Remnant's Wolverine (Wolverin...

By jushait

168K 2.7K 2.3K

(ALL ART THAT ARE IN THIS STORY ARE MADE BY ME) You are Y/N, that's the only thing you remember from your pa... More

Enter Wolverine
Players and Pieces
The Burden
Forever Fall
The Stray
Welcome to Beacon
Man and Mutants
omg holy fuck
A Minor Inconvenience
Burning the Candle
Field Trip Gone Wrong Part. 1
Field Trip Gone Wrong Part. 2
Round One
Never Miss A Beat
Something's Wrong
New Life, New Problems
Two In One Body
That Day
Long Time No See
Complicated Reunion
Fight For What's Right
The Wolverine
The Truth
Down Memory Lane
Our Way
Gone To Shit
Out In The Open
With Friends Like These
Divide And Conquer
A Cinderella Story
Round Two


2.6K 39 17
By jushait

(So, Y/N looks really different, I know. I'm changing him to be more younger looking, because his aging stopped when he was 18-ish.)

Weiss is holding an invitation to a banquet hall at the Schnee Manor.

Weiss: Only my father would turn a hostile takeover into a fluffy PR move.

In their dorm room at Atlas Academy, Weiss is sitting in a circle with Ruby, Oscar, Yang, and Blake. She, Ruby and Oscar are sitting in chairs, Blake and Yang are sitting on Weiss' bed, and Y/N is leaning in the doorway.

Ruby: On the news, he said he just wanted to break bread and hash things out. Maybe it won't be so bad? We do want the General to start opening up to these people, right?

Oscar: Yeah, but on his terms. Ironwood's going to be locked in a room at his rival's own dinner party. I know Jacques says he's happy to moderate, but all that really means is he'll be the one controlling the conversation.

Y/N: Not hard to imagine how that's gonna play out.

Weiss: I still can't believe he won. Robyn was supposed to be the people's champion, wasn't she? (sighs) There's just too many coincidences.

Yang: You really think your dad might have something to do with Salem?

Weiss: I think my father would do whatever it takes to win.

Ruby: And we should do the same.

Weiss: Meaning...?

Y/N: Well, no one knows your dad better than you, and out of everyone going tonight, I'd say you're the only one who could slither around the house and not be questioned. If Jacques Schnee is up to something, I think we should know what it is.

Weiss thinks about it for a moment, then gains a somewhat determined look.


An Atlas Broadcast News airship hovers in the night sky above the Schnee Manor.

Four hover cars drive along the driveway loop and come to a stop in front of the manor.

While Ruby, Weiss, Yang and Qrow get out of their car, Y/N, Jaune and Oscar stand nearby, having already exited their car. The Ace Operatives exit another of the cars, and Ironwood steps out of the fourth car with Winter. Penny gets out of the other side of Ironwood's car.

Ironwood: Suppose we should smile for the cameras?

Winter: Sir, with all due respect, you'd have to pay me.

Ironwood smiles in amusement from Winter's response, and the two head to the front door of the manor. Weiss stops and takes a deep breath before following them. Everyone gathers at the door, and Ironwood rings the bell. The double doors open to reveal Whitley.

Whitley: Good evening, everyone.

Weiss: Where's Klein?

Whitley responds with a sarcastic smile and somewhat dramatic poses.

Whitley: What an interesting way to say "Hello, dear brother, how have you been?"

He crosses his arms and continues to address Weiss with a frown.

Whitley: I'm afraid you won't find him here. He was let go. I can't imagine why.

Whitley smirks, and upon realizing what he meant, Weiss gasps and looks guilty.

Whitley: General, exactly how large do you think our dining room table is?

Ironwood: I happen to know it's enormous. But most of my guests will be on standby in case the council requests additional eye witnesses. Until then I'm sure they'll be happily celebrating your father's victory.

Whitley forces a sarcastic grin with a smug chuckle, then rolls his eyes as he turns to lead them into the foyer. Scattered around the room are small groups of formally dressed guests.

Y/N: (under his breath) Damn, he's annoying.

Weiss bumps him because of the comment he made.

Y/N: (whispering) What? I'm right, aren't I?

Waiters roam the room with trays of wine glasses and hors d'oeuvres. Whitley stops in the middle of the room, turns to Ironwood's group and points to his right.

Whitley: For those of you joining us in the dining room, please follow me.

He walks in the direction he pointed, crossing his arms behind his back. Ironwood, Winter, Penny and Clover follow. Clover glances back at the others.

Clover: Wish us luck.

Qrow: I mean, they already invited you, didn't they?

Clover responds with a slight chuckle. A Faunus waiter approaches Y/N and  Qrow and offers him a tray of wine glasses with his rabbit ears folded back.

Waiter: Care for a drink, sir?

Qrow looks at the wine, his eyes widening slightly.

Qrow: Uh... No, n-no thanks.

Qrow waves his hand in rejection and turns to Team RWBY.

Qrow: I think I'll just stick to patrolling the grounds.

Y/N: I'll take one.

As the waiter gives Y/N his wine, Qrow walks away from the group. Marrow Amin and watches the waiter pass by.

Marrow: Words out of my mouth.

Marrow walks away in the same direction as Qrow, and Harriet turns to address Team RWBY.

Harriet: Right, well, don't wander off, don't break anything, and be ready in case the General calls on you.

Harriet walks away with Vine and Elm.

Vine: Hors d'oeuvres?

Elm: Let's eat them out of house and home.

Yang: Counterpoint, how about we do wander off, consider breaking things, and then all that other stuff.

Y/N: (finishes his wine and breaks the glass by crushing it with his palm) I'm down.

Weiss: I'll be in touch.

Weiss points to her ear, then heads to the staircase. She stops at the base of the staircase upon seeing Whitley descending the stairs.

Whitley: Dear sister, I was hoping we could use this time to catch up.

Weiss: Oh-

Whitley: I have to know, why did you go through so much trouble to leave home, only to come crawling back?

Whitley gestures as he speaks and ends his question with a smug grin. Weiss looks away and sighs, while her friends watch from across the room.

