Forgetting Terra Matthews

By jellyjesss1313

379 24 78

It's the summer after junior year and Kieran Gallagher is twiddling his thumbs in his therapists office wonde... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 7

22 0 3
By jellyjesss1313

"Woo! Let's get this party started!" Harry shouted while grabbing a red solo cup and a random bottle of liquor that was in front of him.

"Just my luck! Tequila!" He cheered before dumping some in his cup.

"Terra! What can I get you to drink?" He asked and she smiled sheepishly.

"Something fruity! Nothing too strong!" She yelled over the music.

"Strawberry lemonade and vodka?" He grabbed a jug of juice and held it in the air.

"Sure!" She answered.

"So Kieran, what are you gonna do if Kyle shows up?" Harry shouted.

"Nothing, ignore him. If he tries anything stupid I'll take Terra and leave." I told him and he nodded.

"You're such a sensible man Kier, I would punch him right in the throat, the second he steps through the door. But you, you're so civil!" He laughed.

"Yeah that's me. Don't forget I'm the designated driver too, ya drunk." I joked.

"Yeah you are! Ha, hey I'm not drunk yet!" He chuckled and downed his cup of tequila.

"Alright bud, it's not a race, pace yourself!" I teased.

"It's always a race BUD." His eyes suddenly shifted behind me and his mouth dropped.

"Oh shit, beer pong." Then he was gone.

I turned to Terra as she was sipping her drink.

I watched her eyes as she looked at me over the tip of her cup.

They were truly beautiful.

"What?" She blushed as I watched her some more.

I shrugged.

"Nothing." I pushed off the counter and headed toward the living room entrance.

"Come on." I called and she followed closely behind.

We walked into the living room where everyone was standing around talking over the loud music.

"TERRA MATTHEWS?" My drunk friend Peter shouted while walking toward us.

She sort of sunk into herself a bit and got shy as he approached us.

"Holy shit! You're still alive?! It's been FOREVER." He chuckled while spilling his cup a little bit.

"Hi Petey." She giggled slightly as he threw his arm around her shoulder.


They were friends?

"This girl, used to be the best drinking partner I ever had!" He shook her slightly while laughing.

"Terra?" I asked while pointing to her in disbelief.

He must have the wrong person.

"Oh hell yeah! Freshmen year, this girl could chug Jack Daniels like it's water! I actually had to TRY to keep up with her." That surprised me, because everyone knows that no one can keep up with Peter.

He's crazy.

"Are you two dating now?" He gave us a look of excitement.

"No." We both answered at the same time.

"Just friends." I said and she nodded her head.

"Ah I see, stuck in the friend zone huh Kieran?" He cackled and I immediately punched him in the gut causing him to double over in pain.

"What about you and Natasha?" I gave him a knowing look and he scoffed.

"Alright, that's enough of that!"

Natasha and him are really good friends and we all know that he wants her but of course she's completely in denial about the whole thing and denies that he could possibly have feelings for her. Peter also won't man up and tell her so he doesn't really help himself at all.

"Sooooo, Terra, can you still down the bottle like I taught ya?" He reached down and grabbed a bottle that was sitting near the couch, holding it out to her.

"Oh no! I-I don't think I can." She looked down, biting her lip.

"Come on! Once a pro always a pro!" He jabbed her lightly with his elbow.

I really didn't want him to peer pressure her.

She looked around nervously and I noticed that people were starting to look in our direction.

"Hey, if she doesn't want to she doesn't have to." I tried not to sound like a lame ass, but I'm sure I did.

"Don't worry, I can handle it." Terra turned to me with a slight smirk before snatching the bottle from Peter's hand.

What the-

"Oh yes! She's chugging it! Woo!" Peter cheered and people looked over as Terra put the bottle to her lips and tipped it back.

Holy shit I was not expecting that.

"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!" My friend Jenny chanted with her drink in her hand as she approached us.

Jenny is a good friend of mine, she's just an all around crazy woman but everyone loves her. She's who I was talking to at the party last weekend before my mom called me to come pick her up.

