Shrinking Violet

By JackiFlame

286K 5.1K 11.7K

A Persona 5 Protagonist X 'Sumi' Yoshizawa fanfiction following the events of Royal, and focusing on the bond... More

New Beginnings
Changing Hearts (and Minds)
A Café in Yongen
Confidential Confidants
Sparks of Competition
Night Life Wonders
Making Some Gains
Secrets Come Out
Reddening Subjects
Proving Your Existence
Summer Nights
Making Things Official
Fun in the Sun
Ups and Downs
Back to School
Taking Flight
Tropical Treats
Homebound Developments
Patching Things Up
Wanna Hang Out?
A Long Overdue Meeting
I Am Thou
Calm Before The Storm
Something Goes Wrong
The School Festival
Reason For Justice
After School Activities
Costumed Company
Rest and Relaxation
Plans Set In Motion
Finding Your Reason
Calling In Favours
Carving a Path
The Duel
The Final Touches
A Grand Finale
Recovery Time
Moving Forward
An Uneasy Feeling
The Collective Unconscious
Take the World
Eve of Something New
'Tis the Season
A False Start
Nothing But Heartache
A Step Forward
Honest Opinions
The Best Case Scenario
Side by Side
Thinking Things Through
I Believe
The New Normal
Ah, You're Back
Love in the Air
What Comes Next
The Ball Awaits
Life Will Change
A New Chapter
Settling In
Familiar Faces
Last Surprise
Your Reward

Starting From Scratch

3.4K 65 158
By JackiFlame

~After School~

Makoto: "That's...a lot to process..."

Yusuke: "Indeed..."

Ann: "So to sum up. Maruki messed up reality, Kasumi is actually her sister, and Akechi isn't trying to kill us for once?"

Akechi: "A very blunt summary...but yes"

Despite the abnormal circumstances, you had spent today at school, before heading back to Leblanc to discuss things with the others. The night before, Futaba had explained how she and the others had come to their senses, breaking free of the distortions Maruki surrounded them in. Not only that, you had once again visited the Velvet Room in your dreams, Lavenza and Igor seemingly offering their services to you once more. Overall, it seemed business was back to usual with the Phantom Thieves...much to your dismay. While at Shujin today, you had spotted Sumire a few times, making a bit of small talk, but leaving her to her own devices for the most part as she tried to process everything going on.

Haru: "Speaking of...why isn't Kas-...Sumire-chan here?"

You: "She told me she needs some time to sort things out"

Makoto: "Are the two of you...still on good terms?"

You: "Yeah, but all's really done a number on her"

Futaba: "She's not the only one...that was a crazy info dump you just handed us"

Akechi: "In any case, I hope none of you are having doubts about our mission now that you've heard Maruki's reasoning"

Ryuji: "Nah. We all agreed when we came into that Palace. We were fighting for the reality we believed in, and I ain't gonna stop"

Yusuke: "Neither am I. I still believe changing the doctor's heart in hopes of going back to our reality is the best course of action"

You: "I'm...happy to hear that..."

You really were relieved to have your allies back, happy to know their supported your wishes to return home.

Morgana: "I guess our next course of action is set. We have to go back to the Palace and set up our infiltration route"

Futaba: "There is just one major thing bugging me...why is it that Maruki can affect reality so easy? I mean sure, he was one of the top researchers on cognitive psience beside my Mom, but that doesn't really explain it"

Akechi: "I've been doing my best to gather intel on the source of his abilities...but have come up empty handed"

You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket, getting a call from an unknown number. Confused, you answered, expecting a advertiser or something.

Lavenza: "Good day. This is Lavenza"

You: "Lavenza? You still have my number?"

Ryuji: "Wait what?!"

Lavenza: "Indeed. Your will of rebellion has reached new heights. My master and I would like to aid that will once more"

You: "That'd be a big help"

Futaba: "Talk about perfect timing! She tap your phone line or something?"

