An Echo in the Mafia (Echo Re...

By losautenticos

16.3M 613K 142K

Echo wasn't like her sisters. She knew that when people talked about the famous and fabulous Reid sisters, th... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
First Times
The Next time

Part 35

213K 8.2K 3.3K
By losautenticos

"Did you get it?" Luke asked, sitting back in his desk and running a hand through his hair.

"I did." Marco said, sitting down across from him.

"And what did you find?" Luke asked.

"The captain was right, he did leave town last year." Marco said, "But if he'd bothered to inquire, he'd know that he was spotted just this month."

"Here?" Luke asked, sitting up. "In the city?"

"No, South town." Marco replied and Luke stared at him blankly.

"That's only a few miles from the Reid home." Luke said.

"I know, I let the captain know but I'm sure you know his response." Marco replied.

"Not enough for a restraining order." Luke said. "Considering the history, the calls and messages and now he's decided to visit South Town... what the hell are they waiting for?"

"We'll take care of it." Marco said and Luke nodded.

"Don't touch him unless he makes a move and more than anything... just scare him. I don't need a full blown problem on my hands." Luke replied.

"No worries, we'll be discreet. Just rattle him up a bit," Marco said with a smile, "let him know the Reid family has well connected friends."

"Good." Luke said. "That takes care of that then."

"She's a beauty," Marco continued, "I'm not surprised that she would have some trouble looking as she does."

"It's true. Romy Reid is sensational." Luke said, "No doubt there."

"And you're not interested?" Marco asked.

"She's not my type." Luke said.

"I would have thought she was." Marco replied.

"The only interest I have in Romy Reid is that she's Echo's sister. " Luke replied.

"And Echo Reid is your choice between the two?" Marco asked and Luke frowned.

"I hope that isn't a disparaging remark about Echo Reid. I won't tolerate it." Luke said in a low tone and Marco sighed.

"I wasn't, I wouldn't. Echo Reid is an extraordinary woman." Marco said. He was serious about it too. Luke had Marco investigate as much as he could about Echo, wanted him to find out everything he could about her life. He'd already done some of that when they'd first met her but recently he'd delved deeper, trying to figure out how they could fit themselves into her life without disrupting it. It was Luke's priority to keep her safe. 

Marco did as was expected of him- he'd found out from her editor that she was the best writer they had on staff, always worked quickly and made little to no errors. He'd learned that she got the best grades in school but never joined any clubs or attended any events. He knew that Echo had initially wanted to be an editor herself as she loved to read almost more than she loved to write but her anxiety had nearly crippled her. 

Marco had learned that Echo had been to one too many therapists over the years, had been given too many medications and had ultimately been found to have sever social anxiety, something that had made it so most people never really saw her.  He'd shared everything he found with Luke, wondering if Luke could really deal with a woman like her, a woman with complex and profound mental health issues.  Still, nothing that he told him seemed to deter him. Luke, if anything, seemed more and more intrigued by her and Marco only hoped that in the end, she wouldn't be the one to end up hurt. 

"I hope." Luke said. "I won't allow anyone to hurt her. Take care of that Paul."

"You got it." Marco said, before changing the subject. "Your social calendar is really starting to fill up.

"What about it?" Luke said.

"Engagement party, Anniversary dinner, and a wedding next month. I suppose you got a plus one for the wedding?" Marco said with a grin.

"Want to be my date?" Luke asked with humor.

"It sounds like the party of the season and unless you're planning on inviting someone like Grace..." Marco began and Luke rolled his eyes.

"Right." Luke replied, "I actually had completely forgotten about her."

"I'm sure she hasn't. She's probably still upset about the incident at the bar." Marco said and Luke shrugged.

"I'm not worried about her." Luke said.

"I know." Marco replied.

"I don't know I'll be making it to the wedding." Luke said with a sigh.

"Why not?" Marco asked. "You said that she said you should go."

"She was being polite, as expected." Luke said, "I'm absolutely sure she's still mad."

