'A Good Girl's Revenge' (On H...

Autorstwa wishingc

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Can Millie keep from strangling the sarcastic hot jerk James? Maybe, but i doubt it Can Millie keep a secret... Więcej

Chapter Two. Threats are my thing lady.
Chapter Three. My Mum the Pyromaniac
Chapter Five. Shut up and Kiss me
Chapter Six. I hate you...do you want to share the bed?
Chapter Seven. You don't anger a 'Rice' woman
Chapter Eight. Hate is all about the Kissing
Chapter Nine. The big seductive ball of revenge
Chapter 10. Quitting Addiction.
Chapter Eleven. You're the definition of MY goddess.
Chapter Tweleve. Your so infuriating, but I like that.
Author's Note: Freak out big time
Chapter thirteen. Worlds greatest pleasure.

Chapter Four. Friends, but just for the night.

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Autorstwa wishingc

Chapter four

“Mother-rrrrrrrr,” I drawled out as I watched, with my friends following behind me, as my mum sat in the holding cell arm wrestling with some overly large lady who had half of her head shaved and a large scar over her right eye. Mum sat with her back to me and my friends as she pushed the other lady’s arm getting closer and closer each second to winning the arm wrestling match.

“I will be out in a jiffy Mill, just give me a second…” she huffed as she pushed harder on the other lady's arm, “go talk to officer Kelly she misses you!” Mum said as she lost some ground but pushed hard to get back the space as all the women in the cell were watched intensely shouting out who they wanted to win.

I just smiled at the back of my mother. She was wearing low riding tight black jeans with a white shirt. Her dark long hair fell down her back and I chuckled as I noticed her 4 inch brown heels, only my mother… I thought as I walked toward the bail desk where officer Kelly was broadly trying to balance a pencil on her nose. “It’s great to know how dedicated to the job the police are around here,” I said as I came up to Kelly. She jumped trying to catch the pencil as it fell off her face and spin around to face me at the same time.

She was panicked for all of three seconds until she finally realized who I was. “MILLIE!” Kelly screeched and lent over her desk to give me a quick hug.

“Hey Kelly! How are you doing?” she ran her hand through her graying hair and smiled.

“Well your mum is keeping me busy as always. What about you? How were all those snobby boarding schools?” Kelly asked with a humored tone and smile.

“You know the different countries were cool, but I got over the people pretty quickly,” I said with a casual shrug.

“That's right, I remember your mum was telling me a few months ago that you punched another girl in the face for what was it again?” Kelly faked dumb wanting me to fill in the blanks to her sentence. I rolled my eyes but followed her lead.

“Well that girl was asking for it, I mean really coming in when I was showering,” I said stiffly aware that my new friends where listening in.

“Millie it was a shared bathroom at an all girl’s boarding school…oh how you take after your mother,” said Kelly with a smile and I smiled back.

“Speaking of my mother, how much is it going to cost for my double offending pyromaniac?” Kelly laughed and pulled out a piece of paper and handed it over to me. I read the details and found out Mother decided to set fire to someone’s car. I had a feeling this had to do with one of her ‘kid’s’ from the kids’ shelters she runs, it always is.

I pulled out my wallet and my special credit card dad had set up so I could pay mother’s bail when ever needed. “Ok so it’s just three thousand two hundred and sixty eight dollars for this time, well you know the drill Kelly,” I said handing her the card. She just chuckled taking the card and I took the papers to sign. I knew where to sign and where to date, what to write and what not to write; I had done this plenty of times before so I knew how this worked.

