Expecting The Unexpected

By sleepytinker__

8M 284K 35.7K

"I AM NOT MARRYING YOU MR. KNIGHT AND THAT'S IT" I yelled. From where did you get this much courage that too... More

Author's Note
CHAPTER 1: Hey it's me Eveline Carter
CHAPTER 2: Meeting My Crush?
CHAPTER 4: Overexcited Friend
CHAPTER 5: Marriage?
CHAPTER 6: Meeting Him.
CHAPTER 7: Broken Dreams
CHAPTER 8: Feisty Me.
CHAPTER 9: Arrogant Jerk
CHAPTER 10: Evil Plan for Ev!
CHAPTER 11: Blake Simon Vs Alexander Knight
CHAPTER 12: Falling for the most Stupid Plan
CHAPTER 13: You are in love with Who?
CHAPTER 14: Shopping
CHAPTER 15: Wedding Ring
CHAPTER 16: Wedding Day
CHAPTER 17: Crazy Friends
CHAPTER 18: First Day as Mrs. Knight
CHAPTER 19: Reception
CHAPTER 20: Caught?
CHAPTER 21: Stealing Chocolates. Are We?
CHAPTER 22: Getting Impatient for that One Call
CHAPTER 23: Exposed?
CHAPTER 24: You Did What?
CHAPTER 25: The Cute Angry Bird
CHAPTER 26: Gift from Mr. Arrogant Knight
CHAPTER 27: Something's Fishy
CHAPTER 28: It's Complicated!
CHAPTER 29: Jealous?
CHAPTER 30: My only Knight in the shining armour "Alexander Knight"
CHAPTER 31: Parent's Surprise
CHAPTER 32: His Nightmare
CHAPTER 33: Honeymoon
CHAPTER 34: What's wrong with him?
CHAPTER 35: I think I am falling for you
CHAPTER 36: He Kissed Me?
CHAPTER 37: Will he never fall for me?
CHAPTER 38: I am lost!
CHAPTER 39: He loves me
CHAPTER 40: Back Home
CHAPTER 41: Love You!!
CHAPTER 43: Date
CHAPTER 44: All about her Date Night
CHAPTER 45: My Cute Thief
CHAPTER 46: When he Lost his Temper
CHAPTER 47: I am Sorry Xander
CHAPTER 48: Without him for a Whole Week?
CHAPTER 49: He's Back
CHAPTER 50: Shattered
CHAPTER 51: He Hates Me Now?
CHAPTER 52: Is She Drunk?
CHAPTER 53: Sick
CHAPTER 54: Fainted!
CHAPTER 55: Pregnant!
CHAPTER 56: Why did he Lie?
CHAPTER 57: He Forgot My Birthday?
CHAPTER 59: Please be Okay!!
CHAPTER 60: Our Baby!!
EPILOGUE: Together Forever

CHAPTER 42: Blake Simon Vs Alexander Knight (Part 2)

106K 4.1K 318
By sleepytinker__


Today Cass left early as she has her date with Evan. I am waiting for my dear husband outside my office.

I was waiting impatiently when someone called me. I turned around to see Blake.

He came towards me and stood in front of me.

"Need a ride?" he asked.

I shook my head. "No Xander said that he will pick me up."

"Xander? You mean Alexander."

"Umm.... Ya." I said with a nervous laugh.

Why does everyone asks that again and again?

"He let's you call him that?"

I nodded and a smile appeared on Blake's face.

"I have to agree that Rose wasn't wrong about you."

"Rose? What did she say?"

"She said that she trusts you and she knows that you will change Alex. And looking at that smile on your face while waiting for him and also the nickname that makes me realize that she was so right."

I smiled.

"I am so happy that he finally got the right person for himself."

"Blake can I ask you something?"

"Ya sure what is it?"

"Are you.... Umm.... Were you and Xander really close to each other in the past." His smile faded away listening to my question. "I am sorry. If you don't want to answer, it's completely fine. I was just curious that's why I asked."