"You haven't talked to her yet?" Marco asked.

"No." Luke said.

"So what are you waiting for? She's not just going to come looking for you like last time." Marco replied.

"I know that." Luke said.

"Well?" Marco asked.

"It's not as simple as you think." Luke said.

"Okay then." Marco said.

"What?" Luke asked.

"Nothing." Marco said.

"Spit it out." Luke said.

"No, thank you. I'd like to live." Marco said. Luke rolled his eyes.


"Romy?" Echo said, turning to look behind her for what seemed like the 10th time that morning.

"What is it?" Romy asked, walking ahead.

"Wait," Echo said, "Wait up."

"Echo, It's getting late. It's nearly 10 and we still have to make it home on time to get our hair done." Romy said in exasperation, "Pick up the pace."

"You know my legs are much smaller than yours." Echo said.

"I can't believe we waited until the last minute to get something to wear tonight." Romy said as they entered the department store. Echo turned back, looking around nervously.

"Honestly, I don't see why you couldn't just wear something you own. You have so many dresses you've never ever worn." Echo said and Romy rolled her eyes.

"Well, that might be the case for me and truth be told, I agree." Romy said, moving towards the back of the store. Echo raised a brow.

"Wait, so then... why did you drag me down here? You told me you had nothing to wear." Echo replied with a frown. 

"Because..." Romy said, smiling at her before turning back to the attendant, "I couldn't let you wear one of those sacks you call dresses and you weren't going to come down here unless I said I needed something too."

"You... lied to me." Echo said, her voice just a whisper. Romy shrugged.

"Let's not point fingers here." Romy said.

"I can't believe you... wow." Echo replied.

"Listen, we are on a time crunch, you know? We still have to get back and get ready." Romy said, "Why don't you just thank me for helping you out so we can move on?"

"Thank you?!" Echo repeated with some indignation.

"Don't even mention it, besides, I love to go shopping." Romy said. Echo stared as Romy started talking to the attendant about what she needed. She shook her head, she wouldn't be surprised if all her sisters thought this up together, after all, they knew she had a hard time saying no to Romy.

"I think we'll stick away from pastels, they make her look washed out. I like her in white but we'll save that for when it's her turn to be the bride. Get me the blue, that dark green and something in red... no, dark pink." Romy finished saying, signalling for Echo to follow.

A short while later, Echo stepped out of the dressing room.

"This is... humiliating." Echo said, "I'm sure I look ridiculous."

"No, actually. I love it." Romy said, "Besides, save your embarrassment for when we have to wear those bridesmaids dresses."

"Still can't believe we're doing that." Echo added.

"Of course but how could we say no to George?" Romy said. "I swear it's ridiculous. Me? A bridesmaid."

"Are you sure about this one?" Echo said with a sigh. Romy nodded in approval as she circled her.

"Yes, absolutely." Romy said.

"I agree."

Romy and Echo both turned, eyes widening.

"What are you doing here?" Echo said, recognizing Paul as he circled about them. "You should leave."

She moved to stand between him and Romy, crossing her arms.

"Echo..." Paul said with a sigh. "Can you please give me a second with Romy?"

"Echo is right, Paul. You shouldn't be here." Romy said turning back to Echo.

"Damn it, Romy. Are you really so heartless? I'm here pouring my heart out to you. You have no idea what I've been through... Look at me at least." Paul said.

"Paul, please leave..." Echo began to say.

"God damn it Echo, stay out of it." Paul said. "Please just look at me."

Echo almost felt sorry for this man. He looked pathetic. Paul was a smart man, very handsome and very successful and yet none of it seemed to matter after he met Romy. He'd followed her around like a love sick puppy for months, now... he was just a shadow of what he'd once been, obsessed with a woman he couldn't have.

"No." Romy said, "I've said all I have to say to you. You're absolutely fooling yourself if you think there's anything that can come from this conversation."

"Romy, please." He said, reaching towards her but Echo moved to push him back.

"Don't touch me." Romy said angrily.

