The Falling of Empress Malty

By nicoville20

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A Tyrant of the throne of the Roman Empire. Her reign begins to crumble ends in 2001 AS. Join her (if you dar... More

Chapter 1: Empress Malty
Chapter 2: The Slaves of Notre Dame
Chapter 3: The Ambassador from Russia
Chapter 4: The Grand Council
Chapter 5: The Weapons of Mechanized War
Chapter 6: The Other Leaders of The World
Chapter 7: Queen Melty
Chapter 8: An Incident in Vienna
Chapter 9: Salernum
Chapter 10: A Look Into The Future
Chapter 11: A Meeting of Circumstance
Chapter 12: A Slave's Escape
Chapter 13: President Tamaki Suoh
Chapter 14: The Security Council - I
Chapter 16: The Last Straw
Chapter 17: Long Live The Kaiser
Chapter 18: A Call to War
Chapter 19: Nuclear Reprecussion
Chapter 20: End of an Era

Chapter 15: The Security Council - II

39 0 1
By nicoville20

The Security Council gathers in their meeting room. The delegates take their seats at the table. On the table were maps of the world, and provided was a sheet of paper listing some of the current affairs and conflicts on the world stage, and so far the world has been relatively peaceful with some minor conflicts between some of the nations and some city-states. Also was provided was either tea of coffee for the each of the delegates. Which is definitely needed from either jet lag or headache from the current European affairs. visitors, religious leaders, news companies, and other officials sit on the sidelines as the main delegates begin their discussions and debates.

"Fellow delegate!" Loud says, getting the attention of the delegations. "We shall now commence the orders of the day. The Security Council has now convened! According to our lists, everyone has been accounted for and present". The delegates become quite as Loud begins. "The Security Council will now address some of the current issues that stand between world peace and total war. First, I would like to address the current resolution at present proposed by the convention of Lisbon. This details the major points on the protection of children everywhere. And I think everyone is in agreeance with the convention" Everyone seems to agree on this resolution. Which is checked off the list. "Great, we will devise a plan to determine how we will enforce this convention. Anyway, we have some concerns that needs to be address. Prime Minister Tsukasa, I believe that you want to bring up something that has to come to our attention".

"Yes your highness, I have reason to believe that we should be pooling some of our military resources over to the city state of Manila right away. I have seen the state of their military on a visit to Manila, and it is deplorable. I have not seen one soldier with proper equipment, the officers are corrupted, and the borders are in dire condition. So the Japanese empire has proposed it sends 500 infantry soldiers to help guard the borders between Manila and the Romans. I also plan to send a couple of officers to overturn all of this corruption within the Manila general staff. And we will send an estimated $20,000,000 worth of military equipment, which includes artillery guns, tanks, and fighter jets to help modernize their military. This is all on loan except for the equipment for the standard three year deployment agreement".

"The council wholeheartedly approves of this action Prime Minister" Loud says with most of the council nodding in agreeance (guess who didn't). "I think it is a good idea to help that city state secure its borders, especially being surrounded by the Romans. The Security Council herebys unanimously supports Japan's actions". Prime Minister Tsukasa is pleased. And so were the rest of the allies.

"Now if there is nothing else that needs to be brought to our immediate attention" Loud continues opening up the report files. "There is something that has garnered the attention of both the English and the German. Sir Bradley, if you would like to get the rest of the delegates up to speed?"

"Of course your highness" Bradley says, bring the attention to him from the other delegates. "It has come to our shock and attention that the Pony's Republic of India has declared war on the Zulu empire. What even more shocking is that their military has gained the use of rifles, and with that the formation of regiments".

"HEY!" P.C. Patterson shouts, "Are you assuming that a nationality can not have weapons?"

"Mr. -*AHEM*- P.C. Patterson, if you would let me finish" Bradley continues calmly, "What I was about to say is that we have reason to believe that India has been trading with one of their trading partners".

"It's Rome isn't it" Fanny says blatantly. "The chairwoman is trading with Empress Malty isn't she?".

"Now I resent that microaggression Fanny" P.C. Patterson butts in. "And frankly, I am disappointed that you are putting the blame on Rome, as well as attacking India for spreading their culture". The delegates heavily sigh at his comment. "Your highness, I demand you launch an investigation that clears both names immedietly". Loud sighs louder than the other delegates.

"Very well. The Security Council will launch an investigation on The Pony's Republic of India and The Empire of Rome for disturbance of the peace and breakage of economic sanctions on Rome". The delegates look at the American delegation, and Ned looks away embarrassed while Patterson just crosses his arms angrily.