Oscar: This might be a problem.

James Ironwood

Jacques: General Ironwood, please... have a seat.

Jacques is standing on the other side of the room at the head of a long dining room table, and he opens his arms in invitation. Sitting to either side of him are Sleet and Camilla. On the left side of the room, Robyn Hill is standing by a window, staring outside with her arms crossed.

Ironwood nods to Clover and Winter, who then take their seats on either side of the end of the table nearest to them. Penny takes a seat next to Winter.

Ironwood: Councilman Sleet, Councilwoman Camilla.

Ironwood takes a seat at the end of the table.

Robyn: Councilwoman Hill would have had a nice ring to it. Though I suppose I should just be grateful I got invited to the table.

Robyn takes a seat at the middle of the table.

Jacques: (chuckling) Miss Hill, that vigor of yours is precisely why we're grateful to have you with us tonight.

Ironwood: What is she doing here?

Jacques: What we're all doing here, James, addressing the concerns of our Kingdom, which means we have much to discuss.

Ironwood: Indeed. I was hoping we could start by-

Jacques: Are we safe with her here, by the way?

Jacques looks over at Penny, who looks upset by his comment.

Jacques: I do recall some confusion regarding her involvement with that horrific massacre.

Ironwood: (defensively) As the official report stated, that footage was doctored. Penny is completely under my control.

Jacques: Which is concerning, I think.

Penny grows even more upset, tensing up her shoulders and looking down.

Ironwood: Concerning?

A waiter and a waitress enter the room, carrying trays with plates of food.

Jacques: Let's talk about exactly what it is you control.


In the foyer, Ruby and friends watch from across the room as Whitley continues to talk to Weiss in front of the staircase.

Y/N: Why won't this kid fuck off?

Blake: We need to do something.

Jaune thinks, while Pyrrha and Ren stare ahead in boredom, Nora Valkyrie bounces in place, grasping a tray with a maniacal look on her face.

Y/N: What was that earlier about breaking things?

Jaune looks at his team with a smirk and a raised eyebrow, and Ren looks at him while Nora continues bouncing.

A short while later, Nora walks around the foyer, piling all of the wait staff's hors d'oeuvres onto her tray. As she does so, Ren walks around holding a plate with a single hors d'oeuvres, smiling to himself, and Jaune and Pyrrha sneak around to get into position.

Weiss: Well, Whitley, I'm sure the company is lucky to have you, but if you'll pardon me-

Weiss tries to walk past Whitley, but he side-steps to continue standing in her way. While this happens, Jaune hides behind one of the columns holding up the upper floor walkway and looks around.

Whitley: And where exactly is it that you're going?

Nora walks across the foyer, swaying and turning as she goes. Her tray has a tower of hors d'oeuvres topped with a bowl of stew. Pyrrha gives Nora an enthusiastic thumbs up.

Nora: Careful, messy food comin' through!

Whitley: Of course once I'm old enough to drive, the company has promised me my own parking space.

One of the butlers approaches a female guest and offers his tray of wine glasses.

Butler: Care for a drink?

Female Dinner Guest: Don't mind if I do!

Nora and Ren pass each other behind Weiss, intentionally bumping shoulders with one another as they do so. With a grin, Nora begins spinning around dramatically.

Nora: Oh no, look out!

Female Dinner Guest: I'm going to go get some hors d'oeuvres.

The female guest turns and begins walking in the direction of Whitley and Weiss right as Nora throws her tray into the air and falls backward. The food flies through the air, the stew already starting to spill from its bowl. Pyrrha bite her lip in suspense, Ren smiles, and Jaune celebrates prematurely.

Jaune: Yeah!

Whitley turns his gaze away from Weiss, having noticed the massive collection of food hurtling toward him, and his eyes widen. Soon after, the female guest approaches the area directly between Whitley and the food.

Pyrrha, Ren and Jaune frown, and Whitley looks at the guest, his eyes still wide. Before she even realizes what is happening, food covers the dinner guest, Pyrrha, Jaune and Ren cringe.

Now covered in stew, the guest screams, and Whitley watches her, cringing. The dinner guest begins hopping up and down in distress, causing her wine to spill onto Whitley, who reflexively puts his arms up to protect his face.

The wine covers his hair and the front of his shirt, and he holds his arms out and looks at the stain, eyes wide. Team JNPR smile. Weiss has watched the entire event with her hands clasped over her mouth and nose.

The dinner guest runs away hysterically, while Whitley stands with his arms out and an annoyed expression on his face, wine dripping from his hair.

Whitley: If you'll excuse me.

Whitley wipes some of the wine from his face and walks away. Weiss watches him leave, then looks over her shoulder at her friends. Across the room, Y/N and Ruby are laughing, and Yang and Blake are smirking. Weiss takes the opportunity to finally ascend the stairs.

Winter Schnee

In the dining room, the Council members have begun talking to Ironwood.

Sleet: The fact of the matter is, you've operated with a fair amount of autonomy for the past few years, James. But we need now is for you to work with us.

Winter is tapping her finger on the table with a scowl on her face.

Ironwood: Sir, I have-

Camilla: It's obvious that no kingdom intends to declare war on Atlas. We had no involvement in the incident at Haven, we have proof our drones weren't acting on orders at Beacon. At this point, the closure of Atlas borders is only serving to hurt our relations with the rest of the world.

Ironwood: I-

Robyn: The rest of the world? It's hurting us. The people of Atlas are suffering and they want to know why.

Robyn turns her head to look at Ironwood who looks saddened.

Jacques: Quite right, Ms. Hill.

Ironwood drops the saddened expression and looks at Jacques. Robyn turns to Jacques, as well.

Jacques: And I'm afraid there's more than just your choices that have brought harm to our citizens as of late. Have your forces found any additional evidence as to who is slaughtering innocent civilians down in Mantle?

Clover is looking at Ironwood, and as he begins to speak, Clover turns his gaze to Jacques.

Clover: That is an ongoing investigation, the details of which are classified, I'm afraid.

Jacques immediately begins speaking again, not leaving even a split second of silence.

