Gang leader's sister And gang...

By DarkAngel1618

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Jessica is the sister on a gang leader and her two brother's will do anything to pertect her at any costs.Cor... More

Copyright Statement
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Author note!! Sorry :(
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Surprise!!!! Bonus chapter!!! Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (part 1)
Please Read!!Very Important Authors note! MAY Effect Story!
Chapter 29 (part 2)

Chapter 1

14.4K 162 21
By DarkAngel1618

coppyright all right reserved any copying of ideas, or duplication is a violation of law and you will get in trouble by the law.

Ok decide to start a new story im not soo good at this beacuse im barly starting soo sorry if it sucks but please comment and vote.
thanks <3


When I opened my eyes I was face to face with some guy I didn't even know the little light that was being given off from the light post in the street was giving. Then It came to me I was downtown and this guy was there just standing at me in the rain. I looked down at both of us and I was in my jeans and shirt both were rip to shreds with blood stains on it from cuts. The guy had blood and cuts on his face and arms. The guy just kept coming closer and I back away with each step he took. Then I was backed into a wall and couldn't escape.

When the guy took one more step towards me I saw a shadows and yells that looked like my older brothers I tried to move but couldn't I was frozen

Why can't I move then I heard the yelling again. I couldn't take it anymore I need to see what's going on. While I was busy trying to figure out how to move the guy had came closer and was inches away from me.

I looked down I his pocket and saw a knife. Oh No I'm going to die. That's when I decide to scream.............................


I jumped straight out of my bed screaming like I just did and fell off my bed. That's when I realized that was dreaming the whole thing but it seemed so real. Then my door flew open and in my brothers with weapons or what I call killing tools.

My name's Jessica I just finished turning 14 last weeks and I'm a freshman in high school. I have black straight hair dark and light brown eyes that tend to switch colors. I have a great body with curves and good legs .My brothers are very over protective because of it. This is why they have these wepons for many reasons. 

You see my older brother's are in some gang things which they are gang members/leaders they are 18(Eric) and 20 years old (Jason ).

My parents are always working which make us pretty rich and my brothers were fed up with them not being there so they joined a gang and they think it's like their family. Sometimes it does feel that way because I've meet the gang before they are always sticking together and acting like brother and sister. Yes there are girls in the gang too.

My brothers refuse me being in it too they said they want me to learn and focus on school. They both did graduate but never kept going because of the gang. So I am the one who's going to make something out of myself.

My brothers came in and yelled "What's wrong!? Are you ok?!" I just sighed and said "yea just had a creepy dream go back to sleep I have to start school tomorrow and you two have work. Now get out my room" Then my alarm went off I realized it was 5:30 I had to get ready anyways. I groaned while getting up

My brothers stood there laughing."Well looks like we can't sleep anymore thanks to your little scare but you might want to take the pans and food back down stairs if you're not going to make pizza."

Huh? What were they talking about? They pointed to the other side of my room and I just jumped up and gasped "Oh my god! Did I really do that?!" I looked to my brothers for answers.

They just kept laughing and then they stopped to think for a minute.

"Well we did hear noises down stairs in the kitchen but we thought it was the maids or chef cooking or cleaning."Eric said.

"Then we heard you scream so we thought that something was wrong and someone broke in because of the noise we heard." Jason said.

"So we came to check on you "Eric continued

"But it looks like it was you who made all the noises that sacred us " Eric and Jason laughed while saying.

"Well there's no harm done in sleep walking" i said to them angrily

Then it hit me I've never sleep walked before? My brothers had the same look on their face like me.

"Well ok then now that we settled what was making the noises was me with my creepy sleep walking get out my room so I can get ready" I yelled while pushing my two laughing idiot brothers out.

When I turned around I literally jumped. My room was a mess! I had flour on the floor and tomato's, cheese, peporoni, sausage. What the fuck was i making a pizza?

I turned to the clock and saw it was 5:52am. Fuck I'll just clean this later I need to go to school. Since this was my first day at this school.

Let me explain it's mid October and I had been going to some preppy snooty school for a long time. Don't get me wrong I liked it and had great friends. But I wanted to be free so I finally convinced my parents (with the help of my brothers) to let me go to Mountain View High School (A/N: made up the name: D).

 My brother's used to go there so I thought it would be nice to go there to.

I had taken a shower, brushed my teeth and started getting ready by 6:18. Whoa! I need to be at school by 7:30 so I took my time picking out my outfit.

