairs afterwards, but she didn't dare look back until his presence felt far, far away.

What was that? she thought, her breathing jump starting again as spritzes of fear-induced adrenaline kicked in. How was she meeting him this way? Didn't Gabriel-Gale say that he had more control over him during the school scenes?

Trembling in her patent black Valentino heels, Violet looked up the stairs and was startled a second time when she saw Gabriel standing at the top of them and smiling down at her with that unassailably serene smile of his.

How did he--

"You don't want to be late for your Geography class, Ms. Leigh," he said in a teasingly friendly before he turned around and went his way.

Violet could feel her knees buckling underneath her. With most creatures, living and virtual, the girl could sense instinctively if something meant her harm or not. But with 'Gabriel' the serial killer, any hint of that intuitive sense of danger was absent, only emerging when she recognized which Gabriel, or what 'Gabriel', was interacting with her. It was terrifying already knowing that 'Gabriel' could brutally kill her at any moment; but what was more terrifying was knowing he could slip under her radar and her defenses so easily.

The once cocky girl who'd hang nooses over necks and send scared gophers to do her bidding was nowhere to be seen.

Although they weren't in a classroom when it happened, 'Mr. Reinhart' taught her a very important lesson; that whatever power she thought she had at the moment was an illusion. 

Just like this game. 


Staring absentmindedly at the black screen of her inactive phone, Violet sat at a poolside bench closest to the edge of a familiar, ten-section athletics pool. In the middle of that pool, in the pool's fifth lane, was James, his lean and limber body gracefully cutting through the chlorinated water like a champion swimmer training for his bid in the Olympics.

As he swam from one end of the pool to the other, rivulets of swaying jewel-toned turquoise danced across the walls to the perfect arcs of his strokes. Underwater pool lights illuminated the water, giving the pool a mesmerizingly otherworldly glow that radiated across the darkened space and enhanced the otherworldly beauty of James' phenomenal form.

It seemed like everything the breathtakingly beautiful James did was beautiful. The way he held himself as he walked down the halls of Amantes with her at his side. The way he handled his chaotic, backbreaking schedule that never allowed him a second to think. The way he defiled her in the filthiest, raunchiest positions when the two of them were alone together. James could do the stupidest thing imaginable and he could make the act into a triple A art form. But as Violet got to know more about her achingly flawless step-brother, the girl didn't think it was only James' looks that made him the graceful swan that she and the world saw him as.

After being with him for quite some time, Violet got to experience firsthand how busy and stressful his schedule truly was. If he wasn't going to classes his prodigal kind didn't necessarily need to attend, he was busy doing student council shit. If he wasn't handling student council shit--which took up the majority of his time--he would be working out and training with his lacrosse team. If he wasn't with his lacrosse team, he would be practicing on his crazy expensive violin. If he wasn't practicing on his violin, he would be going down on her and lavishing her with attention, affection, and gifts that went into the thousands of dollars. If he wasn't doing any of those things, he would be off somewhere at night dealing with shady hive stuff that Violet pretended to be ignorant of.

Between having an official girlfriend and her, and being the leader of two student-run organizations, and being the team captain of a championship-winning lacrosse team, and keeping his rank as the topmost leader in academics, Violet wasn't sure that James had any time to actually sleep. Admittedly, Violet was jealous by how well put together James was, seeing as he could do so much having a full blown mental breakdown. If she were in his shoes for a day, Violet would probably shave her head bald and run out of a window before the lunchtime bell rang.

James wasn't the only one who followed this strict dogma of to-the-minute productiveness. His student council members were equally as busy as he was, organizing paperwork, attending meetings, and traversing across the school like they were fresh-out-of-undergrad interns working in a Fortune 500 company.

Excluding two who were quite unique characters on their own, the student council looked up to James with an intense reverence that bordered on religious fanaticism. One of those ardent James-worshippers was the vice president of the school, Gerard, who always shot Violet a pointed, hateful look whenever the two of them were in the same room. Opposite to Gerard on the James-worshipping spectrum was the student council treasurer, Talis, who would say the most strangest and outlandish things while having the most expressionless, robotic voice she'd ever heard from a NPC.