Jacques: I'm afraid of the ever-growing list of classified information you seem to be keeping. I asked our fellow councilmen here to shed some light on your Amity Colosseum project and, as it turns out, they know about as much as I do.

Winter continues to tap her finger on the table.

Robyn: Even you don't know?

Ironwood: The Amity Project will help with all of the issues you've presented, but you have to understand that discretion is a top priority at this time.

Jacques: Are you saying you don't trust us?

Winter's tapping speeds up, and she aggressively slams her fist onto the table and stands up, facing Jacques.

Winter: You can't just buy trust like everything else, you have to earn it!

Robyn looks at Winter, smiling a little. There is silence for a few moments, and Jacques begins smiling.

Jacques: I couldn't have said it better myself.

Winter gasps.

Jacques: General, if I may be blunt, you have spent what little trust this Council had left in you. The hacker who turned Atlas drones against us was never captured, whoever's been murdering your critics is still at large. How are we supposed to give you our trust, when you've given us nothing as of late?

Winter: That's not what-

Ironwood: Winter.

Winter stops and looks at Ironwood.

Ironwood: That's enough.

Penny stares up at Winter, who clenches her fists.

Winter: Excuse me.

Winter quickly exits the room just as a female butler enters, and she shoves the door open on her way out into the hall.

Weiss Schnee

Weiss walks down a hallway, passing by a room that has framed portraits and replicas of Manticore and Beowolf heads decorating the inside wall around the doorway.

One of the portraits is a painting of Jacques and Weiss, from when Weiss was younger and still had her ponytail centered, before she received a scar over her eye.

Another portrait depicts a white-haired man in a suit of armor. One portrait depicts Whitley playing piano, and another appears to depict a man in a white suit shaking hands with a man in a dark suit outside a Schnee Dust mine. There is a pair of portraits appearing to depict headshots of Jacques and Willow Schnee in their wedding attire, from a profile view.

The other portraits depict the Schnee Manor, a curved pathway between two unknown structures, the City of Atlas, an industrial type building next to a cliff, and a fountain with a statue of a winged figure holding a staff.

As Weiss continues walking, she is startled by a waitress.

Waitress: Miss Schnee, is everything okay?

Weiss: I'm fine, thank you! Keep up the great work.

Weiss curtseys and walks past the waitress, continuing on her way through the halls. Once she gets to Jacques' study, Weiss enters and breathes a sigh of relief, still facing the door. A voice from across the room startles her.

Willow: Hello darling.

Weiss turns around to see her mother standing behind Jacques' desk with a bottle in one hand and a glass in the other.


Y/N leaves Team RWBY and wander around the Manor, he comes upon a giant statue and observes it before walking away and continuing his venture. Y/N walks along a hallway and sees a white-haired figure.

Winter stands alone with her arms crossed in a hallway away from the dining room.

Y/N: You okay?

Winter looks to her right to see Y/N walking towards her. Y/N walks over to her.

Winter: Leave me alone, I do not want nor need to talk to you.

Y/N: Jeez, you could've answered with a no.

Winter: I'll be fine. I just let my emotions get the better of me.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Winter: You wouldn't understand.

Y/N takes a brief moment to process.

Y/N: You're still holding a grudge against me?

Winter: Grudges are an immature habit.

Y/N: Really?

Winter: What are you getting at?

Y/N: Nothing, just thought you hated me for a second there.

Winter: I do hate you.

Y/N leans on the wall next to Winter, causing her to move away. Y/N sighs and leans his head. Winter looks the other way and hesitantly moves an inch closer to him, Y/N smirks.

Y/N: Why'd you choose Atlas?

Winter: Why did I choose Atlas? (scoffs) cause living with you has no meaning, why would I choose you?

Y/N nods slowly and looks at the ground. Winter notices his saddened behavior and softens before becoming stern once again.

Y/N looks around at the hallway.

Y/N: Do you miss this place? At all?

Winter: (sternly) No.

Y/N nods and rubs his hands together, preparing for a joke to lighten up the mood.

Y/N: (jokingly) Is it you? Or is the air cold?

Winter glares in response and Y/N's smile slowly fade.

Y/N: Yeah, thought so..

Y/N stands forward and goes to walk away.

Winter: Where are you going?

Y/N: Dunno, I'm just exploring your humble abode.

Y/N continues to walk away, she looks at the ground before looking back at him, she grits her teeth and clenched her fist at hearing every step he makes.

Winter: (hesitantly) S-..Stay!

Y/N stops moving and slowly turns his head. Winter looks away.

Y/N: What?

Winter: (glaring at him) D-Did I stutter?

Y/N: Yeah.. I uhh.. I think you did.

Winter: Stay and accompany me.

Y/N smiles and walks towards her. Y/N sits down on the ground next to her. Winter inches away.

Y/N: Why were you here, anyway? Aren't you supposed to be in the dining room?

Winter explains the whole story, while not missing a single opportunity to insult Y/N.

Y/N: Wow. Nice.

Winter: What do you mean "Nice"?

Y/N: It's not good to keep your emotions inside, sometimes you have to pour it out.

Winter: Well, it was very inappropriate and very unprofessional of me. And I don't need you to tell me how to control my feelings. You were the one who didn't chase after me.

Y/N: I knew it! You still want me, don't you?

Winter: Wha- I do not!

Y/N: (smirks and leans on the wall) Don't lie to yourself, Winter.

Winter: Why would I date a lowlife like you?

Y/N: Oh come on, Winter. You used to have fun sneaking out of the house and spending time with me.

Winter goes to sit down.

Y/N: No, don't sit down; you're gonna get your pretty Atlas clothes dirty.

Winter sits down anyway.

Winter: truthfully, I've been waiting for you to talk to me.

Y/N: Really?

Winter: I.. miss us being together.

Y/N: Never would've thought you would. (looks down) I... do too.

Winter: (looking at Y/N with a blush spread across her cheeks) Y-You do?

Y/N: Of course, why wouldn't I? You were my first actual lover...(turning to Winter with a smirk and making eye contact with her) I saw you looking at me when we were at the mine.