"With that being said, if there is any other issues anyone would like to wish to bring up. I would ask all of you to speak up, or I will go over the next convention which will take place in Singapore". Rachel stands up.

"You highness. I would like to speak to everyone about... the plan" the plan she talks about is something that everyone on the council knows. The plan to reestablish Egyptian rule in North Africa.

"Very well Tsaritsa Rachel, you have the floor".

"Delegates of the Security Council. We have found a way to reestablish the monarchy and independent rule of the kingdom of Egypt. Our archeologists have been able to figure out the next heir to the mysterious royal family" she says bringing out her briefcase of evidence and facts while the servants were bringing  out a whiteboard for her to use. The delegates and those in the side box were intrigued with Rachel's findings, especially Erza seeing how she was originally from there until being invaded by Rome early in her life. Rachel would begin to explain to the delegates of the lineage of the royal family of Egypt.

"Now as we all know, the last Pharaoh of Egypt was Pharaoh Toma, from the dynasty of Fiore. His last reign was of course during the invasion of Egypt of 1992, he was already aging and was ready to have her daughter Hisui inherit the throne, maybe even abdicating himself. We know that both perished in the invasion". As she said all this, she writes down the family tree of the Fiore dynasty, crossing those two names off the tree.

"If we are to find a proper heir, we need to look back one generation to one of the longest reigning pharaohs in Egyptian history. Which would be Pharaoh Acnologia who reigned from 1845 up until 1905 and is given the title of the longest reigning monarch in the world, living to be 120 years old. He had many children during his reign, but many of those children and their children are dead too. But I want to look at one lineage that could be a contender to the new heir to the throne". Rachel sketches out the rest of the family tree. And reaches the conclusion.

"Prince Faust is one of Acnologia's children that have perished, along with his son Mystogan. However, we have reason to believe that Prince Mystogan's son is still alive. Our archeologists could not find remains of this young lad, and upon further exploration at the former palace, which has been untouched and unlooted mind you, we discovered that the prince had run away since his belongings are missing". The air gets more interesting as Rachel continues to lay down facts.

"Since we couldn't find this prince's remains, and the evidence of missing belongings, we have concluded that this prince is the sole survivor and heir to the throne of Egypt".

"Who is this heir? And where can we find this prince?" asks Chancellor Roy Mustang.

"Chancellor, we have gone through research and old records from the 1980s, we have concluded that this young prince is named... Jellal Fernandes". The delegates seemed pretty excited about the prospect of Egyptian liberation guided by the International Senate, but young Erza Scarlet was shocked and saddened. Shocked because of the fact that he didn't know his best friend was actually a prince, and saddened because of his untimely passing. Recent memories flood back to her mind while the delegates continue to speak.

"I see what you are saying" said Foreign Minister Brain. "If the child did runaway, he would have most likely landed somewhere in the territories of Rome, or in one of our territories since he most likely would not have ran far".

"That narrows it down to three major areas. North Africa, The Middle East, or somewhere in the Mediterranean right" Haruhi responds.

"Precisely" Brain replied, P.C. Patterson wanted to butt in.

"Excuse me, but I would like to voice some concerns I have on the matter of what if this prince or princess is not at all proper for this right to rule".

"What are you talking about?" Said Raphtalia. "He's the sole heir, of course he has the right to rule".

"That's not what I meant. Would this new leader respect the culture of Rome? Would they be aligned with our democratic rule?".

"Well I'm sure this Jellal fellow would be a nice kid" Queen Charity replies.

"I'm sorry ma'am but we need a better understanding of this kid and what they believe in. We don't even know their personality. We don't know if they are sensitive and caring to minorities".

"But he was. He really was" Erza says in a whisper, though an audible whisper which is heard by the delegates causing Patterson to stare at her angrily.

"Um... excuse me?" He says in a very pissed off manner. "If you got something to say you brat, then say it in FRONT OF MY FACE!" he continues as he goes up to confront her. Sensing a major disturbance in the council, Loud bangs his gavel to bring him back to attention.

"P.C. PATTERSON!" Loud shouts, "GET BACK IN YOUR SEAT AND SIT DOWN!" Loud clears his throat as Patterson gets back to his seat, still staring at Erza. "I'm sorry, but if the young girl has something to say, then she will say it when she wants to. Now, if there is nothing else we can discuss the new convention coming up in Singapore". As Loud was preparing to discuss about the new convention coming up, Erza tries to be brave and reveal the truth to the delegates.

