Ugly truths and beautiful lies

By apolk89

194 16 1

A business woman in her prime by the name of P.K. has accomplished her career dreams of standing on top of th... More

Let's play a game
One of my kind
Airport Shenanigan
Change of Plan
A meal to remember
That look
Whats understood
The Triplets
Who's the Boss Part 1
Who's the Boss part 2
Who's the Boss Part 3
Please be respectful
Calculated risk

Plane etiquette

7 1 0
By apolk89

You and Jason board the plane first and are seated across the isle from each other in the same row. After being ushered to your seat your met with surprise when non other then Min Yoongi stops right next to you.

Hello i think the isle seat you in might be mine. After looking at my ticket im struck with truth. oh your right im sorry. I check the ticket in my hand that matches the window seat next to him.  I smile sweetly and scoot over.

He sit down and gets comfortable as I do the same in turn. The plane takes off and after about a hour I feel like im missing something. I search through all my things and it hits me like a ton of bricks

Omg my blanket where is my blanket!

I look over to Jason about to inquire about its whereabouts but  find him snuggled up in my baby pink chinelle knit blanket.

"oh hell no!"

I beginning to stare daggers in the side of Jason's head which Yoongi noticed due to my outburst and is now looking at me trying to discover the reason behind it.. I look over at yoongi and immediately readjust my face and ask him if he could get Jason's attention. Jk and Namjoon seeing Yoongi speaking with a stranger intrigued them, so they continue watching from their seats.

Excuse me

Jason looks over to the male sitting across from him.  Meeting my icy death glare which Jk, Yoongi, and Namjoon all witnessed. Shocking them they continue to stared intently. I pursed my lips like a mother about to reprimand her child.

"Blanket now."

Jason looking around and realizing he had covered himself in my hand knit precious blanket gifted from my Gram and began to choke on air. His eyes darted around in his panicked state and my eyes narrowed on him quickly. He begins dusting it off with his hands and folding it with speedy accuracy.

"sorry boss"

He passes the blanket to Yoongi as yoongi hand it to me with terror written on his face.

I look at Yoongi and say thank you as Jason curses himself silently .This trip is starting off bad he says puttings his face in his hands and exhaling deeply. After inspecting my blanket and smelling it to see if it had its original scent I covered myself with the blanket before getting back to work.

After about some hours I decided to lay back and rest as a slight headache appears from having had only a few hours of sleep in the nights prior.  Covered in my grandmothers blanket i rest hoping to ease my pain.

At some point while resting Yoongi had begin to work as well on his laptop and as i adjust in my seat. A instant message pops up on his computer.

"hyung Does she speak Korean? She has to right or maybe im confused."

Joonah what are you talking about.

After looking back at Namjoon he receives another message.

before we left the terminal did Jimin or V speak any English?

Idk why?

the coffee lady from earlier when she asked us if we wanted anything did we ever say it in English? I need to know its going to drive me crazy

" what are you talking about Joonah, make it make sense."

"Hyung I think she speaks or at least understand Korean."

"Ok Namjoon maybe she does"

But hyung that's not good.

why not?

"because that means she heard and understood our whole conversation about her and the business men earlier. omg this is bad hyung what if she spreads rumors about us gossiping and being mean to her. Maybe i should talk to her and explain everything. I mean we cant have rumors flying around.

"Joonah calm down. I dont think she would do that."

"How do you know hyung this could end up very bad for us."

I have a feeling she isnt that type of person.

"Well ok hyung I guess."

"Trust me Joonah i wouldn't tell you wrong"

"I only trust you hyung!"

As you roll over to get a more comfortable a loud thud is heard throughout the cabin and a pain radiates through your elbow.

ah SHIT!!! You scream after striking your elbow on the side of the plane and startling everyone. While grabbing your arm you twist in pain with eyes closed.

Are you ok a concerned voice says next to you. My eyes pop open as i feel another's warm and gentle hand on my elbow.

Yes I respond out of reflex slowly turning my head to face the direction the question and hand came from. As I meet Yoongi's eyes a satisfied look is plastered over his face.  I sit up slowly  replay the event and realize what he just did. I cant explain why but the face he is making is kind of cute. I shake my head trying to redirect the path my mind is going.

As i slowly look down at my arm and back at him he removes his hand.

Sorry he says not making eye contact with me anymore.

I appreciate the concern i say while trying to retreat from the scene i caused and get back to my work. As I put my head phones on Jason gets a phone call.


