Parenting Is Hard

By Descendantsfan03

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This is a sequel story to The Truth. It's been about two years since Mal had been reverted back to her real a... More

Mal's First Day Of Preschool
Preschool Fail
Parental Disagreements
Fun At Chuck E Cheese
Stir Crazy In The Dorms
Parenting Trouble
ER Trip
Babysitting Fail
"Pet" Problems
Puppy Love
Pool Incident
From One To Three
A Four Year Old's Jealousy
Evie The Nanny
Troubles Of Babysitting
Stuck In A Tree
Learning Fail
Amusement Park Excitement
Amusement Park Fun
Babysitting Disaster
Another Trip To The ER
Shocking Mall Trip
Shocking Reveal
Finding Their Sisters Trip 1
Meeting April
Airport Surprise
Bus Trouble
Finding Their Sisters Trip 2
Dorm Room Adventures
Home Adventure
Quints Reunited

Reunited Sisters Bonding

197 5 0
By Descendantsfan03

Author's Note: I know that I said I would be introducing the other two sisters in this chapter, but I felt like doing a sister bonding chapter between Evie and Lola first since I hadn't given them much one on one time yet in this story and felt like I should add some. Anyway I promise the next chapter will be introducing April and the chapter after will be introducing Ava as I want to do a chapter for each sister. And I already did Lola this chapter, so next will be April and then after that will be Ava. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and let me know what you guys thought. And this story is just getting started as I have so many more ideas now that I can't wait to explore, but I have to finish introducing the other sisters first.

Evie just sighed as she looked at her happy baby sister. "Mal sweetie I love you but please don't talk right now. Normally I would love to hear your crazy stories and your silly input, but right now I could really do without your excitement," Evie told the four year old as she was too upset about her mother hiding three more of her sisters and the happy four year old was just not helping her irritation.

She wasn't in the mood to be entertaining the four year old and Mal being excited over having more siblings was just making her more angry as Mal didn't even understand what their mother had done.

Mal just stared at Evie in complete shock as Evie had just called her stories crazy and her input silly. Mal had always thought that her mommy liked to hear her stories and her input now she was finding out that Evie really didn't.

Mal just started crying as she looked at Evie in hurt. "Mommy you're a meanie! You told me you loved my stories! But now you're calling them crazy!" Mal cried out, making Evie just sigh in frustration as she was just not in the mood to be her normal happy self that could easily deal with the four year old.

Before Evie could lose it as she was already on the edge of completely losing it Audrey picked up Mal from Evie as she could see Evie starting to get really frustrated and she knew that Mal was really not helping the situation.

"Okay violet let's give your mommy a little bit of a break. Come on let's go play at my place," Audrey told the four year old without even asking Evie if she could take Mal. Mal just giggled as she looked at Audrey.

"Hehe you're silly! My name isn't violet, it's Mal! You're silly Audrey!" The small four year old told Audrey while laughing as she thought Audrey was being silly and she didn't realize that Audrey was using a nickname.

Audrey just laughed as she ticked the small girl. "I know Mal, but I was trying out a new nickname since you love purple," Audrey told the small four year old making the girl giggle as she tried to push Audrey's tickling fingers away.

"Hehe Audrey stop that tickles," Mal told the older girl, making Audrey laugh more as she tried to walk out with Mal as the others except for Lola and Fairy Godmother had taken Jenny to tour Auradon as they knew that Evie and Lola needed some time to process everything.

Just as Audrey was walking out with Mal, Evie grabbed Audrey by her arm immediately stopping her from taking off with the small four year old. Evie just looked at Audrey as if Audrey had completely lost her mind as she quickly grabbed Mal from Audrey.

"Audrey what the heck? You can't just take my sister especially not without my permission," Evie told Audrey as she couldn't believe Audrey almost just took off with her little sister. Especially since Audrey didn't even ask permission and she knew how Evie felt about leaving Mal with others. She trusted Audrey, but only when she had to. Evie preferred to not have to leave Mal with anyone.

Audrey just rolled her eyes as she looked at Evie. "Okay forgive me for wanting to help my friend who is clearly going through a lot right now," Audrey told her friend in annoyance as Evie was being rude to her when she had just wanted to help her friend. She had seen how upset and frustrated her friend was and felt that it would be best if she helped her out with her sister, but apparently Evie didn't need her help.

Evie just sighed as she handed Mal back to Audrey. "No Audrey I'm sorry. You were just trying to help. I shouldn't have reacted like that. You're right I could use some time to process this. Here you can watch her, but please please please follow my instructions that I told you last time I let you babysit because I can't afford anymore injuries on her and I also don't want her watching inappropriate shows. Frozen, Liv and Maddie, Tangled, and Dragon Tales is all she can watch unless she is willing to watch cartoons on nick or Disney junior other than that only those shows and movies. And I mean it because Mal told me you and Uma let her watch Victorious and ICarly last time you babysat and I specifically told you that she isn't allowed to watch those shows. Also no sweets and..." Evie was cut off by Lola who was just staring at Evie like she had just lost her mind.