Finally I picked put a pair of black skinny jeans and a light blue shirt that hugged my curves on it had a picture of bugs bunny chewing a carrot saying "What's up Doc?" haha love this shirt. Plus it makes me look good. Finally to top the outfit Blue sparkling converse high tops.

I had brushed my hair and put most of it to a side which was my normal look and didn't put on any make up since I thought that I didn't need it. Plus the fact my brother's would make me take it off but I didn't care.

I was on my way out my room with my stuff when I heard the cars drive off down the drive way. What?!

I looked at the time it was only 7:00am. They were supposed to go to work in an hour after they dropped me off at school.

I went to check to see if I was imagining things but no they had left me home. Aghh!! Times like this I wished I still went to private school.

I decide to call them and ask were the heck they went.

Phone conversation

"Hello?" answered Eric

"Where the hell are you guys? I don't know where the school is and you were supposed to drive me today!"

"Calm down we had and emergency with the gang so Jason had to make an emergency meeting cuz he is the leader and anyway you can drive now since that private school gave you your license early." said Eric

"Hello!! I have no idea where the school is and i refuse to take the limo mom and dad said I should take."

"Well then take the GPS and you will get there."

"Fine but you're going to pay for this" I said ending the call.

Then I got a text from my brother's saying:

Have fun at school Jessica Love Eric: D

Have a great day and stay out of trouble Love Jason :)

They would send that to me. I decided to get me some breakfast then head out. Tom (the chief) handed me my breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes! mmmm my favorite! When I came in the kitchen Tom saw my mad face. So I decide to explain since he is like my friend in this house even thought he is 20.

"I know I know what's wrong  ...It's just I'm mad they left again. "I told him.

"It's ok you know how busy they are now since mike left it to them." he said

Yea he knew about the gang since he cooked them food a lot when they came but he never mind since he loved to cook.

"I know." I said finishing my plate of pancakes and getting all happy again since pancakes where my favorite breakfast.

"Ok well I'm leaving see you late Tom and thanks for the breakfast really helped a lot "I told tom while getting my stuff

"Your welcome have a good first day at school" He said while waving

I waved back and looked at my watch I realized that it was 7:15 and school started in like FIFTEEN MINUTES! I didn't even know where it was. So I put the GPS in my motorcycle...Yes my MOTORCYCLE! I typed in the address of the school then put it in the customized GPS slot I put in the motorcycle and sped off to school.

When i got to school which only took me 12 minutes I got stares from everyone in the parking lot and inside the school. My brothers said someone from the gang was going to be here to welcome me but they were at the meeting so of course I was left alone.

I got off my bike since I still had to go to the office to get my schedule. I had put my book bag to take off my helmet that I still had on.

The only thing that kind of shocked and confused me was when I heard all the people in the parking lot gasp when I took off the helmet.

What?! I turned to see what they were gasping then it hit me it was me?! Why? I just ignored it and went inside the school with all the students here staring at me while i to pick up my schedule.

Aghh! I already know this is going to be a long day.

Corben's Pov

I had just gotten to school and went over to James, Justin, Anthony, Damien, and Dylan (my crew).

"Yo man what's up?" Damien my right hand man said

"Nothing man. What's up with the gang? Derrek left before i could ask what."I said while high fiving him.

"nah man he said for us go to school that go to school and tell us later." Damien said

James shouted to me "Yo man hottie at one o'clock!" he said then I turned and saw Ashley the school slut walking over to me.

" Corben! Want to study with me today after school. She said in her usual squeaky voice.

"I would like too but I'm busy got to hang with my crew but I'll text you ok?"

Ashley nodded and giggled, kissed me on the cheek and left.

"Yo man what you got to do after school that you skipped that booty call?"Asked Justin while the rest nodded

"Nah man I have to talk to derrick when I get home after school i just feel like it important "I told them all they understood cuz derrick is after all the leader of our gang and my brother.

"Its cool man we all understand" Anthony and Dylan said.

Then we heard the reve of some car or motorcycle we all turned around and saw some person on a motor cycle. We couldn't tell who it was because the person was still were there helmet.

The person looked around and saw everyone staring at him or her. After the person got off they took their helmet off and man was I surprised.

I saw the most beautiful girl I've seen in my life she had dark black hair and it wasn't messed up from the helmet. She was wearing some hot clothes.

She picked up her stuff off the ground and looked up and saw all the people in the parking lot look at her. She looked behind her to see if they were staring at something else.