Kelly handed me back my card and said one of the other cops was getting my mother for me. I said thank you and good bye to Officer Kelly and headed to the waiting area for my mother to emerge from her holding cell. I knew I had a few minutes before Mother would come out so I finally turned to my friends…and James. I had avoided questions so far, because really how do I explain a mother like mine? Honestly, you just can’t. But as they stood there watching me with curious expressions I thought I should at least have a go at explaining, but Sami obviously couldn’t wait any longer and decided to beat me to it…

“Is your family in the mob? I mean your mum's in jail on a regular basis from what I can see and the threat you gave Molly about how your family was so powerful?! Oh god! Is your dad like the Godfather or something?! I mean this would explain why whenever I ask you something about yourself you only give me answers that in truth don’t really answer anything and-“ but before she could continue Elliot’s hand was over her mouth silencing his girlfriend.

“Millie…would you like to tell us what’s going on?” Dan said looking the most confused out of everyone.

“Well I don’t know how to really put this, but firstly, no Sami that’s not right. My family is not in the mob, my dad just runs a pretty successful and legal business. My mum helps him with that, but she also has her past times which include cars and helping out kids. She has anger issues; she sees it as her job that when someone has said or done something wrong, and in her book wrong is quite a…difficult definition,” I paused to see if the other where following along with what I was saying. They looked like they were getting it…kind of.

“Anyways Mum doesn’t like to use her words to settle something; she prefers to use violence instead as her method of solving almost everything and-" yet I was cut off as something was hurled onto my back and I went down to the ground. “Mother,” I said as she sat on me and  hugged me at the same time.

“Millie! Sorry about the wait. Berta back there thought she could beat me at arm wrestling, oh how wrong she was…” said my mum. I just chuckled from the ground.

“Hey Mum, do you think you could get off me? I want to introduce you to my friends…and I guess also to James,” Mum quickly scurried off my back into a standing position, I did the same and when I was up right I gave her a quick hug. Turning to look at my friends as they stared in shock at my mother, James and Sami seemed to be looking at a ghost or something. They looked pale; Dan and Elliot looked shocked but you could see excitement behind their eyes.

“Umm…Mum these are my friends Sami,” I pointed to each one as I went along, “Dan and Elliot,” I then thrust my thumb at James, “and that over there is James.” Mum smiled and held out her hand toward Sami first as she was the closest.

“Hi, my name is Madison. It’s great to finally meet all of you. Millie has told me so much about you all.” Sami looked like a fish as her mouth opened and closed trying to form words. She was shooting looks from my mother to her brother. James looked equally as alarmed as Sami as she watched my mother.

Sami finally took my mum’s hand and in a small voice said, “Hello Madison…it’s umm great to meet you?” She said the last part like a question. My mum smiled and nodded, then went on to shake the hands of Dan and Elliot. Her smile somewhat brightened when she turned to James.

“So you’re the boy that scratched my daughter's car? All I can say is, it’s a pleasure to meet you James,” Mum said emphasizing the ‘meet’ part. James seemed to physically relax at my mother ending words.

James smiled and said to Mum how great it was to meet her too. “Ok now all the pleasantries are over; I was thinking we should be heading back to-" but Dan cut me off.

“Are you Mad Mads?” he asked my mum excited. I froze and turned to look as my mother smile widened as Dan and Elliot seemed to know her street racing name.

“Are you racers?” my mum asked ignoring their question and giving one of her own. Dan and Elliot shook their heads as Elliott decided to elaborate.

“Nope we don’t race, but we go there almost every night we have time to spare to watch the racers. You’re like our hero.” Mum smirked, but then frowned.

“So my daughter here knew you were racer fanatics and didn’t invite you to the private tent? Or bring you guys over to our home earlier?” Mum turned to face me with a scornful expression. “Why are you trying to hide your friends from me? Am I that embarrassing to you?"

I rolled my eyes at my mother’s words and grabbed her by the arm. “Why on earth would I want to hide you Mum? You are the coolest person I know, besides Aunty Tess, Uncle Kirin and Aunty Cat, but I didn’t even know these guys were into racing…they never mentioned anything,” I said looking over my shoulder as my friends walked out of the police station. I followed behind them and pulled my mum towards the car.