"Eveline I don't think it will be right for me to tell you that. I think you should ask Alex." He said.

That's the problem 'Alex' is not ready to tell me anything.

I nodded.

"Just give him sometime he will surely tell you everything. Okay?" I nodded again smiling.

"I hope so."

"Well I didn't thank you in a person for your brilliant idea so thanks a lot Eveline Carter." He said with a big smile on his face.

"It's Eveline Knight now if you have forgotten." A voice came from behind me. I know who it is.

Alexander Knight.

I turned around.


I think I should get an award for recognizing voices without looking at the person.

Girl you have a huge problem standing in front of you. So stop with those nonsense and focus.

Ah yes! Blake Simon vs Alexander Knight. I wonder who will win.

Oh God why is she like this.

Xander came towards us and stood in front of Blake with hands in his pockets.

"Alexander Knight good to see you again. I am happy that you have changed so much."

"Oh really. Are you? Well my apologies I can't see that."

That was a good one.
Xander- 1
Blake- 0

"You never saw. Then how can you today." Xander remained quiet.

Uh-oh Xander is quiet.
Xander- 1
Blake- 1

"I doubt you wished my happiness ever."

Ouch. Blake must be so hurt.
Xander- 2
Blake- 1

"And one more thing she is married now. Get that thing clear in your head."

Xander- 3
Blake- 1

Yass my man is winning.

"Oh so you finally accepted that. I mean you have done that previously too but then I didn't see the truth in whatever you said."

Oh boy that was a strong one. I'll give you 2 pts Blake.

Xander- 3
Blake- 3

"So you know everything that how I feel and what I feel because you can read me like an open book as you always say, and my mind always says you to stay away from me, so." Xander took some steps close to Blake and said looking in his eyes with anger "stay away from me and my life. Just mind your own business."

Xander- 5
Blake- 3

Hey that's cheating Xander was on 3 last time.

So what look at him with those killer looks he deserves 2 points.

Well... that's true. Okay fine by me.

"You very well know that won't happen ever. We can't avoid each other Alex however hard we try."

Xander clenched his jaw.

"I am warning you Blake and I am damn serious this time if something happens because of you I won't hesitate to kill you this time."

Xander looked extremely dangerous this time. His one hand then came to hold my hand and with that he dragged me with him. He looked really angry in the same angry voice he said "Get in." without any protest I sat on the car. Not uttering a single word. After getting inside he started driving his grip was strong on the steering wheel, his jaw clenched.

What's my fault now?

I didn't do anything.

Why is he mad at me now?

He is not even saying anything. Not even scolding me.

Then suddenly the car stopped in an unknown place. I looked at him in confusion to see he was already glaring at me. He got out of the car and marched toward my side. Opening my side of the door he forced me out of the car. After I was out he pinned me against the car.

"W-what are you doing Xander?" I asked in a scared voice.

"What am I doing what the hell are you doing Ev?" My eyebrows furrowed together.

"Me? What have I done?"

"Why were you talking to him? You know I don't like you talking to him but still you were smiling and talking to him."

"What? Xander what is wrong in it if I talk to him. He is my boss how can you ask me not to talk to him."

"Boss" he scoffed "ya right he is just your boss then why do you have to smile at him so much." I stared at him in disbelief.

"Xander why are you behaving like a typical jealous husband."

"Because I am jealous." I froze. His one hand then came to my waist pulling me more close "I get jealous when Blake gets that smile of yours, I get jealous when you care about him, I get jealous when you are so excited to pick up his call that you even forget that I am sitting with you. DAMN IT I AM JEALOUS." He shouted the last sentence moving away from me. I flinched.

When did I care about Blake?

When did I even get excited to pick his call?

When you wanted to know about his and Rose's date and the caring thing is I guess it was in his office with the file. Remember he was taunting you about Blake.

What? I was worried because I work there.

"Do you like him?" he asked me out of nowhere. I just stared at him in disbelief.

