The Hinata Sisters (Brothers...

Phoenix_SWAG01 tarafından

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(I don't own brothers conflict, only Lisa) - - - - - So, I noticed that most fanfiction about Brothers Confl... Daha Fazla

Chapter One - Meeting Them
Chapter Two - Lisa To The Rescue
Chapter Three - Breakfast Revelation
Chapter Four - Midnight Memories
Chapter Five - We're Going On Vacation?!
Chapter Six - The Twins' Event
Chapter Seven - Boatride and Parasailing
Chapter Nine - Catching Cold
Chapter Ten - Hanging Out With Subaru
Chapter Eleven - Drinks and Heartaches
Chapter Twelve - Entertaining The Idol and Meeting My Idol
Chapter Thirteen - Favours and Encounters
Chapter Fourteen - Finally, I'm Home
Chapter Fifteen - Hospitals and Blood
Chapter Sixteen - A Date With... Ulrike
Chapter Seventeen - Panzer of the Death with Nee-chan
Chapter Eighteen - A Crush on Poor Big Brother?!
Chapter Nineteen - Trouble With The Twins
Chapter Twenty -Tutoring Fiasco
Chapter Twenty-One - Rollercoaster Feelings
Chapter Twenty-Two - School Festival With The Prince
Chapter Twenty-Three - The Devil, The Vampire, and Miwa's Request
Chapter Twenty-Four - Study Session With The Tsundere
Chapter Twenty-Five - Christmas Eve
Chapter Twenty-Six - Christmas Trip With The Loser Team
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Deals With The Tsundere
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Embarassing Moments
Chapter Twenty-Nine - The Idol and My Idol
Chapter Thirty - Risen From The Ashes
Chapter Thirty-One - Unravelling The World
Chapter Thirty-Two - Detective Tsundere
Chapter Thirty-Three - Saving The Prince
Chapter Thirty-Four - Finding Out The Truth
Chapter Thirty-Five - Lisa's Reasons
Chapter Thiry-Six - Flower Viewing
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Beauty and the Writer
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Lisa's Errands
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Valentine Birthday Debacle
Chapter Forty - The First Confession
Chapter Forty-One - The Revelation
Chapter Forty-Two - The Second Confession
Chapter Forty-Three - Comforting the Seiyuu
Chapter Forty-Four - Forgiveness and Unveiling
Chapter Forty-Five - The Autumn Trip
Chapter Forty-Six - A Visit From the Past
Chapter Forty-Seven - The Cross
Forty-Eight - Kisses and Interview
Chapter Forty-Nine - The Siblings' Feelings
Chapter Fifty - Goodbye

Chapter Eight - A Kiss Under The Moonlight

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Phoenix_SWAG01 tarafından

'Wah, I missed you so much Ocean-sama!' I thought to myself.

Today is the second day of our vacation and I feel so relaxed right now.

'Should I go for a swim today? Well, there's nothing wrong with it. Let's go!' I then changed into my swimsuit and walked to the beach. While I reached the beach, I saw Masaomi Nii-chan and Taru-kun building a sandcastle.

"Hello, Lisa-chan. Up for a swim?" Masaomi Nii-chan asked.


"Alright, just be careful alright?"

"I will! Bye, bye!" I then ran towards the ocean and swam further into the open ocean.

'Man, this is the best. Feeling the ocean enveloping your skin sure it the best feeling you could ever experience,'

After swimming further, I looked around me and noticed that I was a long way from the beach. I took a deep breath and swam under to see the wonders underneath.

While gliding underwater, I saw plenty of fishes and let them swam around me. Some even swam near my face, tickling me. As I was following some of the fishes, I saw a beautiful clamshell and reached out to it and kept it inside the small net that I always carry every time I swim in the ocean.

'These seashells will be great for decoration in my room,'

Before I could swim any further, I felt a hand grab my hand which startled me and made me lost my concentration in my breathing. I felt the hand pull me up into the surface.

"Baka! What do you think you're doing?!" the voice scolded me and pulled me into the shoreline and saw that it was Suba Nii-chan who grabbed me.

"Are you alright Lisa-chan?" Masaomi Nii-chan when he reached me.

"I'm fine," I coughed. "Why did you startled me?!"

"You've been gone for fifteen minutes! The others were getting worried!" Suba Nii-chan argued.

"I know that!"

"What's going on here?" Nee-chan asked with the other following behind. "Lisa-chan are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Nee-chan. Would you please explain to this idiot here that I was doing fine in the ocean?" I said while coughing up more water.

"Lisa is a well-trained free-diver. She's been trained by her father's best friend who is also a free-diver when she was about ten years old. She could hold her breath for at least twenty minutes," Nee-chan informed them.

"And with you startling me, I lost my concentration and almost drowned!" I scoffed.

"Wow, that's so amazing! You're so amazing Onee-chan!" Taru-kun complimented.

