Spider academia: Summer blast

By lop413

10.6K 179 191

Summer has just started! And it's the return of Peter Parker and Class 1-A to start their Summer vacation wit... More

Ch. 10
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 17 final showdown pt.2

Ch. 16 Final Showdown pt.1

379 7 11
By lop413

Thursday July 23,2020

In Silver Samurai's Lair, Peter, Midoryia, Tsuyu, Bakugou, Yaoyorozu, and Uraraka are chained up in a Special type of Cuffs as they are tied up with metal chains as well, Peter wakes up after being Tranquilized, The first thing he sees are his 5 Friends Chained up beside him.

" G-Guys! What happened!? where the Heck are we!?" Said Peter as he moved as he is Chained up, " well it appears your Betraying ass Friend! Tranquilized us all!" shouted Bakugou as he Struggles a lot to brake free.

" W-well...Why do you all just use your quirks to brake out of these?..." Said Peter, " Peter these are Cuffs that Police use to Prevent Criminals to use their quirks... Their is nothing we can do" Said Midoryia 

" But where are we...It seems like an Old Abandoned workshop" Said Uraraka, Silver Samurai appears and Deadpool is Behind him as they both walk to the six Hostages, Peter glares at Both of them and Silver Samurai walks In front of them, " Good, You all are awake" Said Silver samurai as he crosses his arm.

Peter trys to stand but fails, " Where is Eri!?" Shouted Momo, " Your little girl is alright, I'll show you" Silver Samurai snaps his Fingers as one of his Ninjas Take off a sack bag of Eri's Head showing Eri chained up with Tape on her mouth, Her eyes are revealing Fear, Midoryia and Peter eyes became furious as they Grit their Teeth's and Growled in full anger.

" What are you gonna do to her you silver Bastard!?" Shouted Bakugou, " Nothing, But Your old Companion wade W. Wilson did Gave me a lot of Advice of her and others" Said Silver Samurai with a smirk and Peter glared at Deadpool, " what...Does he Mean by that!?" Shouted Peter and Deadpool Looks down rubbing his arm.

" well...um...Hehe...You see...um" Deadpool Stuttered as Silver Samurai laughs evily, " You see, Your pal wade spilled the entire In-formations on all of you! what are your powers, Your names, where you all Live" Said Silver Samurai and The reactions of the Six kids are Shocked and Angry as they Glared at Deadpool.

" Are...You...Serious!" Shouted Peter, " And that's not all, I gaved Wade an Offer, A life time supply of Chimichangas to Kidnap this little girl, And to Bring all of you!" Said Silver Samurai and Peter yelled, " YOU GAVE US UP JUST FOR A STUPID LIFE SUPLLY OF CHIMICHANGAS WADE! ARE YOU THAT FRICKING RETARDED!?" 

Deadpool Looks down and He nodded slowly, " Wade...Why would you do this...We are your friends..." Said Tsuyu, " Friends!> Frog girl, we are not his Friends! He is Annoying,weird, and a Screw up!" Shuted Bakugou and Deadpool looks down in shame.

" Don't worry wade, you can end that, By killing those brats, But keep Peter alive for me!" Said Silver Samurai as one of his Ninja soldiers bring an AK-47 and they hand it to Deadpool but Deadpool eyes grew, " What!? Kill them!? That was not part of the Deal!" Said Deadpool

" I'll get you a Life time supply of Tacos" said Silver Samurai and Deadpool takes the Ak-47 and aims at Midoryia, Tsuyu, Uraraka, Bakugou, and Yaoyorozu as there eyes widen and 5 Ninja's soldiers put tapes on their mouths as they started to make noises and trying to brake free, " Deadpool! You Better not!" Peter said as he teared up a bit and Deadpool eyes became sad and he shakes his arm, As He looks at the other's, he sees Tsuyu tears and Ochako tears, He turns to see Momo and Her eyes tear up as well, And for the two other boys they both are mad as they try to Brake free.