"Tell me Ev. Do you have feelings for him?"

"Do you want to leave me?"

What the hell? What is he thinking?

"What is wrong with you Xander? Me and Blake it's really nothing. You don't have to be jealous of him. Xander if you are talking about that day in your office. I was worried because I work there not because I care for Blake. What are you even thinking Xander?" a tear slipped from my eyes.

"Please don't leave me Ev. Please. I don't want to become that monster again." There were so many emotions in his eyes when he was saying those words.

"Xander I would never do that." I went to him still crying and hugged him.

"I don't want to lose you Ev. I love you so much." He said hugging me back.

"You won't."

He finally broke the hug and within seconds he connected our lips together. He made me sit on the front of the car and again started kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him back with everything I had. It was not just a passionate kiss it was filled with so many emotions. But the way his hands were holding me, his lips were moving against mine was enough for me to realize one thing that he was scared. He was scared of something. But what could it be? He then pulled away.

He took a deep breath and looking away from me he said "You must be hungry. Let's get you some food."

Why isn't he looking at me?

He then put me down and was going to driver's seat but I held his hand he was still looking away from me.


He closed his eyes at my touch and took a deep breath. Then he turned around and cupped my cheeks "I am sorry for shouting at you. I don't know what came over me I lost all my control."

"It's okay." I said kissing his hands that were on my cheeks.

The fear in his eyes was still visible. The fear that I first time saw when I was lost in Italy.

"Xander I told you I won't leave you then why are you scared." He removed his hands from my cheeks.

"Ev we should leave." I held his hand again.

"Not until you tell me why are you scared."

"I'll tell you everything but not now. Please just listen to me for once." he said.

I nodded looking at his defeated expression.

He went to his side and got inside the car I too got in.

"Ev I need to talk to you about something." He said while driving.

"Hmm." I replied.

Then we finally reached the restaurant. After ordering our food he was too engrossed in thinking something. I was looking here and there.

"So I was saying that-" Xander was cut off by another voice that came from behind me "What a surprise?" I turned around to see Anna and Aiden standing there.

I got up from my seat "Hey."

"Hi good to see you again Eveline." Aiden said.

"You too." I replied.

"Do you mind if we join?" He asked.

"No." I said instantly but when I looked at Xander his jaw clenched and the expression on his face was like 'why can't you keep your mouth shut'. I ignored it. Anna sat beside me and Aiden sat beside Xander.

"When the hell were you planning on telling me about your date?" I asked in a whisper gritting my teeth.

Anna looked at Aiden once who was busy talking to Xander.

"It's not what y-" she started but I cut her off.

"Don't you dare lie to me again. I swear I will kill you."

"Fine." She said. "We both are dating. Happy?"

"Ha! I so knew it. Tell me everything bitch, now."

"I'll tell you everything later."

"Okay. Fine. But you have to tell me."

"Yes. Now shut up."

"Okay fine." After sometime I asked again.

"Umm... from when did you guys started dating."

"Last month."

"What a month. HOLY SHIT!" I shouted and everyone looked at me. Aiden gave me a suspicious look. Xander just shook his head and sighed. I laughed nervously.

"A freakin' month. Bloody liar." I again whisper yelled in her ear.

I again asked after sometime "Have you guys kissed already?"

She nodded.

Bitch! She didn't tell me anything.

I was now fuming with anger.

"Did you guys had sex too?" I asked again.

"Ev will you shut up. I told you I'll tell everything later."

After sometime Aiden said. "Eveline actually I wanted to tell you guys something."

I nodded. He looked at me and Xander and said "Actually we are planning to get married. Me and Anna."
My eyes widened. Anna who was happily drinking her juice chocked and started coughing.

She then looked at me with 'I am so dead' look.

Oh yes! You are so dead bitch.
Oh no! Anna is so dead. Ev is not going to leave her that easily.

Poor Anna.

I am loving the jealous Xander so much.🙈

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Love you guys❤️

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