“That’s true, we never did tell you about how much we love illegal street racing…I guess it just slipped my mind to tell someone I barely knew about that little fact,” said Sami sarcastically.

“Well actually we would have told you if we knew who your parents were Millie. But you don’t like to share personal details about yourself do you?” snickered Dan. I rolled my eyes and looked at my mother.

“Don’t blame me guys. I get it from Mum,” I said as I finally reached my car. My mum playfully smacked me across the back of the head. I chuckled and realized it was a little odd for my friends. I smiled around them and laughed, even fought and used violence, but nothing could make me happier than spending time with my mum; she was my best friend. I think I may even be nicer to James…yuck, what is my mum doing to me?

“Come on guys let’s get going. I can’t wait to show you our house,” said my mum in a friendly voice and added her smile on the end which warmed the hearts of even the coldest person. As I watched my friends all stare in awe of my mother, I knew they had all fallen for her charm as so many before her, but that’s my mother, that’s Madison Rice.

As us girls (myself, Sami and my mum) all got in my car and the boys all got in Dan’s, I couldn’t help but have a flash of a depressing thought that always crosses my mind whenever I’m around my amazing mother and/or my magnificent father….Me, Millie Everson, daughter of the world’s most perfect in love and loved by all couple in what I would guess to be the world, would never in my life, no matter how long I lived, ever amount to anything they have done.

Not even in the aspect of a relationship, not even in love, I mean I could never hope to have a relationship as perfect as Mum and Dad’s…I mean who would want damaged goods?

And that right there, those two words, sums me up completely. I, Millie Everson, am nothing but unwanted damaged goods, but you don’t want to hear about that story yet. No, that story is something I don’t want to share, not now anyways…I just couldn’t.


By the time we rolled to a stop in front of my overly large grand house I had my black mood under control. I pushed the little box into the back of my mind; I was back to being the overly bitchy and fun girl my mother brought me up to be. “So food first or would you like the grand tour before we eat?” I asked as we got out of the car and everyone was gob smacked looking around the garage where Mum parked all the cars…and have I mentioned before how many we have? I believe I have but just in case…


Seriously, we probably had more cars than a car dealership in this garage, not including Mum's work area and the many other vehicles inside the place like motorbikes and other fast forms of transport that my mother just loves. “Well, if the rest of the place is as cool as this place I definitely want the tour first,” said Elliott. I smirked and looked up to Mum. Without even speaking Mum knew I was asking her if she wanted to come; she is really good at knowing what people want, as much as my dad says otherwise.

“Millie, show your friends around while I get lunch ready and bring it up to your room, ok? I have to call your dad anyways.” I nodded and smiled up at my mum. She left everyone with a smile that said ‘see you later children’ and a kiss to my cheek. I turned to Sami, Dan, Elliot and James

“So where to first guys?” I asked and that’s when the fun began…

Firstly I showed them the outside which included a large beautiful garden, a racing track, pool, tennis and basketball courts and finally the outdoor party area where Dad used to hold out doors dinner parties. Sami almost died when she saw the pool with the three water slides attached. I had the same reaction when I first saw it to and I must say it’s still impressive every time I see it. Elliot got so excited he almost wet himself when he saw the racing track and begged me to let him race one day. They all looked a little skeptical when I promised I would race him one day…guess they don’t think I can dive. Silly friends, and I was surprised with Dan’s sporting talent as he showed us all what he could do on the basketball courts. I mean when he pulled off a 360 backboard dunk I just knew I had no hope at winning anyone in one match with this kid.

They were all very excited and I was happy to see them all enjoying themselves. Even James was smiling at the excitement that was my house and I hadn’t even taken them inside yet, but when I did all hell broke loose. They almost fainted when I showed them the TV room. I mean Sami had to literally pry Elliot away from the room as Elliott protested he was just going to live in that room for ever and never leave, but we eventually moved on.