"Woo! Damn girl! You still got it!" Jenny cheered.

Terra was still chugging and I could see her face scrunching up.

That has to taste awful.

This is not going to be good.

"What the hell?" Harry suddenly approached our little circle.

She removed the bottle from her lips and took a big breath of air.

"TERRA HOW COULD YOU!" Harry was in shock and we all laughed.

"What?" She giggled, wiping her mouth.

"You're having fun without me! NOT FAIR!" He grabbed the bottle from her hands and took a swig of it.

Jesus christ these people are almost as bad as my mom.

"Peter fucking Simmons WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY INNOCENT LITTLE TERRA?!" He shouted in a joking manner.

"Oh pal, Terra and I go way back! She used to be the craziest partier!" Peter patted her back slightly and she gave Harry a nervous smile as his jaw dropped.

"This Terra?" He pointed at her in disbelief.

"I asked the same thing." I told him and he looked at me in shock.

"This is great! We need to bring the old Terra back! Let's get fucked up!" He cheered while putting an arm around Terra and taking another swig of the bottle.


After a while of everyone drinking and having a good time... Terra and Harry were pretty trashed.

She was practically leaning against me as she stood and talked to people. I feel like if I were to move, she would fall over.

"Dude I still remember when you and Miranda were BEST FUCKING FRIENDS. It's so weird to think about it now because she got even bitchier and you sort of fell off the face of the Earth!" One of our friends Kate yelled over the music to Terra.

"Yeah, she definitely did get bitchier that's for damn sure!" Terra slurred before downing her cup of... I honestly don't know what is in her cup anymore.

Peter came stumbling over to our group of like 5 people that we were all talking to.

"Kieran you need to get drunk." He slurred while putting his arm around me.

"Not tonight Pete. I'm DD." I told him and he made a pouty face.

"But you never drink! Like EVER! Come on!" He shook me slightly and I rolled my eyes.

"Not tonight man..." I repeated, getting slightly annoyed, but because I'm the "nice guy", I have to play it off like I don't care.

"Worth a shot... But hey at least Terra's back! I mean, sort of." He chuckled.

I looked down at her and she looked up at me.

Her eyes were starting to droop slightly and I could tell she was swaying a bit.

"I don't know man... I don't think one night of drinking is going to bring the old Terra back!" Jenny added and Terra looked up, smiling at her.

"You wanna fucking bet?" Terra pointed her finger at her and almost lost her balance.

"You wouldn't do everything the old Terra would do!" Peter declared and I immediately sensed that this was not going somewhere good.

"Oh really?" She tilted her head at him.

Where is Harry? I might need his help to contain this woman.

"The old Terra would kiss Kieran, right now." He quipped while crossing his arms.

"Oh, no Peter, we aren't like tha-" I was cut off by Terra grabbing my face with both of her hands.

It all happened so fast, she jumped up onto her tiptoes and pulled my face down to hers and our lips crashed together.

I kissed her back, because I'd be stupid not to. She's perfect.

Her hands roamed through my hair as her tongue gently caressed mine. Cheering and hollering erupted around us and I felt breathless as she pulled away.

I was not expecting that.

She smirked up at me and bit her lip as her cheeks turned red. My heart was beating fast and I felt like I could stare at her forever but I was cut off by Harry's dramatics.

"What the fuck!" We all turned to see him standing there with his hands in the air.

He rubbed his eyes jokingly, as if he's seeing this in a dream.

"Am I that drunk or did I just see Kieran and Terra kissing?!" He shouted with his mouth wide open.

"Oh shush Harold! It was just a dare!" Terra waved her hand in a dismissive manner.

What is happening...

"Everything fun happens when I leave the room I swear!" He huffed and crossed his arms.

I felt sort of weird that she kissed me. I didn't think that she would do that. It's very unlike her. She wouldn't have done that if she was sober.

"I'm gonna go outside and get some fresh air." She leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"I'll come with." I told her and she began to walk toward the kitchen.