"Oh my gosh you're worse than Jenny! Just let the kid have some fun every once in a while," Lola told Evie as she thought her new sister was insane and she couldn't believe how uptight her new sister is.

Evie just gave Lola a death glare making Fairy Godmother and Audrey feel awkward as Audrey just smiled at Evie. "Okay Evie I'll follow your rules. I'm not Uma. I can follow simple instructions unlike her. Now come on Violet let's go play at my house," Audrey told Evie and then Mal as she quickly left with her wanting to get away from the awkward situation and the tension growing between Evie and her new sister.

Mal just smiled as she looked at Audrey. "Yay! Can we get Carlos and Jay too! Please Auntie Audrey! That's your new nickname!" The small girl screamed out making Audrey smile as she looked at Mal.

Mal had never called her Auntie before, but she always called Uma Auntie Uma and Audrey had been secretly jealous as Audrey had known Mal longer than Uma had and Audrey was way kinder towards Mal than Uma was.

Audrey just laughed as she made her way towards her house with the small four year old grabbing onto her hand. "Yes we can and we can get Jane too, but not Uma because Uma is busy," Audrey told the small girl as she didn't want Uma to come, but she was fine with Carlos, Jane, and Jay.

The small four year old pouted a bit at this news as she loved Uma. Uma was so much fun and she wanted to be just like her. While they were walking back to Audrey's house they ran into Jane, Carlos, Jay, Uma, and Jenny as Jane had gone to get Carlos and Jay came with him. Mal just smiled as she ran over to them.

"Auntie Audrey is watching me and she says that you can all come too, but she says that you're busy Auntie Uma! Can you be un busy, so you can come too! Please Auntie Uma!" The small girl screamed out making them all smile as they agreed to come with the small girl to Audrey's house.

Uma just smirked as she looked at Audrey and Mal. "Oh I see Auntie Audrey told you that I'm busy well guess what Tiny Tot! I'm free now! So I can come too!" Uma told the small girl, making Audrey glare at her as she didn't want Uma in her home.

Mal just got really excited as she jumped up and down happily. "Yay! Auntie Uma is coming too! This is going to be so much fun! Come on let's go play at Auntie Audrey's house now!" Mal screamed out as she started running towards Audrey's house and the others just smiled except for Audrey as they ran after the small girl towards Audrey's house.

While the others were all at Audrey's house, Fairy Godmother just sighed as she looked at the last two remaining girls in her office. She knew that Evie and Lola deserved answers about their family and the other two sisters.

Fairy Godmother just looked at the two girls. "Do you two mind staying here and getting acquainted while I go do some more research, so I can find out more about your other two sisters and their whereabouts. I'm so sorry you're mother did this to you two and the rest of your sisters," Fairy Godmother told the two younger girls as she couldn't believe The Evil Queen was that horrible of a parent that she would get rid of all, but one of her kids.

Evie just gave Fairy Godmother a small smile as she nodded her head and Fairy Godmother just smiled back as she left to go do some research. Once Fairy Godmother left Lola just smirked as she looked at Evie.

"Well I guess we should get to know each other if we're going to be sisters. Starting with is our mom really the Evil Queen as in the Evil Queen from the Fairy Tale Snow White," Lola asked her new sister as she thought that was so cool. Evie just sighed as she looked at Lola. She hated talking about her mom as she was the only one of her sisters to have had to live with her and she knew how horrible her mother was.

"Ugh yes our mother is the Evil Queen and before you get all excited since knowing how you acted before it's not exciting at all! Our mother is horrible and she's gotten rid of four out of her five kids! And I'm not even going to go into Mal's story because it's way too complicated and heartbreaking and I don't feel like explaining it again. Just know her story isn't pretty at all," Evie told her new sister as she was upset and she didn't want Lola to be talking about their mother in a good way since her mother didn't deserve to be considered cool.

Lola just stared at Evie in shock as she was taking in all of her words. "Wait, so Mal isn't your kid? I thought you were actually some like teen mom or something! Wait so if Mal is your sister then that makes her my sister too! That's pretty cool! You know that kid is pretty awesome, she's so artistic and creative! I guess we know where she gets it from now! Also if she's my sister too and April and Ava's then why are you the only one raising Mal? What makes you so special," Lola rambled out to Evie immediately sending off alert bells in Evie's head as she realized what Lola was getting at.

Lola was hinting towards the fact that she didn't think Evie should get to have Mal all to herself. But Evie would never let her other three siblings take Mal from her. Mal was hers. Mal may be all of four of thems little sister, but technically Mal was her daughter. She had permanent legal custody of her and Mal had even been calling her mommy for two years now.

