The Stress

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/A/N/ Niika's mother appears in this chapter!

Kiyoshi’s p.o.v

' With every defeat, the Necromancers grow in strength,' I tell the officials of Cydonia. ' We have to raise an army of our own before it’s too late.'

' Cydonia requires our forces to remain within the kingdom. Every day we’re threatened by the possibility of a K’arthen attack. I’m sorry, but we cannot help you.'

I leave the building and use the beacons to go to Oakendale.

' If the Necromancers defeat us at Ferndale they will have a straight route to the capital of Felden,' I warn the Conchord officials.

' Should we be worried? If Felden falls they may gain access to the beacons which would endanger us all.'

I can't help but feel agitated at how the leaders are only thinking about themselves. ' Then help us prevent that! '

The leaders of Conchord look at each other. ' We could send a supply of food to assist the war effort. '

I sigh as I leave the building.

I travels to Hailstone, then Hyperia, but no luck.

I walk up to the edge of Hyperia, stressed out.

' The kingdoms aren't as united as they once were,' a familiar voice says from behind.

' Fancy seeing you here, Yujuki.'

' Listen, Kiyoshi, the council can say what they want, but the military is still under my control.'

' Is there anything you can do to help?' I ask with a hint of hope.

' Perhaps. I’ve heard that the old Ardoni clan, the Voltaris, are making a return. What threat do you think these Necromancers pose compared to the Voltaris?'

' I’ve heard the same rumors… but they’re nothing more. The Necromancers are attacking now and killing our people. If they continue to advance they will amass an army of undead and overpower all of the kingdoms combined. The Voltaris, K’arthen… they’re just distractions.'

' I can send a few of my elite troops in secret. No one else has to know. Make sure Felden doesn’t fall, Kiyoshi.'

Yujuki prepares to leave.

' They have Niika in their tunnels.' I decide to break the news to her.

She turns around.' What? How?'

' I tried stopping her, but she ignored my warnings.'

Yujuki sighs.' Just... Make sure you get her back. I can't stand the thought of our daughter trapped down there.'

She walks away.

I stand there as the pressure builds up.

/A/N/ I decided that Yujuki should be Niika's mother because both Yujuki and Kiyoshi are Felinas and captains in the military. They just seemed more suitable than Kiyoshi and Nitsuke.

Songs Of War - What if everyone was related? Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat