Taboo (Mr. Aizawa x student r...

By jessi_54

108K 2.8K 2.9K

Since you were young and got your quirk, you've dreamed of becoming a hero and saving lives. There was no ONE... More

-Results and Recognition-
-First Day-
-First Assignment-
-Trial and Errors-
-Sound the Alarm-
-We're Here-
-Among the Fallen-
-Date Night-
-Be Prepared-
-Strive to Win-
-Fight to the Finish-
-Survival of the Fittest-
-Hard Work and Ambition-
-Out With a Bang-
-Stay Here-
-(Sorry, not an update)-
-Name of the Game-
-One Step Further-
-Slice of Life-

-Cat's Out The Bag-

6.7K 206 251
By jessi_54

"Good work everyone! You all did a good job for your first training and other than young Midorya, we didn't have any major injuries either! Well then, I must review the results with young Midoriya! Change and return...TO THE CLASSROOM!" All Might announced as he bolted out of sight.

"All might is amazing!" Kaminari beamed with a smile.

"Yeah but what's the rush?" Ojiro pondered.

"He's so cool." Mineta mumbled.

"(Y/N)! Your quirk is amazing!" Kirishima complimented. "Yeah! Why didn't you tell us you had a copy quirk?" Tsu added. "I tried to, but it just never came out I guess. I even made a motorcycle and said it was my quirk. It wouldn't make sense for that to be an enhancement quirk like Ashido thought." You clarified. "Well it wouldn't hit us that you were copying our quirks, even after the motorcycle." Kirishima said with a small chuckle.

"Oi! (Y/N)!" You and those surrounding you turned toward the source of the voice: Bakugo. "I'll crush you and pass you along the way. So don't think so highly of yourself, ya narcissist! I will beat you and anyone else who stands in my way!" He told you then stormed off. You and the others watched him quietly as he walked away. "Isn't he the narcissist?" Tsu asked in a whisper.

Your day at school soon came to an end and it was time to go home. Of course, you, Iida, Uraraka, and Deku all walked to the station together and talked about anything that came to mind. After a while you were back at your other house, Kaori's place. You patiently waited for Kaori to come home for almost two hours. Time kept ticking but she still didn't show up. You called her but she didn't pick up. It started to worry you. You sat on the sofa hoping nothing happened to her. To calm yourself down, you started flicking through the channels to find something to watch. The news channel caught your eye as a reporter man talked about an incident that happened near Kaori's school a few minutes ago. You started to panic even more and decided to head out to make sure she was okay. As soon as you started to open the door, you felt a force on the other side pushing the door opened. Once the door fully opened, you and Kaori stood face to face. "Kaori!" You cried out and gave your best friend a hug. She hugged you back knowing you were most likely worrying about her.

"Guess what...I fought some villains!" She piped with a little hop. "By yourself?!" You asked. "No with some friends at school! You're not the only one stopping villains."

'Wait, she knows?? But how?' You don't recall telling her about the villains or the incident that happened earlier that day. "What are you talking about?" You asked trying to play dumb. "Oh c'mon! Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about! You're all over the news and social media!" Kaori pulled out her phone, went to a news network, then gave you the phone. There were a bunch of videos about you stopping the villains months ago and the one that just happened this morning. You started to panicking thinking about how your face is being shown in almost all of the videos. "Kaori, this is bad."

"No it isn't. It's great! You're a hero!" Kaori said with excitement still in her voice. "Do you hear yourself? Think! My dad's a cop and his suspension is almost over! He watches the news sometimes on his free time to keep up with all the trouble going around. He doesn't want me to be a hero and I'm on the news stopping villains and rescuing people like I'm a hero!" You explained. Kaori looked at you as she soaked everything in. "Oh..Oh! Your dad! What do we do?" Kaori finally began to panic alongside you. "Hold on let's calm down and think about this." You sat back down on the sofa to try to think your way out of this.

"There's nothing to think about." Kaori said sitting beside you.

"I know." You whined.

"Oh! I know! Did you get the picture?" You looked at Kaori remembering everything that happened today. "Do you know the trouble I went through to get your picture? I got my phone taken away! For almost the whole day! He gave it back but he said he was going to call my dad! My dad! I don't think he will though, he jokes around a lot. Anyways," you pulled out your phone and went to your camera roll. "Here's the pictures." You showed her the three pictures. "Not bad, (Y/N). Wait. Did you realize he's looking at you in this one?" You leaned towards the phone to get a better look. "I haven't really had a chance to look at the pictures. I had to get back to class after we took these and after that I kinda forgot about them."