" Do it wade, End them!" Demanded Silver Samurai, Deadpool eyes became mad as he turns around to silver samurai with the Ak-47, " Never!" Shouted Deadpool as he started to Shoot at Silver Samurai, Silver Samurai takes out his sword as he blocks all the Bullets in a Quick Speed, Peter and the Others eyes widen as they saw Deadpool Shooting at Silver Samurai, But the Ak-47 ran out of bullets, " Shit!" Said Deadpool as he tosses the Ak-47 at Silver Samurai but He slices it in half.

" Wade! what are you doing!?" Shouted Silver Samurai, " Fuck your Deal! Fuck your Offers! Fuck you, you big walking silver Shit head! My friends are more Important than Food! And I know that Eri doesn't have to witness this! Bringing her Memories of the Plague clan Mother Fuckers! Deadpool said as he pulls out his swords and silver Samurai growls.

" Traitor!" yells Silver Samurai as he dashes to Deadpool as he Jumps for a quick slice but Deadpool Blocks the attack and Pushes silver Samurai, Deadpool then swings his sword trying to Hit Silver Samurai, But silver Samurai dodges every sword swing, silver Samurai then does a Flip Kicking a Sword off of Deadpool's Hand making him holding One sword, " Are you Kidding me! You two Is better then one....That's what my ex use to say" Said Deadpool as he Chuckled a bit but he then Receives a A bicycle Kicks on his face as he falls on his back.

" If you spend time focusing as you do Talking, You will Perhaps be Lest Predictable" Said Silver Samurai as Deadpool Got up, " Oh are you Kidding me? I'm Predictable!?" Said Deadpool as he takes out a Mini Bluetooth speakers and He plays " I'm a Virgin by the Weekend" and Silver Samurai tilts his head in confusion.

" Are you kidding me wade! Why that song!?" Shouted Peter as the rest just look Confused, Deadpool started to sing, " Had a lot of girls in my day,Wanted more from me,But there's only really one way,To start a family" Singed Deadpool as Silver Samurai runs to him raising his sword but Deadpool started to Dance, Silver Samurai Swings his Sword trying to Slice Deadpool but Deadpool Dodges every Move with a Dance Move, Such as Moonwalking, The Worm, and The Backpack Kid Dance, He also does some Brakedancing as he Kicks the sword out of Silver Samurai's hand, " STOP IT!" Shouted Silver Samurai as he tosses some Shurikans at his Bluetooth speaker causing it to stop working.

" A-Are you Serious! That shit cost me $3.95 on Ebay!" Said Deadpol as Silver Samurai started to Throw Punches at him and and Deadpool blocks his attacks as he grabbed his fist and tried to snap it but Silver Samurai Kicked him in the Stomach with his Knee and Deadpool groans, Silver Samurai then karate Chops The back of his Neck making him fall on the ground, Deadpool Groans as he lays on the ground, Silver Samurai walks to a Counter as he pulls Out a Special Type of Katana, " Um...Silver, What the heck is that sword!?" Shouted Peter.

" Oh...This is Carbonadium, A Carbonadium sword!" Said Silver Samurai and Deadpool got up quickly as he heard the name " C-Carbonadium!?" Shouted Deadpool in a Scared Tone.

" What's Carbonadium!?" Shouted Peter, " Carbonadium, The only element that can Disrupt The Healing Factor of Any mutants, Such as You" Said Silver Samurai as he points the Carbonadium sword at Deadpool, " wait...That sword...can" Said Peter as he Looks at Deadpool and Silver Samurai nods, " This sword Can Kill Him!" Shouted Silver Samurai.

" Fuck! What will Batman do...." Deadpool said, He looks at His six Friends, He pulls out his Pistol and Aims at a Pole as he Shoots, The bullets Deflects as it hits the Pole going to the Chains, as the Bullet Hits the Chains and the Cuffs, Peter and His friends broke free and they removed the Tape out of their Mouths.

" Get ready you Silver Freak!" Said Bakugou as he makes Tiny explosions out of his Hands, Midoryia Started to Cowl, Peter get's Ready even tho he doesn't have his suit on, Momo creates a Shield and a Mace ball chain, " Six Against one huh? Not fair" Said Silver Samurai as he raised his arm trying To teleport, But somehow he doesn't Teleport and He looks at his finger seeing that He is Missing his Teleportation Ring, " What!?" 