Lavenza: "I have done no electronic surveillance of any kind"

You: "Looks like she can hear you"

Futaba: "Sorry!"

Lavenza: "I am reaching the limit of this communication method. Let us meet up and discuss things in person, there is something I must inform you of regarding your current situation"

You: "Where?"

Lavenza: "Hm...your school seems the most optimal choice. Your friends are also invited"

You: "Alright, see you tomorrow"

You hung up the call, your friends looking at you awaiting an explanation.

You: "She wants to meet at school tomorrow"

Akechi: "This Lavenza you speak of...she was the one who aided you in your efforts to dupe me, correct? I believe I may have some choice words with this individual"

Futaba: "Good luck, her power levels are off the charts"

Ryuji: "Is she really gonna just go to our school though? Just...walk through the gates like nothing?"

Haru: "I'm not too sure what to make of it...but since we determined our goal and Lavenza has offered to help us, I'd call that progress"

Yusuke: "What of Sumire? Do we invite her along as well?"

You: "I'll talk to her"

Ann: "Guess we can meet up after school then"

You: "Yeah, see you all tomorrow then"

The gang took their leave from Leblanc, Morgana sticking around as you took out your phone and got ready to call Sumire.

Ann: "Oh, hey Mona?"

Mona: "Hm?"

Ann turned back as she got to the exit, chatting with the feline.

Ann: "Those reservations F/n got you are for tonight right? Still wanna go?"

Morgana: "Oh...u-um...okay...sure!"

You smiled a bit as the two of them walked out together, dialing up Sumire and quickly getting an answer.

Sumire: "Hello senpai"

You: "Hey, are you free? Got something we need to talk about"

Sumire: " I'll head on over..."

She hung up like that, with you pocketing your phone and hanging out in your room, waiting for her to arrive.


You: "Hey there..."

Sumire: "Good evening..."

Sumire entered the café, wearing her school uniform and glasses

You: "Forgot to ask at school, but you're not using contacts any more?"

Sumire: " be honest, I struggle with them. Do I...look weird?"

You: "Not at all, I like the new look"

Sumire took a seat at the counter as you got behind it.

You: "Want some coffee?"

Sumire: "Thank you, that would be perfect..."

You got to work brewing up a perfect cup with the skills Sojiro had taught you, handing it to Sumire happily. Slowly, she took a sip, a saddened look appearing on her face.

You: "What's wrong?"

Sumire: "It's...nothing..."

You immediately realised it wasn't nothing...and what you had done wrong. Without realising, you had made a cup to the specifications Kasumi enjoyed, never having asked Sumire of her own preferences.

You: "I'm...sorry...I didn't even ask how you liked it!"

Sumire: "N-No! It's quite alright! It's still delicious..."

Regardless of her words, you still felt bad. This really would take some getting used to...

You: " do you like your coffee? For next time"

Sumire: "'m not too sure honestly..."

You: "Well, I've got nowhere to about I serve you some choices while we chat?"

Sumire: "Are...are you sure?"

You nodded your head, happy to get to know Sumire in any way you could. You began to brew up another batch using new beans, chatting as you did.

Sumire: "So...what did you want to talk about?"

You: "First things are you? We didn't really talk too much at school"

Sumire: "Still a bit jumbled really..."

You: "Did you not go home? I'm surprised you're still in your uniform"

Sumire seemed reluctant to answer that, but eventually worked up a modicum of courage to respond.

Sumire: "Being back there...hurts. It reminds me of everything that happened..."

You: "You're welcome to stay here...if you want?"

Sumire: "I...appreciate the offer...but I don't think either of us are ready for that. Besides, it's like you said...I can't hide from the truth any more"

You: "I understand"

You handed Sumire the new cup, the first year taking a sip.

You: "Hawaiian Kona. Well?"

Sumire: "This one is fine..."

You: "I don't want fine. I want the perfect cup for you"

Sumire: "I...just don't want to be a bother..."

You: "You aren't, trust me. What else am I gonna do with all that coffee bean trivia Sojiro crammed in my brain?"