"Hey, you piece of shit ass munch. I hope you die from choking on your own dick," she'd once heard the tiny, bobbed-hair blonde say directly to James as they were working together in the student council room one time.

"Do you have the balance sheet for this quarter?" James simply said to her without looking away from his own work.

"I have it here you poo-stained ass wipe."

Surprisingly, she and Talis got along very well.

The school's secretary in charge and James' supposed BFF, Neil, was strangely never around, if not at all when Violet was with James. Despite Violet's hold over him, James would refuse to tell her anything about the mysterious, sickly-looking boy whenever the boy's name was pulled up in conversation. Talk of the guy even became a point of contention in a near-fight they had right after James invited her to "swim" with him in the school's pool he'd reserved for the both of them.

"Why won't you tell me anything about Neil?" she had asked him after she grew tired of his vague half-answers that meant little to nothing about her.

"Why do you want to know about him?"

"I told you before, he's your--"

"I'll see you at the pool."


Unsurprisingly, sex didn't solve everything. Posited between their passionate as fuck sexy times together were unsexy moments of tension that stagnated any emotional connection they could develop as a "couple". Giselle was still a stable fixture in his life, refusing to surrender her position as the legitimate lover, and James continued to keep her in the dark, refusing to divulge things about himself or the people close to him. But Violet had mostly herself to blame as she couldn't open up to someone who had a harder time opening himself up to her. There was also a certain someone who occupied a space that she refused James, or anyone else, entry to.

Violet thought that with her short stint as a school tutor over (in due part to James' intervention) and her unhelpful and uneasy relationship with Gabriel finished, she'd have more time and energy put into wooing a guy who was clearly and unremittingly in love with her. But the longer she was with James, and the longer James' LG remained at two solid hearts, the shorter Violet's patience for James' bullshit and swerving became.

Was Gabriel right when he said that it was "no longer possible" to win James over now that she revealed to him this darker, crueler side to herself?

Speaking of Gabriel, Violet thought, her eyes staring through the glass of her brand spanking new phone like it was a soothsayer's crystal ball, why hasn't he texted me yet?

It would be the understatement of the century if someone said Violet was "a little" angry with Gabriel-Gale. Violet was absolutely livid with Gabriel. Not only did he trample over her feelings like a herd of wildebeests trampling over a lion, he went for her jugular when he eviscerated her tacit belief that Gin truly loved her.

Gabriel shouldn't have said what he'd said to her and expect any form of mercy to be returned on her end.

But Violet was...anxious without Gabriel's nagging in her ear. She wouldn't forgive him even if prostrated himself before her and set himself on fire, but she wouldn't "forgive him more" if he'd straight-out abandoned her this far into the game. Violet couldn't say she missed the mean-spirited Frenchie she wanted to head-butt in the groin, but she could admit that it didn't feel the same knowing that every time she logged in, he wasn't there to tell her things she hadn't known before or listen to the stupid RL things she wanted to talk about.

Coward, she called him as if the reflection bouncing off the glass of her phone were his face. He probably pretended to be "Killer Gabriel" in that stairwell earlier to torment her and avoid his duty of making amends to her. Didn't he need her cooperation to win this game? Wasn't she the VCCU's favoured guinea pig?

What was up with that "Little Bird" shit?

Violet dug her knuckles into her cheek as her brows scrunched together in frustration. For someone who was in a "situationship" with one CP, and who longed for another alongside that, she sure was dwelling over a dude who was neither them and not romantically linked to her as of this iteration.

Why hasn't that son of a bitch texted me yet?

The girl almost dropped her phone when her phone flashed and buzzed to life with a text notification.

Is it him?

Violet peeked at the screen of her phone with eyes as wide as a dead fish's. Their roundness deflated considerably when a familiar number and text messaging popped up on her phone's screen.

### ### ####:

"hey vivi! its me jack"

"i want to talk to you about smthg"

"can we meet up sometime?"

Jack. What did this jock, who hadn't talked to her in ages, want from her? And why was he reaching out to her now?

