Final Footsteps (Running Seri...

By Wingerz17

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We were all alive. We were all together again. Until... A knock on the door. "He's gone...He's really gone an... More

Chapter 1: Devastation
Chapter 2: Bueno
Chapter 3: Revelations
Chapter 4: Pierced Flesh
Chapter 5: Superman Squared
Chapter 6: Truth Reunited
Chapter 7: Sleep Interrupted
Chapter 8: Remorseful Error
Chapter 9: Take Me Home
Chapter 10: A Lurid Rerun
Chapter 11: Day Over
Chapter 12: Shattered Pieces
Chapter 13: Painful Features
Chapter 14: Malicious Tongues
Chapter 15: More Steps Forwards
Chapter 16: Independence
Chapter 17: Damaged
Chapter 18: Broken Chains
Chapter 19: Hollandaze
Chapter 20: River Cruising
Chapter 21: The Secret Door
Chapter 22: Zoo O'clock
Chapter 23: Rolling Punches
Chapter 24: Past Shadows
Chapter 25: Survival
Chapter 26: Minor Blips
Chapter 27: Those Days
Chapter 28: Suprise
Chapter 29: Faded Sleep
Chapter 30: Late Night Confessions
Chapter 31: New Memories
Chapter 32: Childish Antics
Chapter 33: Those Mini Pizzas
Chapter 35: Fireworks
Chapter 36: False Start
Chapter 37: Welcome to the world
Chapter 38: Untold Stories
Chapter 39: Reunited
Chapter 40: More than you realised
Chapter 41: Tearful goodbyes, smiling hello's
Chapter 42: Healed Nightmares
Chapter 43: Past Demons
Chapter 44: Tropical Paradise
Chapter 45: Blissful Times
Chapter 46: Happy Birthday
Chapter 47: Relax and Celebrations
Chapter 48: A Capital Bang
Chapter 49: Last Day Blues
Chapter 50: Tired Eyes and Warm Beds
Chapter 51: Gunshots and Loud Bangs
Chapter 52: Running from Demons
Chapter 53: The Best News
Chapter 54: Family Fun
Chapter 55: YES!
Chapter 56: The Big Apple
Chapter 57: Family is Everything

Chapter 34: In The Eye

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By Wingerz17

Song for chapter is Get Up by Nick Wilson


The past couple of days had been nice and relaxed, really getting as much family time in as we could before the new year began and college started back up, Angelo went back to work, Dad moved to Dubai and Logan San Francisco.

Today we set off early with backpacks full of food and drink, for a day of nature trails and hiking.

"Is anyone else really cold, or is it just me?" I asked, trying to hold in the shivers. It was around 4pm and had been a really long and tiring day. The light would also be fading relatively soon. Which would also mean the temperature would drop.

"I'm hot, all this walking we've been doing and these many layers I'm currently wearing," Arii answered.

No one was cold. Not even Mali and she got cold so easily.

"Are you feeling okay?" Tayte asked, pulling me into him, "Your not getting ill are you?"

"I hope not, I'm good. Just, cold," I saw Arlo and Angelo exchange glances, but I dismissed it. I knew what everyone was like. We continued walking. There was 4 miles to go before we got back to the cabin, meaning we'd definitely be caught by the darkness. At dusk we stopped for a water break.

"It's going to be creepy walking back now," Leo announced,

"Like a scary ghost walk. OMG, WHAT HAPPENS IF WE SEE A GHOST?" Noah exclaimed,

"Think we should be more worried about bears and coyotes than ghosts bub," Arlo explained,

"Why did you say that QB," Mali smiled,

"It's okay. I'll protect us all," he winked,

"You're quiet Keane. Are you still cold?" Angelo asked,

"Mmm...but I feel hot too," I replied as my teeth chattered,

"Shine a torch at us please," Angelo asked,

"You have cold hands," I muttered,

"And you brother are burning up,"

"I am?" I asked.