Winter: (scoff) You thought it was something romantic? I was glaring at you, Y/N. Th-There's a difference between the two.

Y/N laughs, causing Winter to smile. She then changes her expression again. She taps in a pattern on her legs. Y/N grabs her hand.

Winter: What are you doing? Let go immediately!

Y/N: Remember when we went on our 4th date?

Winter: I do, where are you going with this?

Y/N: I took your first kiss, didn't I?

Winter: S-Sure, you did.

Y/N: Do you regret it at all?

Winter: N-No. No I do not.

Winter goes silent, she slowly takes her hand out of Y/N's grip.

Winter: Y/N.. When we broke up.. When I chose Atlas over you, I broke down.

Y/N's eyes widen and he leans in to listen further.

Winter: Losing you was like losing a part of my body. Everytime I went outside, I hated not being able to see you. I used to hate myself for letting you go.

Winter turns her head away.

Winter: I hates that there was a possibility that you were with someone else, but I realized that you deserved better. And I don't deserve you..

Winter: When I went to Beacon to see my sister, I told myself that I was eager to meet my sister, but in reality: I was eager for you, I searched for the opportunity to look at your eyes. And then you came.

Winter: You presented yourself in the arms of my sister. And that pained me. That's the reason why I insulted you that night. I did not mean anything of what I said to you.

Winter: There wasn't a single day where I didn't want to have you in my arms. There wasn't a single night where I didn't want you to be by my side.

Winter: But now I think of these feelings as an obstacle in my path, so I will be taking my leave.

Winter goes to stand up but she is pulled in by Y/N.

Winter: What are you-

Y/N slams his lips onto hers. Her eyes widen but softens as she feels the lips of her long lost lover.

Weiss Schnee

Willow: I'm sorry I couldn't come down for your party, I'm... afraid I'm not feeling well.

While she speaks, Willow walks around to the side of Jacques' desk and sets her bottle and glass on it.

Weiss: Um... it's okay, mom. It's fine.

There is a brief silence.

Willow: (slowly) What are you doing i-in your father's office?

Weiss blinks rapidly, unprepared for the question, but she soon recovers.

Weiss: Just looking for something I left.

Willow looks at her glass, leaning it in circles on the desk.

Willow: That's right, you... left. (pauses, looking at Weiss) You left.

Weiss walks across the room, headed for Willow and the desk.

Weiss: I need to use father's computer.

Willow: Why?

Weiss: Because I think he may have done something. Something wrong.

Willow: I thought we all simply assumed that at this point.

Willow turns her back to the desk and leans against it, resting her hand on top of her glass. Weiss looks at the glass, then at Willow.

Weiss: Yes, well, some of us are trying to do something about it.

Willow tenses her fingers on the glass. She snatches up her bottle of Six Swans brand vodka and begins drinking from it. Upset, Weiss looks away and grips her arm. Willow finishes drinking and gazes at Weiss, gaining a look of realization, followed by sadness. She sets the bottle on the desk.

Willow: He started locking his home computer.

Willow turns and picks up a Scroll from the desk.

Willow: But... he still has blind spots.

She opens the Scroll and taps one of the buttons, showing Weiss a live camera feed of the office. Weiss gasps and looks at the corner behind Jacques' desk. She then looks at Willow.

Weiss: You put a camera in here?

Willow: (upset) I put them in every room of this house, for our safety, in case I ever needed to…

She quickly trails off and takes a moment to gather herself. She then looks at Weiss.

Willow: You haven't come back to stay, have you?

Weiss: No.

Willow: (smiling) Good.

A single tear rolls down Willow's cheek. Her smile soon fades, and she wipes her tear away, while Weiss looks away sadly.

Willow: (sniffling) A man came by.

She hands Weiss the Scroll, picks up her bottle and begins walking across the room.

Willow: I'm afraid your father may be involved in something more dangerous than he realizes.

Weiss looks at the Scroll, which has a recorded video of Jacques and Arthur Watts pulled up.

Willow: No matter what happens, Weiss... please don't forget about your brother.

Weiss looks at her mother.

Weiss: Whitley wants nothing to do with me.

Willow stops at the door and turns to look at Weiss.

Willow: Of course not, you left him alone.

She looks at the portrait of Jacques behind the desk, and Weiss looks at it too.

Willow: (sadly) With us.

Willow leaves the room, shutting the door behind her, and Weiss stares at the door with a sad look of realization. She then gathers herself and looks at the paused video suspiciously.

Weiss: Who are you?

She taps the screen to begin playing the video.

Thunder rumbles, and rain pours down on the streets of Mantle. Watts is standing on a roof in front of a billboard advertising Atlas Academy. He is holding his umbrella in his right hand and his Scroll in his left.

He holds up his Scroll and taps a folder with the Atlas emblem on it, which brings up three windows. The first window is labeled "ATLAS_SECURITY_NETWORK.EXE", and the other two are labeled "MANTLE_HEATING_SYSTEM.EXE". The third window shows a map of Mantle with the sections colored red.

He taps a couple times on his Scroll, and it begins making a processing noise. A large portion of the Mantle map loses its red color. Across Mantle, heating units begin powering down.

Soon, the orange glow disappears from the sky, and the rain stops. Watts tosses his umbrella off the roof as snowflakes begin drifting down. On the porch steps below, Drunk Mann and Drinking Buddy are sitting together.

Civilians holding umbrellas are walking by, and a Faunus is sitting on the sidewalk, playing guitar. A small child inside the house runs to the window and looks at where the umbrella fell.

He then looks around at the snow. Drinking Buddy points up, and Drunk Mann looks at the sky. Slowly, other civilians begin to stop and notice the snow, as well.

Mantle Child: Hey mom, it's snowing!

The child runs off to get his mother. The snowfall grows heavier, and wind begins to blow.

Winter Schnee

Y/N and Winter were making out in the hallway. Winter was on his lap, his arms wrapping her body. Y/N picks her up.

Winter grasps Y/N's leather outfit as she is pinned to the wall by him, Y/N puts his hand beside her on the wall.