"Man hey man! Dude? Hello!" Damien called to me

"Huh?" I said looking at all of them

"Dude the new girls hot." Justin said

"I know right wonder where she's from "Dylan asked

"Got get me some of that " Anthony said

They all kept cat calling her which got me kind of mad which was weird cuz I didn't even know her.

Then the bell rang signaling homeroom. By then the new girl was walking in the school.

Oh this is going to be a fun day.

Jessica"s pov

I walked in the school and not even two seconds and everyone was staring at me. Aghh! Just ignored it Jessica don't get violent on your first day. I kept telling myself because I can get really violent when i need or want to.

I was walking toward the front of the school were the office was supposed to be when I felt a hand grab my ass.

I turned to see who it was. It was some brown haired guy in football jacket smirking at me while his friends watch him.

"Excuse me can I help you?" I said in a sweet tone

"Yea how about you and me get together sometime?" the stupid jock said

"No thanks but thanks for the offer" I said while grabbing his arm and twisting behind his back pinning him to the ground.

He was against the ground and looked shocked and scared I was trying to keep from laughing.

"But next time you touch me you won't be getting with anyone for a while" I said whit as much warning in my voice.

I let go and kept walking towards the office. The whole time people where whispering and pointing.

When I walked in the office I saw a 40 year old lady with light brown hair. When she looked up her face was covered in makeup she looked like a clown.

"Hello you must be Jessica Rivera's who just transferred and Eric and Jason sister." she asked

I nodded not knowing whether it was a statement or a question.

"Well here your schedule and a map and I need the yellow paper in there signed by all your teachers and returned by the end of the day." she said while handing me a blue folder with everything in it

"Thanks and I'll bring it back" I told her

"Good luck and have a great day." she said

I turned to leave when I saw an extremely hot guy walk in he had brown hair that was sweep to a side. He was muscular to a point that made him look hot instead of disgusting just like my brothers. He looked up at me and I saw the most beautiful brown eyes.

I realized he was smirking at me staring at him. I started blushing which was odd because i barely blush.

"Umm excuse me" I told him while leaving the office.

"Uhhh I'm lost!!" I yelled to myself while trying to find my homeroom. I found out my locker was on the other side of the school when I had gone to get my books. So now I don't know where my homeroom is.

"Do you need any help?" asked a voice behind me I turned and saw a tall girl that seemed 5'9 with red hair.

"Yea I'm actually looking for Mr. Jameson's room I have him for homeroom." I told the girl

Right when this she got all excited "That's my homeroom. So I guess you're a freshman too then?" she asked pulling me towards the class.

"Yea it's my first day." I said shyly

It's ok just stick with me and you'll be ok. I'm Samantha by the way but everyone calls me Sam." she told me

"I'm Jessica but you can call me Jess." I told Sam.

"That's a cool name anyways what school are you coming from? I love your shirt and your hair is awesome. Oh my god love your shoes. Oh I'm sorry I'm blabbing on again."Sam said all in one breathe.

"Nah it's cool you remind me of my best friend back at North wood. I think will be great friends." I told her

"I thought so to right from the start." Sam said

We laughed and talked the rest of the way to home room.

"Hey before we go in can i use you as an excuse? This is like the 20th time I've been late and I'm going to get detention if I don't have a good excuse" she asked with pleading eyes

"Yea sure I've done it tons of times with my friends at my other school." I told her

When we entered the class room I saw the hottest teacher ever he seemed about in his early 30's and the whole class was staring at me are you serious what's with all the staring.

"Hey Mr. Jameson what's up sorry I'm late but I have a good excuse." she said to the teacher which was Mr. Jameson.

"Really this ought to be good."  He said while leaning on his desk with his arms crossed.

Well it is I was helping a new student get to her class and here she is " she said moving out of the way for him to see me since I was hiding behind her back the entire time.

"Oh well that's a reasonable excuse go take your seat then." He directed Sam

"You must be Jessica Ri..." I cut him off

"Jessica just Jessica "I told him sternly

"Well Jessica nice too meet you I'll be your home room teacher this year. Welcome and you can take your seat anywhere that's open." he said directing his arm to the class.

The only open seat was next to Sam which was a relief.

When I sat down I looked around and saw everyone still staring at me. Guys were smirking and winking and girls were glaring. I decide instead of this I'd turn to Sam but she was already in heated conversation with a boy next to her.

I just took out my drawing notebook and doodled on it till the bell rang.

"Come on jess time for class." Sam said tugging me along with the guy she had a conversation with earlier.

Oh this is going to be a long day and it's only the beginning.


Ok soo tell me what you think and sorry for any spelling errors.

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