"Are we going to make it back?" Noah softly spoke,

"Guys I'm okay. I'll warm up as we walk," which was a lie since I hadn't warmed up yet, but they didn't need to know that.

"Keane, you really don't look too good brother, we need you to be honest with us," Arlo told me gently, putting his hand on my shoulder,

"I'll be okay,"

"That wasn't what he asked," Tayte commented,

"I just feel cold and hot at the same time, but I am sure I'll be okay," They all looked at each other, "Can we just go before it gets even darker?" Tayte took my hand,

"We go at your pace baby, your pace,"

I knew they were all worrying about me and I didn't blame them. Due to me having half of a spleen, I was more susceptible to getting ill and being ill was dangerous, as it exposed me to worse illnesses which I could catch really easily.

It was pitch black now, luckily the stars and moon were shining brightly, providing a path of light we could follow, like a lighthouse. I think we were around 20 minutes away from the cabin when it all got to much for me. I needed stop. I was shivering and Tayte rubbed his hands up and down my arms, trying to warm me up.

"I'm not feeling too good, I..." I stammered. It was as if they were waiting for those words. Angelo jumped into action.

"Noah, you need to head back to the cabin now with Arii and Leo. Tell everyone what's going on. That Keane isn't feeling well," Angelo explained, "And get a warm bath ready for him,"

"No. I'm staying with Keane. I'm not leaving him,"

"I'll go," Mali added, stepping in, probably knowing the serious nature of the situation and not wanting a full on argument to erupt, "Just get back safe," she kissed Arlo and with a last look as us, Mali, Arii and Leo disappeared into the darkness.

"Can...can I just sit and rest a minute?" I trembled,

"No Keane. I'm sorry, but we need to keep moving," Angelo told me,

"5 minutes?"

"Baby, the sooner we get back to the cabin, the sooner you can sleep okay," Tayte answered softly,

"Keane," Noah spoke with softness, he was scared, I could not only hear it, but see it in his eyes. I was too, but I'd never let him know this.

"Yes buddy, I'm not feeling too great at the moment but please don't panic. You know me. You know what I've been through. I always bounce back," I told him with a wink in the most convincing way I could. He smiled and I could see the relief flood back into his eyes.

"I love you,"

"I love you too bubba,"

After that little exchange, Tayte walked on in front with Noah. I was waiting for Arlo and Angelo to berate me.

"You can't do that forever Keane," Angelo said,

"Like you wouldn't do the same,"

"Touché," Arlo smiled.

I zoned out.

I do not remember getting back to the cabin.

The fuss that was made.

The conversations had.

It was as if I totally blacked out. Therefore I was totally freaked out when I 'came too,' in the bath. When I realised I was in the bath, that was.

"Baby you're okay. There is no need to panic," Tayte told me with reassurance. I looked at him wide eyed. "You are okay," He wrapped the towel around me once he'd help me out after a few minutes, "How you doing baby? Cold still? Hot? Freaked out because you blacked out and don't remember anything?" I sat on the bed, pulling the towel around me more,

"I just want to go to sleep," he looked at me, worry evident in his eyes, mainly due to the fact I know, that I didn't bite back, "Is everyone else okay?" I then asked as I pulled on some pyjamas.

"Besides worrying about you. Everyone is just fine,"

Tayte's POV

He closed his eyes beside me, shivering gently. I pulled the sheet we'd swapped the duvet for up over him and felt his forehead. He was still burning up. I loved how no matter what, he always put others before him. He really did have the biggest heart in the world. He cared so much about everyone else and that just made us all love him even more.

"Lay with me," he mumbled,

"I will baby," I kissed his forehead,

"Don't leave me," he whispered,

"Never," I text Arlo and Angelo, who appeared a few minutes later with Noah.

"How is he?"

"I'm worried," I truthfully replied,

"I don't like the sound of that," Arlo answered, Angelo sat on the bed beside Keane, he felt his forehead,

"Mmm," he mumbled. He then checked his pulse, Keane opened his eyes, "What's the verdict doc'?" he asked softly, as a shiver ran through his body.