"(Y/N) I think he might actually be into you! Do you see the way he's looking at you? He's smiling, and from what I can see he doesn't seem like the one who smiles often." Kaori said as she linked her arm with yours. You denied everything she said then thought about something that happened while you were taking pictures. "Actually, I did catch him blushing."


"After the first picture we took together, he told me he blink and I laughed. When I looked back over to him, he was blushing then he looked away." Kaori started slowly shaking her head in disappointment. "Tch tch tch, my poor sweet (Y/N). When someone blushes while looking at you then looks away when caught, they're either embarrassed or they like you. Something's telling me he wasn't embarrassed." She purred. Your face started to feel hot as you thought about what Kaori said. "Y-you don't really think he likes me back.. d-do you?" You asked covering your checks in attempt to stop blushing. "I mean, if the shoe fits!"

Before you two could finish talking, there was a knock at the door. You both were clueless on who it could be. "I'll get it." Kaori stood up and walked to the door. She looked through the peephole and saw your dad standing on the other side. "It's your dad!" Kaori whispered as softly as possible. Your eyes widened and the panic returned to your body. 'Aizawa called him! He knows about UA!' You frowned at your thoughts then went to grab your things. Kaori opened the door. "Hi Mr. (L/N). Nice weather we're ha-"

"Where's (Y/N)?" He asked shortening Kaori's sentence. Not only was his anger slightly visible on his face but it could be heard as he tried to hide it in his voice. "(Y/N)?" Kaori played dumb trying to protect you. "I'm right here." You stepped into his sight with your bags and walked to the door. "We're leaving. You won't be coming back." You frowned at you father's words and a depressing pain struck your heart, but you continued to walk right behind him. You got in the car and started the silent ride home. You felt so many emotions– fear, sadness, anger, and a little bit of happiness from earlier– that all needed to be released somehow. You were lost in your thoughts, but was snapped back to reality when your dad slammed his car door. You grabbed your bags and walked in the house.

Once you got inside, you closed and locked the door then was about to head to your room. "Where are you going? Come back here and sit down." Your father demanded. You dropped your belongings and listened to his directions, not wanting things to get out of hand. "What do you think you're doing? Trying to embarrass me, huh?" The anger in his voice was completely uncovered. "What are you talking ab-?"

"YOU KNOW WHAT THE HELL I'M TALKING ABOUT!!" He roared as he picked up a glass vase and threw it to the ground. You flinched at both his tone and actions. He picked up a newspaper off a nearby coffee table and threw it at you. "Look at it!" He demanded. Your hands were now shaking and you couldn't calm yourself down. You looked at the article and they had a big picture of you on the side. As you scanned the article, you read that someone at the scene of today's incident recognized you and gave your name to the press. "I speak so highly of you to everyone,"

'Lies. Most people don't even know you have a daughter.'

"And this is what you do?" He continued. "Go behind my back? I'm doing this to protect you and you go behind my back?"

'Protect me?' You thought. 'All you done is hurt me, so how are you going to protect me?'

"That shit pisses me off! You're just like her!" He shouted as he scorned you. You continued to look at the paper in your hands, not reading it, just staring. You heard heavy, angry footsteps approaching you. Aggressively, he grabbed your left wrist with one hand and your face with the other, forcing you to look at him. "Look at me when I'm talking to you." He snarled. His grip got tighter and it felt like your bones could possibly break. "Let me go!" You whined, but he didn't budge. "Stop!" Nothing. You mustered up your strength, kicked him in the stomach, then punched him in the face without a second thought. He fell back and grabbed his jaw then glared at you.

You ran as fast as you could to escape him but he was quicker. He grabbed your leg causing you to fall down. He pulled you towards him even as you were shouting for help. You looked into his angry eyes with your fearful ones. He raised his left hand, which was balled in a fist, and punched you. The wedding ring on his left hand increased the impact and caused more damage. You thought you escaped this. He hadn't hit you for a while. You avoided him for the longest time, didn't ask him for anything, did what he asked, but that's where mistakes were made. He asked you to stay away from heroes but here you are at a school full of them and doing heroic acts. Your dad raised his fist again but you kicked him in the crotch as hard as you could at the moment, grabbed your bags, and ran to your room.

