Kamen Rider Gaim - Fruit Wars...

By MitchellDonnelly

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Yuuta is a young man who is from a family who are descendants of famous warriors who fought back in the Sengo... More

Characters (Updated)
Episode 1 - Transform! The Orange Samurai Appears!
Episode 2 - The New Sengoku Period
Episode 3 - Pulverize! Pineapple Arms!
Episode 4 - A New Armored Rider Appears! The Grape Dragon!
Episode 5 - Samurai to Ninja! Go, Strawberry Arms!
Episode 6 - Arrival of a Rival! The Banana Transformation!
Episode 7 - The Man Who Fell in Love with the Enemy
Episode 8 - Melon Rider, Prepare for Battle!
Episode 9 - The Mother Tree
Episode 10 - The Final Showdown of Love! Orange vs. Melon!
Episode 11 - Legend of the Golden Fruit (REMADE)
Episode 12 - Encounter with Durian and Cherry! Unleash Watermelon Arms!
Episode 14 - The Orange's Fear and The Lemon's Determination
Episode 15 - Banana, Acorn, and a Familiar Face!
Episode 16 - The Truth Behind a Banana's Peel
Episode 17 - Go to War! The Lemon Rider's Rampage!
Episode 18 - The Power of Oranges! Birth of Jimber Tangerine!
Episode 19 - Kai in Crisis! The Apple Warrior's Debut!
Episode 20 - A Samurai's Disappearance
Episode 21 - Jam's Trial and Secret
Episode 22 - The Orange and Banana's Rescue! Siege at Akechi Castle!
Episode 23 - Back to the Front Lines! Raise Your Flag, Triumph Arms!
Episode 24 - The New Mysterious Enemy
Episode 25 - Return and Recruitment! The Jimber's Potential!
Episode 26 - A Banana's Genesis Transformation!
Episode 27 - Counterattack! The True Battle Begins!
Episode 28 - Fallen Tiger, Rising Dragon
Episode 29 - The New Dangerous Threat! Rise of the Inves!
Episode 30 - Appear, the Peach Fortune Teller, Marika!
Episode 31 - Another Assault! The Green Overlord!
Episode 32 - Gaim and Baron! Clash of Ideals!
Episode 33 - New Troubles in Echigo

Episode 13 - Another Battle Begins! Confrontation with the Lemon Archer!

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By MitchellDonnelly

Presently at the Takeda Castle, Shingen and Uesugi are faced to face in signing the contracts for their alliance.

Both sides elders painted the signature with the paint brush and switched it to the other side.

Getting both their confirmations, the alliance has been completed.

Kenshin: As of today, the Take-Uesu Alliance has been forged. Here, today.

Shingen: Indeed. But let us not forget this is due to our rivalry and friendship we carry between us. As well as the strength of the hearts of our warriors who made this happen.

Kenshin: Very true. May this alliance last to the future's end.


Yuuta is seen practicing with a wooden sword out next to his dorm. Practicing downward swings and combos.

Yuuta: Hah...! Hah...! Hah...!

All of a sudden, Sakura appeared as she's approaching Yuuta.

Sakura: Hey, Yuuta~!

Yuuta: Ah, Sakura.

Sakura: Working hard as ever, huh? Here.

Sakura gave Yuuta a cup of water, and drank it in seconds.

Yuuta: Ah~ refreshing! Thanks, Sakura.

Sakura: I'm kind of surprised. I'd didn't think you'd be the type to train so hard. I see you training everyday.

Yuuta: My grandpa said a warrior must prepare for battle at all costs. But if you ask me, it was kind of a pain in the butt in going through that process back home.

Sakura: Well at least you're doing your best in living up to his standards. That's something to be proud of.

Kuroh: *bark**bark*

Kuroh then appears behind Sakura, and Yuuta went to pat him.

Yuuta: Hey, boy! I was wondering where you were.

Sakura: Sorry about that. I should've told you that I decided to take Kuroh under my wing.