"A good nights sleeps will do you wonders,"

"Mmm...sleep sounds good," he muttered, closing his eyes.

"Keep him cool, damp cold flannel, I'll be in every few hours to check his temperature and heart rate, any changes, let me know okay," Angelo told me,

"I'll bring you some food up," Noah said, his voice was sad and solemn, he left the room,

"He'll be fine. They'll both be fine. I'll be back in a bit," Angelo smiled, squeezing my shoulder before leaving.

"Mum wants him to go to the ER, says due to the fact how suddenly this came on could mean it's something more serious," Arlo stated,

"I want to partially agree with her, but also Keane's strong, even with half a spleen he can fight this cold off and Angelo would know if it was something more critical," I replied,

"Exactly, also fevers mean his body is fighting back"

"I just wish he'd be given a break, recently he's been feeling so good within himself. Things always seem to happen when we're happy,"

"No one said this existence was going to be easy, but Keane and you and all of us are strong. We hit a bump in the road and we find a way to get over it. Keane was will be okay, but if he isn't, we will all get through it, as a family,"

Arlo left me an hour later and Noah came in with some food.

"Sorry it took me so long," he climbed on the bed and led next to Keane, "He is going to be okay right? Because I'm beginning to feel like I need to make a deal with a cross roads demon. Though that didn't exactly turn out too well for Dean, with the hell hounds and all," I couldn't help but smile, before I had a chance to answer, Keane moved his hand on top of Noah's,

"Think you should go straight to old Luci himself, maybe pass through Crowley first though," Keane said softly and we both smiled, "And there's the Noah smile I love," he opened his eyes, "You don't need to worry about me kiddo. I'm superman,"

"So you keep saying," Noah teased. He then sat up slowly, resting his head on my shoulder,

"Want to try and eat something?" He took a few pieces of chicken and potato which he ate happily. Noah ran off much happier to get some water.

"How are you really doing right now?" I asked,

"I don't know is the honest answer. I don't feel really ill, but I don't feel well either,"

"I appreciate the honesty baby," I kissed him,

"No, I don't want you to get ill, so close to your brother or sister being born," he told me,

"I won't baby. I won't'" I told him, I kissed him again and this time he didn't pull away.

Noah came back with an entourage 20 minutes later and Keane was still sat up talking,

"Well you look better than before," Arlo remarked,

"Pity I don't feel it,"

"Did you eat something?" Angelo asked, I nodded, "Headache? Nausea?"

"Slight headache, no nausea," I shivered, "But still cold," he took my temperature and checked my heart rate.

"You still have a fever of 101 and your heart rate is slightly more elevated than I'd like, bit it's improved from earlier, it's progress,"

"Progress is good," Noah stated,

"I'm...I'll be good, I'll be okay"

Arlo's POV

It was midnight, Keane and Tayte were both asleep, Angelo and Noah had not long gone to their room. Mali was sleeping peacefully beside me and I was.
I was struggling.

Worrying about Keane.

Worrying about things I shouldn't be worrying about.

Thinking about all my fallen brothers.

I lay down next to Mali who didn't stir and closed my eyes. Praying that these thoughts would dissolve and I'd be able to sleep. As if Mali could sense it, she rolled over and wrapped her arms around me. I smiled without opening my eyes and melted in her warm embrace. For a little while at least.


I'd had a solid 2 hours, but had been lying awake for the past hour. I slid out of bed and slipped on some trainers and a hoody over my bare torso and left the room. The whole cabin was silent and dark. I used the torch on my phone as I headed down the stairs.

It was eerie.

I unlocked the front door, praying there was no alarm.

There wasn't.

I shut it behind me and walked out into the cold night. I shivered. I took a seat at the top of the wooden steps that led down to the path. Gazing up at the night sky. Thousands of stars like twinkly lights flickered away. I pulled up my hood, yawning.

Never did I ever think I'd be here today.

With my mother and father.

With 2 younger brothers as amazing as Keane and Noah and a beautiful younger sister in Arii.