Sumire saw your sincere smile, her reluctance to speak out to you slowly going away.

Sumire: "Maybe something with a bit less...acidity?"

You: "Think I got just the thing"

You rummaged through the jars of beans looking for what you needed, continuing to chat with Sumire as you did.

You: "I chatted with the others today. Told them everything that happened"

Sumire: "Does that"

You: "Yeah...I'm sorry I didn't ask you beforehand if it was okay"

Sumire: "It's's only natural it would come up. They saved you from me after all..."

Sumire was clearly far from forgiving herself from her actions in Maruki's Palace, despite you forgiving her already yourself.

You: "Afterwards, I got a call from Lavenza. She wants to meet up and discuss something with us at school tomorrow. I think it's to do with Maruki. We don't know much about his powers, so any intel we can get will be a lot of-"

Sumire: "You're all so strong..."

You: "Hm?"

Sumire gave you a look of admiration...and jealousy...

Sumire: "All of you are still pushing forward, striving to follow your own paths..."

You: "Aren't you the same?"

Sumire: "I...want to be...more than anything...but now that Kasumi is gone, I have no idea what to do with myself. Ever since we were kids, Kasumi was always the one who decided everything. Where I went, what I did, all of it. I... couldn't do anything without her"

You finished up another coffee, waiting for Sumire to end her train of thought.

Sumire: "Senpai...what should I do?"

You placed the fresh cup down on the counter, giving her a smile.

You: "Brazilian Bourbon. Fingers crossed"

You waited for her to take a sip, hoping you had finally got her tastes down.

Sumire: "It's perfect..."

You: "You sure you're not just saying that?"

Sumire: " really is senpai...thank you"

You: "Good..."

You cleaned up the excess cups, letting Sumire enjoy her coffee for a bit before you responded to her question.

You: "You need to figure out for yourself what your future is, I can't decide that. The choice of what is right for you is yours to make, just like how you chose that coffee..."

Sumire: "F/n..."

A small smile formed on her face as she continued.

Sumire: "Quite an interesting metaphor you used there...but you're absolutely right. Thank you for letting me unload all of this onto you. I'm still not too sure what I want to do exactly...but I'm going to give it some thought. I have to figure out what I want to do with my life now"

You: "I'm glad to hear it. So, offer is open if you want to join us for the meeting tomorrow at school"

Sumire: "I'll think about it. Hey...would you...mind if I stayed for a bit longer? There's a lot I need to get off my chest...i-if I'm intruding at all I'm perfectly happy to leave!"

You: "Not at all, I told you that you're always welcome here. I think that's enough coffee for tonight though"

You took a seat with her on the other side of the counter, Sumire faintly smiling. The two of began chatting away for a bit,  not getting much response from Sumire throughout as her newfound shyness was shown. Regardless though, it was nice being around her, slowly learning more about this new friend of yours.

~The Next Day - Daytime~

Akechi: "I'm resisting the urge to kill you all right now..."

Ryuji: "How the hell were we supposed to know?!"

Makoto: "All of truly occurred because of us?"

Lavenza: "Yes. You all made the decision to pass your godhood you recieved from defeating Yaldaboath to Maruki. With that, he was able to alter Mementos, and as such, the entire populace"

Sumire hadn't come to the meeting at school. You didn't know if she was still thinking about things, or scared to face everyone, or something else entirely. In any case, Lavenza had been a huge help, explaining how Maruki's power had come about, and how he was using it to affect everyone.

You: "It's our responsibility to fix all this, before Mementos and reality merge again..."

Morgana: "That's we have until the third to get things sorted"

Haru: "He gave us that time limit himself...could he have possible timed it with when his actualisation would be completed?"

Makoto: "It's possible"

Futaba: "Relax, we can do plenty in a whole month"

Yusuke: "Futaba is right. Getting panicked over our deadline won't help things. We should go into this as level headed as always. I look forward to producing this final calling card once things are set. I'll pour my heart and soul into it's creation!"