"Stay away from her!" Echo said, pushing him back but he shoved Echo aside and she fell back, hitting her head.

"Oww..." Echo muttered.

"You animal!" Romy cried moving towards Echo to help her up.

"Echo, I'm sorry." Paul said, concerned.

"Stay back." Romy said.

"I didn't mean to hurt her." Paul replied nervously.

"You didn't mean to hurt her, you didn't mean to hurt me. You never mean any of it but you don't understand that no means no." Romy said, "Help!"

"Romy please..." Paul insisted but Romy continued to call out.

"Help!" Romy screamed.

"Excuse me, Miss. Is everything okay?"

Paul, Romy and Echo looked up.

"Are you a cop?" Romy asked.

"No, just someone who noticed there was trouble." He replied.

"He was leaving." Romy said, turning to Echo who was staring.

"I'll walk him out." He replied.

"This is none of your business." Paul began but he grabbed him by the jacket.

"Stop.. don't hurt him." Echo said, standing.

"I'm just walking him out." He replied, leading Paul out the door.

"But..." Echo began, about to follow but Romy grabbed her arm.

"Let it go. Paul will be fine and we will forget this happened." Romy said, looking at Echo's forehead. "sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Echo said, "Just a bump."

"You'll have a nasty bruise but we'll cover it up, no worries." Romy said calmly.

"How can you be so nonchalant about what happened?" Echo asked incredulously.

"Don't be so dramatic. Everything worked out." Romy said with a nod, "Yes, this is the one."

"That man is desperate over you." Echo said, "I..."

"Echo, that man is torturing himself. I've been as direct as I can be." Romy said. "His feelings are not my problem."

Echo stared at her sister in disbelief. That was cold, even for Romy.

"Go change, I'll go find a pair of matching shoes." Romy said, walking away.

Echo turned without thinking, searching for him... wondering where he'd gone. 

"Damn it, where'd he go?" She muttered.

"I'm here." Marco said, appearing from behind her.

"You." She said, "What are you doing here? Where's Paul?"

"I told him it was in his best interest to leave Romy alone." Marco said, "And leave town."

"Where you following me?" Echo asked. "I could swear I was being followed."

"Your sister was being followed... by him. I took care of it." Marco said.

"And how did you know where to be?" Echo asked.

"Are you okay? Luke isn't going to like hearing about this." Marco asked, noticing the bruise on her head.

"Luke doesn't need to know." Echo said and Marco smiled.

"You and I both know I'm going to tell him but, I'll give Paul a head start." Marco said.

"Don't hurt him. Please make sure Luke knows that he didn't mean to hurt me." Echo said.

"We won't. I can see he's very love sick." Marco said, "Your sister is a tough woman."

"Heartless almost." Echo said. "I can't believe she was acting that way."

"Not heartless. She probably did the kindest thing a woman could do." Marco said. "She's straight forward and stands her ground."

"She didn't have to be so cold." Echo said.

"Yes, she did." Marco said, "Paul is far beyond tact and kindness. He's only going to understand boldly drawn lines."

"But she..." Echo began.

"You're sister is being stalked and you're worried about her stalker?" Marco asked.

"That's not what I meant." Echo said. "Marco, how do you know about Paul?"

"There's a lot of things I know." Marco said.

"Luke knows?" Echo asked.

"Of course." Marco replied. "You told him your sister had a problem."

"I didn't tell him so he could get involved. I never mentioned Paul's name!" Echo said.

"We have our ways of finding these things out." Marco said.

"Why were you following Paul?" Echo asked and Marco was quiet for a moment.

"You're very important to Luke." Marco said, "He wants you safe"

"Thank you." Echo said and Marco smiled.

"Anything you need, Echo." Marco said, "I am here to help. Now, go inside. You have a long day ahead and Romy will be mad when she can't find you."

Echo nodded, turning and then stopping.

"Hey Marco?" Echo said.

"Yeah?" Marco replied.

"Tell Luke I'll be waiting for him tonight." She said before wa;long away. 

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