An Echo in the Mafia (Echo Re...

By losautenticos

16.3M 613K 142K

Echo wasn't like her sisters. She knew that when people talked about the famous and fabulous Reid sisters, th... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
First Times
The Next time

Part 29

224K 8.5K 1.6K
By losautenticos

"What... what... what... what... what... " Echo stuttered as Luke leaned over her, smiling brightly. She reached down, pulling the sheet over her, aware that she was in her underwear.

"Oh baby, you weren't this shy last night." Luke teased and Echo moved, sitting up. She held the sheet up to her chin and moved all the way to the backboard of the bed, pressing herself against it.

"What happened?" She asked, trying to remember. Luke sighed.

"As much as I would love to say that everything happened, I am obliged to inform you that I behaved like a perfect gentleman." He said, sitting up and facing her.

"You did?" She repeated, trying to remember and he nodded.

"Of course, did you expect less from me?" he asked with a playful frown, "I'm hurt."

"So... then why am I naked?" Echo asked and Luke laughed.

"You're not naked, not nearly and... you did that." He said, standing and stretching. Echo tried not to look as he moved but it was hard. Every damn part of him was lean muscle after lean muscle, stretching from tapered hips to those wide shoulders of his... he was perfect. Even the scars that were spread across his shoulder seemed to emphasize his perfection. She wondered how he'd gotten them but more so, she wondered if what they felt like.

"See anything you like?" He asked as he walked towards a chair. She turned bright pink, looking down.

"Would you mind... putting on some pants?" She asked. The sight of him in his briefs was too much for her to handle. He chuckled.

"Sure." He said, disappearing into the bathroom. Echo looked around frantically, spotting her clothes in a neatly folded pile on the chair. She stood quickly, making her way to them.

"I don't know what I was expecting last night but I don't think that was it." Luke said, making her turn and bring her arms up around her.

"What do you mean?" She asked nervously.

"The men's boxer briefs... You're basically wearing shorts." He said, appearing from the door way and shaking his head at her modesty.

"They're more practical." she said, reaching out for her shirt and quickly pulling it over her head. "and comfortable."

He sighed and shook his head, moving towards her.

"Nope, nope. We're not doing that again." He said, reaching out for her and picking her up.

"Luke, what are you doing?" She asked, surprised as he tossed her onto the bed. Echo stared at him in surprise but before she could move, he'd climbed up on the bed with her and was leaning over her.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Luke said with a grin, leaning in.

"Making me nervous..." She said and he stopped, unable to keep a straight face. He laughed loudly, turning over on his side and looking at her as she frowned in confusion.

"What's so funny?" She said.

"You are, Echo. My adorable little Echo." He said putting a hand on her stomach. "I'll admit it... I loved waking up with you next to me. We're not taking any steps back, Echo. Always going to move forward."

"I should be going... My sister will be worried that I didn't come home." She said.

"I know. Give her a call." Luke said, standing up suddenly. "I suggest you take a shower, you'll feel much better after that and in the meantime, I'll get us some breakfast."

Then, before she could respond, he was out of the room. She sat still for several minutes, feeling as her breathing finally returned to normal, trying to process it all. Was this really happened? Did she really wake up next to him? She had the image of Luke in bed next to her, nothing but the black briefs as he held her close to him. She shivered at the thought, then she looked down at herself. She couldn't believe he'd seen her like that.

"Owww." She groaned as she felt the pounding in her head. She couldn't believe she'd gotten that drunk. She climbed out of bed, the headache getting worse with every movement she made. Then, she searched for her phone, finding it tucked in the pocket of her jeans. Three missed calls.

"Shit." She said, picking up the phone and holding it to her face as she called.

"Well, it's about time!" She heard Maru's voice come through.

"I'm sorry, I just woke up." Echo said.

"My, my, my... someone must have had a wild night last night." Maru teased.

"Maru... that's not... no." Echo said. "Listen, did anyone notice I was gone?"

"No, they bought it. As far as they're concerned, you're in bed with a headache." Maru replied. 

"Well, that's not too far from the truth." Echo said, pinching the bridge of her nose with her fingers as she felt the throbbing in her head.

"But you better be home before mom and dad. If I try to tell them you're still in bed, mom will insist on coming up to see you." Maru continued.

"Yeah, I got it. I'll be home as soon as I can." Echo said. "Thanks."

"You're welcome. I'll be waiting." Maru replied. Echo closed her phone and held it between her palms, feeling relieved. They hadn't noticed. With a sigh and the strange feeling like she might throw up, she looked towards the restroom, thinking that a shower might not be the worst idea. Hopefully, Luke was right and she would feel better after.

Luke walked back into the bedroom and could hear the shower running. She'd taken his advice... that was a first. She always seemed to have to fight him on everything.

Except last night. Last night she was more than willing to do anything he would have wanted. He sat on the bed and put a hand in his hair, remembering how she'd flung her arms around his neck and kissed him. God, she tasted good. He loved how confident she'd seemed, the way she smiled and laughed...

"Luke..." She whispered into his ears softly as he nibbled on her neck. He lifted her up off the ground and she wrapped her arms tighter around him. He loved the sound of his name on her lips, such pretty lips.