She breaks away from the kiss to look at Y/N in his eyes. She admires the dark red color combined with the bright red, his eyes almost seemed like it was glowing with passion.

Winter starts taking his jacket off, and in return, he starts to unbutton her clothes. Winter pulls him in for another make out session. Her scroll vibrates and she pulls it out. Y/N breaks from the kiss, allowing her to check the scroll.

Y/N: What is it?


Snow continues to fall from the night sky over Mantle, collecting on roads, sidewalks and rooftops. Pietro and Maria stand outside Pietro's clinic with the door open, allowing civilians to take shelter inside.

Woman: What's going on? Is the heat off in Atlas too?

Man: They wouldn't just turn the heat off…

Pietro and Maria look at each other.

Man: ...Would they?

Maria and Pietro look up at the City of Atlas, the underside of which is still lit up cyan and purple.

James Ironwood

Inside the dining room of the Schnee Manor, the Atlas councilmen continue to talk to James Ironwood.

Camilla: General, since the day you were appointed Headmaster, there have been Atlesians who are skeptical of one man holding two Council seats.

Ironwood: Yes, which is exactly why we have checks and balances.

Sleet: We're supposed to, but lately you've been running roughshod all over them, making unilateral decisions without us.

Ironwood: Councilman, I never intended-

Sleet: What people intend and what they do aren't always the same, General.

A butler walks into the room, stops at Jacques Schnee's side, and whispers to him.

Jacques: Hm? (hushed) What? For how long?

The butler whispers again. Jacques' eyes widen.

Jacques: (hushed) My authorization? Check it again!

The butler hurries out of the room, and Councilman Sleet looks at Jacques.

Sleet: Councilman Schnee?

Jacques tenses. As he speaks, he adjusts his tie and gestures awkwardly.

Jacques: Um... (clears throat) Yes, I, uh… agree with everything, everything that was, uh, just said. No, uh, no further questions.

He quiets down, collecting himself, and Sleet, Camilla and Robyn Hill stare at him for a moment.

Robyn: (turning to Ironwood) I'm not quite done yet. You're afraid of something, General. Aren't you?

Ironwood: I think that's pretty obvious, Miss Hill. I'm trying to prevent Atlas from becoming another Beacon, another Haven.

While Robyn speaks, Jacques does not appear to be paying close attention. Instead, he clasps his hands in front of his face, then puts his left hand to his face.

Robyn: Yet, you don't trust your own Council to help you? Operating in secret? These are the actions of somebody who's hiding something.

Ironwood: I'm not hiding anything.

Robyn: Let's put it to the test then.

Robyn stands up, and Jacques lowers his hand from his face and watches as she approaches Ironwood.

Robyn: You're all aware of my Semblance. Let's settle it here and now, General Ironwood.

She stands next to Ironwood and holds her hand out to him. He looks at her hand, then at the councilmen.

Robyn: Here and now.

He looks at her hand again, but before he can do anything, the double doors on the other end of the room noisily swing open.

Weiss: Wait!

Everyone looks toward the door, and Robyn gains a slightly annoyed expression. Weiss is standing in the doorway, holding the doors open.

Weiss: You've got the wrong man on trial.

She walks into the room and stops next to Jacques.

Weiss: I know who's been framing Ironwood, who rigged the election. And my father does, too. He's been working with him.

Jacques looks nervous, and Weiss sets the Scroll that Willow gave her on the table and taps the screen, causing it to project a hologram screen into the air. The screen depicts a paused video of Jacques and Arthur Watts in Jacques' office.

Camilla: Is that... Arthur Watts?

Sleet stands up.

Sleet: That's impossible! Dr. Watts died in the Paladin Incident years ago.

Jacques: Wha- W-w-what is this?

Ironwood stands up.

Ironwood: Play it.

Weiss taps the play button on the Scroll, and the floating screen begins playing the video. As it plays, Jacques becomes more and more nervous, fidgeting with his hands and then his mustache, sweat quickly appearing on his brow.

Jacques: (in the video) That bastard is costing me more money every day with this embargo. I'd lay off every employee in Mantle if I wasn't trying to get their damn votes for this Council seat!

Watts: What if I said you could have your cake and eat it, too?

Jacques: (in the video) What did you have in mind?

Watts: James Ironwood never recognized my genius. After everything I gave him, he still disgraced me. I simply wish to return the favor.

Sleet watches the video in stunned silence and sits back down. Ironwood begins walking across the room toward Jacques.

Jacques: (in the video) What's in it for me?

Watts: A seat on the council. All I need is your login credentials for the Atlas network.

Winter Schnee narrows her eyes and subtly shakes her head disapprovingly.

Watts: You promise to make Ironwood's life a waking nightmare, and I will guarantee you victory at the polls by giving the voters down in Mantle a little… "digital push", if you will.

Robyn watches with widened eyes, then grips a nearby chair and narrows her eyes angrily.

Jacques: (in the video) I always knew you were a good scientist, Arthur... but I never knew you were such a good salesman.

Ironwood comes to a stop near Weiss.

Ironwood: Enough.

In the video, Jacques cackles, and Weiss taps the Scroll's screen, pausing the video and making the floating screen disappear.

Jacques: (stammering) That, that is-- I-

Jacques quickly stands and moves next to his chair, putting his hands up.

Jacques: (stammering) I can explain that. (clears throat) That… isn't real.

Sleet: (angrily) Jacques, take your seat.

There is a brief pause before Jacques frantically runs for the double doors behind him. He swings the doors open, only to stumble backward at the sight of an Arma Gigas summon. He sputters a little, then turns and looks at Weiss.

Jacques: Weiss…

Weiss: Jacques Schnee, you're under arrest.

Weiss withdraws her Scroll and displays her Huntress license to him with a very serious expression. A few moments pass, and she looks over her shoulder at Ironwood.

Weiss: Can I do that?


In Mantle, people have begun shouting, and someone in the crowd screams "I hate you!" Paying no mind to the commotion, Watts catches a snowflake in his palm and then crushes it.