I showed them the game room; Dan and Elliott had somewhat the same reaction to the arcade-like room. Dan and James got really excited when I showed them the recording studio and they decided that we would be having band practice at my house from now on. The guest bedrooms were nice and they all loved each one. I showed them the roof and the millions of other rooms in the house until finally we finished with mine. Throughout this whole time I only argued with James about…3 times, that has to be some form of record right?

“And finally on the tour is my room,” I said pushing back the door. Everyone was stared in awe as they were with the rest of the house.

“You're one lucky girl Millie,” said Sami as she walked around my room.

“Yea, I know I am,” I said with a smile as I looked over at my friends and their smiles on their faces as I had all afternoon. They had played with all the games and had a blast exploring my house. It was the best just seeing my friends smile and have a good time; I really was lucky.

“OH MY GOD! You have an X-Box!” exclaimed Dan before turning to look at me excited. “Do you play online? Are you even a gamer?” I smirked and picked up my wireless controller that was sitting next to my bed.

“Yeah, I guess I’m a pretty decent gamer…want to play C.O.D? I have the new Black Ops limited edition?” I think every boy in the room started to drool. Sami just rolled her eyes and sat down heavily on my round bed. “Well, you guys have fun gaming while I eat my own arm from boredom,” Sami said over dramatically.

I rolled my eyes as they boys just sat, their eyes glued to the TV. Elliott spoke in a daze as the boys were inspecting my Call of Duty Black Ops limited edition.

“Sound great babe,” he said not looking away from the game case. I chuckled and then turned and sat on the bed next to Sami; she looked at me frustrated and I smiled wider.

“You know Sami, the door right there,” I said pointing to my big blue doors in the middle of my room, “lead to my walk-in wardrobe and-“ but before I could even finish Sami was squealing and running over to my wardrobe. With in seconds I could hear my millions of shoes and bags clothing and other bits and pieces getting shoved around and I knew that would keep Sami happy for long enough for me to school these boys at X-Box. Everyone was happy.

About 20 minutes of the boys and I gaming and Sami frantically trying to go through my whole cupboard, the chef brought the food up to my room and all gaming and clothes were forgotten at the delicious meal in front of us. We all pigged out and talked, well me and James fought, but we had a really good time. I told them all about my mum and dad and about my eight other schools. I guess I was finally opening up to them.

“Well I've been to eight different boarding schools, that’s why I’m only coming to your school now,” I pointed out as I took another sip of my chocolate milk shake.

“Wow. Eight schools. What where they like?” asked Elliott with a mouthful of food. Sami smacked Elliott’s arm and told him to remember his manners.

“Well, my first school was in England. That was ok, I guess. It was a little cold and the girls in the school where unbearably fake. I left that school because my roommate told the school I was a lesbian and that I tried to hit on her,” I chuckled at the memory, “but I guess I did hit on her…I ended up punching in her fake nose.” Dan and Elliot chuckled at this and Sami smiled and shook her head, even James held a small smile on his face.

“My second school was in Australia; I think I loved it there the most. I was on the east coast and the beaches where unbelievable, and the cities there where pretty nice too. It was such a cool country and school. This one I wasn’t really kicked out of, but I was asked to leave by the principle as he caught me making out with his sons,” I said. Dan was grinning and I was waiting for the good girl comment from James or Elliott to make some sex joke but Sami jumped in.

“What do you mean by sons Millie?” she said with a smile and a wink. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

“You can’t judge me, I mean who hasn’t wanted to get with two hot twins? I mean these boys where hot and well, when the opportunity presented its self I took it. Not my fault the principle didn’t like me with his boys,” I said simply.

“Well actually, isn’t having twins like something guys only want? I mean I have all the beauty and sexiness I need right here, but I could have sworn twins was a guy thing,” Elliot said as he pulled Sami closer to him and kissed the top of her head.

“I know right? I mean I wanted a girlfriend, someone who could be all girly with me when you boys testosterone get all to much, but sadly Millie your turning into one of the boys,” Sami said with a frown and slumped over dramatically into Elliott’s chest. I rolled my eyes and finished another bite of my sandwich before talking.