When we got to the kitchen she opened the sliding door and I followed behind her, closing it behind us.

People were smoking pot on the deck and laughing.

"Let's go over there." I pointed to the dock.

We're in the rich part of town so this house has a decent sized pond in the back with a little wooden dock.

Once we made it to the dock I grabbed her hands and helped her sit down.

We sat on the edge and let our feet dangle off the edge.

"So, why'd you need some fresh air? Getting too crazy in there?" I asked with a smile while nudging her.

"Yeah, somethin like that." She shrugged.

Something seemed wrong.

She wasn't as happy anymore.

"What's wrong? Am I that bad of a kisser?" I joked and she tsked.

"No no, that's not it. I just- feel... Weird." She slurred.

"Well you are pretty drunk." I pointed out.

Silence filled the air.

"What's wrong?" I asked in a more serious tone now.

"I just... I kinda missed this stuff. Having fun. So much has changed." She looked down while playing with her finger nails.

"Yeah, so I've heard. I mean, I didn't know you before, considering I moved here last year... But it seems like you used to be a lot happier." I mentioned and she let out a heavy sigh.

"Yeah... I was." Her voice was quiet.

Silence filled the air again and I didn't really know what to say.

She's such a hard person to understand sometimes.

"You know, we haven't been friends that long now but I'm always here for you. If you want to talk about things." I told her honestly.

"I don't want to talk about things." She instantly stated.

"Then we don't have to, but just know that I'm here... You're not alone Terra."

"Don't say that." Her voice shook.

"What?" I was confused.

"Don't say that Kieran, please." Her lip was quivering.

"That you're not alone?" I asked.

"Stop." She closed her eyes and brought her hand to her temples.

"Terra, you aren't alone anymore. You have me. And even Harry." I told her and she began to stand quickly.

"No. I-I can't. I'm supposed to be alone!" She raised her voice slightly and stumbled on the wooden dock.

I was pushing myself up to stand when she stepped forward quickly and lost her balance.

I immediately jumped forward and caught her in my arms, so she wouldn't fall into the water.

"Hey. Are you okay?" I tried to help her to stand again but her legs were very wobbly.

"I-I'm..drrunk." She managed to mumbled out while going fairly limp in my arms.

"Terra." I tried to shake her a little bit as I was half holding her upper body.

"Mmmm." She groaned.

I sighed before bending down and scooping her up into my arms.

"Are you falling asleep?" I almost laughed as I looked down and her eyes were closed as her head rested on my shoulder.

"Shhh. Kieran shut up. Everythings.... Spinning." She mumbled and I chuckled.

"You shouldn't have chugged that bottle." I told her honestly.

"Now is not the time for your lectures grandpa." She whispered as I carried her through the yard.

After I made my way to the porch I stopped.

"Do you think you can walk for a little bit? We need to go inside and get Harry, then I promise I'll carry you to the car and what not." I told her and she groaned.


We walked up the porch steps and I had my hand on her back to support her. I felt like she was going to fall.

"I'm not a baby, Kieran." She grumbled, her voice barely audible.

"Oh really? Because I just carried you like one." I shot back with a smirk and she breathed a laugh out her nose.

Suddenly my eyes shifted up to the sliding glass door that I was just about to enter.

I froze upon seeing Kyle walking through the kitchen and grabbing a cup. Shit, he's here. I can't go in there with her. He's going to start something.

Terra went to reach for the door handle but I grabbed her arm quickly.

"Kyle is in there." I told her and her breath hitched.

"W-What are we gonna do? We can't be here!" She raised her voice and I looked at her in confusion.

She seemed different, more scared of him.

"I can't be here. Get me out of here." She then took off in the opposite direction.

In a panic, she pushed past some stoner kid, bumping him roughly on accident.

"Watch it, bitch!" He yelled and I followed after her direction.

As I walked past the stoner guy I purposely bumped into him even harder, causing him to fall into some patio chairs. He looked like he was about to fight, but when his eyes landed on me he held back because I'm twice his size I'm sure.

