Cure To Bloodlust (Tododeku)

By Xiariadragneel

291K 11.3K 6.4K

Its just the normal My Hero Academia fun but with a twist, Tododeku twist and just another teensy-weensy twi... More

(30) Awaited explanation
(33) Unknown
(37) "It's about Izuku"
(38) Blushing
(39) He's Fine
(40) Fangs
(41) Useful
(42) hugs make everything better
(43) Was it that obvious?
(44) Struggling
(46) close
(47) breaking biche
(48) Trust
(49) Epilogue: Dorks in Love
(50) Bonus

(45) Not Me

1.1K 64 20
By Xiariadragneel

"Who knew you swung that way." Toga giggled swiping through Midoriya's phone. Said boy now an unconscious heap on the closest floor.

She knew it was too convenient that he didn't have his phone unlocked, he didn't really have anything that they could seriously use against him. Sure he had All Might's number, and other  U.A teachers, with messages but they were all either about training, school and other boring shit like that or horribly vage.

Even his notes and gallery were all school work, training notes,  pictures of classmates, his mother and other irrelevant stuff. He did have these weird stuff about power control and this "blood calendar?" And blood intake? She didn't believe it had anything to do with hos quirk so Hey Maybe the kid had a blood kink, she could respect that.

After a while of going through his notes she came across one labeled Todoroki. She clicked on it thinking maybe could be some jucy secret on his quirk or even just him, Dabi seemed pretty interested in the guy maybe he'd like this but she wasn't expecting what she found in the lease.

It wasn't a long note, and it was from yesterday. A big grin etched across her face as she read it sending Midoriya's unconscious face a cheeky glance before tapping back into to his gallery and observing.

"Todoroki Shouto huh?" She giggled looking at the many pictures of Todoroki in his gallery, they were so spread out, if you didn't  pay attention wouldn't noticed that there were profusely more pictures of Todoroki, or focused on Todoroki then there were of any one person.

Unless you'd somehow believe these weren't on purpose, though.. Judging by the notes the little squirt probably didn't seem to realize what he felt himself.

Getting off the bed Toga walk up to Midoriya nudging his face with her shoe, "aww and here I thought you could take me out for dinner some time sigh~~."

Giggling madly to herself, she turned back to the back, picking up a single syringe, that laying next to five others, all filled with blood. "Oh well if your gonna break my heart I can atleast have some fun." Raising the phone back to her face, contact Todoroki flashing on screen, she hum licking one of the blood filled needles she stabbed Midoriya with.

"Or look at it this way, your so love sick, I'm practically doing you a favor."


The knock came sooner then expected , hopping off the bed Togo and looked at his self, now sporting the face of her captive Deku, sending one last glance at the closet said boy was currently tied up she headed towards the door putting on her best Midoriya face.

"Hey Todoroki!" She said opening the door a little too enthusiastically causing Todoroki to step back slightly in surprised but he quickly caught him "hey Midoriya..uh you said you wanted to talk?" He questioned rather awkwardly in the door way.

"Yes yes come in," he said moving aside for the taller boy to enter. "Where's Hisaya?" He asked observing the room, this was her room but she was no where to be seen and last he's heard she wasn't feeling very well.

"Oh she left so we could talk," Closing the door, Midoriya quite eagerly pulled Todoroki to sit with him on the bed. They sat in a silence a while Todoroki waiting for Midoriya to day what ever he had to but the freckled boy only stared back at him with an uncharacteristically wide grin, eyes roaming as if he's never seen him before.

Something felt

Deciding that maybe he should say something, 'Midoriya?' Midoriya's response being a distracted humm eyes seemed glazed over with something he couldn't explain, on him but not really.

"Didn't you say you wanted to talk?"

Finally looking up the freckled smile almost mischievously,"oh yeah." it was on new look to Todoroki on the greeneth's face, almost foreign. Suddenly Izuku moved closer to Todoroki, his hand bravely coming to rest of the dual quirk boy's knees. Todoroki almost jumped at the sudden contact, heat rising to the tips of his eyes.

"It's just that I wanted to tell you something..." The smaller boy practically pured invading even more of his personal space, his other hand poking his chest playfully.