You: "Is everyone free after this? I think we should get things started today at the very least"

Ann: "Sounds good"

Akechi: "What about Yoshizawa? She still isn't here. Don't tell me she crawled back to Maruki again"

You: "She wouldn't do that"

Akechi: "Oh yes, because you know her so well"

Akechi smirked at you while you stared daggers at him, part of you wanting to wipe that smug look off his face. Before you could however, Ryuji squared up against the detective, looking at him angrily.

Ryuji: "Look, asshole! If you're gonna be a part of this, we could do without that shitty attitude of yours!"

Akechi: "I have no reason to listen to any demands you set..."

Ryuji: "You little-"

Akechi: "However, for the time being I'll hold my tongue. Quite frankly, I'm interested to see what becomes of her"

Ryuji stopped himself from getting aggressive with Akechi, a smug look still on the detective's face.

Haru: "We should get going soon. It'll be difficult to explain all this if anyone comes to the nurses office"

You: "Yeah, are you okay getting back Lavenza?"

Lavenza: "Yes, I will be fine. I shall continue to watch over you Trickster. Please, show me the path that you choose for humanity"

With a flash of blue light, she reverted to her form as a butterfly, leaving the office as you all exited soon after, heading over to Odaiba. The train ride over was eerie as always, smiling faces all around you as you finally got to the stadium. Wasting no time, you hit the app, reality bending as the visage of Maruki's Palace became more prominent, and your clothes changed once more. You began walking towards the elevator, ready to start your infiltration.

Sumire: "U-Um...hello everyone..."

You all turned around to spot Sumire, the young girl still in her uniform as she spoke to you.

You: "What are you doing here?"

Sumire: "I...I made up my mind. You're going to fight Dr. Maruki, yes? Please...take me with you"

Sumire bowed deeply, wanting you and the others to approve of her joining you. You walked over to her, giving her a reassuring smile and a nod.

Morgana: "Uh...she can't go in dressed like that..."

Sumire put her hand in her pocket, pulling out a ribbon to tie her hair up with.

You: "Wait"

She stopped, with you looking unsure if tying her hair back up was the best idea...for either of you...

You: "Are you sure?"

Sumire: "I know I'm not her...but she still gives me strength"

You would have to endure it, giving her a nod to go ahead. As soon as her hair was tied, her phantom thief attire burst out, Sumire now ready to fight with you all.

Sumire: "I'm done running away. I can't rely on you forever. I want to live life as Sumire"

Morgana: "Heh, colour me impressed"

You: "Long as you're willing to rebel against all this, you're one of us"

Sumire: "Thank you!"

Ryuji: "Oh! We should finally come up with her codename! Makes sense for our last job after all"

Morgana: "Got any suggestions Joker?"

You pondered for a moment, wondering the best name to summarise Sumire. Your mind tracked back to your studies on English, and the translation of Sumire's name.

You: "Violet"

Ann: "Oooh, that sounds awesome! Flexing those English studies, huh F/n?"

Sumire: "Violet...yes, let's go with that!"

Futaba: "Excellent! Now remember everyone: Violet. Not Violent, Violet!"

Sumire: "Yes, thank you for clarifying!"

Akechi: "...I am surrounded by absolute fools..."

You watched Akechi face palm in annoyance, clearly angered by the casual attitude of your group.

Akechi: "Are we done? We should get moving"

Ryuji: "Okay, geez! Come on then Violet, let's roll!"

You all piled into the elevator together, barely fitting in everyone as you rode up into the Palace.

Futaba: "I think I found a new passageway we can head to start things off"

You: "Sounds good"

Following Futaba's direction, you headed towards the new area. As soon as you entered however, your eyes were hit by a flash of blue flames, Sumire's clothes reverting.

Sumire: "What? My outfit!"

You: "It doesn't seem stable yet..."

Her clothes reverted back soon after you spoke.

Sumire: "I stopped concentrating for only a second. I'm sorry, it won't happen again!"

