Noel (ON HOLD)

By Imani_the_writer

318 37 19

In Tenth Century England, serfs everywhere lived in a time of trouble and struggle. Noel, a teen serf struggl... More

Chapter 1: Tenth Century England
Chapter 3: Milord
Chapter 4: Excommunication
Chapter 5: Bastard Tonuge
Chapter 6: Burn
Chapter 7: Let the Hungry Prey
Chpater 8: My Face
Chapter 9: The Rose
Chapter 10: What Needs To Be Done
Chapter 11: Through the Eyes of the Blind
Chapter 12: Innocence

Chapter 2: Be Cautious

27 4 5
By Imani_the_writer


"Don't forget about the flour and baking goods darling! And if you could, bring back some spices!" Mum called out to us from the door. From the cart, I waved to her, putting the spices and my mental to do list.

Loading the cart was easier this time around because we didn't have too many big animals. Meat is cheap this season since its summer, but prices usually rise during the winter. In trading terms, the two squirrels and rabbit together would equal cost about three loaves of bread during the summer, but during the winter it would be six. If we get two loaves we both take one and we'd have enough meat and bread for a week or so. Then it's my turn to hunt. We hooked the cart to the horse and we were on our way to the marketplace when Leon asked me the question he was dying to ask. He clenched the ropes with unnecessary force, and took a deep breath.

"It's your birthday this Saturday." I shrugged and tried to keep my eyes on the road, but failed due to Leon's piercing eyes. My gaze traveled to his sad face. His eyes seemed to say "How do you feel?" Quickly, I turned away without giving him an answer. Leon sighed, he knew he wasn't going to get an answer from the beginning.

It's been years since my family would remember my birthday. Living everyday has always been a struggle and we could barely afford the things we needed much less birthday presents. Adele would always want a doll from the toy shop that she just couldn't have, so she eventually stopped asking for it. Birthdays were always a reminder that we were poor, so I guess we just skip them. Eventually everyone forgot everyone else's birthday, even their own. But Leon always remembered mine. Leon would always take me down to the water wheel by the moat surrounding the Lord's castle. It was quiet and empty there at night. We would sneak out moments before midnight, my birthday. We would light little candles and put them on saucers that were in the Lord's trash, then we would send them afloat on the water. I'd make a wish on every candle, and then we'd go home before daylight. That little celebration was Leon's present to me every year. Instead of pressing the issue, Leon gave me a command.

"Meet me by the moat before midnight on Friday. And don't be late." Leon demanded. He forced a sort of roughness out of his throat, but my cheeks redden with his overflow of kindness.

"Are you ordering me to show up at my own birthday party?" He gave me a devilish grin. "Cocky Prick!" I playfully punched his shoulder.

The rest of the ride is filled with laughs and chit chat as usual. In fact this whole day was usual, but something was nagging me about it. It felt too "normal". As if it wasn't authentic.

We made great business at the southern market bakery. Instead of just three loaves, we got one for free in any flavor we wanted. I wanted to get plain, but Leon butted in with "Cinnamon-Ginger please" knowing that it was my favorite. I raised an objection.

"We could have-"

"Oh hush you," He silenced me. "Stop being such a worry-wart. It's your birthday." He cupped my face and squeezed my cheeks like I'm a little girl. I hate it when he does that, treating me half my age. "You only turn eighteen once you know." I pushed his hands away.

"It's not my birthday yet, and times are too hard Leon."

"Not hard enough. C'mon if you can't have cake at least have your favorite bread. You deserve that much." He gently brushed the blonde hair out of my eyes.

"Fine." I surrendered. The baker told us to wait an hour for the bread. We didn't have much else to do, so we took a walk through the square. There wasn't much to see, just various shops to trade in. Leon and I prioritize. It's all about meat, bread, water, and fur. Fruits and vegetables are things we grow on our own. We only come here for the bread. Well there's that and then there's something else.

There's a jewel store there. The rocks they have don't have any real value, but they were beautiful all the same. There was one jewel that was the most beautiful of them all. It was a deep blue jewel. Just a jewel, not a necklace or a ring, just a bright and beautiful jewel. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I remember when I first saw it through the shop window when I was six and Leon was seven. It glistened and bathed in the sunlight. The perfectly cut edges and the way it reflected light made it all the more beautiful. Then through that same glass I saw my reflection, and Leon's right next to me. I saw the way his blue eyes sparkled too. It was just like the jewel. His eye reflected the jewel, and as he blinked his long dark eyelashes I realized just how beautiful Leon really was. His dark hair reached down to his collarbone. His cheekbones were high and his face was sort of rough for seven year old. He has grown significantly. He had a face that was, no longer cute, but handsome.

"It's a beautiful jewel." Leon said in a soft and gentle voice.

"Yes, beautiful."

This jewel always reminded me to keep my dearest ally close to my heart. But now my heart sank into my chest, I couldn't breathe. We passed down that same jewelry store, but the blue jewel was gone.

"Leon, where? Why?" I felt my eyes burn.

"I guess someone must've loved it as much as we did." But no one loved it like I did. No one wanted it like I did. Dammit, I feel like a little kid crying over a toy I can't have. "I'm sorry Noel. I'm so sorry. I know you really liked it." he said sadly. I shook my head erasing my thoughts, and I sighed.

"Well, there's no use crying over spilled milk is there? Let's leave. The baker will probably be finished soon." Leon didn't move right away. I saw his eyes shift to a poster on a nearby tree.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Probably nothing, let's go... Oi Noel! Ugh you never listen." He shouted after me as I walk to the tree. I took a closer look and gasped when Leon appeared to my side.

"What is it?" he lightly pushed me aside to get a better view.

"It's a letter, from Lord Zacharias." And it was a serious letter indeed.

To my loyal subjects,

A grave offense has occurred against our manor and the holy Catholic Church.
A serf among you has committed robbery of the tithes of the church. Fifteen thousand pounds have been stolen from our God. I ask of you, my subjects to heed caution to this call, and he who is found guilty of this horrible crime will be sentenced to excommunication and execution. He who leads us to the capture of the perpetrator will receive a Ten Thousand pound reward. Let the church, and God, rule in everlasting peace.

Your Lord,
Zacharias Griffin

The letter bears the royal seal. It's real, so the events are true. Someone stole from the church, and got away with it as well.

"You have to be bold to steal from such a holy place. Even I would hesitate at such a feat." I said to Leon, but he didn't reply. His eyes analyzed the letter once again. His brow furrowed in seriousness. Finally he spoke.

"Best be cautious Noel" I know not what he meant, but I still understood. Best be cautious, for something is in the midst.

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