Someone breaks glass nearby, and he turns to look. A man has shattered the front window of a shop called Dust in the Wind. On the other side of the window is a display of very large Dust crystals and a pair of small signs.

The citizens have started a bonfire in the street and are throwing wooden furniture into the fire. The man who looted the Dust shop runs over with his Dust crystals.

Woman: Atlas killed the heat on purpose!

Man: They'll do anything to control us.

Drinking Buddy and Drunk Mann stand back and watch their fellow citizens, and the looter tosses one of the crystals into the fire. There is a small sound as the crystal enters the flames, and the fire briefly bursts outward, growing taller and brighter.

A pair of Atlas soldiers watch from down the road, and one of them activates her communicator.

Soldier: The situation here is getting out of control. Please advise.

Further down that same road, Watts stands around the corner of a building, peeking out at the Atlas soldiers. Behind him, Tyrian Callows drops down from somewhere above and chuckles.

Meanwhile, Schnee Manor

In the Schnee Manor dining room, Jacques is sitting in a chair on the side of the room, with Y/N, Winter, Ironwood, the councilmen, Robyn and Clover standing around him. Team RWBY and Penny are standing together at the end of the room. Clover receives contact on his communicator and puts his fingers to it, listening.

Ironwood: I knew you'd stoop low to get what you wanted, Jacques. But this?

Clover glances at Ironwood and then walks out of the room, continuing to listen to his communicator.

Jacques: This is all a great leap, James.

Ironwood: No, it's quite simple really- now that I know Arthur Watts is alive. Working with a madman like Tyrian, it would be easy for someone like him to coordinate an unthinkably heinous act like the one in that warehouse. Watts designed Mantle's entire security network. He used that access to hack the surveillance system and frame someone else for the job.

Everyone but Jacques looks at Penny, who looks away sadly. Ruby places her hand on Penny's shoulder. Ironwood looks at Jacques again.

Ironwood: All while stealing an election.

Ironwood moves closer to Jacques, who becomes nervous.

Ironwood: And once you became a Councilman, your newly granted clearance gave him a (slamming his hands onto the chair's arms) backdoor into Atlas' secure network. But you probably hadn't even considered that, had you?

Robyn: The people that died that night, their blood is on your hands.

Sleet: Jacques Schnee must be tried, not only for treason, but as an accesory to murder.

Jacques: These are outrageous accusations! I only intended to win the election. I had nothing to do-

Robyn: Only?!

Enraged, Robyn grabs the nearest chair and slams it into the wall. Penny puts her hand to her lips, and Jacques, Ironwood, Winter and the councilmen look at Robyn. Ironwood straightens up.

Y/N: What else can he do with the access Jacques gave him?

Ironwood: With enough time… whatever he wants.

Jacques, Camilla, Sleet and Ironwood's Scrolls all buzz and ping, with Jacques' Scroll lighting up the pocket of his coat. The sudden noise and sensation causes Jacques to jump in fright.

Ironwood, Camilla and Sleet withdraw their Scrolls. Camilla deploys her Scroll's screen, which displays an emergency alert, and Sleet answers a call on his.

Sleet: Wait… wait, what? What do you mean the heat has gone off?

Weiss gasps and puts her hand to her lips. Blake Belladonna looks worried, and Yang Xiao Long looks somewhat angry.

Jacques: You have to believe me, I-I-I didn't know he was planning this.

Winter slams her hands down on the arm of Jacques' chair, and he flinches away from her.

Winter: You are going to shut your mouth and get the heating grid up and running again.

Jacques: I… I've been informed that we can't get into the system. It's… it's been blocked off.

Ironwood has been staring at the alert on his Scroll's screen, which says "! Emergency Alert !" and "Atlas Council Security Notification". He lowers his Scroll and turns away, while Robyn walks over to a window and places her hand on it, looking outside.

Sleet: Without heat down there... people are going to die.

Penny and Ruby look at each other worriedly. Ironwood has his hand to his jaw, covering his lips. Ruby walks over to him.

Ruby: General Ironwood? How bad is it?

Ironwood types something into his Scroll and then scrolls through things, one being a screen that displays a shape similar to the Amity Communications Tower.

Ironwood: He's using Jacques' credentials. We can follow that activity on the network. If he's found his way into the Amity system…

Robyn turns her head and looks at Ironwood.

Ironwood: No, the secret is safe. For now. But if he learns about Amity, she learns about Amity.

While he speaks, Ironwood walks past Ruby and Robyn, both of whom watch him.

Weiss: Can you block his access?

He walks past Weiss, Blake and Yang, swiping through pages that keep bringing up an "Access Denied" alert.

Ironwood: It's too late. He's already starting to lock us out.

Blake: Can we trace him somehow? Find out where he's hiding?

Ironwood: He's going to be mobile. We need his access point. We need to get him out in the open.

Robyn: Okay, so let me get this straight.

Ironwood stops, and he, Blake, Yang, Weiss and Penny look at Robyn. She holds up her hand and then does a finger gun gesture as she speaks.

Robyn: Yep, still here everyone.

Robyn resumes a serious expression and walks toward Ironwood.

Robyn: How do a disgraced scientist and disappeared serial killer find each other, General? Why would they target you? And why are you working so hard to hide the Amity Communications Tower from them?

Ironwood: (surprised) You know?

Meanwhile, Mantle

In Mantle, an even larger crowd has begun to gather around the bonfire, with more people running toward it. Pietro and Maria exit the clinic and watch worriedly.

AK-200: Citizens, please disperse. For your own safety, please disperse.

Five Atlesian Knight-200s approach some of the civilians and then stand still.

AK-200: For your own safety, please-

A pair of civilians wielding metal pipes suddenly attack the front to AK-200s and begin beating the fallen robots with the pipes. Nearby, Pietro watches, horrified. The Grimm sirens begin going off, and the street lamps turn red. A large herd of Megoliaths are charging toward a break in Mantle's wall. A group of Mantas fly toward the herd.

Pilot: Atlas, Manta Team Delta- beginning first run.