"S-sorry. I-it's just that the other was getting worried and asked me to look for you," Suba Nii-chan replied.

"I appreciate it, but please next time don't startle me!" I whined. "I almost broke my record,"

"Are you sure you're alright Lisa-chan?" Kyo Nii-chan asked.


"Huh? Nee-chan, what is that on your hand?" Taru-kun asked.

"Oh, this? It's the seashells I collect for my room. Would you like one?" I offered.

"Yes!" I then grabbed one sea shell and gave it to him. I tried to stand, but instead, I wobbled from being tired of swimming.

"Come on, Neko-chan. Let us help you to the cottage so that you could rest for a while," Tsubaki Nii-chan offered with Azusa Nii-chan sitting in front of me.

"Let me carry you there," Azusa Nii-chan offered which made me blushed, but complied and rode on his back. Nee-chan then offered to carry the seashells that I have collected.

When we've reached the cottage, I saw Iori Nii-chan and Fuuto-kun studying there.

"Lisa-chan, are you alright?" Iori Nii-chan asked out of concern then Azusa Nii-chan sat me on the bench.

"I'm fine Nii-chan," I replied.

"What happened?" Fuuto-kun asked.

"She has been underwater for over fifteen minutes which worried us, but she was alright since she professionally swims free dive. But Subaru startled her which caused her to lose her focus and almost drowned," Azusa Nii-chan replied.

"But I'm fine now," I whined.

"Yes, yes. You've been saying that already, but you need to rest first before going back to the ocean." Tsubaki Nii-chan scolded and I just pouted.

"Well, we should be going to know." Azusa Nii-chan said. "Iori, Fuuto, take care of Lisa-chan for a while and don't let her leave until she gets the rest she needs."

"Okay," "Tsk, fine."

Then they left after that, but Nee-chan stayed and kept me company. "What are you two doing?" I asked the two.

"I'm helping Fuuto-kun study so that he can catch up with his studies when he was gone touring," Iori Nii-chan replied.

"Oh, good luck with your studies Fuuto-kun," I said. "It must be hard for you to study while the others are enjoying the vacation,"

"Tsk, at least I even bother to even study to get smarter, unlike a certain flat-chested, stupid Onee-san." Fuuto sassed referring to Nee-chan.

"I am not stupid!" Nee-chan fumed.

"Oh, so you're admitting that you're flat-chested. It's a good thing that I have another Onee-san who is attractive sitting in front of me. It is also encouraging me to even study hard with a beautiful view of that," Fuuto-kun smirked.

"What!?" I shouted. "You-"

"Now, now. Fuuto-kun you shouldn't treat them like that. Apologize," Iori Nii-chan ordered Fuuto-kun, but he just scoffed and didn't apologize. Before I could reprimand the brat, Masaomi Nii-chan reached the cottage while out of breath with the other brother tailing too.

"Has anyone seen Wataru?" he asked.

"No," we replied.

"He's nowhere to be seen, he might have been lost around the island," He huffed.

"Then we should search for him!" I said and the other brothers agreed. I went with Kana Nii-chan so that I won't get lost on the island.


"Taru-kun! Where are you?!"

Nii-chan first entered the shed behind the cottage while I look around looking out for a certain salmon-haired boy on the beach. As I was searching, I felt a drop of water on my skin. I look up and saw dark clouds approaching and it started to rain pretty hard.

"Lisa-chan, come inside you might catch a cold!" Kana Nii-chan screamed from inside the shed. I then ran towards him to avoid the rain.

"I-it's cold," I shivered as I was drenched in water.

"Here, use this." Nii-chan removed his white polo and gave it to me.

"T-thank you, Onii-chan," I said as I wear it.

"It's raining hard outside," Nii-chan murmured.

"I-I do hope that Taru-kun is safe from the rain," I said clutching the blouse around me. Then there was silence around us.

I looked at Onii-chan and saw that his back was turned to me.

'Wah, Nii-chan sure is taking care of his body... Wait, what the heck are you even doing Lisa?! Checking out your own brother?! Disgusting! Especially when he's a monk!!'

Then my thoughts were interrupted by a strong gush of wind that entered the room making me shivered even more.

"Are you still cold Imouto-chan?" Nii-chan asked.

"A-a bit," I muttered.

"Here let me help you keep you warm," Nii-chan then sat beside me and wrapped his arms around me.

'Wah, his body heat sure is nice.' I then leaned more to feel the heat from him. I soon could feel my eyes shutting.

"Nii-chan," I called out.

"What is it?"

"I feel tired," I said while trying to fight over the tiredness that I'm feeling.

"You must have been exhausted from swimming earlier. It's alright Imouto-chan, you can rest if you want. I won't leave you," Nii-chan whispered into my ear and soon I shut my eyes and slept in his warm embrace.

- - - - - Third Person's POV - - - - -

Kaname watched as Lisa fell asleep in his arms. Feeling the heat of her body seemed to increase the beat of his heart and started to pull her closer and caress her hair.