“Did you see my wardrobe Sami? And you say I’m not girly?” I chuckled. Sami smiled back but then you could see the thought passing through her head.

“That reminds me Millie, I wanted to ask you why is it that you have all those mouth watering clothes and yet you wear all this nerdy gear? Sure you look cute and all but those clothes are to die for.” I looked down at my clothes. I was wearing blue and white stripped overalls, but they were cut so short that my boy-legged underwear was almost visible from the bottom of them, and in truth my modern overall shorts are really comfortable. The tee-shirt I wore with it had a modest V-cut in the neck and I knew my hair was pulled up in a nice ballet bun with a white ribbon in it, my bangs and fringe being the only thing coming away from the almost perfect bun.

I just shrugged my shoulders. “Guess I just don’t feel like wearing any of that stuff,” I said as I averted my eyes from everyone. The real reason I don’t wear all my cool clothes any more is because I don’t want to go back to the life I had lived that lead to that catastrophe in my past. I never want to have to relive that horror ever again.

“Anyways I think I should move along with my story. Now, school number three in Tokyo was a good one. I did get kicked out of that one. See, this kid seemed to think it was a good idea to steal my motor bike I had when I lived there, so I decided it was a good idea to put 17 goats in his room when he went away for a weekend trip. I then found out the goats ate almost everything of his and afterwards  his room was nothing but a smelly farm yard.” Sami burst out laughing and so did the others, and yes, that’s including James.

“Really? What would posses you to use goats?” asked James with a chuckle. I smiled and shrugged one shoulder.

“His last name was Goat in Japanese so I thought it would be poetic or something,” I said. It really was a good one though.

“Ok, so what happened at your fourth school?” asked James.

“My fourth was in France and it was just that I got into to too many fights over there…too many French people are too touchy-feely for my liking,” I said with a sour expression on my face.

“My fifth school was in Germany; it was nice but I got kicked out for being overly rude to the school board there. It's not my fault I called him a fat baboon; German is one of my much weaker languages.” Sami and Dan chuckled while Elliott struggled to get what was so funny and James just looked a little impressed.

“How many languages do you know?” James questioned as he took another bite of his food.

“Umm…well I speak English obviously, French, Japanese, Swedish, Spanish, Italian and of course a little German, so over all I speak seven languages.” Everyone looked impressed, but no one said anything so I continued.

“My sixth and seventh schools where both in Sweden. It was actually really great there but after a while I just couldn’t put up with the people, I mean sure on a holiday it would have been awesome, but the people were a little too egotistical,” I finished with a huff.

“More up themselves than you?! Is that even possible?” asked James in fake shock.

“You know what James? You're more conceded than all those snotty Swedish people I had to live with put together,” I hissed at him and threw a piece of tomato from my half eaten sandwich at his face. It hit him perfectly between the eyes and slid down his face. I broke down into laughter, yet before I could really start my laughing fit I felt something wet and cold squish onto my face. I stopped my laughing and opened my eyes. Raising a hand up to my face, all my friends started laughing their butts off and James sent a smugly smirk over at me. I ran my finger over the mushy stuff on my face and brought it down to look at. It was the chocolate chip ice cream that had been in the bowl in the middle of all our food. I licked it off my fingers; hey I’m never one to waste ice-cream.

I was just about to pick up something else and throw it when Elliott jumped up and grabbed my hand. “Don’t either of you think of starting a food fight! This is some of the best food I have ever had and I refuse to see you waste it! Go hit each other with something else if you must, but please just not the food,” said Elliott as he put my hand back down, grabbed a sandwich, and after his speech took a bite.

I rolled my eyes but turned my head over to James. “No food fight?” I asked. James held out his hand and I shook it.