Yuuta: Your wing?

Sakura: Uh huh. I'm training him to be a ninja, teaching him a couple of moves too.

Yuuta: A ninja? Kuroh? What for?

Sakura: He could help us on the battlefield. Sending in letters, reports, and could deal with Kurokages.

Yuuta: Oh. I'm not sure if it's a good idea. I don't want Kuroh to be in danger.

Sakura: Relax Yuuta, I promise I'll take good care of him and won't let anything happen.

Yuuta: ...Okay, I trust you Sakura. And Kuroh, make sure you are good with her, 'kay?

Kuroh: *bark*~

Out of nowhere, Naomi appears right in front of them.

Naomi: It seems you people are enjoying your time.

Yuuta: Whah! God, you scared me!

Sakura: Miss Naomi. Why are you here?

Naomi: I am searching for Lady Michiko. Do you two happen to know where they are?

Yuuta: Oh, she's hanging out with Yukimura.

Naomi: What?

Sakura: That's right. Ever since the alliance has been forged, those two decided to reconcile with each other.

Yuuta: After all, our war with each other earlier took a toll on us all.

Naomi: True. Anyway, I actually came by here for another purpose.

Yuuta: What is it?

Naomi: Lord Kenshin has ordered me and you to go on patrol around our territories.

Yuuta: Wait, are you talking about me?

Naomi: Who else am I speaking to.

Yuuta: But why me?

Naomi: Lord Kenshin and Lord Shingen suggested we should get to know one another as fellow armored riders. I will be waiting out at the village's entrance. I suggest you to not be late.

Naomi then walks away.

Yuuta: Welp, I guess that's my que. I'll catch you two later.

Sakura: Alright, then. Good luck out there!

Kuroh: *bark**bark*!


Yuuta, along with Naomi, are walking around a forest, patrolling the area.

As they are walking, Naomi began speaking with Yuuta.

Naomi: You... Yuuta Shirayanagi, was it?

Yuuta: Yep, that's me. What's up, Naomi?

Naomi: Enough of speaking to me lightly.

Yuuta: Huh?

Naomi: Even though both of us are members of the alliance, I do not accept you as my ally.

Yuuta: What? But, why? I know you still have a grudge over our previous battle, but we can at least be friends.

Naomi: *scoff*Friends? I'm surprised Takeda allowed you to join them with your bold words. The reason I'm accepting this is because of Lady Michiko and Lord Keshin's wishes. I will show no mercy to you if you stand in my way.

Yuuta: Alright, yes ma'am.

As they both continue to walk, both of them hear talking in a distance.

Naomi: Who is that?

Yuuta: Hey, Naomi. Over here.

As Yuuta waved to Naomi in whisper, she went over and both of them saw a bunch of Kurokages walking on a path.

Yuuta: Kurokages...

Naomi: ...! That symbol on their banners, they're from Toyotomi.

Yuuta: Toytotomi!? What are they doing out here in the middle of this forest?

Naomi: I do not know. But this can't be allowed since they stepped into our territory.

Yuuta: What are we going to do now? Should we head back and tell the others?

Naomi: No.

Immediately, Naomi decided to take action by jumping off the ledge and performed a flying side-kick on a Toyotomi Kurokage.

This got them all surprised and broke their formation, but also got themselves ready for battle.

After Naomi confronted them, Yuuta also ran and stood beside her.

Yuuta: Are you out of your mind! What were you thinking taking action just like that!?

Naomi: Calm yourself. After they've been taken care of, we will bring one of them for questioning. Now be ready. *puts on belt*

Yuuta: *sigh*Alright, fine. *puts on belt*Alright... let's rock!

After the two put their belts on, they both grabbed their respective lockseeds.

Lockseed: Orange! ...Lock On!

Lockseed: Ryugen - Grape! ...Lock On!

Yuuta & Naomi: Henshin!

Soiya! Orange Arms: Path of Blossoms, on Stage!

Hai! Budou Arms! Dragon, Fire, Bang-Bang-Bang!

