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The next morning, Spencer and Aurora wake to the sound of banging on the door to their hotel room, Spencer gets up, kissing his girlfriend lightly before sleepily walking towards the door, "wow, boy wonder in sweats, never thought I'd see the day" Garcia's face comes into view when he opens the door "yea yea, what is it Garcia?" he rubs his eyes, forcing them to stay open "come on loverboy, grab your girlfriend and get the hell up, I think you two forgot your alarm we got to meet Hotch in the foyer in an hour." He groans at her words, realizing that they had in fact forgotten to set an alarm. "Shit, yep you got it" he closes the door and walks back over to his sleeping girlfriend "Goodmorning beautiful, we got to get up" she groans, slowly opening her eyes and looking up at him, "why can't we stay in bed all day?" The pout on her face makes Spencer chuckled softly, he pushes the hair out of her face lovingly "Spence. I love you... make me coffee?" She looks up at him and he laughs "I love you too, yes I can make coffee but only if you get up, we don't want Garcia coming back here with hell to pay.

Dressed and ready to go, Aurora and Spencer lock their hotel room door and walk out, seeing a very sleepy looking Emily stumbling out of her door, "Morning Em" Rory represses her grin, "why does it feel like 4am?" She squints at the two "now you know how I felt when I moved, it's called jet lag" Emily groans, rubbing her eyes, "all I can say is they better have coffee" The three make their way down to the foyer, where they meet all the other members of the team, they are handed big cups of coffee, holding on to them for dear life.

In walks Madam Director Westbrook, and Aurora's face lights up, "Westbrook!" she runs up to her giving her a huge hug, the woman laughs and hugs her back "hey Rory" the two friends grin at each other, "so introduce me" Westbrook raises her eyebrows at Rory, grinning Rory makes the introductions, "Westbrook, this is the BAU team, SSAs, David Rossi, Derek Morgan, Jennifer Jareau, Emily Prentiss, Aaron Hotchner and dr Spencer Reid" the team all shakes Her hand, greeting her, Spencer waves awkwardly, she turns to Rory whispering "is that-" Rory shoots her a look and she lifts her hands in surrender, settling to bring it up later, a light flush sitting on Spencer and Aurora's cheeks, "anyways! Where are we off to" Aurora changes the subject, making the team grin at her, "we're off to the field office, to meet with the rest of our team and to talk to some of the uh, children... and then in a couple days you'll get on your jet and fly down to Rory's home town, seeing hers is the first case we know of, we think its the best place to start." Aurora looks down at the carpeted floor, fiddling with the lid of her coffee cup, not wanting to remember why they were really here.


Aurora almost has to fight her old supervisor when she insists on having Spencer in the car with her, but knowing that her old friend would try to interrogate her boyfriend like he was an unsub, she doesn't let it happen. Aurora ends up driving Reid, Rossi and Garcia, while Hotch, Prentiss, JJ and Morgan ride in with Westbrook . "Ok Rory, you know this case like the back of your hand, give us the rundown" Aurora takes a deep breath.

"Ok so it was the 17th of January, 1993, I woke up in the morning and something felt off, my uh- my mum would always wake me up in the morning and on the rare occasion I woke by myself I could always hear them in the kitchen making breakfast, or I could hear the sound of my dad snoring if I had woken up before them, but the house was dead silent, so I called out for them, when there was no response, I got up out of bed and walked down the hallway to their room, the first one I saw was my dad, the blood was everywhere I screamed and looked around for my mum, there was so-so m-much blood I couldn't even see what had killed her, all I knew was that she was gone, they both were. Uh-hm, so my screaming woke the neighbors, it was a tight knit community, they came running, they found me on the floor covered in their blood and called the cops. There were no witnesses, and no-one saw anything suspicious, I couldn't even remember the door opening. The only thing I've never been able to understand was the dried blood on my carpet. I swear I would have woken up if that son of a bitch came into my room covered in blood, but no matter how hard I try, I remember nothing. I- I- I just don't understand..... anyways, the police were undermanned, and not equipped to handle a case like this with no suspects, the only people they had accused were the local pedophiles and a couple of my mum and dad's exes but everyone had solid alibis, shortly after, the case went cold. I've been looking over this case every year since it happened and I can never figure anything out"

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