“Sure no food fighting I promise, but I said nothing about actual fighting.” With that he pulled my hand to the side which pulled me away from the food and onto the ground. He was quick to sit on my back so I couldn’t get off the ground.

He rubbed his fist in my hair giving me a headache. “James you fatty get off of me now!”

 He chuckled and stared to poke me in the sides. “Do you surrender little girl?”

I started to kick with my legs. “NEVER!” I yelled with a smile and then the wrestling began.

After we fought, which to my dissatisfaction I have to admit that he won, we decided to play the Wii because Sami would play that too. After what seemed to be such a short time we had about two hours before we had to go. We decided to get to the party around 8.30. The boys left at about 7 o'clock to go to their houses and get a change of clothes.

As soon as they were out the door Sami went full out make over mode on me. We both had showers and she instructed me to pick out what I wanted to wear tonight as she quickly blow dried her hair. She was one of those lucky people who had dead straight hair. Just as I heard the hair drier turn off I emerged from my cupboard with my clothing choices.

Sami turned around wearing her plain black underwear and a bra and nothing else. My hair hung damp over my shoulder and I too was in nothing else but my blue matching underwear and bra that had a cute little pink ribbon on the bra. Hey if you guys are having any idea here get a grip. I mean underwear's just like bikinis, just different material and we're both girls getting ready so really it’s no big deal.

I held up the white sundress and my Vans. “I was just going to put these on; what do you think?” I asked Sami. Her eyes narrowed and I think I even saw her lips twitch.

“No way on earth are you wearing that,” said Sami with a laugh.

“Why not?” I said furrowing my eye brows together. Sami walked over and grabbed my clothes and shoes.

“I, as your good friend, am not letting you leave this house tonight unless you look downright gorgeous, thus your good girl clothing is staying in the closet for tonight.” Sami stated pushing me down into a chair so she could do my hair. Her hair was already sitting perfectly in her short black modern bob like hair cut and I wondered what she had in mind for my long boring brown hair tonight.

She blow dried it and straightened it, then she used some funny styling stuff she brought with her to fluff and pull my hair around, and as I had no mirrors anywhere near me, I had no idea what she was doing. After about 30 minutes she was finally done.

“Can I look now Sami?” I asked a little tiredly. People playing with my hair made me so sleepy.

“Yes you can,” she said putting the product stuff down on my desk and walking over to the bathroom with me. Sami went over to the sink to wash her hands and I went straight to my wall length mirror. I stood there gob smacked. Sami had styled my light brown hair so it looked like it was up, but loose strands of hair fell down everywhere making me look like a Greek goddess. I mean the hair style was absolutely amazing.

“Oh my gosh Sami…my hair looks awesome!” I gushed turning to face her and Sami smiled excitedly.

“Glad you like it, but wait till I do your make up and choose your clothes!” I smiled and we hurried back to my wardrobe.

“Ok Sami, you do your make up and I’m going to pick something out for you to wear.” Sami made a face when I said I would be picking out her clothing. I rolled my eyes and forced her to go do her makeup.

While Sami had been doing her hair I had been thinking of what was in my closet and I knew exactly what I wanted Sami to wear. I rushed around looking for the dress and shoes and finally found it hidden behind all of my other dresses. Sami and I were the same height, but I was a little more gifted in the boob area than her. It was barley a one cup size difference, but this dress would fit her perfectly. I then wondered over to my shoes; they were mostly all flats except for about 6 pairs. See, I have mentioned before that I can’t wear heels to save my life, but wedges I can manage really well. Now, don’t be going all technical on me here, because I swear the difference between that flat bottom and a pointed end is so much.

I put on my black wedges that had a black ribbon laced up around my ankles. I smiled down at my feet to see that they still fit perfectly. I walked outside and Sami was sitting next to the only small mirror in my room doing her eye makeup. She didn’t pause in finishing her eyes and when she finished her make up by just adding some lip-gloss I was amazed at how much some shimmery lips and amazing eye makeup can trance from your face.

