Unreal Realities - Creepypas...

By GetJinxed0

327K 13K 9.7K

A story about a girl and her brother goin around eatin people's and killing people's (duh) then one day they... More

Chappy 2 - New Future for the Two
Chappy 3 - Meetings of Mad People
Chappy 4 - Calling of the Duty
Chappy 5 - Trollololololololo
Chappy 6 - The Slendies
Chappy 7 - Man Eating Friends
Chappy 9 - I-It Can't Be
Chappy 10 - Broken
Chappy 11 - Eyebrows On Fleek Tho
Chappy 12 - KIDENYS!!!!!!
Chappy 13 - My Savior
Chappy 14 - KAWAII!!!!!!!!!
Chappy 15 - Halloween
Chappy 16 - That's NOT Candy!
Chappy 17 - Nice Feelings
Chappy 18 - Just a Little Bit of Nothing
Chappy 19 - ALL THE BACON IS WHAT?!?!?
Chappy 20 - Bloody Boys
Chappy 21 - Lovefool
Chappy 22 - OH SHIT!!
Chappy 23 - Giant Ass House
Chappy 24 - TAKE IT!!!!
Chappy 25 - Why?
Chappy 26 - Hi
Chappy 27 - Really?!
Chappy 28 - Saved (some what)
Chappy 29 - Old Friends
Chappy 30 - Comfort from a Friend
Chappy 31 - Drunk as Fuck
Chappy 32 - Insert Title Because I'm so Good at Making Titles. Arent I?
Chappy 33 - The New Guy, Animal, Pet, Thing
Chappy 34 - B-But What Happened to the Other Little Shit?
Chappy 35 - Fuck, Marry, Kill
Chappy 36 - FNAF?
Cahappy 37 - I'm Not Dead..... Right?
Chappy 38 - Building Back Up
Chappy 39 - Admiration
Chappy 40 - Wait!
Chappy 41 - Listen, Please!
Chappy 42 - A Pedo Thing?
Chappy 43 - Tachyon
Chappy 44 - ?
Chappy 45 - .........
Chappy 46 - This is a lemon. Sour, is it not?
Chappy 47 - Il Vit Et Nous Célébrons
Chappy 48 - The Other Side Is Now and It's Confusing

Chappy 1 - Past in the Present

21.6K 566 364
By GetJinxed0

It was a cold dark night. The forest had a gentle wind blowing against it. There was a strong chill in the atmosphere. Hot breath was able to be seen in the air when ever one exhaled. The moon was hidden by clouds and no stars were seen. The sky felt... blank.

In your hand, you held another hand. The hand of your brother. Today was his birthday and he just turned seven. He was wearing a green hooded sweater just his size and dirty black pants. His hair was (h/c) and his big, beautiful eyes were green. His hands were cold and small compared to your larger hands.

You were wearing a (f/c) sweater with black pants. Your (h/c) (h/l) hair was down and being gently moved by the wind and your (e/c) eyes pierced through the darkness with no effort.

You looked around, still holding your brother's hand. Then, your eyes landed on a large tree. You walked forward, taking your brother with you. When you both reached the tree, you kneeled down to your brother. Your brother climbed onto your back, held your neck, and squeeze your sides tightly. He's been doing this for so long, he already knew what to do. You stood back up once again and then grabbed onto the tree.

You briefly stopped to test the barks strength. Once you knew it was safe, you grabbed onto it and lifted yourself up. You could immediately feel gravity try to pull you down but you were strong enough to keep both you and your brother up. You began to climb upwards. You continued to climb until you reached a large branch that extended far out and was large enough to support both of your weights. Your brother first climbed off you and sat down on the branch, leaving room for you.

You followed next and sat with your legs extended out with the branch. Your brother climbed onto your lap, rested his head on your chest, and his legs on yours. Your brother closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep. You, however, planned to stay awake to protect your brother from any harm. Also, so you didn't fall off the branch, taking your brother down with. That would be tragic. After all, the only reason you slept in trees was to be safe from wolves and predators of the night, not to fall to death.

You looked down at your brother's head and kissed him. You've always taken care of your brother. Ever since you were his age.

--Flash back--

Your breath was hot as you ran towards your mother's room. You quickly opened the door and watched as she cradled a baby in her arms. When, she saw you burst through the door, her expression grew serious. She stood up with what little strength she had after just giving birth in her bed.

"Y/n." She said falling on her knees after unable to take the pain his her stomach. Well, uterus actually. But, of course, your childish mind didn't understand that sort of thing.

You ran to her and stood next to her.

"Yes, mom?" You asked with worry and fear in your voice.

"I need you to take your brother." Your mother said with tears growing in her eyes.

"Why?" You asked confused as to why she handed you the baby in her arms.

"Your father in coming here, Y/n, and he doesn't like your brother. If he sees him, he might try to hurt him. So, I-I need to to run away with him." Your mother said with tears streaming down her delicate face.

"But mom what about you? Can't you come with me? He might hurt you too." You asked with tears forming and voice growing higher in distress.

"I-I can't, Y/n, I'll slow you down. That's why I need you to go." Your mother said breaking down into tears. She held her face, too ashamed to look up, for the worried eyes of her daughter would haunt her.

There was a loud banging on the door downstairs, alarming both you and your mother. Then, and even louder bang that symbolized the door was broken down. Your mother started to panic. She took something out of the bed sheets and placed it in your hand. It was a 8 inch blade with a black 4 inch handle. A perfect 12 inches of beautiful steel. Why would a mother give this to a child? A child that was holding a baby none the less. Luckily it was a new born baby, light enough to hold both it and a blade. You looked at your mother with worried eyes.