" Ha! Looking for this?" Said Deadpool as he shows his Ring on his hand, " How did you get that wade!?" Said Uraraka, " Well remember how he Tried to Punch me and I blocked it? when I grab him hand, I sneakily took off his Ring" Said Deadpool.

" Great! No more Teleportation for you Silver Samurai!" said Peter, Silver Samurai Growled as he whistles calling his Ninja's but Deadpool pulls out a Remote Button as he pushes it, Causing an Explosion in the Entrance door, Everyone backed up as they see one Ninja head flying in the workshop, " What did you do!!?" Shouted Silver Samurai.

" Oh I don't know, I must of planned some Remote Controlled TNT out their, Just in case if you become a big Pussy To fight all of us at once" Said Deadpool as he shrugged, " You....WILL PAY!" Shouts Silver Samurai as he picks up his other sword, Silver Samurai spins his two swords, As the Six heroes and Deadpool glared at Silver Samurai as they get Ready to take him down. 

Silver Samurai's Regular swords Became Electric as he slashes the air sending Electric Waves at Them, They all dodged it as Midoryia raises his arm and goes to him, " Detroit smash!" shouted Midoryia, Silver Samurai took one step back as Midoryia Missed his punch, silver Samurai Does a Round house kick to Midoryia's head as Midoryia punches the ground sending him falling, Bakugou Boosts himself with his arms to Silver Samurai, Silver Samurai Hoped over him but Bakugou grabbed his leg as he uses his other hand mini Explosions to spin a bit as he tosses silver samurai to the wall.

Silver Samurai puts the Carbonadium sword on his mouth as he grabs the pole and spins back to Bakugou extending his Leg Giving Bakugou a Kick into his face, Bakugou falls as Silver Samurai Places his foot on top of his Head, Momo runs To silver samurai as she swings the Mace ball But silver Samurai's sword glowed as he blocks her attack Cutting her Mace ball in half, Momo quickly backs up as she creates a Cannon, Silver Samurai stands their as The Cannon blast a Heavy Cannon ball at him, Silver Samurai reacted quickly by swinging his sword at the Cannon ball Slicing it in half, Peter Shoots a web string at one of the Half Peaces of the Cannon ball as he swings the web string with the Half cut Cannon ball at Silver Samurai's face, Managing to hit his face, Silver Samurai falls on a table braking it.

Deadpool is with Eri as he try's to brake her free, " Come on...Stupid Chains!" Shouted Deadpool and Eri just Looks at him with Terrified eyes, Ochako comes to him from Behind, " I got this wade! you go and Help them out!" Said Uraraka and Deadpool looked at her, " Aww...I wanted to help the Little Bean here" Said Deadpool but Uraraka gaved him a Raging glare and Deadpool chuckled as he ran to help out.

Midoryia Tried to Hit Silver Samurai but he Kept dodging his moves, Tsuyu extends her Tongue to Silver Samurai's Arm, He looks at tsuyu with rage as he raised his other hand with the Carbonadium sword, Tsuyu reacted quickly and Brought her tongue back as Silver Misses to slice her tongue but this gaved Midoryia time to slide under him as he turns and Extended both of his legs and Kicked Silver samurai on the face hard sending him High up as he got tangled in chains on the roof, Silver Samurai uses his other sword to cut off the chains, Peter shoots a ricochet web at him, Silver Samurai uses the Carbonadium sword to reflect the web back to Midoryia causing the web ball wrapping Midoryia around with his web, Peter looked at his Buddy and Peter shoots a web string at the ceiling launching himself to Silver Samurai.