You created a blockade with your bed and dresser and anything else you could put behind the door. You couldn't function properly. Your eyes were held open wide in shock and fear. You wanted to cry however nothing came out. You suddenly felt something rolling down your cheek. 'Am I crying? I didn't feel any tears form in my eyes.' You wiped the wet substance off of your face then looked at your hand. Blood was smeared on the tips of your fingers. You walked over to the mirror in your room and examined your face. There was a red bruise on your right cheek and within that area was a bloody gash. Anger, fear, and sadness all came back without happiness. "(Y/N)! OPEN THIS DOOR!" Your father shouted as he banged on the door and attempted to open it. Panic came back to you and an idea came to mind. You grabbed the bags you came with and your phone and silently left out the window.

You walked to a nearby pharmacy and bought a box of big band-aids. You put one on and started walking to Kaori's house. You approached the familiar door within 15 minutes and knocked on the door. The door swung open and Kaori's dad was at the door. "(Y/N)? Come inside. Are you alright?" He asked.

"I need Kaori to take me to a hospital right quick. I might need stitches." You said calmly almost in a monotone way. "Oh- Alright. Kaori! We need you at the door!" He shouted. She quickly came to her dad and saw you with him "(Y/N)? Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" She asked looking at your face. "Yeah. Can you put some shoes on and take me to a medical professional?" You asked her. She quickly did as you asked and followed you outside. "Could you take me to UA? Our nurse can heal our wounds quickly."

"Sure thing." You placed your bags down on their doorstep and hopped on Kaori's back. The two of you appeared at the doors of UA within seconds. You hopped off and Kaori left and came back with your bags. "It's kinda late do you think she'll still be here?" Kaori asked.

"It's worth a shot." You replied.

The two of you were about to open the doors to the school until someone else was opening it from the other side. "(Y/N)? Is everything alright?" You felt a little awkward bumping into him during this time. "S-sensei! I was just trying to see Recovery girl." You saw Aizawa look at the bandage on your cheek. "I see. Who's this?" He asked looking at Kaori. "This is my best friend Kaori. Kaori this-"

"Hi! I've heard so much about you! All good things don't worry!"

"Kaori." You whispered feeling embarrassed.

"Welp will you look at the time I gotta go! See you later (Y/N)! Love ya!" With that, she zoomed off. "And there goes my ride." You huffed. "So you copied her quirk for the first test. Smart choice." Aizawa told you. "Recovery girl isn't here but I can give her a call to meet us here. I'm sure she won't mind."

"Thanks." You awkwardly smiled. Seconds later the phone call ended and it was just you and Aizawa. He cleared his throat to prepare himself to speak. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your face?" Your heart stopped beating for a few seconds. You felt like you shouldn't tell him, but you couldn't lie to him for some reason. You took a deep breath then let it go. "My dad...abuses me. When I was younger he only shouted at me, but as the years went by, he started hitting me too." You sat down on the stairs you were standing on and Aizawa joined you too. "I'm sorry." His arm raised a little, wanting to comfort you, but he put it back down on his leg. "My mom was my best friend along with Kaori, but after she died I've been feeling like I'm missing something. Sure Kaori and her family make me feel welcomed and loved, but when I'm around them I'm just reminded that I don't have any family of my own to run to. I just...I don't know." You trailed off.

Mr. Aizawa deeply inhaled then exhaled. "I know what you mean. I lost my best friend in hero work." You looked at Aizawa who suddenly looked sad. He continued. "I took down the villain but when I came back to the scene, he was being carried away." There was a small moment of silence. "My mom died in hero work too. My dad doesn't want me to become a hero because of her death, so I'm not supposed to be in this school right now. I'm going against my dad's wishes and in return I can't see my best friend anymore. I feel so-"

"Lonely." Aizawa said finishing your sentence as he looked at you. You looked into his eyes for a few seconds until you both broke eye contact in sync. There was another awkward moment of silence. "What if-" You cut your sentence short. Aizawa looked at you wanting you to finish your thought, hoping you would say the words he wanted to hear. "Never mind." You looked away as you blushed. Mr. Aizawa stood up and you immediately felt bad.

'What if we're the answer to each other's problem?'

A minute later Recovery Girl showed up and healed your face but a scar was still left behind. "I did as much as I could. You may be a little tired so you should rest."

"Thank you, recovery girl." You said with a bow. She left leaving you and Aizawa in each other's company again. "Would you like to sleep at my place? I could take the couch."

"No, but thanks for the offer. My dad's a cop and he'll probably find a way to start trouble and I don't want any problems for you." You blushed. You wanted to be in his care but you cared for his safety. "Well let me drive you home." You agreed and allowed him to take you home.

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