"Y/n, you need to run away. Use this if anyone ever tries to hurt you or your brother." You mother said and kissed your cheek. You couldn't help but whimper in fear at the thought of what might happen to your mother.

"But-" You were cut off by a man breaking down the door to the room.

He had a blade in his hand, a gun in the other, as well as an angered look in his eyes. He looked at your mother and the baby in your arms. He was your father. A bad one who did horrible things to your mother, or so you thought. He walked forward, towards your mother. Your mother grabbed you and shielded you.

"YOU LITTLE WHORE! I TOLD YOU TO KILL THAT STUPID KID!" Your mad father said and lunged at your mother.

He stabbed her and continued to stabbed her, not stopping for a second. He had a gun that he didn't use, why? Because the shot would certainly alarm any sleeping neighbors but, your mother's screams were already alarming enough. Those screams, however, slowly began to fade. Even when she was dead, your father continued to stabbed her, shouting curses with tears in his eyes.

"Stop." You said with your voice quivering. "Stop." You said again.

Then, you looked down at your baby brother and the knife you had. Then, you settled your brother down on the floor where he couldn't get hurt then, you looked at your father with the knife still in your hand and rage filled your body as he stabbed your now dead mother.

"I SAID STOP!!" You shouted as you threw yourself at him, plunging the knife into his back.

It was difficult for such a small girl to accomplish these feats but, all it seemed to take was one good stab. Your father fell and grunted. His limp body took one last look at you as his life was lost. You looked at his body for moments. Then, you took out the knife from his body, with difficulty, then held it tightly. You took your brother and cradled him in your arms. He looked up at you and gave you a gummy smile and a sweet chuckle. You smiled.

Then, you stepped out of the room and took one last look at your parents. Dead parents. Then, you left to fend for yourself and your brother. For the rest of your life.

--Flash back Over--

You looked once more at the night sky admiring it's clouds that it had to offer. But memory's still seemed to play through your mind.

Like the day you turned you brother into a monster, for instance. It didn't take much though. Just a simple taste of blood.

-Flash Back 2-

It was an autumn day. You were eleven. Your brother, four. You were giving him a piggyback ride through your foster parents home. It seemed like such a nice place on the outside. A kind family that often held gathering to raise money for poor people and orphanages. On the inside however, they weren't so nice.

Sometimes they would starve you, quite often, actually. They had mean children as well, that were able to do what ever they wanted with you two. There was one girl, the same age as you, and a boy that was fifteen. They would always beat you if you didn't to their chores or their homework and the girl would always hit you for being prettier than her. It's not like you tried. She would also be mean to your brother for being young and "stupid". He was smarter than her. He just refused to show it.

The boy, however, was another story. He was worse. He used to touch you... In bad places. You didn't like it. You hated it. It made you want to carve off your skin just from one touch by him. If you were to fight back, his father would threaten you. Because his father liked to watch. There wasn't anything you wouldn't do to take out the knife you obtained from your mother and stab them.

One night, after being abused and starved by the girl all day, the boy's father and himself came into your room. You were laying with your brother at the time and when you saw them, you didn't know what to do. What if your brother would be exposed to this? You heart began to race. Your eyes began to get watery from being unable to do anything or think of anything. You closed your eyes shut.

The boy began to crawl in top of you with lust in his eyes. When he was directly above you, he glanced at your brother. You opened your eyes, your motherly senses kicking in. Then, he turned to you and smirked. He reached for your brother and you were about to stop him until another thing happened.

Your brother took a chunk off the boy's arm. The boy screamed and the father stooded up, enraged. The father grabbed a pillow and went for your brother. Although, you didn't just sit there and watch. Right as he was about to put the pillow over your brother's face, you took out your knife that you hid in your clothes and stabbed him.

Multiple times. Repeatedly. Until he was not moving and the blood trailed on you. Dripping. Then, you turned back to the boy and your brother. You realized the boy was dead and your brother crouched over him. Your brother appeared to be.... Eating him. Although, it was reasonable. That family did starve you both for 3 days. Your brother must have been more than famished. You stood up and let your brother continue. You got off the bed and headed to the girl's room. When you opened the door, she was huddled in a corner with a pillow over her head.

"G..go aw..away!" she said with her voice trembling with fear.

You walked towards her and she screamed. Then, you launched at her with your knife and ended her life painfully and slowly. You looked down at her body. Tears and saliva trailed from her eyes and mouth, her blood scattered over you. You took your knife out of her and headed upstairs next. You slowly and quietly opened the door to the mother's room, stepping in.

The mother seemed to still be asleep. To think that she slept through her whole family's death, you were a better mother than her. You walked towards her bed and the shook the woman awake.

"What?" she said drowsily and looked at you.

Her eyes adjusted to the dark room and widen.

"Wha..what did you do?!?" She asked scared and starring at the blood on you.

Then, your grabbed her hair and looked straight in her eyes.

"Your family is dead, now, so are you" You said then slit her throat giving her a quick death.

Her blood was splashed on your face and you watched as she choked on her own blood. You dropped her head back down on her pillow and moved back to the beaten room that was yours. You looked inside to see your brother wiping away the blood on his mouth.

Then, you heard sirens. Someone must have heard the screams from next door. It was so easy to do that in this quiet town. You quickly grabbed a pair of clothes and sweaters for you and your brother. Then, you kneeled down to your brother.

"Climb on my back. Hold tight." you told him urgently. He nodded and did so.

You opened a window that was in your room... And jumped out. You landed on the ground with pain in your legs. You were on the second story, before jumping that is. You did what you could and then ran straight to the forest with your brother just as the cops arrive at the scene of the crime.

--Flash back over--

As you dosed off in your thoughts, you heard something. It was the snap of a twig. You brother heard it too and sat up in your lap. Could it be a hiker? Or maybe even something else...

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