Gaim: From here on, this is our show!

Ryugen: Hey! Enough of your own rambling.

As Naomi engaged first, Yuuta sighed in an annoyed tone and engaged as well.

As the battle began, Yuuta and Naomi began dealing with the Toyotomi Kurokages on their respective sides.

Yuuta sticks with his usual style of his dual-wielding sword combat, taking out enemies with his swords left, right, and mostly behind.

Including firing his Musou Saber for his combos in the end of his slashes.

Eventually, Yuuta defeated his opponents by sending a large orange slash, performed by slashing both his swords at the same time, in front of him.

Gaim: Heh, too easy!

While on Naomi's side, she's dealing with the Toytomi Kurokages with her blaster.

She gets to her distance and used her blaster to hit the enemies one by one, instantly. Including using her hand to hand combat to push back the ones closer to her.

One of the Kurokages got too close to Naomi and attempted to stab her with his spear, but she rolled out to safety.

But after she got up, she suddenly grabbed and hold up a new lockseed.

Gaim: What? Is that a new lockseed?

Naomi then replaced the her lockseed with the new one to her belt.

Lockseed: Kiwi! ...Lock On!

Hai! Kiwi Arms! Whirling Wheels! Slice and Dice!

Naomi transformed again after a kiwi-shaped armor appeared and got placed onto her.

Then she starts to engage and start attacking with her new pair of weapons, the Kiwi Attack Wheels.

She starts to spin around while holding them, damaging the Toyotomi Kurokages within her range.

She even twirls and throws her pair of chakrams, to attack from a farther distance and return to her like boomerangs.

As she saw the last of her enemies right in front of her, she pressed the blade-handle on her belt two times.

Sengoku Driver: Kiwi Au Lait!

Naomi charged her chakrams with kiwi-shpaed energy and throws them at her enemies, defeating them and forced them to de-henshin.

Gaim: That was awesome! I didn't know you can change lockseeds too.

Ryugen: You thought you were the only one?

Gaim: Oh come on, I'm complimenting you.

Ryugen: Hmph. Anyway, let's proceed in questioning them.

But as the two moved towards the Kurokages, Yuuta was suddenly attacked from behind by a man wielding a katana.

Gaim: What the-!? Gah!!!

Ryugen: Shirayanagi!

After Yuuta rolled on the ground, Naomi tried to engage with the man.

However, he was able to counter back and injure Naomi, pushing her back.

Gaim: *grunt*What was that just now? I didn't even see him coming, and his strikes were so powerful!

The man stepped up and put his sword back in his mounting.

Man: Hmph, I never imagined encountering Naoe Naomi and Takeda's armored rider in such a place. It seems the rumors of the alliance forged between the Takeda and Uesugi were true after all.

Ryugen: Wait. You... I know who you are.

Mitsunari: Indeed. It is I, Ishida Mitsunari. Since you attacked those who swore loyalty to my Lord Hideyoshi, you must receive your judgement.

Mitsunari then grabbed a Genesis Driver and puts it on.

Gaim: He has a Genesis Driver too!?

Then, Mitsunari grabbed an energy lockseed in the shape of a lemon.

He puts it on his belt and pressed the lever.

Lockseed: Lemon Energy! ...Lock On!

Mitsunari: Henshin.

Soda! Lemon Energy Arms: Fight, Power! Fight, Power! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fi-Fi-Fi-Fi-Fight!

As a lemon appeared above Mitsunari, he transformed into armored rider Duke.

Ryugen: This is not good.

Gaim: Yeah, don't have to say it twice.

As Mitsunari readies his Sonic Arrow, he began to charge.

However, Mitsunari seems to be only engaging Yuuta.

He drove Yuuta off deeper into the forest and began to battle him.

Yuuta attacks first by pulling some sword skills. He managed to hit Mitsunari with every slash. However no damage has been dealt to him, as if he felt nothing.

Then, it was Mitsunari's turn to attack.