“Wow Sami, you look amazing,” I said and Sami smiled and grinned up at me.

The smile froze in place as she asked, “so what did you pick out for me to wear…?” I smirked and held up the black and blue dress.

It was a tight dress that cut low in a nice rounded neck line to show off her cleavage, the dress looked like a tight overly long singlet, but it was shaped to fit perfectly like a glove. It may be a little shorter than parent appropriate, but hey we're teenagers and that’s what we do. The black and blue colors looked as if the where fighting all over the dress creating a beautiful patter and the back cut low showing off enough to see just past the model's shoulder blades. Sami took the dress from me and looked in awe.

“I will never doubt your fashion sense again,” she said as she held the dress to her body.

“I said you had nothing to worry about, but unfortunately I have no heels you could wear with it,” I said finishing in a frown. Sami smiled and ran over to her bag and pulled something out. She then sat down on the floor and put something on her feet. When she was standing I hated myself for not being able to wear thin heeled heels, because the strappy black rocker like stilettos looked absolutely stunning!

Sami and I giggled like idiots as we walked around the room in our heels and underwear for all of ten minutes. Sami insisted that before we get dressed I had to have my makeup done. See, I’m not much of a makeup girl, some mascara and lip gloss, a little cover up when needed and that’s the largest extent my make up gets to. So I was a little uneasy as Sami brushed stuff on my cheeks and coated my eyes with eye shadow and my lips in a shimmery pink gloss. When she was finally done she handed the little mirror over to me and I smiled. Sami was really good with all of this stuff. “Wow Sami…you should be a makeup artist or something.” Sami beamed at me and smiled.

I stood from my chair and pointed down to my shoes. “Just for when you’re picking out my dress, these are the shoes I will be wearing. I don’t own heels so these are the closest I got.” Sami paused looking as if she was thinking, then it was as if you could see the light bulb turn on above her head. “I know what you’re going to wear! I saw the dress before when I was exploring your cupboard.”

I was about to ask which one and it looked like Sami was about to go and get it when the next thing we know the door to my room is open and three boys stop dead to stare at us. “Hey guys,” said Sami as she waved and than walked over to my wardrobe in search for the dress.

I waved and walked over to the last suitcase I had yet to unpack and unzipped it as that’s where all my jewelry was being held. “So are we leaving soon?” I asked over my shoulder toward the boys. No one answered me so I looked back up to see Elliott going into my wardrobe after Sami and Dan and James just staring at me.

“What? Did I smudge my makeup?” I said my hand going to my face as I stood up tall and faced the boys. Dan shook his head as both boys stood looking at me with jaws dropped “Umm…Millie…you're…you're in your underwear,” stuttered James. I rolled my eyes and dropped my hands to my sides. I walked closer to them so it wasn’t like I was yelling across my room.

“Yeah? And? It’s not like you guys have never seen a girl in her underwear before, or even in bikinis before and there is no difference," I said off handily. It looked as if James was going to argue with me, but Sami came walking out of the wardrobe. I noticed her lips gloss was a little messy and Elliott’s lips looked a bit too shiny; I bet they just had a make out session in my wardrobe. Damn teenagers.

 Sami walked over and picked the dress I had picked for her off the ground and then she turned to me and pointed at Elliott. “He said I have to put clothing on to go to the party,” she said in fake disappointment.

I smiled and rubbed a hand over my bare stomach. “Guess I’m the only one who will be going half naked tonight then, too bad for you Sami.” Sami chuckled and threw some white material at my face; it hit my chest and I caught it in my hands.

Sami smirked as she pulled her dress on over her. “You're wearing that Millie. I went through the effort of choosing it out for you so you have to wear it,” Sami stated with a smirk as she was now dressed and walked over to hug Elliott’s waist.