One of the Mantas fires a barrage of missiles at the Megoliaths, but the Grimm appear to be unaffected. The Mantas continue firing missiles at the Megoliaths, while a small group of Sabyrs run ahead and attack the AK-200s guarding the hole in the wall, quickly knocking the robots down.

A pair of Atlas soldiers are stationed atop the wall, firing at Grimm that approach it, and they watch the Sabyrs run through the streets. The soldiers hear a screeching noise, look back, and then duck down and cover their heads as a Teryx flies overhead.

Meanwhile, Schnee Manor

Robyn stands face to face with Ironwood.

Robyn: I used to think you were hiding something to protect yourself. But I can tell there's something much bigger going on here. Now I think it's to protect something else. Us… Atlas, maybe even all of Remnant. And you're afraid of what might happen if you tell the truth.

Ironwood frowns. The double doors on the other end of the room swing open, with Clover and Oscar Pine on the other side.

Clover: General, the Grimm are all over Mantle.

Clover and Oscar hurry across the room to stand near Ironwood.

Clover: The air fleet's doing everything they can, but they can't easily target Grimm in the city without risking casualties.

Ironwood: This... this is what I was afraid would happen.

Ironwood puts his hand to his jaw and walks away.

Clover: Sir, we need ground support now.

Robyn: What we need is to start evacuating Mantle. If it's completely overrun, it's not going to be safe anywhere. Use the fleet to get-

Ironwood: If I move the fleet, then Atlas is vulnerable. I… I tried to keep the kingdom safe. And now we're losing everything.

Ironwood places his right hand on the wall and leans on that arm, covering his face with his left hand. Oscar approaches him, resting his hand on the Relic of Knowledge.

Oscar: General? Earlier, you asked for my advice.

Ironwood: I wanted Ozpin's advice.

Oscar: And his advice probably would've been to keep your secrets. When we first got here, you already knew that wasn't the right course. You had a new plan.

Ironwood: It's time to give up on that plan.

Ironwood straightens up, lowering his hand from his face.

Ironwood: It's all falling apart.

Y/N: The panic you were worried about is already happening. The secrets you're keeping are about to be in the open anyway. It's time.

Ironwood turns and looks at Oscar and Y/N.

Oscar: Tell the truth.

Ruby: You're not alone.

Ironwood looks over to see that Ruby has approached him with an encouraging smile.

Ruby: We can do this together.

Ironwood nods and smiles.

Ironwood: Thank you. Oscar, I think it's time you get back to the Academy.

Oscar: I think you're right.

Oscar rests his hand on the Relic again. While Ironwood speaks, Winter brings out her Scroll and starts using it, heading over to him.

Ironwood: Miss Hill, Councilman Sleet, Councilwoman Camilla, there are some things you need to know about. Let's figure out how we can help Mantle… together.

Winter holds up her Scroll, with "Transport Authorized" displayed at the top of the screen.

Winter: I've called a transport.

Yang: What about Watts and Tyrian?

Ironwood: You leave them to me. Right now, you're needed down below.

Ruby steps toward the others and poses with her hands on her hips, while Winter watches, smiling.

Ruby: Alright everybody, it's time to do our jobs. All of us.

Weiss, Blake and Yang look at Penny, who smiles.

Clover: What she said. Let's make it happen, Huntsmen.

Clover heads out of the room with Y/N, Team RWBY, Penny, Oscar and Winter following him. In the hallway, the group passes by the dark-haired waitress who had been serving the council earlier that night. As she watches them go, she narrows her dark green eyes and smirks.

The last remaining party guests run out the manor's front door, which Marrow is holding open. Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, and Lie Ren head outside, as well. In the foyer, Ruby runs to catch up with Oscar.

Ruby: Oscar?

Oscar turns to face Ruby, who nearly bumps into him.

Ruby and Oscar: I-

The two awkwardly interrupt and speak over each other.

Ruby: Oh. (awkward laugh)

Oscar: Oh, you first.

Ruby: Sorry. I didn't meant to interrupt-

Oscar: You didn't, actually.

Ruby: Um... I just wanted to say uh-

Oscar: I had thought that maybe-

Both: We should tell Ironwood.

The two laugh awkwardly while Ruby's teammates run past.

Ruby: Well, uh… (awkward laugh) I guess we're on the same page, huh?

Oscar: Guess so. He's finally choosing the truth over fear. We should do the same.

Ruby: I'll tell him. I'm the one who chose to keep it from him in the first place.

Marrow: Ruby! Transport's leaving.

Marrow points out the door with his thumb, and Ruby waves her hands to him.

Oscar: I think you're needed elsewhere.

Oscar starts heading to the dining room.

Ruby: You're sure?

Oscar: Yeah, I've got it.

He gives her a thumbs up and continues on his way, and she heads to the front door. They both stop and turn to each other, once again accidentally speaking over each other.

Ruby: Good luck in there.

Oscar: Good luck down there.

They laugh awkwardly, and Ruby does a finger gun gesture at him with both hands before running out the door.

Marrow: Ugh, kids.

Marrow walks out the door.

Y/N, Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Qrow and the Ace Operatives fly toward Mantle aboard a Manta that is being piloted by Harriet Bree. Clover looks out the windshield, then turns around to address everyone sitting in the passenger area in the back.

Clover: Alright, everyone. I need to stress to our new Huntsmen and Huntresses, we are prioritizing citizen safety over killing Grimm. Got it?

Teams RWBY, WLVR, and JNPR nod their heads in acknowledgement. Nora looks at Ren, who has his head turned away and his eyes closed. She sets her hand on top of his and grips it, and he curls his fingers to grip her fingertips. They look at each other and then look down.

Yang watches them. Blake looks at Yang, who looks back at her, then turns her eyes away and smiles.

High in the air, a Teryx trails the Manta, uttering a small screech.

James Ironwood

Sleet, Camilla and Robyn stand out in the hallway in the Schnee Manor.

Sleet: She can control Grimm?

Camilla: Ironwood wouldn't lie about something like this.

Sleet: Do you really think he can stop her?

Robyn looks at the door.

