A BrightWin Fanfic : THE WHOL...

By dedededeva

146K 6.5K 2.1K

"For hearts are often broken by words left unspoken"-Stephanie Roogle. More

Important Notice!!!
01. Look At
02. Not Fine
03. Human
04. Hard Candy
05. Through Glass
06. A Fish In The Sky
07. Sympathy
08. The Biggest Mistake
09. You Complete Me
10. Cherry Blossom
11. Through The Night
12. Thought
13. Paper Umbrella
14. A Good-for-Nothing Guy
15. Thrown Away Yet Kept
16. Love Words
17. You & Me
18 - Make You Feel My Love
19. Zombie
20. Spring, Only for Me
21. 1000x
22. Lost Stars
23. Conversation in the Dark
24. Falling
25. A Song for You
26. Hurt
27. If
28. Scattered
29. Like a Flowing Wind
30. Goodbye List
31. Is It Just Me?
32. 1.15 Million Kilometer Film
33. Thank You for Still Loving Me
34. The Luckiest
36. More Than Words (Part 2)
Bonus Chapter 1: DOWNPOUR
37. Pretty Boy
38. Morning Coffee
39. Come Out Your Way
Special Throwback: OURS
40. Maybe
41. Sign
42. Love Somebody
Bonus Chapter 2: EVERYONE CRIES
43. Since I Found You
44. Miracle (End)
Bonus Chapter 3 : ASTRONOMY
Special (not really) Throwback: EVENT

35. More Than Words (Part 1)

2.9K 109 63
By dedededeva

"All you have to do is close your eyes and just reach out your hand and touch me. Hold me close, don't ever let me go. More than words is all I ever need you to show. Then you wouldn't have to say that you'd love me cause I'd already know."
- More Than Words by Westlife


A piece of paper ended up in front of a man with big eyes and white skin. Well, not as white as another man who was sitting beside him, though. He moved his hand to sign and gave the paper back to The Civil Officer in front of him. The Officer then showed them a certificate and handed out some documents. After congratulating the couple, the officer got out of the room.

The big eyed man smiled at the certificate and turned to the man beside him to delivered it. "Happy birthday, Win."

Win gave Bright a wide smile with sparkly eyes. "Thank you," He accepted the marriage certificate.

"From now on, I'll be in your care and you'll be in my care. I'll be with you for the rest of my life," The wide smile from Win made Bright uncontrollably let his thought out and Win, who was looking at the certificate, looked up to see Bright with his eyes widened. "I know I'm still lack at many things when it comes to treat you well, but I will never stop trying to understand you more everyday. I will-"

"So many promises," Win chuckled. "You just want to say that you love me, don't you, Phi?"

"Umm," Bright nodded.

Win laughed. He put the certificate on the table and his hands grabbed Bright's to hold. "Just promise me that we will not only share the happiness together, but the burden, too. Share me about everything. You've been trying to do it all this years, and that's enough for me. Put your trust in me more and more because P'Bright know that I'll give everything to you."

Bright blinked a few times while looking deeply into Win's eyes. "You are amazing, Win."

"Huh? What do you mean? In bed?"

Bright rolled his eyes after being teased by Win and looked away.

Win grinned. He did not mean to be playful but he knew Bright was getting emotional. It was not the right place. If Bright treated him softly right here right now, Win could not control himself to hug or kiss the older one.


Bright turned his face to Win immediately when Win mentioned their current status.

"Husband." Win repeated it while his lips and eyes curving, showing his feeling clearly.

The flowers bloomed inside Bright, he felt ticklish, more than just normal butterflies flying around inside his chest. He extended his arm to cup on of Win's cheeks and rubbed it tenderly.

Win stared at Bright who was doing the same thing at him. No words from the older one and Win patiently waited for Bright to let him go.


Hearing Bright finally said it, Win had no other option but to jump and hug his husband tightly. After being loved back by Bright and telling the world that this man was his boyfriend, now Bright was officially his.

"I won't let you down, I won't let you fall, and I won't let you go, P'Bright," Win whispered. "P'Bright is Win's."

"So, it's official?"

Bright nodded at the group consisted of Tay, Off, Guy, Arm, and the rarely presented, Foei.

"Since when? When did you register it?" Arm

"On Win's birthday."

"Is Nong Win doing well?"

"Umm," Bright updated his husband's work to the gang. "He handles everything with no problem."

Foei laughed, "Tell me first, why did you register your marriage on Win's birthday? Is that because you have trouble to remember important date?"

"Shut up, P'Foei!" Bright pretended to punch the senior while laughing at the stated fact.

Tay shook his head, "I couldn't believe they did not tell us anything." He said to Off. "We should have congratulated and celebrated it that day."

"Ah, there's a reason for not telling anyone but the management," Bright tried to save himself.

Off gasped dramatically, "Don't tell me that it's all because of P'Day?!"

"No, no, it wasn't her. It was Win."