"Actually mister, I want to say something. There is something I've we've been hiding this whole time and I can't hold it anymore. I need to speak the truth". The delegates turn their heads as she begins to talk. Tamaki and Haruhi also prepare to tell the council the entire truth too.

"Very well young... Erza" Loud says remembering her name. "You have the floor". Erza walks up to the front of the aisle as the delegates intend to listen to her.

"My name is Erza, that part is true. But I am not from this Vietnam colony. The truth is that... I am actually an escaped Roman slave". The council was completely shocked at this revelation.

"President Suoh, did you know this?" Raphtalia asked Tamaki.

"It's the truth" he responded "two of my advisors found her in Lyon after she escaped. We would have told you, but we felt it was in the best interest of the council to not give another reason to escalate war with Rome".

"Because this peace is going to last long" Naofumi replies sarcastically.

"Sir Naofumi, he does make a valid point" Loud responds, "It it a tenuous peace, but if she finds out, she will surly begin churning war. Anyway, please continue young Erza".

"Well, I bring this up because not only was I taken from Egypt, I knew Jellal Fernandes". The council were again shocked at this revelation. "Jellal was one of the nicest most caring person I have ever met. He was always there to help our friends out. He was sacrificing himself for our wellbeing". As Erza tells the delegates about Jellal, and the delegates begin to understand. Hearing that he's a slave in Rome might derail some time that is available to initiate Egyptian revolution, but if they can get him out of there they should be ok.

"If this Jellal character is just as good as you say he is, then I'm sure he is a good candidate to be the new pharaoh of Egypt" Rachel says intrigued that her archaeologists' efforts have yielded great results.

"He would have been. I didn't even know he was a prince" Erza responded. "But... u-unfortunately... h-he...". Erza was fighting back tears, and then Tamaki noticing her distress realized putting two and two together...

"Oh God. Is this Jellal fellow the one you said perished?" He asks. Erza sadly nodded. The council is shocked once more at the news of his passing, though happening a while ago.

"How could this be?" Prime Minister Yakko states. "I mean, he is probably just a child. Like you. Like me. Like some of us".

"I think I have a good idea of what happened" Melty responds, and then goes up to Erza.

"Erza. You flinched when you heard my full name. I assume my sister had to do with the demise of your friend?". Erza nodded again.

"She was visiting the construction site where we were enslaved in. For us, it was another day without food, so Jellal decided that he would sneak around and find us some food. But when he tried to come back to us, he was caught. The empress then came to us and punished both Jellal and I". Erza then proceeds to reveal her eyepatch, which many of the delegates were curious about but didn't want to bring it up. But when she did do it, the delegates gaze upon her in shock, horror, and disgust. Not at her but the treatment of a young child by the empress.

"I was fortunate enough to come out alive scarred, but Jellal... the empress killed him" she finishes sadly. The delegates were left speechless. For President Tamaki,  it stirred more anger, distaste and disgust for Empress Malty. For Queen Melty, it is shock and horror at what her older sister is capable of doing to innocent children. As for Tsaritsa Rachel, it is disgust at the empress and anger that their research and revolution plans are now down the drain because of the dead prince.

"Young Scarlet" Loud proceeds, trying to act calm about this situation. "We are deeply shocked and sorry for the loss of your dear friend".

"But that's why I escaped, hoping to find someone to help us break free. It... it's what Jellal wanted" she says. The delegates remained silent. Of course they want to fight this injustice, but given how the last conflict turned out, it made sense that the delegates were a little apprehensive to war. But there is one voice that spoke out in agreement.

"You know she's right" exclaims Naofumi. "Are we just going to let that bitch run lose? Destroying cities and enslaving the masses? If we don't do something now, it will be us that are in chains under her tyranny!".

"Naofumi" butted in Loud, "it is not the fact that we don't want to fight, but it is more of a exercise of caution when dealing a military power such as Rome".

"I agree with the senate president here" P.C. Patterson says, "This is out of respect to the Roman culture".

"That is not what I said".

"Rome has the right to spread its culture around the world if they so please".

"That literally is not what I said" Loud continues in a more annoyed manner.

"I am just trying to make sure that all cultures are respected and treated with dignity. Because Roman cultures matter. Especially against you bigots". He then turns his attention to Erza. "And you, you should be ashamed for using such microaggressions against Rome".

"What do you mean, I-?"