"hi this is hitman bang from Big hit Ent and I am calling to speak with PK."

Jason sits up immediately and snaps his head around to get my attention damn near falling out into the isle.

Boss you have a important phone call. Boss. Boss! He grunts trying to keep his voice down but still inform you its urgent.

"Hello?. Yobosayo?"

"Boss... Hit man Bang is on the phone. P!!!!!K!!!!!" Yoongi's eyes widen with the realization of exactly who he is sitting next to and taps me to get my attention then points to Jason who has almost expired from the stress of who he has on hold.

"What Jason?" I ask while pulling down my head phone off one ear.

Umm hit man bang is on the phone.

Yoongi in shock that his top boss has called you directly listens to the conversation with his mouth slightly gaped open.

"Ok Jason whats your point, what's my policy."

But boss its hitman bang.

I looked at him with the what I say is final expression. As deep breath leaves his mouth he puts the phone to his ear and says.

Hello, yes sorry for the brief hold. I cant discuss business over the phone and i'm traveling so if I could give you a call back at a latter date.

  Please wait I just need a few moments of your time.

I only talk business in person and if you would like to schedule a appointment then we can do that.

I will do anything please I will come to wear you are just give me your location.

Jason looking at me with a please help face i nod in approval and hold up 3 fingers in his direction as i get back to work.

I'm currently on a flight to korea if you can meet me at the airport when I land I can spare a 30 mins or so. Jason gives him the flight number and time we should arrive.

  thank you I will be there before you land.

  I signal to Jason to hang up and after doing so he expires in his seat from the stress.

I apologize to Yoongi for constantly bothering him throughout our travel. He looks at me with a blank face and says its ok while watching me lean back in my seat and continue working. Yoongi looks back at Namjoon who is in his own world working on songs and the rest of the group who missed the interaction then back at me replaying the events of this plane ride.

As the flight is about to land Yoongi looks over at his members and sees they are still in there own world.

He then notices I'm still working and is impressed but my bag full of lollipops and Korean chips catches his eye.  He smiles and seeing this in my peripheral I notice my snacks.

Without saying a word i pass him the bag to pick what he wants surprising him.

  oh no thank you.

As I continue working I scoot the bag closer to him without looking up

kamsamneda (thank you) and he picks a his favorite bag of chips and a lollipop. As he opens the bag of chips with a elated smile our eyes meet and I wink before returning to my work at hand.

Shocked by my reaction his eye brows raise in confused excitement.  He sits back to enjoy his chips a gummy smile creeps across his face.

Namjoon hearing chips open looks up to find Yoongi snacking on his favorite chips with his rare but full gummy smile. Alerting the others he points to Yoongi .

where did the chips come from?

"I want some" jk whispers but the oldest says "forget the chips what caused the smile?"

Yeah hyung is really smiling like for real V says.

A announcement then comes across the intercom saying we have arrived as Yoongi getting up to use the restroom.

I clean my area looking at my bag of snacks and my plane neighbors bag next to me open I take out 2 lollipops and place the rest of the snacks in his bag and I depart the plane.

Upon Returning to his seat to get his stuff Yoongi notices there is the snack bag stuffed in his backpack. The other members gathering their things and checking that all their stuff is collected then notice yet again Yoongis gummy smile has appeared. Jk runs over to see what caused it and spots the bag of snacks.

"hyung can I have some? Where did you get all this I thought we share everything." The maknae whines.

The rest of the members looking up notice the snacks and he passes around the bag. He takes out a lollipop as they exit the plane.

As they make their way through the airport they spot hitman bang at the exit. Confused by the scene Yoongi says he isnt here for us after taking his lollipop out his mouth then putting it back in. All the members look at him with utter confusion.

"Hello Mr. Pk How are you? I'm hit man bang" and he takes a deep bow.

Also surprising the fans and BTS themselves. You smirk and as Jason sends me a quick glance as to how to handle the situation I move my bag as to switch shoulders and I pinch his side causing him to grab his stomach and bend over in a bow as you do the same. Only BTS catching what you did and Yoongi's  gummy smile appears before a shoulder shaking laugh which does not go unnoticed.

As you  come up from your slight bow you meet Yoongi's eyes lollipops still in both your mouths. As Hit man bang speaks you look right past him into the eyes of your plane neighbor and smirk is sent in his direction then your escorted out of the airport. As BTS heads home.

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