Violet tossed her phone to the side, more annoyed than before she was textless and impatient. She didn't know if it was him texting her as she was with James that reminded her of the horrible things Jack1 claimed James1 did to him, but the complicated emotions that arose when she thought of Jack while she was in the presence of James poured oil to an unstable pyre of undead emotions she'd rather not relive.

Thinking of some way to distract her from James' stagnation, Gabriel's hard-headedness, Jack's abrupt extension of an olive branch, and Gin's chronic absenteeism, Violet left her bench and whistled to James just as he reached the halfway point of his lane.

As she'd predicted, James stopped swimming and buoyed himself over a taut strip of yellow lane rope on command. Warily, he pushed up his goggles from his eyes and watched her stand at the side of the pool wearing a smile that could be read in a number of different ways and mean none of them at the same time.

Piece by piece, Violet undressed herself before James' watchful eyes. She started with the bow at her neck, then her blazer, then her blouse, then her skirt. The wariness etched into James' began to thaw from lust when she stripped down to the skimpy, black mesh lingerie he'd bought for her and her usual pair of coal black knee high stockings. Before long, Violet was free of all her clothing, her eyes telling James what she wanted from him as she sauntered towards the edge of the pool.

Without hesitation, Violet stepped over the edge of the pool and submerged herself into the water with a splash. From the toes up, the water enveloped her body, accepting her where it had once rejected her. She had kept her eyes closed before she'd jumped, listening only to the swirling, gurgling sounds of the water as she let the water lift her up to the surface by her arms.

In no time, Violet broke through the water, her breathing unbothered and her hair slick against her head, face, and neck like a nun's habit. Before she even opened her eyes, a strong set of arms stapled her to the wall behind her while a pair of ravenous, wet lips overlaid themselves over her parted mouth.

Violet smiled against the kiss. Redundant things like language and flirting weren't needed with James. A look, a touch, or a kiss could easily get her message across better than any hint, word, or sound she could make. Perhaps that was why the two of them had sex so often; verbal communication was unnecessary for something that animals could do on pure instinct. And if sex was itself another type of language, then her and James conversed a lot.

Opening her mouth wider to invite his tongue in, Violet grabbed James by the neck with one hand and ripped off his swimming cap with the other. She pulled him in closer, crushing their naked chests together and reveling in the electrifying friction his solid pecs and her soft breasts created when they rubbed up against each other.

The other hard thing that Violet felt rub between her legs drew out shivers and muffled moans from her, and she reached down to his swimsuit to release it in order to give it release. Just as her fingers hooked over the band of his swimsuit, James peppered kisses down her chin and neck before he disappeared under the water.

Violet unlatched her sex-fogged eyes and peered down at his undulating silhouette drifted beneath her.

What is he--

She gasped loudly and covered her mouth with a hand when she felt James' tongue lick up the slit of her throbbing pussy. Underwater. Oh my god.

Having played with it so much to know which buttons made her gush like a geyser, James spread Violet's legs apart and barraged her vulva and clit with his mouth, tongue, and fingers. His tongue worked up to her clit, the tip of his tongue swirling over the swollen bean before descending again to her folds. Violet, grabbing the edge of the pool to keep her afloat, almost screamed when the point of James nose rubbed against her clit, as he was licking up and down between her folds, as he was fingering her with his masterful, violinist fingers.

Unsurprisingly, she didn't last too long under James ministrations and came hard within minutes.

"F-Fuck!" she cried, her breathing ragged and uneven like she had been the one who was holding her breath underneath the water.

James arose from the water soon after, his soaking wet appearance and swelteringly heated gaze orgasm-inducing by themselves. He pinned her to the wall again, plunged himself into her in one smooth movement thereafter, giving her no time to recover from that first mind-blowing orgasm he gave her barely a minute earlier.

The rest was business like usual. James pumped his hardened rod into her nether regions, holding her in place with the one hand holding her under her knee and the other one gripping the edge of the pool to drive himself further into her melting core. As her wanton moans echoed across the pool in tandem to the mounting momentum of his thrusts, Violet clawed wildly at his back and left fresh, angry scratch marks over the healed up ones that she had left behind.