Evie just put on a fake smile as she looked at her sister just knowing that Lola was going to get on her nerves a lot as Lola reminded her so much of Uma and Evie couldn't stand Uma. Uma was so irresponsible and always messing with her, but more importantly Evie was secretly jealous of Uma. Uma was Mal's everything. She practically worshipped Uma now and she thought Uma was so cool and so much fun.

Evie hated how much Uma was stealing her sister from her, but at the end of the day Mal loved her the most, but now Lola was here and Lola was just like Uma, but worse of all Lola looked exactly like her. That would be like Mal's whole dream parent. Evie was honestly scared that if Mal was given a choice right now over who she would want to live with, that Mal would pick Lola over her and that really made her feel threatened by Lola as Mal was supposed to be hers. She was the one raising Mal since she was two and now these new girls were just going to come in and try and take Mal away from her, but Evie would never let that happen.

"Yes Mal is our sister and yes she is such an amazing and loving little girl and she makes me proud everyday. And the reason that Mal is under my custody is because I was the first one to find out about her being our sister and I was the one that fought hard for custody of her two years ago. I've been basically her mother for half of her life now and that's not stopping now. So don't even go there because I know what you're trying to get at and I'm telling you right now that it's not happening. I had to fight off Snow White and CPS, so I can easily fight you off if I have to. Mal is my child and I don't care if she's technically our sister she is my child and she has been my child since she was only two years old," Evie sternly told Lola making Lola look at her like she was insane as she had only been trying to start a conversation and get to know her new sister that she didn't even know she had, but her sister completely went off on her.

"Woah relax sis. I was just trying to talk and get to know my new family. You didn't have to go off like that. Man you remind me so much of Jenny it's insane," Lola told Evie making Evie just sigh as she looked at Lola now feeling bad for going off on her.

Evie hadn't meant to do that as she normally loved getting to know new people, but when Lola started talking about Mal it was like something went off inside of her and she couldn't help herself.

"Lola I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to go off on you like that. I honestly don't know where that came from. It's just that when you started talking about how much you loved Mal I just couldn't help myself. I got jealous because I've had Mal to myself for four years now and now I'm finding out that we have three other siblings and that just I don't know it scares me a bit. And it makes me worried that you guys are going to take her from me. I love her like a daughter and I really don't want to lose that bond with her," Evie rambled out making Lola just smile as she looked at Evie.

"Nah it's all good sis. I get it I mean if I was the one raising such a cool and artistic kid like that for two years and then someone tried to take her from me I would get upset too. Trust me I'm definitely not ready for kids, but I do still want to see my little sister. You can't keep me from seeing her otherwise than we will have a problem. Because I really do love the kid and I have so many creative and artistic things that I would love to teach her. You know she told me she wants to be artist that's honestly so cool," Lola told her sister as she began to actually start liking her new sister that she had at first thought was just such an uptight person, but the more she was talking to her the more she was starting to see Evie as more than just an uptight nerd just like with Jenny.

Evie just laughed as she sat down and Lola did the same. "Yeah of course you can see her. I don't stop her from seeing people. Well I try to stop her from seeing Uma, but I can never do that to Mal and Uma despite how much I want to. And yeah Mal absolutely loves art and she's so good at it! I love bragging about her to the moms at the park. It's so much fun especially since they love to brag about how smart their kids are. And don't get me wrong Mal is smart, but she's also just not as advanced as the other kids when it comes to academics. But it's not her fault she's technically a preemie and she's also born on August 31st so she's literally the youngest kid in her grade level. Anyway when I show them her art they immediately stop bragging and get really jealous. It makes me so proud and I'm sure she would love it if you could help her with her art since she loves it and I'm not the best at that kinda stuff. I mean I can be creative when it comes to fashion and designing since I'm a fashion designer, but other than that I'm not an artist," Evie rambled out to Lola as she began to get lost in her bragging as she loved to brag about Mal to others.

Lola just laughed as she listened to Evie talk and she realized that Evie really wasn't as boring as she once thought she was. "Wow that's hilarious! You know I had it wrong about you! You're actually super fun and cool! I'm honestly glad that you're my sister," Lola told Evie, making Evie smile as she looked at Lola pulling her into a hug as Evie just loved hugs.

"I agree I thought you were just as annoying and irritating as Uma at first, but you're actually a really nice person and you're pretty fun to talk to. I'm glad you're my sister too. And Mal is going to seriously love you. Just don't get too close to her or we'll have a problem," Evie told Lola playfully, but at the same time she did mean it.

Lola just laughed as she hugged Evie back. When Fairy Godmother got back she smiled as she saw the two sisters had bonded. "Oh well I really hate to interrupt this super sweet sister moment however I have finished my research of your other two sisters if you would like to know more about them," Fairy Godmother told the two girls immediately causing them to break the hug as they ran to her wanting to find out more about their other two "missing" sisters.

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