It wasn't that the contact made him uncomfortable, especially since it was none other then Midoriya, he liked it, but at the same time it felt like it was burning, something was off. Maybe this was a dream, it had to be Midoriya didn't act like this, even when he was in a blood thirsty daze, wait maybe that was it maybe he—

Before he could continue drawing own conclusion to save his sanity from Midoriya's sudden behavior, said boy cut him off, "there's no reason I should give you whole essay about it so I'm just gonna say it..." He paused briefly eyes flickering behind him, towards the closet before returning back on Todoroki the unsettling mischievous grin returning to his features.

"I like you."


Midoriya POV

My body felt so heavy. It took everything with in me not to fall back into the constant wavering of unconsciousness, maybe I was unconscious. I couldn't tell since my eyelids refused to open— no wait maybe I was awake, I could here voices.

They sounded pretty close but I still couldn't figure out who they were or much less they belong too.

Even though I could bearly hear a thing I tried to focus on the voices to stay awake, but unfortunately the voices seem to die down and it was hard to stay conscious so I tried opening my eyes once more this time fortunately succeeding

. It was dark but not so much as I could see light filtering through what I assumed was a door next to me, there was curtains? or clothing. There was also shoes! wait— a closet. Why am I in a closet? And why can't move and - what the hell was my mouth taped shut?

My mind began to bombard itself with questions but just then the voices began talking again and this time I could focus and hear a little better...they sounded familiar

"Didn't tou say you wanted to talk."

One of them said, was that Todoroki? He sounded nervous? Does he know I'm here?

I pausing my already raging thoughts to listsn to the other person, it was achingling familiar. Too familiar.

"-so I'm just gonna say it."


Was that me? Why was I—

"I liked You." The voice... My voice practically purred. I was just about to question if was still unconsciou and this all a dream, a dream and this is how I really feel about Todoroki but then it all came back if I could find my voice I would of let out a whine of pain ass the recent memories felt like a hammer to the head.

I came here to talk to Hisaya, but that wasn't Hisaya that was Toga, where's Hisaya? Is she ok and—

And what the hell is Togo doing out their confessing her love to Todoroki (on my behalf (?)

"THAT'S NOT ME! HELP" is what I wanted to screem but everything still felt so heavy still, my throat feeling so hollow as if I never spoke a word in my life.

Probably because of my panicking I Regained some feeling back in just my fingers and toes, using all the strength I could I force my next to look more towars the door. I could see then but only from the lap down.

Toga had seemingly copied my clothes to a my red shoes and all, Todoroki right next to me. Todoroki was silent since declaration, I couldn't see his face. Toga then making another moved laid her hand on Todoroki upper leg, "Your being awfully quite for someone who just got a love confession, do you not like me ba—"

"NO!" Todoroki said a little to loudly making me jumped in supprise a little. But he quickly caught himself as. He cleared his throat "n-no, I actually like you very much. I was just supprised... Is all."

Todoroki...liked me? He liked me. My chest felt warm, momentarily forgetting my position but not for long as Toga... Posing as me laughed in delight Throwing herself at him "REALLY" the sickening sweet tone of my voice coming out of her body making my stomach turn, the uneasy feeling getting worse as Toga suddenly pushed Todoroki down flat on bed, their faces now Visible as she stared down at him like predator, I only asdume that's what my face looks like when I go into a feeding frenzy. It really wasn't a good look.

And Todoroki, he looked beyond shock, his face visibly red.

"M-Midoriya?" He gasped trying to get up but Toga only pressed him back down. "If I like you and you like me then it shouldn't be a problem if we do this right?" Toga said moving her face closer to his. My stomach clenched uncomfortably as I failed the urge to move, to go out there and rip Toga off him. "THAT'S NOT ME!" I wanted to screemed. Why couldn't I move? Why couldn't I make sound!

why couldn't I help!

Todoroki was in trouble, he was being taken away from me, as Toga face neared Todoroki's I fought the urge to close my eyes and pretend like this was happening, to ignore the curious ache in my chest but I force myself to watch as if thinking if I stared hard enough it would somehow stop them.

"Just a quick kiss alright?"


'Todoroki please...'

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