I struck my fits threw the air. “Damn it! I so wanted to go in my underwear,” I announced in a sarcastic voice as I pulled on the dress. I didn’t realize what it was till I pulled it on and I smiled. The dress was made out of a cotton elastic type material and hugged me like a second skin. It only just reached a length suitable enough to be called a dress and was a creamy white color. The top, over the dress, cut into a low V neck that made my cleavage look awesome. But the coolest thing about the dress was the back; it cut all the way down to my lower back and had loose ribbons running from one side of the none existent back to the other.

I smirked and smiled at Sami. “I love your taste,” I said with a chuckle.

Sami put on a mock serious face, “I said you had nothing to worry about.” We both giggled a little bit before finally focusing our attention to the boys. James was still staring at me and Dan was now angering Elliott by saying how hot his girlfriend is without any clothing on. It looked like he was going to keep at it until Elliot smirked and looked over at James who was still staring at me. “Well Dan, keep on saying that and I’m sure James will rip your head off for saying that about his twin sister.” Sami rolled her eyes and hugged Elliott a little closer.

Dan turned around to see James still staring at me and I must admit I was staring back a little. I mean I knew James was good looking, but tonight he looked amazing. I literally wanted to kiss him and I hate the guy! Dan’s chuckle broke me from my daze as he looked between James and myself. “James won't being doing anything, not after seeing Millie in just her underwear. I mean I’m even still dazed.”

Dan turned to me and got closer till he swung his arm around my shoulder and smirked down at me. “Millie you have one amazing body…how about you and me skip the party and go straight to the bedroom,” Dan said while wiggling his eyebrows.

I pushed him off me and rolled my eyes. “Come on guys, let’s get going. We can take one of the cars to the party; you guys can choose.” With that everyone was running out the door toward the garage. I chuckled as I grabbed my bag and Sami’s too as she had forgotten because I was staying over at her house tonight. I turned ready to head down to the garage when I noticed not everyone had left my room.

“James? What are you waiting for? An invitation? Hurry up lets go,” I said to him in an unfriendly tone. James was still staring at me; it was a little flattering but also starting to get creepy so I was excited when he spoke up.

“Millie I was thinking….” said James as he took a step closer to me.

I faked shocked. “Really? Does your brain hurt form over usage now?” I said as an automatic response. Bullying him was second nature to me by now.

James rolled his eyes and put his hand in his pockets. “Shut up for a minute will you Millie. What I was thinking was about us,” said James casually. I spluttered and went into a state of shock. Catching on to my train of thought James paled.

“I didn’t mean like, about us, us, I meant like how we always fight.” I lost the shock letting curiosity slip onto my face.

“And?” I asked with a hit of suspicion, James rolled his eyes again.

“I was thinking for tonight we call a truce. The others and me are looking forward to this party so how about we put all our fight and aggression behind us for tonight? Just so everyone can enjoy the party? So for a temporary night…friends?” I pursed my lips and shifted the bags on my shoulder so I could hold out my hand.

“You got a deal James, but let me assure you after tonight I will go back to being my normal bitch self. Tonight is just a one off deal ok?” I questioned. I mean this actually sounded like a smart idea and I too would like to enjoy the night. James shook my hand and smirked. Than as soon as the deal was made he took my bag off one of my shoulders and put it over his and than gestured to the door.

“Shall we go then friend?” he asked. I grinned up at James and nodded.

“Let’s go friend,” I said as we made our way down to the guys who were waiting out in the front of my black hummer. I bet Dan got to the garage first…I thought absent-mindedly as me and James walked to the car carrying out a friendly conversation.

Let’s just say the weird look our friends gave us, was just the start of a very weird night, shared between James and myself…very, umm, weird indeed.



But who will it be with? Well I will give you two guesses...or maybe three....I don't know

Oh and who wants a JAMES'S P.O.V??????

Anyone anyone?

Remember my lovely fans to vote and comment because I love you and you love my story and I love to write more when I get more comments and votes...so do you people see how this works? Yes? good so vote and comment J



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