He started to trace her face and caress her cheeks. When his palm had rested on her cheeks, he started to lean in until their faces we only centimetres apart. Before he could kiss her, his phone rang interrupting their moment.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Kana-nii, we've found Wataru," informed Tsubaki. "It turned out that he took a nap at the villa without telling anyone,"

"Alright, we'll be right there." then he hung up the phone. He didn't notice that while he was examining Lisa's face, the rain had already stopped.

He slowly pulls away from her reach and stood up, he was debating if whether he should wake her up or carry her instead.

"Hmm," Lisa whined, searching for the heat that was wrapped around her moments ago.

After seeing Lisa like that, he carried her in his arms and walked out of the shed and walked towards the villa. When he reached the villa, he could hear Ukyo scolding Wataru.

"Because of you're childish actions, you will be helping me prepare dinner tonight!" Ukyo scolded Wataru.

"I only did that because I don't want everyone to keep on calling me a kid!" Wataru ranted.

"If you don't want to be treated like a kid, you need to take responsibility for your actions like an adult," Ukyo replied.

"Wataru, you shouldn't have done that. Your brother and I were worried sick and searched for you even though it was raining," Masaomi pointed to his brothers who were all drenched thanks to the rain.

"I-I'm sorry Ma-kun! I'm sorry Onii-chans!" Wataru whimpered.

"Now, now. Stop crying and help Ukyo with the dinner and you guys change your clothes before you catch a cold," Masaomi told his brothers.

"Lisa!" Ema screamed when she saw Lisa in Kaname's arms in the doorway. The other brothers were also worried when they saw Lisa in Kaname's arms.

"Did something happened?" Iori asked.

"Don't worry, she's just sleeping. I let her rest while we were waiting for the rain to pass in the shed," Kaname replied.

"But why is she wearing your clothes?" Yusuke asked.

"She was drenched because of the rain and I let her borrowed mine so that she wouldn't catch a cold," Kaname replied.

"Thank goodness," Ema breathes out. "I thought something happened to her. Thank you Kaname-san for taking care of Lisa,"

"You're welcome, Imouto-chan," Kaname said. "I should better let her rest in her room, care to lead me there, Imouto-chan?"

"Sure! Right this way," Ema replied.

- - - - - TIME SKIP - - - - -

Lisa's POV

'Ugh, what time is it?' I reached for my phone and read the time plastered there.

'Twelve-thirty?! Why didn't anyone woke me up?' I looked towards Nee-chan to found her ina deep sleep. Then I felt my stomach grumble out hunger.

I got out of bed and slip on my slippers and walked out of the room silently. When I reached the kitchen, I found a plate of food there and a note attached.

I figured you'd wake in the middle of the night and be hungry, - Nee-chan.

'Thank you, Onee-chan!' Nee-chan sure is a live saver. I thought I was going to starve. When I finished eating, I felt a breeze of cold wind pass through me.

'Huh? who left the door open?' I went to the door and saw in the distance, Kana Nii-chan sitting at the beach. I then walked towards him and joined him.

"What are you still doing up, Onii-chan?" I asked and sat beside him.

"I couldn't sleep," He replied.

'Something is wrong,'

"Is something wrong, Onii-chan?" I asked.

"Why do you say so, Imouto-chan?" He replied.

"It's just that, I'm not used to you being so quiet. Usually, you're always in a cheerful demeanour, and yet, now you don't." I said.

"I'm just thinking..."

"About what?" I asked, but he didn't reply. Instead, he stood up and reached out his hand.

"Would you like to join me?"


"In the water, just in the shallows." He said and I accepted his offer. While we are relaxing in the shallows, I couldn't help but steal a few glances at him.

'Maybe Nii-chan has a problem, but doesn't want to share it yet.'

"Ah!" I heard Nii-chan shout and saw him tripping and ended up falling into the waters.

"Hahaha! Are you alright, Nii-chan?" I asked while containing my giggles.

"Very funny," He chuckled. "Care to help me up?" I then reached out to help him, but instead, he pulled me and I fell on top of him.

"Ah!" now it was him laughing.

'I'm glad he's happy now,'

While watching him laugh, I then saw something on his right collarbone. I didn't notice that I was reaching out for it and saw that it was a cross-like sword tattoo.

"I didn't know you had a tattoo," I said while examining it. "Is it alright for a monk to have a tattoo?"

"I had it before I became a monk," He replied.

"It's beautiful. What does it mean?" I asked.

"Some say that the pen is mightier than a sword... but there's something's more powerful than pen or swords..."

"What is it?" Nii-chan then leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"Love," he then reached for my chin to make me look at him in the eyes.

Little by little, Nii-chan pulled me closed until our faces were only centimetres apart.

'I could feel his breath on my skin! What the heck is happening right now?!'

Then he did the unexpected...

He kissed me...

On the lips...


- - - - -
Please vote and Comment! Hope you guys like it!

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