"Calling yourself a slave is a microaggression against Rome who are employing many displaced citizens with housing, food, and in exchange, they would become indentured servants to obey Roman culture. That is the more appropriate name".

"But we are not treated like the palace servants. We are barely fed, and I just showed you the atrocities she committed against us and-"

"Hey!" P.C. Patterson interrupts, "you are just exaggerating the way the Romans are treating you. They are trying the best they can to offer some compensation of the displacement". That last statement startled the delegates, was he suggesting that Roman imperialism was... okay?

"But sir, what I am saying is the truth. We are tortured, starved, forced to slave away under the Rom-"

"EXAGGERATIONS!" Patterson shouts. A few of the members of the begin to stand up to defend the young girl.

"W-Why are you like this?" Erza asks becoming fearful for her life. "I-I thought you were suppose to h-help others. I-Its like you support slavery and aggression". That so happened to appear to be another trigger for P.C. Patterson who starts to run up to Erza in anger ready to wall choke anyone, but is immedietly stopped by both President Ned Flanders and Vice President Randy Marsh.

"SAY THAT AGAIN! I DARE YOU! YOU WILL TELL ME THAT I AM THE BIGOT HERE WILL YOU!". As Patterson was causing a commotion, the rest of the delegates were yelling to calm down. Erza is taken back be the actions of the US Secretary of State, as Prince Loud was banging the gavel as loud as he could before eventually...

"MR. PATTERSON, WILL YOU SIT DOWN AND SHUT THE HELL UP! THIS IS NOT HOW WE BEHAVE NOR ACT HERE! IF YOU WON'T SIT DOWN, I WILL PERSONALLY KICK YOU OUT OF THE MEETINGS FOR THE DURATION OF THE COUNCIL!!" Loud's shouting might have done the trick, as well as Ned looking cross at Patterson, who finally obliges to sits down, not even acknowledging how Loud didn't even say P.C. for his name. Not before P.C. Patterson could mutter...

"Bigot". At this point, Prince Loud and the rest of the delegates can't take anymore of the tension building up.

"Okay, it seems that we are not going to far with this narrative, and there is a lot of tension going around, so I think that is all we should go on about for today. We will reconvene tomorrow, and hopefully Prince Alphonse will be here to discuss things further. But today, the Security Council has been adjourned". With the sound of the gavel, the delegates dismiss themselves. Most of them were leaving the meeting room while others where going up to Erza to see if she is alright. The American delegation just happened to walk out of the room in shame.

"P.C. Patterson" Ned says in a angry tone, "I am mighty disappointed with your actions today".

"What are you talking about bruh, I am saving people's emotional lives. You just don't get it you conservative prick". Patterson continues to walk away from Flanders, trying to calm himself down. Flanders and Marsh are most cross with him.

"Mr. President" Randy speaks, "With all due respect, I must ask you why you appointed that fool to the office of State?".

"It was more on the grounds that I didn't want to be seen as a gosh darn diddly biased president. I wonder if I made the right choice?". As the Americans were leaving, President Tamaki and Prime Minister Haruhi go up to Erza, along with other delegates.

"Are you alright?" Tamaki asks Erza.

"I-I'm okay" she replies, "I was scared that man would hurt me".

"I'm sure Prince Loud will do something about that".

"Indeed" Loud responds going up to them, "I might have to oust him out if he becomes to hostile".  Queen Melty along with the Greek delegation goes up to her. Melty is most upset at the revelation, a sense of shame and dishonor has just been bestowed upon her.

"Oh Erza!" Melty bowing in apology, "I did not know my sister did all of those horrible things to you. There is no other words of how sorry I am for my sister's action".

"It's okay. It's like you said. You are not like your sister".

"Of course, this just furthers the case for a declaration of war" Naofumi says going up to the queen, with Raphtalia in suit.

"Naofumi. That seems pessimistic isn't it?" Raphtalia replies.

"You've known me the longest" he replies with a smirk. Meanwhile, Queen Charity catches up to Tsarista Rachel who is clearly in a depressed state.

"Rachel! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine" Rachel responds sarcastically, "It's only just ten years of research and work suddenly going down the drain- OF COURSE I"M NOT OKAY!". Charity tries her best to comfort her Russian cousin.

"Years and rubles, all of it. WASTED!"

"We'll find another suitable leader to revolt against the Roman occupation" Charity replies to reassure her. "Besides, it can't get any worse than it is already".

But wouldn't you know it... It did get a whole lot worse, on the other side of Europe.

-End of Chapter Fifteen-

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