A New Reality

De Creative_Pan

4.8K 106 65

Luna Dust was four when her father and mother passed which meant that she was taken into an orphanage. She's... Mais

Chapter 1 Life Before
Chapter 2 Meeting Him
Chapter 4 New Home Pt 2
Chapter 5 Guessing Games and Movie Nights
Chapter 6 Chess Games and A Dramatic Mornings
Chapter 7 A Surprise Visit
Chapter 8 A Mind Filled Adventure
Chapter 9 The Truth
Chapter 10 Sides Bonding
Chapter 11 A Hypnotizing Fight
Chapter 12 Patience
Chapter 13 Intrusive Chaos
Chapter 14 Completive Gaming Sessions
Chapter 15 The Call
Chapter 16 His Friends
Chapter 17 School
Chapter 18 Unexpected
Chapter 19 Listening
Chapter 20 Learning
Chapter 21 Caught
Chapter 22 Morals
Chapter 23 Trouble
Chapter 24 Hidden Within
Chapter 25 Regrets
Chapter 26 A Walk in the Park
Chapter 27 Plans
Chapter 28 Friends?
Chapter 29 Starting Over
Chapter 30 Panic
Chapter 31 Crushing
Chapter 32 Advice
Chapter 33 The Dance
Chapter 34 Finally (The End)

Chapter 3 A New Home Pt 1

331 6 1
De Creative_Pan

(From last time...

"Aright kiddo one last question." He said with a smirk.


"Would you like to get adopted, Luna?")

(*Tw: A bit of cursing and an almost panic attack, drowning?*)

My eyes widened at his last question my shaking stopped but endless questions ran through my head.

'Is he asking me to be his daughter how will I answer? What happens if he's joking?' It echos through my head.

"S-sure..." I said timidly.

"Really! that's great news now go get packed up and I'll meet you in the main hall ok."

"Y-yes, sir..." I said meekly while running off to my room to pack.

I dashed upstairs in a hurry just in case he isn't the impatient type and that's when they popped up one by one.

"What's wrong my future star aren't you glad that you're getting adopted!!!" Lexi cheered.

"I-I-I know it's just I'm scared! Ok!"

"Scared of what sweetie."

"...I'm scared that I'm going to disappoint him as daughter Harper I'm just a failure..."

"Woah there buddy you're not a failure whoever told you that is!"

"But it's so easy to believe lies!"

"Please don't call her!" Lexi demanded.

"I-I don't wanna talk about it ok I will later let me pack now," I asked in a serious tone.

I took out two suitcases in a hurried manner in an attempt to rush then I heard a voice.

"Lu Lu slow down you don't want them thinking you're in a rush now don't you?"

"W-well no it's just-"

"No I know I'll help you Lu' and no buts about this,"


She helped me get the important stuff that I couldn't see and she made sure everything was in check.

"V' why are you so nice to me?"

"Because I don't want you making bad decisions and sometimes I get overbearing but you manage me quite well and I also owe you a lot."

"Yeah...maybe you aren't as bad as they say you are."

"I know."

After that, she sank down into my mind and I carried my stuff downstairs. I was about halfway down until I got shoved into the wall and I was cornered by a male figure it was Jake one of the meanest kids here.

"Ha! Look how scared she is! Too bad she's such a coward to call for help, not like anyone would come for someone as helpless as you!"

I stood there frozen in place crying as black dots appear in my vision my breathing started to get heavy and I tried my best to ignore it and try to find a way to get out of the situation. I kicked Jake in that area grabbed my things and headed downstairs where the desk was to find Thomas signing some papers so I ran to him and hid behind him.

"Where did that bitch go-  Oh my- is that Thomas Sanders?" Jackie somewhat screamed.

She ran towards us like any fan would do she was about to speak until she noticed me and gave me a wicked smile.

"Oh hey here kid what's your name?"

"My name Jackie! It's nice to meet you! And can you please adopt me instead of her!"

"What? Sorry but no as much as I want to I just can't I've already made my decision."

I only heald him close as everyone in my head was trying to calm me down.

"Why not! She's weak and she doesn't even talk that much and when she does it's usually to herself! She's a psychopath can you see!"

As I knew it Hazel (Her liar) came to play and my right eye turned into a cat's eye and I could tell she's had enough. I balled my hands into a fist and went in front of him and I didn't feel in control anymore.

"(Lies will be in bold Italics for Hazel) Go ahead Jackie absolutely everyone cares about how much you hate to throw words at me thinking it's not funny to you. I know you do care but you show it so often I can't count how many non-emotional scars you leave every day it's...not sickening to watch me suffer so please don't do me a favor and don't leave..."

She got scared of my sudden act of lying bravery and left.

'Thanks, Hazel...'

'My problem'

I rubbed my eye and to my surprise, it was gone and Thomas gave me a worried glare and bent down to my level.

"Let me see your eye for a sec."

"I-is there something wrong with it?" I asked pretending I didn't know what happened

"Hmm I thought there was but it's gone now."

I think he knows something is up now that I just lied to scare someone away.

"C-can we talk about this later?"

"Sure kiddo," He said with a smile.

He finally finished signing and took some of my stuff and lead me to his car it looked like it was in good condition. So I just stood there awkwardly waiting he turned to me like there was something wrong again.

"You know you can get in the car right?"

"I- umm I knew that! I just wanted to wait for you."

"Alrighty then." He said while closing the trunk he went on his side while I claimed shotgun.