Silver Samurai grinned as he dives to Peter raising his Arm to hit as well with Peter as they Both Punched both of their Fist, Bakugou uses his Arm to boost him up over Silver Samurai as he places his hand to his head, " Howitzer! Impact!" Before Bakugou uses his powerful move, Silver Samurai grabbed Peter's arm and Pulled him in front of him making him as a Human shield, Bakugou eyes widen as he turned his arm the other way to Avoid hitting Peter causing The explosion in the wrong way, Silver Samurai slams Peter against Bakugou as they Both fall to the Ground and Silver Samurai landed on the ground but He sees Momo and Deadpool running to him, He lifts up His sword making it Completely Electric as He sends Electrical Strikes at them, Momo creates a Metal pole as she tosses at the Electric Strike making the Metal pole stopping it, Momo then creates springs as she places them on the ground, Deadpool jumps on them making him jump high as he pulls out his two Pistols as started to shoot Silver Samurai, Silver Samurai blocks every bullets with his two swords, Momo then Creates a Giant Hammer and She manages to Hit silver Samurai in the chest causing him to fly at a Wall, His helmet comes off revealing his face.

Deadpool Lands beside Momo, " Nice one Momo!" Said Deadpool but Momo glares at him as she is still mad at him, " Just focus wade!" Said Momo and Deadpool nodded slowly, Silver Samurai shakes his head as he growled and he jumps high and Grabs a Hanging chain as he Tosses Shruikans while Holding onto the Chain, Momo blocks them with Her shield and Deadpool blocks with his arm getting hit with some.

Uraraka Is still struggling to Free Eri, " This Darn chain won't Brake! but I will take this off of you Eri" Said Uraraka as she Takes out the Tape off of Eri lips, " W-Why...Is he doing this.." Said a Terrified Eri and Ochako looks Confused, Silver Samurai Sees Uraraka Freeing Eri as He jumps High to her Raising his sword as it Glows, But Tsuyu extended Her tongue all Around Silver Samurai's Neck as She Slams Him to a wall, And Does it again but to Other side as she Tosses Him down to the Ground, Silver samurai dealt a Bit with the Pain but he lands on his Knee, He got back up, Tsuyu runs as she stops to see her Boyfriend in webs.

" Midoryia Chan Get out of that!" Said Tsuyu, " I can't! Peter's Web is that Sticky! I can't even Brake free and Tried to cowl more as I can!" Said Midoryia, Silver Samurai Does a High Backflip as his Sword Glowed trying to Slice Midoryia, Tsuyu extended her Tongue around Midoryia as he is Trapped in webs and Moves him quickly before getting Sliced, Silver Samurai Misses but he sees Momo and Deadpool Running to him again but this Time Silver Samurai sees a Net full of Pipes and he Tosses his Glowing Sword on the Ceiling making The Pipes fall On top of them, Momo quickly tries to cover her by using her shield and Deadpool get's hit by Many Pipes as it made a Huge pile around them, " Gr! These are To heavy!" Said Momo as she is stuck and Deadpool Get's Up a Bit dizzy.

" Got it!" Shouted Uraraka as she Freed Eri, Eri got up, Peter and Bakugou got up after that Nasty Fall and Slamming of them Both, Silver Samurai Sees Uraraka as she Freed Eri, Silver Samurai Jumped high raising his Carbonadium Sword, Uraraka Sees as Her eyes widen and She Pulls eri closely to her as she turns around to her back Covering Eri, Deadpool shakes his head and sees That silver Samurai is Going For Uraraka and Eri, His eyes widen and He quickly Ran to them with all the speed he has, Deadpool then Get's Infront of Uraraka and Eri as He does a opens His arms Wide and His Chest up, Silver Samurai Slices His Chest with the Carbonadium sword, Deadpool Accepted Taking the Hit as a Big Splash of His blood splatted onto the wall and on the floor and Deadpool Released a Loud Yell In pain.

Silver Samurai's eyes widen, Tsuyu and Midoryia saw what Deadpool Just did as their Eyes widen as well with momo's As she saw it too, Peter and Bakugou Eyes widen as they Witnessed Deadpool's Bravest Move, Uraraka Turned around as she Sees Deadpool taking to Slice for Her and eri as She gasped and Covers her mouth and eri eyes widen and She covers her Mouth, Deadpool turned his head to them giving them a weakly Thumbs up, " T-thank....You all..." Deadpool said weakly as he falls on his Back showing the Big Wound on his chest with a Purple light surrounding his Wound which is the Carbonadium Preventing his Wound From Healing.

" DEADPOOL!" Shouted Peter seeing his Friend on the ground.

To be Continued...

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