Inside the dining room, Ironwood is sitting at the table with a stunned expression. Oscar is sitting to his right.

Ironwood: She… can't be killed. Jinn told you this?

Oscar: She showed us when we asked what Oz was hiding.

Ironwood: (distraught) Why? Why would Oz keep this from us? From the people who trusted him?

Oscar: He was worried you would lose hope.

Ironwood turns away a little, resting his hand over his mouth.

Oscar: We're sorry we kept it from you, too. We didn't know who to trust. I figured you should know before you make any… sacrifices.

They sit in silence for a couple of seconds.

Oscar: Sir? What are you gonna do?

Ironwood lowers his hand from his face, uncertain at first.

Ironwood: I… (collects himself) All we can do for the moment is what we can to save Mantle. That's what's in front of us.

Oscar: (smiling) He'd be proud of you. You're bringing the hope that Atlas was meant to inspire. A city in the sky is held to a higher standard.

Ironwood: You say that... like you were ther-

Ironwood's Scroll, which is sitting on the table, beeps. He taps the screen.

Ironwood: Our transports are here. We should move.

Oscar nods, stands up and heads for the door. As soon as his back is turned to Ironwood, his smile turns into a frown.

Ironwood: Oscar.

Ironwood pushes his chair away from the table and turns it sideways so he can look at Oscar.

Ironwood: No more surprises, all right? I'm not sure I could take it.

Oscar, having turned to face Ironwood, smiles a little.

Oscar: You and me both.


In the skies above Mantle, a Teryx lands on the front end of the Ace-Ops' Manta and looks through the windshield. It roars and spreads its wings. Marrow looks into the back of the ship.

Marrow: Hang on!

Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, Ren, Blake and Yang have buckled their seatbelts. Jaune is holding Pyrrha by his side. Elm Ederne holds onto Qrow and Clover, activating her Semblance to keep her footing. Weiss creates black-and-purple glyphs under herself, Ruby and Vine to keep the three of them steady. Y/N grips onto the side of the ship.

Harriet begins making the Manta perform maneuvers, leaning and spinning in an attempt to knock the Teryx off. Inside, Jaune holds back vomit, and Ren looks at Nora, holding onto her right arm.

The Teryx lets go with its hind legs and swings itself to stand on top of the Manta. It then makes its way down the right side of the ship and swings its right hand at the ship.

Blake and Yang hear a noise and lean away from each other, just in time to avoid the Teryx's claws as they slash straight through the wall. Yang yelps, looking terrified.

Harriet: I can't shake it!

Another Teryx swoops down, slams its hind claws through the ship's right wing, and flies away, causing an explosion in the ship's wing. Debris flies off the damaged wing, which begins flaming and smoking, and the ship becomes unsteady.

Marrow: I don't think we're staying airborne.

Y/N: I hate flying.

Qrow: It's time to go.

Clover: You have your team assignments.

Clover heads over to the ship door, flicking his clover medal with his thumb.

Clover: Let's go.

He hits the airship's door, making it slide open. On the other side of the door is the Teryx's head, and it screeches at Clover, who confidently stands with his back to it and a smirk on his face. Half of the damaged ship wing snaps off and slams into the Teryx, knocking it off the ship. Jaune, Ren, Weiss and Nora jump out of the ship one by one.

Elm: Harriet, don't stay too long.

Harriet: (sarcastic) Yeah, thanks for the tip.

Marrow, Yang and Blake jump out of the ship. Elm and Clover clasp hands with each other, and then Elm jumps up, grabs onto the ship, and swings herself out.

Glass from the front of the ship shatters and flies backward toward Clover, who shields his face with his arms. Harriet is standing on the pilot seat with her weapon deployed, having shattered the windshield. She looks back at Ruby and smirks.

Harriet: Try to keep up, kid.

Ruby laughs and grins excitedly. Harriet uses her Semblance to jump out the broken windshield, run along the top of the ship and jump off the tail, while Ruby follows her, flying through the air with her own Semblance.

The ship begins descending toward Mantle, and Qrow opens the other door. Clover salutes him and falls backward from the ship.

Qrow: (scoffs, smiling) Show off.

Qrow leaps from the ship and does a flip before letting himself freefall.

Y/N looks down at the fall and cringes. He puts on his cowl, and steps back for a jump. As he is stepping back he fastens the belts on his gloves. He lowers himself.

Y/N: Let's do this.

Y/N runs and jumps out of the ship.

Jacques Schnee

In the foyer of the Schnee Manor, Whitley Schnee is sitting at the bottom of the main staircase, staring sadly out the open front door.

Jacques: How dare you! This is highly unnecessary.

Atlas soldiers are escorting Jacques to a prison transport airship, while another soldier speaks with Willow.

Jacques: I will not stand for this. Don't touch me like that.

Willow turns and looks at Whitley, who gets up and runs up the stairs. Willow turns back around, looking down sadly. The soldiers continue escorting Jacques, whose wrists are bound in front of him by a bolas.

Jacques: I'll be reporting this rough treatment.

The soldiers push him inside, and one of them slams the door shut.

Jacques: What is your name and badge number?!

While this happens, the dark-haired waitress exits the Schnee Manor, and as the ship flies away, she begins cheerfully skipping with her hands behind her back.

In a hallway somewhere, the dark-haired waitress enters the passcode 1210 next to a door. The number pad beeps in confirmation, and the door slides open.

She glances down the hall both ways and then enters, walking over to a glass wall with a view of the City of Atlas, where she stands with her hand on her hip. She hears a voice behind her, and a light turns on.

Cinder: Huh. You're back early.

Cinder is leaning against a wall. The waitress rolls her eyes, then turns to face Cinder, who takes a few steps forward.

Cinder: Tell me you found what we've been looking for.

The waitress strikes a sassy pose, bringing her index finger to her cheek in a feigned thinking gesture. As she does so, pink energy resembling clusters of glass shards moves up her body, dispelling the illusion and revealing her to be Neopolitan. Neo flicks Roman Torchwick's hat atop her head and smirks at Cinder.

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