"Huh? What happened?" Lee, who was playing guitar, stopped and asked.

"We intended to announce it when we have the date for the reception," Bright explained. "Win already had a plan. We will tell you later."

Others looked at each other with eyes full of questions. Bright could catch the confusion. It led him to go into details. "Win is still adapting with his office life. Although the board of director and investors had known about us and showing acception, we think it is not appropriate to suddenly hold a wedding party right now."

"So complex," Lee commented. He continued playing his guitar.

Something in Bright's hand caught Guy's attention. "What is that?"

"A letter."

"I know it's a letter, I'm not blind, you bastard. What letter is that?"

Bright shrugged, "I just formally take a break next week. But P'Day said she already heard my plan from Win, so she already took care of my leave."

"You look annoyed," Tay responded after he saw Bright's facial expression. "Any problem?"


"What is it?"

Bright took a deep breath, "No, it's ok. It still bothers me how Win updates her even though he doesn't work here anymore."

"Now, they become friends." Foei teased Bright, followed by the laugh of others.

"Get over your grudge toward her. She is a good person." Off suggested while holding back his laugh.

Tay nodded, "Just because she has ever cornered you when you got issues, it doesn't mean she had bad intention. You know that."

"I know but I have to think twice to involve with her again in any case."

Guy patted Bright's shoulder to show empathy. "You work here. She will haunt you everyday."

Bright clicked his tongue, "Argh, P'Guy! You don't make me feel any better!"

"Anyway," Foei asked. "Why are you taking a break next week?"

"I'll take holiday."

Foei nodded, "Ah, holi-"

"Holiday your ass!" Guy scolded Bright. "Isn't it a honeymoon? You just got married and take a holiday. That's called honeymoon, you got it? Honeymoon."

Bright smirked. "Everybody calls it like that, but we call it holiday." Bright did not give up. "I have to go now, Phi."

"Ah, good. Go now. Go honeymoon. Don't forget to comeback with a baby," Off gave messages to Bright who was about to go, but the messages stopped Bright's feet from walk.

Everybody turned their head to Off, including Bright. Their eyes were wide-opened, surprised by what they heard.

Off exhaled heavily. "Ok, forget it. I won't joke anymore. You faces are all in horror. I'm scared. Ai Bright, you go and come back with a good news."

"Win won't get pregnant."

"IT WAS A JOKE!!!" Those seniors pretended to hit Bright because the younger one was playing innocent when he clearly understand Off was just joking.

Bright laughed. He waved his hands and walked away, leaving the seniors behind.

"They finally reach this point," Tay commented after Bright had gone. "I feel like a proud parents."

Off cackled, "They are amusingly problematic."

"They don't know that we know they got married." Foei smirked. "Do they know that Mix and First can be easily cornered when we ask?"

Lee smiled in an irritatingly smug manner. Even though he looked like an ignorant, did not care about Bright and Win, he listened to everything. He also stood in the first line when it came to interrogating the junior when they need more update, together with Singto.

"Only seniors know."

How busy a man like Win Metawin could be? He went to work at 7 in the morning and the earliest he got home was around 8 in the evening from Monday to Friday each week. That night, Win was already home at 7 PM and went straight to take a shower.

Bright was home 2 hours earlier than Win. He greeted the younger man as usual and the wide smile was given to Bright even though Bright knew how exhausted Win was everyday.

Win climbed up the bed with his tablet and their itinerary for the trip to Maldives. He said nothing but his hands holding the stylus and started writing on the tablet screen.

"What are you doing?"



Win turned his head to Bright. The older one was frowning, so Win had to explain more. "We have to make a list of what we should bring there and how many clothes we need."

"If we need more clothes, we can just buy on the spot," Bright reasoned. Sometimes, Win made an easy thing look like a big problem and need to be solved.

"Yeah, if we need more clothes. But if we bring too much clothes, what should we do? Throw them to the sea?" Win challenged the man who was sitting beside him.


"That's right,"

"No," Bright repeated himself. "Stop listing, Ai Win. We can do it tomorrow. The trip is still the day after tomorrow."

Win furrowed. "What is wrong with you, P'Bright? It won't take long. It will finish in 15 minutes."

"Today is the last day you come to work before going to Maldives, right?"


"Then, you must enjoy your time before packing tomorrow," Bright snatched the tablet from Win. "Just do what I told you. I know how tired it is, adapting to new environment and tasks. I also know that you won't tell me about it."

Win was stupefied. He was about to scold Bright for taking over his tablet, but Bright calling him down ahead.

"I have no problem with you being so busy with work. Being tired is the consequence when we are working. But, please, know your limit. When you have time to take a break, enjoy it." Bright continued speaking to the younger man.

Win exhaled heavily, yet a relief smile was on his face. He hugged Bright's arm and leaned his head on Bright's shoulder. "Why are you angry?"

"Not angry."