Akechi: "Just make sure you aren't holding us back. If you push yourself harder than you are capable of, others could end up hurt trying to-"

Futaba: "Enemies approaching! A lot of them!"

You: "How close?!"

Futaba: "Very! We better hustle!"

You all began sprinting up the stairs ahead of you, needing to make some space between you and the forces if possible.

Futaba: "Above us!"

Multiple shadows fell from the ceiling, circling around Sumire and cutting you off from her. Sensing the danger, she tore off her mask.

Sumire: "Cendrillon!"

Nothing. Her mask, returned to her face, her Persona having seemingly abandoned her.

Sumire: "What?"

You: "Skull! With me!"

Ryuji: "Yeah!"

You and the blonde took only one step towards Sumire before she spoke to you, loud and clear.

Sumire: "Please stay back! I appreciate it...but allow me..."

You didn't feel comfortable letting her be in danger like this...but something inside you told you to do as she asked...

Sumire: "I chose to stand on my own and fight, its time I stop being helpless! I hung my head low...and took your hand. But I knew all along deep down... pretending to be Kasumi was not the right way..."

She clutched her mask tightly, putting every ounce of her strength in trying to tear it off...

Sumire: "The weak, insecure Sumire..."

It was torn off, blood spewing onto the ground in front of her as she found her true rebellion once more.

Sumire: "...DIES TODAY!"

You: "Sumire..."

Sumire: "You were the one...the only one who stayed true to yourself! Come, Cendrillon! If you won't answer my call else can we make our dream come true?!"

A bright light flooded every corner of the room, blinding you as you heard a distant voice.

Cendrillon: "Such suits you better than ever before. The glass slippers are the icon of glory. Not just for you...but the other girl within you as well..."

The light faded, and you once again found yourself in the Palace. A miasma of blue flames circles Sumire, her Persona standing with her once more to face the battles ahead.

Cendrillon: "I am thou. Thou art I. Are you prepared for your debut? The ball awaits"

Sumire: "Certainly"

She pointed towards the foes that surrounded her. In an instant, each and every one of them was hit with a blast of holy light, none of them surviving.

Ryuji: "Holy shit!"

Ann: "She took down all of them..."

Akechi: "Hm...not bad"

You walked over to her as her masked returned, sensing a newfound strength in her as she turned to face you.

Sumire: "I-"

You embraced her, happy she was finally beginning to come to terms with who she was. Realising you had maybe overreacted, you quickly pulled away, averting your eyes shyly.

You: "I'm...glad you found your answer..."

Sumire gently smiled at you in response.

Sumire: "Thank you. I won't slow you down any more"

With her rebellion solidified, you continued on together for the afternoon, kicking your infiltration of Maruki's Palace off well...


You: "So, how'd it go?"

You threw the dart straight, landing on a triple twenty just as planned. As you lined up the next shot you continued to chat with Mona.

Morgana: "Honestly pretty well, it was fun going out together"

You: "How was the fatty tuna?"

Morgana: "To die for! I seriously don't think I can go back to regular sushi after tasting that delicious goodness"

You: "Hey! The last thing my wallet needs is you getting even MORE refined tastes"

After returning from the Metaverse, and recieving a massage to relax yourself, you had headed out to Kichijoji, wanting to catch up with Mona and play some darts together. Mona leapt up to the table, ready to take his go.

You: "Unlucky we didn't get to try this while you were human"

Morgana: "Heh, I don't need hands to ace this stuff!"

He jumped up and high fived you before chucking the dart, hitting a straight bullseye. You could see out of the corner of your eye how surprised Mona was of his aim, before he quickly replaced his look with a cocky grin.

Morgana: "It's almost scary how good I am!"

You: "Ugh, not this again. Just take your next shot already"

Morgana: "You can't rush perfection"

You had just about enough of his show boating. As he got ready to leap from the table, you suddenly shook it, throwing off his aim as his dart almost missed the board.

Morgana: "H-Hey! That's sabotage! Betrayal!"