With a best friend and another brother like Angelo.

With a gorgeous girlfriend like Malena.

The kindest Auntie in Talina.

And another father figure in Joey.

Not in my wildest dreams did I think this day would ever come.

Yet here I was.

I just wished I could get over these nightmares, these flashbacks.

That I could be able to sleep next to Mali the whole night without waking up with a fright. Without waking her up. Without having to get up to try and ease my mind. I pulled my knees up and hugged them as I shivered again.

I then felt a blanket wrap around my shoulders,

"What would you do without me hey?" I looked up, it was Angelo stood there smiling, he sat beside me.

"Thanks," I smiled back, "How'd you even know I was out here?"

"Because I know you, that's why," I pulled the blanket around me, "Another nightmare?"

"I don't remember. Something woke me up, I have been though, worrying about Keane. So that isn't helping things,"

"That's a normal thing worrying about Keane," he told me,

"I guess it made me think of my brothers who fought by my side. We were on a mission when Trip, that's what we called him, was shot and we had miles to go before we could get any help. He walked until he couldn't any more and we took it in turns carrying him back,"

"Did he survive?"

"Yes. He was lucky, said he owed us his life..." I trailed off. "I never thought it would be this hard. That I would have long lasting issues,"

"It's because your human and because you have a massive heart. What you went through isn't something that you get over easily. There are men I've seen that never get over it, that can't function, that don't have a girlfriend, or friends and whose family have even given up on them. But you have Mali, you have brothers who adore you, you have loving parents and you have me. None of us will ever leave you when things get tough."

"You were right, what would I do without you?" I said with a smile.

"Now come on, let's get back to bed next to our loved ones before we get pneumonia," He told me, "I think we've had enough mishaps on this holiday already, we don't need anymore,"


Keane's POV

Believe it or not, I was feeling so much better.

I mean, I wasn't ready to swing from trees and sword fight.

But I didn't feel like I was at deaths door, that was for sure.

Tayte came out of the shower,

"Morning handsome, you doing okay?"

"I am actually," I smiled, he grinned,

"Good, but your still not allowed to get out of bed much today. Everyone would like you fighting fit to see in the new year tomorrow,"

"I'd like that too,"

"WOULD YOU LIKE A BACON SANDWICH," Noah shouted barging into our room, "Oh and morning Keaney, hope you're feeling better," I laughed,

"Good job I am because you barging in shouting loudly would have really annoyed me if I was still trying to sleep," he stuck his tongue out and then said,

"Bacon. Sandwich?"

"Yes please kiddo,"

"Yes thanks," Tayte smiled.

"SWEET. ANYONE ELSE LIKE A BACON SANDWICH," He boomed running from our room.

"You know I meant it when I said you have to stay in bed today. You gave us all a scare yesterday and things like that don't just miraculously disappear, we could be in the eye of the tornado and soon you'll go downhill again,"

"Tayte, handsome, baby. Please stop worrying and being so dramatic. I feel, surprisingly I know, okay, totally okay. It could have just been a 24 hour bug that attacked me, but honestly. I feel fine and I will be fine. Come here," I pulled him on top of me and kissed him. "I love you, so much,"

"And I love you more,"

"Not possible," I winked, "So not possible,"

Arlo came in with Mali,

"You look tired," I told him,

"Charming," He replied with a smile,


"How you feeling?" Mali asked,

"Surprisingly myself,"

"Good to hear,"

"But Tayte has bed bound me for the day,"

"Which is totally fair,"

"Thanks bro,"

"You were the one who said I looked tired," he winked and I rolled my eyes.

"Well, we're around if you need anything, I don't think anyone is going out today, except maybe into the town for final supplies," Mali told us,

"And in the hot tub," Arii added popping her head in,

"Rub it in sis why don't you," she smiled,

"Glad your better," she laughed and ran off.

"As Mal said, if you need us, holler. Or if Tayte is doing your head in and you want someone else tagging in, holler," Arlo chimed,

"You're hilarious," Tayte quipped,

"Thanks brother, love you,"

"Love you too."