Some guys are such assholes.

"Terra wait up." I called as she stumbled to the side of the house and practically fell against the wall.

"I can't be here. Get me out of here Kieran. This was a horrible idea just take me home." She began crying.

She started hyperventilating and clutching her chest as I reached her.

"Woah hey calm down. It's okay..." I touched her arm gently and tried to look at her eyes.

"Take me home Kieran. Please, I can't be here. I can't be around him. This was a mistake!" She cried, trying to breathe.

She seems really scared of Kyle...

"Shhh, hey okay, I'll take you home." I wiped a tear from her cheek with my thumb before helping her away from the side of the house.

I decided to pull my phone out and text Harry.

Terra's really drunk and wants to go home. Do you want a ride now or I can come back for you?

By the time I helped Terra into my jeep and I was walking around to my side my phone buzzed.

Harry: I'll find a rdie, don't worry abt me.... I think I might score tongight.

I almost laughed at his text. He really can't type when he's drunk.

When I climbed into my jeep I looked over at Terra and she was staring into her lap blankly.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah, just take me home." She choked out, keeping her eyes glued to her lap.

"I don't know if I should take you home. What if your dad gets mad that you were out?" I asked quietly.

Her eyes snapped up and met mine.

"I can take care of myself. I'll be fine." She snapped, you could tell she was really drunk still.

"Just crash at my place...I'll sleep on the couch again." I offered and she shook her head, looking out the window.

"What do you want Kieran?! Do you actually want to help me? Do you really care? Do you actually want to be friends with me? Do you like me or something? Do you want to fuck me so that you can tell everyone that you hit it and quit it with the freak Terra?! What do you want with me Kieran?!" She shouted, throwing her hands into the air.

I froze for a moment. Unsure of what to say.

What do I want? Do I like her? I definitely feel drawn to her.

"I-uhm-I don't- I..." I was choking on my words and I ended up not even giving her a clear answer.

Suddenly she turned to the door and opened it, jumping out.

Before I could blink she slammed the door and I was alone in my jeep.


Drunk women are scary.

I opened my door and jumped out as well. She started walking down the sidewalk so I began to follow her.

"Terra wait! Just hear me out for two seconds!" I shouted and she stopped surprisingly.

I wasn't expecting her to stop that fast. Shit. Now I don't know what to say. She turned around and met my eyes, waiting for me to say something. Anything Kieran. Use words.

"Look, I don't know what I want... I'm still not even sure why I keep trying so hard to be your friend. But what I do know, is that I like being around you. I like your smile. I like the way you make fun of me. I like your laugh and your eyes. I just want to be around you, I know that sounds weird and creepy. But I just feel like I should be there for you." Oh god she's going to think I'm a total weirdo. Why did I say that? I've only hung around her for like a week!

"I'm not looking to hit it and quit it or whatever you said.... I just like being around you. Sue me." I gave her a sheepish smile.

Her eyes lightened and her lips formed into a small smile.

"You are something else Gallagher." She smirked at me and I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

"Yeah yeah. Now would you please just come crash at my place?" I asked and she sighed.

"Fine." She huffed.


When we pulled up to my house I noticed my mom's car was gone.

She's probably out for the night.

When we got inside I decided to just check if she was home.

"Mom?" I hollared.

No answer.

"I guess it's just us, I'll give you some clothes to sleep in like last time and you can just crash in my bed and I'll take the couch."

When I walked into the kitchen I looked at the clock on the stove.

12:31 am.

"I'm starving, do you want anything?" I asked her while opening the fridge.

"I'll eat anything." She shrugged.

I opened the freezer door and saw a big gallon of cookies and cream ice cream.

"Ice cream?" I asked and her eyes literally lit up.

"YES." She grunted.

I made us each a bowl of ice cream and we sat on the bar stool chairs at the island eating our ice cream in silence.

"So, did it feel good to let a little bit loose tonight?" I smirked at her.

"It actually didn't feel too bad." She admitted, her body swaying slightly.