You: "Oh I'm sorry, I assumed something like this wouldn't distract a 'master' like yourself"

Morgana hissed at you in response. If people weren't watching you already due to the spectacle of seeing a cat play darts, they sure were now. Not wanting to get scratched up, you raised your hands up in surrender.

You: "Alright alright! I won't do anything"

Without a moments hesitation, Mona leapt up again, landing his last dart in the triple twenty with ease before looking at you with a smirk on his face. The two of you high fived once again, aiming your dart at the board as you finally asked the burning question you had in the front of your mind.

You: "Did you...tell her?"

Mona: "Huh? Tell who?"

You: "You know who...Ann"

You kept your focus on the target as you awaited a response, trying to figure out the best combination to win this thing.

Morgana: "No...and I don't think I will"

You: "Really?"

Morgana: "Don't get me wrong, I'll keep trying to get her to realise how I feel...but I feel like telling her outright and putting her on the spot like that is wrong. Lady Ann is incredible, I've always thought that, and last night made me realise close we already are. I would love more than anything for her to feel the same way I do, but if she doesn't, I think I'm okay with that. Being her friend...someone she can talk to and depend on...that's what matters to me now. I won't give that up just to chase this dream of mine"

Your next dart missed its mark, with you too busy looking at Morgana in shock, still trying to process what he had said.

Morgana: "W-What? You're giving me a weird look..."

You: "'s just...I don't think I've ever seen you act"

Morgana: "Hey!"

You: "No please! Don't take it as an suits you"

Morgana: "Oh...r-really?"

You nodded your head, happy to see that Mona had grown so much. You took your next shot, getting your points down to the low double digits for your final throw.

Morgana: "She actually asked if I wanted to go out together again sometime. Guess I have something to do now while you and Sumire and hanging out"

You: "Glad to hear it"

Morgana: "How are things doing with Yoshizawa by the way?"

You: "It's...tricky...but I want to try and make it work. We're gonna have a talk tomorrow night at Leblanc"

Morgana: "Keep me posted okay? Lemme know if there's anything I can do to help"

You gave him a thumbs up, throwing your last dart of the evening and finishing your game with a perfect score of zero...

~The Next Day - Evening~

You: "You serious? That's why you were doing gymnastics? The ice creams you got for winning?"

Sumire: "I know it sounds silly, but yes, that was the case. 'If we can be number one in the world, does that mean we could get all the ice cream we could eat?' Kasumi really was funny sometimes"

You: "And what did you say?"

Sumire: "Obviously I told her she was a genius!"

You and Sumire shared a small laugh together, relaxing at Leblanc as she chatted about her sister to you now that you were back.

Sumire: "She really was honestly. She was so bold in everything she did, she was like a beacon of confidence. One day I just realised...I could never catch up, no matter how hard I tried. Kasumi would always be the one who got first place...but even then, she'd never eat her ice cream without me. She spent so many hours trying to help me improve. She was the perfect older sister"

You: "She cared about you"

Sumire: "It was"

That was her self loathing talking, the worthlessness that she had fostered from being in Kasumi's shadow for so long. Sumire clutched the handle of her coffee cup tightly as she spoke.

Sumire: "She was always the one on the podium, surrounded by flashing cameras...and I-"

You could see droplets forming at her eyes, Sumire beginning to cry

Sumire: "If she had just given up on wouldn't have hurt so much! At least then people would have stopped trying to compare us!"

You: "Sumire..."

Sumire: "After she died...all I could think about was how everyone would be better off if I didn't exist...or if I was her. She's the one who everyone wanted, Sumire was just useless and one would care if she died. But even so... she saved me...why did she have to protect an idiot like me?!"

You really wanted to hug her, to hold her and gently pet her hair as you told her it was alright. couldn't. You wouldn't be hugging Sumire, you'd be hugging her sister. Only spending more time with this new friend of yours could you change that, so for now, words would have to do...

You: "Well...I want you here...and I would care if you died"

Sumire: "'re just saying that to make me feel better..."