Win giggled. Obviously, Bright was mad at Win who forgot that Bright did not like it if Win hurt himself. Living with Bright for years, Win understood how protective this man could be. Just... how many times Win upset Bright because he hurt in the kitchen? Win was scared that Bright would throw the knife, the vegetable peeler, the grater, also the pot and frying pan.

When Bright dimmed the light, Win had no choice but to lie on the bed, getting ready to sleep. He was grateful for Bright who was quite an observant. Bright who looked like a careless person actually could be attentive. Bright was able to see the tiredness on Win's face.

"Thank you, P'Bright."

Bright narrowed his eyes. "What are you talking about? Sleep now."

Win stared at Bright. The older man was still moving here and there before finally lying beside him. The kiss on Win's forehead brought Win to close his eyes and fell asleep.

In the next morning, Win woke up, lying on his side, and Bright was still sleeping beside him, hugging his hand on the stomach. Slowly, he pulled his hand back and secretly planning to continue listing things from last night. His eyes scanned the bedside table beside Bright's space, but he could not find his tablet.

Win got up. He put his feet on the floor and found his tablet on his bedside table. On top of it, there was a yellow sticky notes. After he read it, his eyes dilated. As he took the tablet, the screen was on and there was a complete list he should had done last night. He read the sticky note again.

Done listing. Done packing. Prepare breakfast before I wake up, please.

Win turned his face to Bright, smiling to the man who was sleeping like a baby. Win was always reminded by Bright about how precious he was, but...

Win climbed back to bed. He kissed the beautiful lips of Bright playfully, many times smooching it until the older man woke up and complained.

"Ai Win, what are you doing? Go away. I'm sleepy."

"P'Bright, you are the only one for me."

Bright opened his lazily, trying to process what Win said. He closed his eyes again and pushed Win one more time. "Go. Go prepare breakfast for me."

"Kiss kiss."

Bright pouted his mouth, let Win smooch it the way he likes. Bright knew Win had finished playing with him when the younger started giggling.

"Now, go."


The airport was uncrowded on the day Bright and Win went there to go to Maldives. Luckily, this month had no public holidays and that day was Monday. Bright thought, he did not need to wear any sunglasses to conceal who he is. So did Win. Yet, at the time the older one entered the waiting room, a girl almost scream when she spotted him.

"Oh, sh*t!" Bright mumbled softly, the only one who could hear was Win who was standing beside him.

As the girl approached Bright, she realized Win was there, too, so she looked confused after wai at him. Win caught the sight. He immediately took over the tickets in Bright's hand and found the nearest chair to sit for waiting for his husband. With good grace, it was just one fan.

Bright was done with the fan and came back to Win, showing his bad mood. Win smiled widely, giving him a sunglasses. "Here. Wear this and put on a smile for me on your face."

"I'm not gonna smile. You did not help me earlier," but Bright still accepted the sunglasses. "I just want to enjoy my time with you, but there is always-"

"There is always..." Win cut Bright off. "...people who love you everywhere, P'Bright. You are loved."

Bright sighed. "Don't talk like I am ungrateful for them."

"Be patient. In Maldives, no one can disturb you." Slowly, Win leaned his head on Bright's shoulder. "I'm also craving for the days that I can spend only with you."

Bright nodded. He calmed down. The nice smell of Win soothed his heart. He noticed sone people were staring at them, two males who were being so close to each other. "We are not bothered by people who are looking at us full of judgement."

Win lifted his head and cupped Bright's cheeks with his two hands, "Besides people who love us as two, there is only us in our world. Nothing else matters."

Bright stared back at Win for a moment. He knew that right now, people who were looking at them must be shocked or whispering behind their back, but his husband was cool as cucumber, behaving like the world is belong to him. Bright put Win's hands away from his cheeks while jokingly smirking. "You are always good with words when it comes to something like this."

"And you are always not good at it," Win laughed, getting back to Bright.

Bright shrugged, "In truth, this is expected since we have announced about our relationship."


"But when it really happened right in front of my face, I'm still surprised."

"It's normal."

Bright turned his head to Win, "Why are you so calm?"

"Why are you not calm?"

"I said I was surprised."

"I didn't say it, so I can be calm."

"Why are you not surprised?"

Win laughed again. It was great that Win loved Bright or else Win would not be this tolerant. "I am aware that people are looking at us, even before you mentioned it. I was surprised, I just didn't tell you. Still, I have you. There's nothing to be worried about."

"Your words again," Bright rolled his eyes.

"Don't you like them? My words."

Bright smiled. He nodded slightly, led Win to tease him hardly, poking his cheeks and arms, pulling his jacket and all that annoy Bright, not to let him thinking about the situation around them that time.

This time was their holiday and Win would not let Bright feel unhappy even for a second.


This chapter is the beginning of their Maldives trip! 🥳

See you in Maldives! 🙋🏼‍♀️ Oh, and congratulations for the marriage! 💓


dedededeva 💋

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