Mellifluous {Spencer Reid}

By bellaaddieyadaddie

111K 3K 339

MELLIFLUOUS (adj.) A sound that is sweet and smooth, pleasing to hear. Aurora Hearst didn't find any sound t... More

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2.3K 71 4
By bellaaddieyadaddie


Both Aurora and Spencer walk through the doors and into the bullpen preparing themselves for the amount of paperwork they would have that day, "woah woah woah, Isn't that your go bag outfit Reid?" Morgan calls out, the two of us go a dark shade of pink, "ooo did the love birds have their first sleepover, I hope you used protection" Emily teases and Rory swats her arm "oh relax, he drove me home and we got pizza, then it was too late for him to drive home-" 

Emily and Morgan give each other a high five. Rossi and JJ walk through the doors, "what's happening?" JJ asks us "the lovebirds had their first sleepover." Morgan and Emily are grinning ear to ear, "he slept on the couch!!" The both of them were bright red as she objected, "I'm sure you did kid" he pats Spence on the shoulder and walks up the stairs meeting Penelope half way up, "what's going on? what am I missing?" Rory rolls her eyes "Spence spent last night on my couch and they're all acting like 12 year old's." Pen bursts out laughing "oh for fucks sake not you too! Honestly I get stabbed and don't even get any respect" dramatically flopping down on her chair throwing the black bag onto the floor. "You are something else Hearst," Morgan whacks her across the head and walks over to his desk pulling out his first file of paperwork for the day.

It came around to their lunch break and the girls all walked out together, they had decided to go to Penelope's favourite café, "soooo Aurora give us the inside." she groans wondering how she was going to get out of this one, "about what?" JJ, Em and Pen were not taking any of her shit, giving her a look "fine fine, I swear nothing happened, he slept on my couch, we talked, nothing scandalous" Pen snorts and JJ and Em both chuckle at me "oh come on, Rory, Reid hates his glasses, and the morning after he sleeps at your house he has them on? and we all know you have a thing for glasses." Rory turns a deep shade of beet red, it felt like it was becoming her natural skin tome at this point, "ok so? I told him I liked his glasses, he was wearing them when I woke up." They share a knowing look, "what??" 

She asks, frustrated "it's absolutely astounding that you are an expert in behaviour but can't tell when a guy clearly likes you!" Aurora grumbles to herself "so what? I'll just get myself hurt if I acknowledge it, so I decide not to. It's that simple." Penelope looks at me sadly, "you can't leave him hanging forever Rory, it'll just hurt the both of you, I know you like him." she blushes and studies the menu in front of her. she knows Garcia right but she couldn't bring herself to do it, "so, you can't tell me you didn't at least have a little moment last night." JJ asks if I can tell they aren't just gonna let this go, I sigh "ok fine I'll bite, there was one little moment-" I am interrupted by the waitress "Hi what can i get you ladies today?"

'Saved by the bell' Rory mutters before painting on a customer service smile "I'll grab the chicken salad" She was still getting used to the American portion sizes so she thought a salad may be best,  "I'll have the chicken avocado toasty" Rory squirms in her seat praying she had gotten out of it  "I'll have the scrambled eggs" saying a silent prayer the girls would drop it as she hands the waitress her menu "and I'll get the superfood bowl" Rory felt her seat burning under her "ok no problems I'll be back with your food shortly."

The girls turn back to her immediately, "go on'' she rolls her eyes, they were like a dog with a bone, "it was nothing, I  just don't think I had ever seen him in sweats and a shirt before..."they all gasp, "no way" "did you see his-" 

"what were you wearing?" 

"ok FIRST OF ALL, EM! I wasn't looking there you perv and yes way, I don't think i had ever seen him without his button up and sweater vest before, and I was wearing my shorts and cami" the girls once again share a look "oh come on what now?" They burst out laughing "for someone so smart you have no idea what goes through a guy's mind. Even a boy genius is still a guy!" Em talks to her like she's a teacher

 "Emmmmm shut upppp, he didn't ev-'' wait that would be a lie, my face goes bright red and I plonk my head on the table, they burst out laughing "we told you so, what did he do, did he go red, not know where to look, ooo did his eyes flick up and down when you walked in?" Rory refused to lift her forehead off the tablecloth knowing damn well that her beet red cheeks would betray her "Oh come onnn tell us" she stubbornly shakes her head, still refusing to look up "it doesn't matter anyways." Rory mutters Pen grabs her hand and she looks up from the beige tablecloth up, at her "why?'' she rolls her eyes "he'll find someone else they always do. Excuse me" she gets up and walk to the bathrooms unable to deal with the conversation any longer.

"Does she not know how in love with her he is?" Emily says to the other two girls "I feel so bad for her, you can just tell she has been hurt before" they all nod "we need to find a way to show her its different with Reid, he is too much of a sweetheart to hurt her, the only issue is they they're both so shy we can't get them to make a move." Garcia makes a good point and the women solemnly nod, unsure how to get this to work out. "Ok I'll text Derek and let him know."


The boys are sitting around in the break room back in Quantico, Reid is sitting in the corner reading a book he had borrowed from Aurora, Morgan sits down across from him, "hey there lover boy, where'd you get that book from?" Spencer looks up at him with a fed up look on his face, "come on Reid admit it, you like her '' He just mumbles under his breath, Morgan just sits back and crosses his arms waiting for Spence to start talking. The doctor puts down the book and sighs "it doesn't matter what I think there's no way she's interested, we're just friends'' Morgan softens "Reid, she likes you, that I can promise, she just thinks you don't like her'' He rolls his eyes "yea that's like the whole point, I don't want her to know." Morgan just rolls his eyes "come on Reid you will never know unless you try." He just looks conflicted, "ok indulge me, what exactly is it you like about her, I'll be the judge of whether it is worth it. I promise I won't tell a soul." Spence looked up at him, and at that moment he just seemed like a little kid, asking his big brother for help. Morgan just melted, wanting to help him as much as he physically could.

"Promise?" Morgan nods "she is the only girl I have ever met who doesn't make me feel like a freak. She just listens, I feel like I can talk to her about anything, she is kind, funny, selfless and she's just ugh- I don't know how to describe her." Morgan is grinning ear to ear "what Morgan, what is it??" Morgan sits up and leans his crossed arms on the table in front of him " you kid, are head over heels. I think you should go for it." He just looks so conflicted "but-but what if she doesn't like me like then and I ruin our friendship" Morgan's phone buzzes in his pocket, he pulls it out "ahhh wonderful, as I thought, well kid, she definitely likes you back, she is scared out of her mind of you finding someone else." The look on Spencer Reid's face is one of absolute horror "how could I ever find someone like her? She is the most beautiful girl in the world to me" after the words escape his mouth he slaps her hand over his mouth and his face turns a dark shade of fuchsia, "see kid? I told you so. Go get her." He just looks up at Morgan with a scared look on his face? "Really?" The thoughts were racing around in his mind at a thousand miles an hour. "Really, it doesn't have to be tonight, but I want you to show up at her door and ask your girl out on a proper date. Or even better, just wait for another one of your sleepovers, and just kiss her" Reid's face goes so red Morgan can't help but laugh.

"Come on kid, the girls are back from lunch, try keep yourself together yeah?" The poor guy just nods and chugs the almost cold coffee in his mug.

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