I buckled my seatbelt into the holder while he did the same but he put his key in afterward while I just shrunk in my seat with my knees pressed up against my chest as my head was resting on my knees. Its been awkward silence it felt nice but weird since I've done this six times but with very troublesome people so it made it harder to trust people but something about him was different from the others and it made me feel somewhat safer. I heard a known voice in my head again.

'What will happen if you kill your father-'

'I get it ok! I'll give it to you later!'

'Jeez don't need to be a bitch about it.'

'Well I'm sorry but I don't feel like you trying to get me to kill someone it's not going to work!'

'I'll get you someday I just know it!'

'And no more beef with your sister got it!'


I didn't hear her again after that so my eyes have gotten heavier and heavier and now I was fighting sleep until I eventually gave into it.

_Thomas's POV_

I looked over at her for the second time to see her snoozing well at least she's calm now. I started to worry about her considering that she broke when that girl was 'trying' to get adopted even though I've already chosen her it's something about her that seemed like she was different from the other kids. I parked in the parking lot. I tried my best to get out and carry her inside without waking her. I opened my door to find my sides fighting about colors again.

"I think it should be the royal colors not bland or boring."

"Roman we don't have enough materials for this!"

"So!?! I know we can do it if we just-"

"Roman calm down Luna and I had a really long day and I picked up these on my way back," I said holding her colors of choice.

"Black fading into purple?" Roman asked me thinking I was joking.

"I didn't decide she did."

"I know but why didn't I think of this before I was so blind?!?! We need to get to work right away before she wakes up!"

Roman proceeds to drag Patton and Virgil upstairs to the spare room. Logan then turned to me with a questioning look.

"I highly suggest you leave her there to rest while I help you get her items inside."

I nodded in agreement and got up and grabbed a blanket out of the closet and draped it over her. I left her there to rest to get her luggage from the trunk...

_Luna's POV_


I was on a calm beach by myself at night...peaceful enough for me to fully relax for once or so I thought. I watched the water rush up and down reflecting the moon and stars all at once. It was calming until three figures Brandon, Jackie, and Clover came over to me with twisted looks on their faces. Two of them grabbed my wrists while Jake grabbed my legs. I struggled because they knew I couldn't swim maybe that's what they wanted from me. My struggling made bruises on my wrists and feet as they clawed me with their nails.

"N-no! S-stop! Please! Don't do t-this! I'll do anything! J-just stop!" I screamed over and over while tears pour from my face.

I struggled and screamed until my throat felt dry and I fell limp in the process. They took me to a ledge on top of a roof a building where it was strangely empty not a person in sight was there it was just us. This roof was right over the ocean so there was no chance they could miss. Before I knew it they threw me down on the floor of the ledge I was shaking violently as I flinched when I made contact with the ground. I tried to call my sides for help but nobody came...

"Alright, you silent asshole stand up...Now!"

I did as told and shakily stood up while wiping a couple of tears away. They suddenly counted to three before Jake shoved me off of the ledge while I heard their sick laughter run into my head. I felt contact with the ocean that was once calm. I thrashed my feet and arms in the water in an attempt to swim until finally, I gave in to it and I let go of the drowning in the pain they caused me...

~Bye bye dream~

I woke up gasping for air and reached for my neck and I realized that I wasn't in the water anymore. I looked at my wrists and the bruises that I saw in the dream we're gone. I did the same thing with my ankles and I found nothing on them. I sighed in relief than I remembered everything that went down earlier than I heard voices upstairs.

"Roman! That's not where you put the dresser!"

"Well hot topic how would you do it!"

"Like this!"

I heard some shuffling until it stopped.

"Guys it's just a dresser!"

"Maybe it's wise if you too stop bickering at each other." I heard a smart teacher-like voice say.

"Fine..." I heard two voices growl at each other.

I rubbed my tired eyes as I heard their voices again.

'Luna! Are you ok sweetie?' Harper asked me.

'Yeah I just had a nightmare and I don't feel like standing up so yeah either than that I'm fine.' I said almost sarcastically back in my head.

'So~ when can I get the stuff!' I heard Raven ask.

'Fine come out Raven but not for long ok?'

'Oki!' She said back.

She popped up and I reached in my pocket for the deodorant and small bag of sugar so she wouldn't bug me for more later.

"Here don't tell the others about this ok tell them that you got it yourself."

"Oki Doki see ya~," She said in a narcissistic tone.

She sank down quite fast and right on time because I heard a door open and I turned around out of habit to see who it was and I think it was Patton.

"Oh hey kiddo! How was your rest?"

"G-good..." I lied.

"That's great to hear I think Thomas is still upstairs do you need a drink or something kiddo?"

I nodded a yes when I realized that my throat was dry. He reminded me of Harper by the way he acts but then I remembered my theories about him and the others. When he left the room I checked my wrists again and tried to make sure the dream wasn't real. I pulled my sleeve back and rubbed my wrists in relief that there were no injuries on them. I looked up to see a sympathetic look on Patton's face and I immediately stop rubbing my wrists and looking away.

"Is there something wrong kiddo?" He said while giving me the cup.

"...Yeah, I'm fine really just drowsy that's all." I said while rubbing my neck.

"Oh! That's great to hear-"

"Patton? Where did you go!?! The night and the spider are fighting again!" The voice said cutting him off.

"Oh sorry, Thomas I'm coming!"

He went upstairs as I heard the door shut I heard the voices ease a bit so I decided to doze off again...

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