Due to their position and the aqueous nature of their environment, James' fucks were slower and heavier than how he usually gave it to her. She felt more of him as he ravished her, the incredible girth of his dick coupled with the pool water flowing in and out of her devastated pussy generating a novel sensation that had her eyes rolling to the back of her head in euphoria.

When Violet felt the knot below her stomach began to loosen, she clung onto James, sensing the peak to her second climax fast approaching. In response, James went in harder than ever, kissing her and fucking her and loving her to pieces until she fell apart and came from the pure, immeasurable gratification that bleached her mind white and sparked her nerves like fireworks.

Exhausted from the intense ride, Violet rested her boneless body against James, pleased that her little distraction brought a few heavenly seconds of peace.

I love sex with him, she thought, lining her aligning her head and neck onto the wall behind her. He was Novocain and aphrodisiacs wrapped up into one sinfully beautiful thing, and she couldn't get enough of him. He was addictive, or at least his dick was.

James on the other hand wasn't as blithe or at peace as Violet was. "Do you love me?"

Violet's half-lidded eyes opened fully. What is this about?

Before her, James looked deeply pained. Desperation fettered in his eyes, and he waited on her answer like her word was a matter of life and death.

For a tense minute, Violet stared at James, speechless. What was she to do? Should she comfort him with a little white lie?

Maybe I should--


Her mouth snapped closed and her eyes dropped from his. Silently, Violet pushed James away from her and pulled herself out of the pool.

I. Love. You.

She couldn't throw around those three words as recklessly as she had before she met Gin. When Gin died in her arms, he meant every single word that came out of his dying breath. To use them as a convenient lie in this situation would not only be a discretion to his memory, but an insult to him.

Picking up those clothes off the floor, Violet swore to herself that she would only say those words if she truly meant them. Otherwise, in this lifetime or the next, she would never utter those words to anyone ever again.

She heard James leave the pool as she picked up the last article of clothing off the ground. He came up behind her and hugged her from the back just as she was ready to leave and kissed her on the cheek.

"Let's head back to your dorm," he whispered into her ear, his voice empty.

Morbidly curious, Violet looked up at him and found an emotionless slate of a face staring down at the puddles pooling around their feet. That was the thing with James. He could switch from being an emotional mess to a lifeless mannequin at neck-breaking speed. She knew that underneath his icy, controlled exterior of his lived a person who had passions and sentiments that burned hotter than hellfires; but she pretended not to know, like James pretended not to know she didn't "love" him that way.

Subtly, Violet nodded her head and kissed him back on the cheek.

Denial was a scary thing, but being aware of something and doing nothing about it was scarier.


Whoops here's another song that relates to this update:

Here's my apology:

FUCKKKKKK I'M SO SORRY I'M LATE(iДi)I started this month out wanting to update 20 chapters but only put out...3. I'm so fucked ( q  w  q ) Forgive I'm also as disappointed with myself as all y'all are ( '•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥' ) Why did my ass get pulled into video editing too (๑ १д१)

Here's my gratitude:

But thank y'all for your patience and for continual support for this story ( '•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥' ) Do I have the most readers? The most reads? The most votes? Nope. Nope. And NOPE. But what I do have at the moment is a _pool of incredible, devoted readers who motivate me to sit on my ass for hours on end to write the filthiest smut I can write ( ƅ°ਉ°)ƅ I-I mean write the best I can write (p^-^)p I love y'all.

heRe's sOmE *SPOILERS*:

The next update is gonna be one of those //past chapters that @AnyaJavorsky cleverly pointed out are like video game cutscenes xD I don't want to reveal too much about the next update, but...

*PLEASE BE AWARE*: The next update's title is "//pool", and although they technically have the same word in their titles, this "_pool" is not the same as "//pool".

"_pool" is a DIFFERENT chapter to "//pool"! 

That is all for my PSA.

Here's me saying bye:

The world can be unpredictable and scary sometimes, so remember to be kind to yourself and to the people who really need it. Stay safe everyone <3

Here's me:


[PREVIEW: "Would you cry if I died?"]

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