Songs Of War - What if everyo...

By Nalla_Kaltaris

30.3K 722 255

This is crack and is not to be treated seriously During the Season 3 Commentary, David mentioned that Senn w... More

The History Of Ardonia
On Mount Velgrin
The Basalt Mines
In Underwood
The Dragon Stone
Crown Peak
A Common Enemy
The Journey Ahead
Mount Tempest
Attack On Sendaria
The Start Of A New Journey
Battle Of The Tree Fort
Different From The Rest
Tabora Crags
For Felden
Going Into Battle
Four Ardoni Clans VS Voltaris
The Truth Behind The Legend
The Deathsinger
Do You Have Any Lava?
An Old Friend
Leaving Ataraxia
The Knights Of Ardonia
I Made This For You
The Unyielding Legion
Fort Zuka
The Vault
Dark Niika
The Conflict Between Cydonia And K'arthen
Dominus Voltaris
The Tidesinger
The Stress
The Enderqueen
The Alliance
The Chronicler And Necromancers
The Enderknights
Igneous VS Malakai
The Battle Of Felora
The End ( Part One )
The End ( Part Two )
The Tidesinger's Songs
Battle Of Crown Peak
Another Alliance
The Nether
In The Shadows
Preparing For Battle
Battle Of Meridian
Where We Have Come
The Story Of A King
The Balance
The Shrouded Islands
The Boat On The Ocean
The Last Prime
The Stress Of A Queen
The Deal
The Walls Of Time
The Battle For Felden
Against The Nether
The Ender Trials
The True Rulers
The Voltaris Aren't The Real Enemy
The Final Battle
The Second Great War
Author's Notes

Goodbye Forever...

425 11 5
By Nalla_Kaltaris

Abbigail sets her bow down and sits on a rock. She pulls out a pork chop.
' This is the last one, Sam.'

Sam whimpers.

' Well, we're just going to have to go hunting then!' Abbigail picks up her bow and gets up.

Sam perks up happily.


They are pursuing an animal. Sam sniffs its whereabouts as Abbigail draws her bow.

Suddenly, Sam turns and barks as Jalkar bursts out of the side, swinging his knife at Sam.

' Sam!' Abbigail runs forward but Jalkar appears from behind a tree in her face and knocks away her bow, sending her arrow flying aimlessly.

Abbigail draws out her sword.

'I've had enough of you, girl!' Jalkar swings his knife at Abbigail, who blocks it with her sword.

Jalkar kicks her in the face, sending her stumbling backwards and losing her sword.

Jalkar swings his knife at her repeatedly, but Abbigail dodges them all before she grabs his hand and knocks his knife out of it.

They wrestle for a moment, and Jalkar head bumps her before  throwing her onto the ground.

He picks up his knife, twirls it in his hand, and walks up to Abbigail, ready to stab her.

Sam comes from behind and bites Jalkar. Jalkar cuts Sam with his knife.

Although Sam is hurt, he uses the last of his energy to pull Jalkar off the edge. Both of them fall off.

Abbigail gets up and limps towards the edge. She looks down to see Sam, laying down in a clearing, wounded badly.

She runs down and holds Sam in her arms. ' Sam? Come on, boy! Don't leave me!'

Jalkar picks up the dragon egg and leaves.

' Don't leave, Sam… please…'

Sam dies in her arms.

' No…' Abbigail cries while setting him on the ground.

After a few minutes of crying, she looks up. She was angry.

Jalkar is still limping along with the dragon egg.

An arrow flies into his arm and he cries in pain as he drops the egg. ' Ah!'

He falls over to his knees and pulls out the arrow before tossing it away. He catches his breath, gets up, turns around and draws out his knife, ready to attack. But another arrow flies into his chest, and he drops his weapon.

He falls back onto his knees. He looks up angrily and sees Abbigail, bow drawn.

She stares heartlessly at Jalkar, and draws an arrow.

Jalkar stays still, too weak to escape.

Abbigail fires the arrow start at his heart. Jalkar collapses forward, dead.

Abbigail picks up the dragon egg, and walks away.


Abbigail has made a small grave for Sam. After filling it all up with dirt, she sticks her wooden shovel in it.

She squats down in sadness. ' I'm sorry, Sam…' She puts her hands on the dirt.

Suddenly, a bright purple light begins glowing behind her. She turns around and sees the dragon egg glowing.

She stands up as she continues to look at it, trying to process what is going on.

The egg explodes, and the explosion sends her flying backwards. She lands on the ground with a loud thump.

After she regains herself, she looks up but the egg is gone.

' What happened?'

She goes towards the wreckage the explosion made, but finds nothing.

Suddenly, she hears a sound and turns around to see a baby Enderdragon climbing onto a nearby rock.

' No, wait, wait, come back!'

The Enderdragon hears her and stops. It perks up it's ear.

Abbigail is still surprised by the egg hatching.

The Enderdragon tries to fly towards her, but ends up falling off the rock. Abbigail quickly catches it.

The dragon happily crawls onto her shoulder. Abbigail is stunned.

The Enderdragon nuzzles her neck, and Abbigail smiles.

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