Never Loved Payton Moormeier...

By Jazz_Martin

60.2K 1.2K 281

"I've never been in love" More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25

Part 16

1.6K 44 4
By Jazz_Martin

A/N: Don't know if y'all care but I'm starting this soon^^^

July 28

It was probably 8:30 in the morning and I was taking a morning shower. While in the shower there was a knock on the bathroom floor.

"Y/N could you hurry up!" Jackson shouted the the door.

"I'm getting out right now!" I shouted back and turned off the water I wrapped myself in a towel and left the bathroom. I quickly went to my room and put on a cute crop top with a pair of shorts. I sat down on my bed and realized what day it was.

"Hey babe," Payton said, coming into my room.

"Morning," I said with a smile and he kissed me quickly and sat down.

"Do you know what today is?" Payton asked, excitedly.

"Tuesday?" I said and he pouted for a second.

"Yeah it's uh Tuesday," Payton said awkwardly.

"Payton?!" Jackson shouted.

"What?!" Payton shouted back as I looked down at my phone.

"I'm going with My mom to pick up your thing," Jackson shouted.

"I'll come with," Payton shouted and got up from my bed.

"Wait Payton," I said and he just shook his head and walked out my room. I sighed and went on Instagram and saw Jackson's Happy birthday post for Payton. He must think I forgot about his birthday but I'm doing that on purpose.

"Hey Y/N do you want to help me decorate?" Austin asked, coming into my room.

"Sure," I said and got up and followed Austin downstairs. After half an hour of puting up birthday decorations Jackson walked in the house with Payton and a box.

"Looks good Austin," Payton said.

"Y/N helped," Austin said and I looked over at Payton. He rolled his eyes and went upstairs.

"What's his problem?" Austin asked and Jackson and I shrugged. Jackson put the cake box down on the table before going upstairs, after Payton I'm guessing.

"Y/N?" Austin questioned.

"Hm?" I questioned.

"Did something happen?" Austin asked.

"He's probably still upset that I did say happy birthday to him this morning," I said but was cut off by shouting upstairs.

"Fuck off Jackson, she forgot about my birthday," Payton shouted Ouch

"I'm guessing that has to do with you," Austin said and I sighed. I went upstairs and slowly went into Jackson's room.

"They looked at me and Payton gave me a glare.

"I'm gonna let y'all talk," Jackson said and left.

"Payton I didn't forget about your birthday," I said and he didn't look at me, from where he was standing by Jackson's bed.

"Bullshit," He said and I went over to him.

"Why would I forget my own boyfriend's birthday?" I questioned and he looked down at me slightly.

"You tell me Y/N, you're the one that forgot," Payton said with pout. Jeez can he stop being a brat for one second.

"Payton?" I questioned and he looked me in my eyes. I smiled at his dumbass and took his hands. I wrapped them around my waist and he smiled slightly.

"I was going to save this for your birthday present but happy birthday baby," I said and he smirked.

"That's the first time you have called me that," Payton said and I nodded, with a smile.

"So what's my birthday present then?" Payton asked and I shrugged.

"You're gonna have to find out later," I said and kissed him quickly. He smiled and there was a knock on the door.

"Everything alright in there, is it safe for me to come in?" Jackson asked.

"Yes," I said and Jackson came in.

"Are y'all good?" Jackson asked and Payton nodded.

"Do you know what she got me?" Payton asked and Jackson shrugged.

"No idea," Jackson said and I left them to go to my room. I went through my closet to find that Victoria's Secret bag and looked in the bag. I took a deep breath and threw the bag back in my closet. This was a really bad idea.

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