"Love you Mali," I winked,

"Love you too Keane," they both left.

"No one is tagging me out,"

"Oh if you're going to be like this then hell yes are they,"


Noah came back with the bacon sandwiches eventually with a big grin on his face and bowed as he served them to us and left with a curtsey.

"That boy of ours," Tayte chuckled,

"Is everything," I answered.

After we'd demolished the bacon sarnies, I hoped Tayte would be a bit more lenient with me, the fact that I actually ate it all without complaining.

He didn't budge.

"Baby, I'm bored as hell already and its only 10.30am, I am literally going to go stir crazy if you keep me under bedroom arrest,"

A shame I didn't listen to him.

Because I really was in the eye of the tornado.

And everything seems so serene, so still, so peaceful in the eye.

It all began to go downhill from 3pm in the afternoon.

It was as if a switch had been flicked, or as Tayte would say, we left the eye.

My fever came back in full force, along with a brain splitting headache, which almost topped the pain in my abdomen,

"Keane. You need to tell me precisely what is hurting you right now," Angelo said slowly,

"Headache, stomach ache," I groaned, "I'm just so hot and cold and tired,"


"I don't like the sound of that shit Angelo," Arlo told him,

"I think he's got an infection, he needs to get to a doctor or an ER for a course of antibiotics, with his weakened immune system it's better to get it treated now,"

"I'll call an ambulance," Mali said getting on the phone.

"Someone let the parents know what's going on," Someone else said,


"I'm okay. Sorry if I'm worrying you," Tayte smiled at me, "I'll be okay, I know I will be," he wrapped his arms around me. "I love you,"

"I love you too,"

I knew he was trying to stay strong for me. It was working though. No one was in panic mode and I think that relaxed me too.


It was now 11pm and everyone was home from the hospital. Angelo was right, I did have an infection and was given a course of antibiotics to get rid of it. I had been on an IV drip for hours and they wanted me to stay overnight, but managed to persuade them otherwise. Mainly due to Angelo.

There would be no celebrating in the hot tub for me tomorrow night, but at least the worst was over and we'd all be together to see in the New Year.

"I told you, you were in the eye," Tayte mumbled as he cuddled up to me,

"Maybe next time I'll listen to you,"

"You bloody better," I chuckled.

"I'm sorry I didn't listen to you, but I honestly did feel okay,"

"You don't need to apologise baby, you know your body better than anyone else," he mumbled. He was tired and I couldn't help by smile.

"Night handsome," I whispered, but he didn't hear. He'd already fallen asleep. Once I knew he wouldn't stir I slid out of bed, pulled on a hoody and some trainers and crept outside to the balcony.

"And what are you doing out here?"

"Busted," I answered. It was Arlo, he wrapped a furry blanket around me,

"You know it's not..." the look I gave him made him trail off,

"Tayte gives me a headache enough, please don't brother," he smiled,

"Mind if I join you?"

"I'd love that," I replied. We sat there in silence, admiring the view and enjoying one another's company. "You would tell me if something was going on with you right?"

"Like you tell me," he retorted and I smiled at him.

"I'm more likely to tell you than Tayte, you wouldn't immediately jump to the worst conclusion and overreact," it was his turn to smile,

"Don't let Tayte here you say that,"

"Can we not change the subject,"

"Look. I have a few issues that Angelo is helping me with and I promise you I will explain and let you all know when I am ready okay,"

"Yes. Thank you for telling me,"

"And now it's your turn,"

"I honestly feel okay considering and I did before all of this kicked off. I think this has made me forget about my shoulder, but I'm sure that will be causing me trouble before we know it. Other than that I feel totally normal, in the most normal sense,"

"Let's hope you stay that way," I shivered, "By going back to bed where it's warm," I chuckled,

"Think I can manage that. Thank you,"

"For what?" he asked confused,

"Being my brother," he smiled,

"Thank you for being mine,"


With Love Gx

Copyright © Georgia T R Wing 2020

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