"I'm gonna change you Terra. I can see it." I quipped.

"Oh gosh because how could I resist letting the popular Kieran change me and my ways?" She mocked in a drunken slurred tone.

"Hey, it's good change.... you never used to smile." I told her, while looking down.

"Yeah what is that with you making me smile anyway?" She rolled her eyes.

"I don't know but I like it." I met her eyes and she blushed slightly.


I walked upstairs with her behind me. She was staggering up the stairs and as I was turning around to offer her my hand she began to fall down slightly.

"Oh gosh." I leapt forward and grabbed her arms, pulling her back up towards me.

"Come on drunky." I laughed while hooking my arms around her legs then pulling her up and throwing her over my shoulder.

"Hey I don't need carried again!" She squirmed but I just chuckled.

"You are so hammered." I laughed.

When I set her down she looked up at me and I saw her fresh purple bruise had gotten worse near her eye and cheekbone.

"Terra you can't keep lying to me." I went to reach for her face and she turned away so fast that I flinched back.

"Don't Kieran. Just, stop trying to get in my business. I told you it's not that bad and things will be better soon." She sighed while sitting on the bed. I grabbed her a shirt and she paused for a moment.

"Turn around." She instructed and I quickly turned around.

She scuffled around for a second or two and when she said "done" I turned around to see something that nearly shocked me.

She was sitting on the bed in just my tshirt, which barely covered her underwear.

I played cool and gave her a sheepish smile before trying to look anywhere but her very much exposed legs.

"So Mr. Sensible Kieran... what do you find so interesting about me? Why do you feel so "drawn" to me?" She asked while turning to sit back on the bed.

I watched as she pulled the blanket up to her lap to cover her legs.

"I like the way that you don't care about high school and everything. You just do your own thing and you don't take shit from anybody..." I told her.

"Oh and you seem mysterious. Like there is a lot going on in your head that nobody knows about." I added, while sitting on the other side of the bed.

She shrugged.

"I am mysterious." She waggled her eyebrows and I smiled at her.

I got up to go shut off the light for her.

Once my finger flipped the light off and my hand grazed the door knob it was like something clicked in my head.

I don't want to leave her.

So I didn't.

I turned around and walked back over to the bed, laying down beside her.

"What are you d-"

"I'm just sleeping in my bed." I interrupted her.

Silence filled the air and she broke it after seconds.

"Okay Gallagher.... but no funny business you hear me?" She quipped and I smiled to myself in the dark.

"I wouldn't dream of it.... you're a scary woman." I told her and she sighed.

"Damn right I am." She yawned half of the sentence.

"Goodnight drunky." I patted her head gently.

"Goodnight Mr. Sensible." She murmured.


I woke up and immediately realized that there was weight on top of me.

My body was flat on my back and when I looked down I saw Terra's head resting peacefully on my chest, and one of her legs was even resting across my legs.

The feeling of her warm body against mine was nearly enough to make me fall back asleep.

I tried my best not to move or wake her. Not much time passed before my eyes were drifting closed again and I couldn't help but pass out.

I'm not quite sure how much longer I was asleep before I felt two very aggressive hands shoving themselves away from me.

My eyes opened quickly to see Terra was sitting up in bed looking at me with a flushed face.

"What?" I asked, rubbing my face.

"Sorry, I was laying on you... I move around in my sleep or something." She mumbled.

"Terra it's okay. I was asleep I didn't even notice." I lied and she seemed to relax.

"I'm not a cuddly person." She huffed.

"You sure?" I teased.

"Just drop it." She grumbled, stepping off the side of the bed and onto the floor.

Her shirt slipped up a little bit at the bottom when she was getting up and I caught a glimpse of light pink underwear.

Well if I didn't have morning wood already, I sure as hell have it now.

She turned around to face me.

"I'm going to head to the bathroom and get changed." She told me before grabbing her clothes quickly and heading out of the room.

Once she closed the door I got out from under the covers and adjusted myself to make things a little less noticeable.

I ran my fingers through my messy hair a couple times and sat back on the bed until she got back.