He managed to deal heavy damage to Yuuta with his bow and arrow's blade, and sent him flying by shooting an arrow filled with yellow energy.

As Yuuta crashed and landed on his back, he struggles to get back up while Mitsunari walks towards him.

Gaim: *grunts in pain*Damm, he's strong. I know it's from his energy lockseed, but still. And his strength is like two times more powerful then Saika Magoichi's.

Duke: Now you understand? You can never hope to oppress the power my Lord Hideyoshi bestowed upon me.

Ryugen: If that's the case, then let us see if you can oppress this!

Mitsunari turns around to see Naomi back in her grape armor.

Gaim: Naomi!

Naomi then press down her blade-handle on her belt and got into position.

Sengoku Driver: Budou Squash!

As she readies her blaster, projection of grapes began to expel and a golden Asian lung in circling the barrel.

Ryugen: Haaaaaaaahhhhh...

Duke: Interesting, I accept that challenge.

Naomi takes aim towards Mitsunari, and the grapes formed together into one giant grape at the tip of the blaster.

After that, she pulls the trigger and rapid fires towards Mitsunari, showing a purple dragon's head the moment she begins to fire.

An explosion occurred after the blast and Naomi sighed in relief as it was over. Or at least she thought...

When the dust cleared, Mitsunari is still standing, still fine with no injuries.

Ryugen: No way... It can't be.

Duke: You fool. Did you honestly believed that simple attack of yours would be enough to finish me? You are gravely mistaken.

Naomi begins to fire her blaster again, but Mitsunari dodged it and engaged her.

She continues to fire, only for her to be stripped of her weapon by Mitsunari and kept attacking her.

As Yuuta was still on the ground, he saw Mitsunari brutally attacking Naomi and kept going.

Gaim: S-Stop it...

Yuuta continued to see Mitsunari continuing his assualt.

This triggered flashbacks of seeing Oyamada battling the first thing he saw after arriving to this world, and dying right in front of him.

Meanwhile with Mitsunari and Naomi, Mitsunari lands a powerful blow to Naomi, which caused her to de-henshin.

Mitsunari then pointed his bow and arrow towards her and readied to fire, with his weapon filled with yellow energy.

Mitsunari: You fought well. But prepare to meet your fate.

And then, Mitsunari finally fired his arrow.

Gaim: NOOOOO!!!

As Naomi closed her eyes in fear for about to get hit, there was the sound of the hit by the arrow.

When Naomi opened her eyes, she realized she wasn't the one who was hit.

...It was Yuuta.

After a moment of the surprised turn of event, Yuuta got on his knees and de-henshined.

When he was about to fall to the ground, he was caught by Naomi and cradle him.

Naomi: Shirayanagi! Why!? Why did you that!?

Yuuta: N..Ngh... Because you're... my friend. And I... I don't want... to see anybody die... again.

Yuuta then fell unconscious.

Naomi: Shirayanagi? Shirayanagi!!!

Duke: ...Taking the fall to protect someone. Noble, but foolish. It would be pointless to eliminate you two like this.

Mitsunari then de-henshined and walked away.

Naomi: Wait!

Mitsunari then stopped, but didn't turn his head.

Naomi: Tell me, why were you and your troops infiltrating your territory?

Mitsunari: ...I suppose it will be alright to tell you. We were sent here to seek out something you have within your walls and will soon reclaim it.

Naomi: Something we have? What do you mean?

Mitsunari: I've already spoken too much. But you will find out in time. The next time we meet, I will show no mercy.

Mitsunari walked and ordered his troops to retreat.

As for Naomi, she continues to look at the unconscious Yuuta.

Naomi: Shirayanagi...

Mitsunari is seen taking the lead back to his base along with his soldiers in the back, carrying the injured.

As the continue to walk, Mitsunari reflects on Yuuta taking the hit by his attack and his words he said earlier.

Mitsunari: Takeda's armored rider... *smiles*I do look forward to meeting you again out at the battlefield.

To be continued...

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