You: "I'm really not. You're not useless...or pointless, you've just spent your life trying to imitate someone instead of trying to find yourself"

Sumire: "Myself?"

You: "Mhm. I want the world to see who Sumire Yoshizawa really show everyone your uniqueness and stand by it! For me, for your sister, and for yourself"

Sumire: "Senpai..."

Her tears began forming at a more rapid rate, the opposite of what you were hoping to happen.

You: "Hey...none of that. I thought the weak, insecure you was gone?"

Sumire: "I know...but I'm just...scared..."

You: "Of what?"

Sumire: "Of what will be left of me once she really is..."

You: "We'll find out. Together"

Slowly, she began to calm down, wiping away her tears as a look of determination formed on her face.

Sumire: "You're right. I won't run away anymore. I want to keep doing myself. I want to hit those heights Kasumi was going for! Not just for her...but for you as well..."

You: "Heh, glad to hear it"

Sumire: "I just have to find out what makes me unique...just like you said. Thank you senpai! I love-"

She stopped herself, both of you knowing exactly what she was about to say. The happy and hopeful mood that was just prominent was suddenly replaced with a more serious one. Sumire looked down saddened, seemingly disappointed in herself.

Sumire: "...I'm sorry...I should go..."

Sumire was about to stand up but you quickly waved your hands out, trying to stop her.

You: "No! It's...It's alright. This is gonna take some getting used to for both of us"

Sumire: " and Kasumi were really close...and there's no guarantee you and I could ever be like that. We would have to build up our whole relationship again without Kasumi supporting it. I can't expect you to-"

You: "I already told you Sumire. I want to get to know you again and see where things go from there"

Sumire: "But you're already helping me with figuring out who I am, I dont-"

You: "Sumire!"

You raised your voice a bit to stop her lecture of her own lack of worth, gently smiling at her as you spoke.

You: "It's okay..."

Sumire: "I just...want you to know what you're getting yourself into by involving yourself with me"

You: "I know...and I still wanna try regardless"

It was clear she was still having a hard time accepting the fact that someone actually wished to spend time with her. In her mind, she was still the pointless sister, believing no one would ever want her over her sister....but you did. That fact would take some time for her to process, and you'd be willing to help her every step of the way.

Sumire: "'re really sure about being with someone I think we need to start things off fresh. I suppose for now, all I can say is that I'm Sumire Yoshizawa. It's...nice to meet you"

You smiled at bit at her focus on formalities, despite the circumstances.

Sumire: "Would you be willing to keep going out with me though senpai? I know we still have to deal with Dr. Maruki...but I feel like I can really figure myself out with you by my side"

You gave her a light smirk, a plan to tease her and lighten the mood forming in your brain.

You: "'Going out' huh? Are you asking me out on a date?"

Now you had drawn attention to what she had said, Sumire's face quickly began to blush, the first year not knowing what to say.

Sumire: "W-Wha-...I-I um...u-uh..."

You: "Never knew you were so daring compared to your sister...I think I like it"

One thing you could safely say at this point without a that teasing Sumire was a whole lot more fun that teasing Kasumi...

Sumire: "S-Senpaaaai..."

Sumire was giving you a pleading stare for you to stop as she glowed, clearly not a fan of your teasing. She was so red, and you loved it. You laughed out loud as she made a pouting face, unamused.

You: "I'm just messing with you. I'd be happy to keep hanging out Sumire"

Sumire: "R-Really? You're sure it wouldn't be a bother?"

You shook your head quickly, completely certain you wished to spend as much time as you could to get to know her, whilst also juggling your tasks at hand. Her blush slowly subsided as a faint smile took its place.

Sumire: "Okay...I'll see about coming up with some ideas then"

You: "Sounds like a plan"

Slowly but surely you were starting to get more used to this new girl, but you would still have to see whether or not your relationship as lovers could still flourish after everything that had happened. Only time would tell as you agree to help Sumire figure out who she truly was...

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