She came back in the room with my t-shirt in her hand.

"Here." She handed it to me.

I set it on the bed.

"You hungover? Want some breakfast?" I asked her with a smile.

"That sounds awesome, and yes I am a bit hungover." She told me as I stood up and lead the way to the kitchen.

As I was walking down the stairs I heard noise in the kitchen.

Mom must be home finally.

"So do you want pancakes and bacon, or eggs and bacon and toast, cereal or-" I froze in the doorway of the kitchen the second that I saw someone who was not my mother sitting at the bar in the kitchen.

My father.

I haven't seen him in over a year.

Anger like never before built up inside me.

"Hey son! Long time no see." He raised his coffee cup at me with a smirk on his face, "Well this one is definitely cuter than the last one." He chuckled, referring to Miranda.

I clenched my fist at my side and although everything inside of me told me to walk across the room and punch him in the face, I calmly turned around to face Terra.

"My keys are on my dresser in my room, just go grab them and go out the front door and wait in my car... I'll be out in a minute, okay?" I told her and she looked at me worriedly before turning around and heading toward the stairs.

I calmly walked into the kitchen, grabbed his coffee cup off the counter in front of him and dumped it into the sink.

"Get out." I said in an icy tone while looking up at him.

"This is my house Kieran." He leaned back in his seat with a smug look.

"No, this is not your house. You don't pay rent; you don't do anything except disappear. So, do what you've always done best and disappear before mom gets home." I was trying so hard not to snap.

"Who's the girl?" He asked.

"You really think I'm going to tell you anything about my life?" I spat.

"I'm not leaving Kieran." He glanced up at me with a challenging stare.

"You can't just come back here whenever you fucking please! Mom is not someone you can use when you get bored and run out of money! Let her be! She was doing so good without you!" I snapped.

"Oh was she? She's been calling me drunk and crying, begging me to come back. And I've heard from a few people that she's back on heroin again." He told me.

"Well, even if that is true, you know you're only going to make it worse. Please, just go." I couldn't even look him in the eye because of how disgusted I was with him.

"Whether you like it or not Kier, I am part of this f---ed up family! So get used to me being here!" He raised his voice.

It was quiet for a moment and I heard the front door shut, meaning Terra is now outside.

"I'm going to go out to my car with her and leave, and if you're still here when I get home... you'll regret not leaving." I didn't even realize how threatening I sounded until moments after I said it.

I didn't even wait to see or hear his reaction, I just walked out of the kitchen and out the front door.

Terra was sitting in the passenger seat of the jeep, with her head looking down.

I opened the driver's side door and got in.

She turned and looked at me.

I started the jeep and pulled out of the driveway and headed down the street.

"Want to get breakfast at Kathy's Korner?" I offered with a small smile.

She looked a bit confused, but smiled back.

"Sure... uhm hey are you okay?" She asked with concern in her tone.

"Oh yeah, I should be as long as he's gone when I get home." I told her honestly.

"And if he's not?"

"Well, let's just hope he is." I gripped the steering wheel tightly.

I have no clue what I'm going to do if he doesn't leave, but it probably won't be good.

"Hey at least I'm cuter than Miranda." She tried to break the ice by referring to what my dad said earlier and I literally busted out laughing.

"I cannot believe you just said that." I chuckled and she laughed with me, "and yes, you are." I smiled at her causing her to blush.


"Does your father have a habit of walking in and out of your life at his convenience?"

"Pretty much. It's not my life he's affecting though, it's my mother's. He can come and go as much as he wants and I'll still hate him. My mom always forgives him when he comes back, it's pathetic." I tell her, rolling my eyes.

"I bet that's frustrating. Do you think that could also be a contributing factor to your depression?" She looks at me knowingly and I begin to grow frustrated again.

"Listen, I'm not going to say it again. I'm not depressed. I've always been fine and I'll always be fine. Can I finish my story about Terra now?" I snap, not hiding the annoyance in my tone.

"Of course." She nods her head, telling me to continue.

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