He set her down inside the room, locking the door behind him and turning to her. Her hair had come loose around her shoulders and their eyes locked. He leaned against the door, admiring her. He'd wanted her from the very first night, without really knowing why or where it came from, but he wanted her. She reached down, pulling the shirt up over her head and tossing it on the floor. He smiled, she was more beautiful than he imagined and so he moved towards her slowly, dropping his blazer aside and removing his tie.

She watched him equally fascinated, consumed by a sensation she couldn't describe. Before either of them really knew it, he was walking over to her, scooping her up and dumping her onto the bed playfully. She quickly wiggled out of her jeans, revealing the men's underwear as she did. He took a moment's pause then, admiring how smooth her skin was and how adorable it was to find her this way. Her eyes closed, lips parted... laying in his bed and he leaned in...

Luke laughed, thinking how funny it had been when he heard her start to snore. She'd passed out, she'd completely passed out and the sound of her snoring had been enough to sober him up. In reality he was glad for it, glad she'd broken the magic because that was definitely not the way he'd envisioned their first time together.

No, he wanted to make sure that when he made love to her, she'd remember every second...


Her voice made him look up from where he sat in stupor, remembering the previous night's events. There she was again, looking as tempting as possible with a towel wrapped around her. She was blushing, obviously thinking she would have time to dress before he came back.

"Hey." he said, watching her with a smile. He'd definitely like to give her something to remember right now.

"I ummm... I have to get going soon." She said.

"Really? I was hoping we could spend a lazy morning together." He said, patting the bed with a smirk. He expected her to blush then but surprisingly, she shook her head and chuckled.

"I really can't with you." She said.

"Okay, no... lazy time today." he said, standing. "Then how about you get dressed and then we go shopping."

"Shopping?" She asked as he walked towards her.

"Yeah." He said, "I figure we can pick out something a little more... appropriate for next time you stay over."

There it was... the blushing and he loved it.

"come on, get dressed." He said, moving past her.

"I really should get home." She said but he insisted.

"Your parents are at work all day? What are you worried about? A couple of hours out with me won't hurt and you'll be home before they are." Luke said.

"What about you?" She asked as he walked into the restroom behind her. "Don't you have to work?"

"I'm the boss..." he said with a shrug.

"Right." She said, shaking her head. There he was... that same arrogant, conceited man.

"I'm going to take a quick shower." He said. "Be dressed when I get out."

Echo walked over to her clothes, staring at them for a second and shaking her head.

"This man is going to drive me insane." She muttered as she resigned herself to just doing what he said.

"Hey..." She said, walking back towards the bathroom, "Do you have a... oh god."

Echo put a hand over her eyes and turned in shock. He was... oh god... he... oh god...

"Jesus." She said, trying to calm her breathing. Luke chuckled.

"I told you I was going to shower." he said. "Like what you see?"

"I didn't see anything." She said.

"If you say so..." He said, "Unless you want to see it?"

Echo put her hands to her cheeks and took a deep breath.

"Stop trying to provoke me." She said.

"Not if it's working." He replied.

"I was just going to ask for an extra toothbrush." she said, exasperated.

"Yeah. You can find everything you need in the room down the hall." He said, trying not to laugh as she continued to look away. "along with something to wear."

"Thanks." She said, running out of the bathroom nervously.

She'd seen it, she'd seen it... She put her hands over her eyes and took a deep breath. How was she expected to keep her cool with this man? What she needed to do was put on her own clothes, get in her car and get the hell out of there. He could deal with a little rejection. She picked up her shirt, slipping it on.

That was that. She wasn't going, no way. She repeated it over and over as she slipped on her jeans.

At least she wasn't going to change. If he wanted to spend time with her, it would be as is. After all, they'd done fine last night. She nodded to herself, deciding that was it... until she caught sight of the open closet door. She raised her brow and moved to close it but once she had her hand on the handle, she couldn't stop herself from just walking in.

It was a long closet, narrow but wide enough to hold a bench in the middle and it smelled nice... smelled like men's cologne.

She walked along the rows of clothes- suit after suit after suit, each one more elegant and beautifully made than the last. She ran her fingers along the crisp white shirts and smiled, imagining him standing in one of these suits, looking handsome and sharp as the devil. He was definitely the most impressive man she'd ever seen.

Then she caught it- her reflection in the mirror. Her smile faded as she saw the torn jeans and shirt, she looked terrible. What in the world did Luke see in her? She wasn't beautiful like her sisters and she certainly didn't dress as well as them... what was it?

She walked out of the closet, closing the door behind her and leaning against it. She could never fit into this man's world but was it really so bad for her to pretend a while? Then, with a sigh, she walked down the hall.

When Luke finally made it out of the shower and didn't find Echo, he'd expected that maybe she'd run off but her keys were still on the nightstand. Could it be that she actually followed instructions without him having to nag her? He dressed quickly, still rolling up his sleeves as he made his way down the hall and without bothering to knock when he opened the room door.

Then he stopped, unable to put what he was thinking into words.

There she was, dressed and running a brush through her hair which was loose around her shoulders. She turned to him and smiled softly, a very natural and casual elegance that he'd recognized in her the first day they'd met.

"What do you think?" She asked, worried she might not look right but she worried in vain. The skirt, the blouse, the shoes... they were perfect but more than anything, she was perfect.

"Come on." He said with a smile, reaching out and extending her hand. Then, because he looked dashing with that big grin, Echo practically ran to take it, finding the shoes were not as much of a nuisance anymore.

If she wasn't careful, she'd grow used to having him around.

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