Game Over

By lafayettesgurl

4.8M 147K 53.9K

Ezra Lewis hated exactly four things in the world. Bananas. Cheap toilet paper. Riverdale. And Kody Vince... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six-Part One
Chapter Forty Six- Part Two
Chapter Forty Seven


103K 2.7K 3.1K
By lafayettesgurl

About five months later...

"How about this?" Aiden asked carelessly tossing a sword from hand to hand. The sheath was intact so it didn't pose an imminent threat but just the thought of Kody having one of those lying around the apartment had me breaking out in a sweat.

"Why do you insist on getting him something he can kill me with?" I asked snatching the sword out of his hand.

Aiden shrugged, a smirk on his face. "You never know..."

I rolled my eyes. It was Kody's birthday in a couple of days and I wanted to give him the perfect gift. He constantly told me that he didn't want anything special but I wanted to surprise him. I brought Aiden along for moral support.

That was a mistake.

"I was thinking a pair of sneakers or tickets to a game. Maybe a nice watch."

Aiden just shook his head pulling me further into the pawnshop. "It was always a bitch getting him gifts. He's a particular guy. You gotta choose something unique."

I'd heard this multiple times. Apparently Kody had everything he'd ever wanted. It kinda made me want to give him a punch in the face for his birthday.

"Well, I've got money now. Maybe I can dazzle him."

It was true. I'd had the most stressful, memorable, and emotionally draining year of my life and it had left me with a small fortune.

My lawsuit against Stephen Miller had dwindled down into a one time payment of fifteen thousand dollars and some minor slaps on the wrist. (I was told it was the best deal I was going to get)

As if that wasn't enough, after I moved in with Kody another girl moved into my apartment and found out why the rent was so cheap. Apparently Anthony Torres had a series of cameras hidden throughout the apartment.

Kody had not taken that news well and Anthony was sentenced to jail time. Also me, the new tenant and another girl were financially compensated. It was a creepy time and I still hadn't gotten over the fact that he'd seen me naked.

Still it was behind me now and it left me with a comfortable nest egg.

Aiden held up a set of bow and arrows. "okay I know what you're going to say but hear me out-"

"Put the weapon down." I said casually snatching the bow out of his hand. In all honesty Kody would probably love it but I didn't want him accidentally shooting King in the head.

Bending to put the weapon back on the shelf I felt a slight trickle of liquid run down my leg.

My heart literally stopped.

I turned to Aiden, my eyes wide as the trickle turned into a stream. "You have got to be shitting me. "

He looked offended dropping the paintball gun he held. "Well, why'd you bring me if you didn't want my opinion?"

I grabbed the shelf pulling myself into the standing position before looking at the floor and confirming my worst fears.

My water had broke.

"Call your brother" I said taking a deep breath. I had no contractions, no pain. "Tell him it's PROM."

Aiden looked confused but he pulled out his phone. "Prom? What's that supposed to mean?School's over."

My due date wasn't for two more weeks. I wasn't ready to have this baby. I was fucking terrified. "The baby's coming Aiden. This baby is going to be born in a pawn shop."

He paled, nearly dropping his phone before straightening it and dialing Kody's cell. I simply froze as he spoke in rushed sentences when Kody answered.

"Ezra says it's Prom. She say's she's going to have the baby. I-"

He looked at me, an expression of pure fear on his face.

"Shit, Kody I think her water broke."

I wrapped my hands around my stomach. I didn't feel like i was going to have a baby. My doctor had warned me that I might experience this. It was called PROM and it meant my water was breaking without my labor starting by itself. She said I would have to be induced.

"I need to go to the hospital." I felt like I was whispering, but Aiden heard me. Balancing his phone between his ear and his shoulder he grabbed my shoulder leading me to the car.

"Give me your keys."

I pulled my keys out of my purse hesitating. "You failed your test." He still didn't have his license.

He frowned. "It was a technicality" he mumbled snatching the keys out of my hands.

I allowed him to help me into the passenger's seat before tossing me his phone. "Talk to him. Calm him the fuck down. He's going to meet us at the hospital."

I grabbed the phone, bringing it to my ear. "Kody?"

"Lewis? Hey! How do you feel. I'm on my way to the hospital right now. I'll be there soon if King could remember that he wasn't born in 1957. Are you in pain?"

He was speaking too fast for me to keep up with him. "I'm not in pain. I'm probably in shock. I'm letting Aiden drive me to the hospital so apparently my judgement is gone."

I was trying to be nonchalant to relax him. I don't think it was working.

"I knew I should have went with you- King it's fucking yellow! Speed the fuck up!"

Aiden wasn't having that problem. He was zooming through changing lights and switching lanes quickly. I tightened my fingers on my seatbelt. "Kody. I'm fine. Don't stress King out. We're pulling up to the hospital right now."

Aiden pulled up to the emergency parking lot, stopping the car with a squeal of the brakes. He was out of the car before I could give him shit about his driving.

"I got to go Kody, call this number when you get here and Aiden will tell you what room they bring me to."

"Okay, Ezra. Do not have my child without me. I love you."

I smiled as Aiden pulled open the door. "I love you too."

Aiden helped me out of the car, walking me through the door. "We need some help here!" he yelled when we were inside the building. The whole waiting room turned to look at us and I felt my face burn.

Immediately a doctor ran up to us with a wheelchair. She looked concerned."Are you okay ma'am? Where you in an accident?"

I shook my head. "Sorry. He's a little nervous. My water broke, I'm not feeling contractions though."

The doctor visibly relaxed. She turned to Aiden giving him a soft smile. "Okay, well if you want to follow me, I'm going to take her into an exam room."

He looked around nervously before nodding his head. "Okay, but I'm getting out before the baby comes."

I laughed.


Let me tell you something. The biggest psycopaths in the world are people who've had more than one child. It didn't make any sense, it just wasn't logical. If you have a sibling then send your mother a bouquet right now because she's a fucking superhero.

You couldn't pay me to go through it again.

My baby was beautiful.

I knew she was going to be but she oversold.

She was sleeping now, her head against my bare chest as we had the skin to skin contact that the doctor recommended. It was peacful in the hospital room which was the exact oppposite of the chaos the room had experienced three hours earlier.

I'd had to get my labor induced since I wasn't dialating and let me tell you dialating hurts. Contractions hurt and pushing a baby out of your vagina hurts. Don't let Kourtney Kardashian tell you otherwise.

I thougt I was going to be one of those super moms who didn't feel the pain, or who embraced it but I was not. The pain actually consumed me.

Kody stood by my side the entire time and honestly I'd probably broken a few of the bones in his hands but we got through it and now our baby was sleeping peacefully, beautifully.

She wasn't the blonde carbon copy of me that I dreamed of. Her Hair was dark, almost black like mine but instead of the straight mess mine was she had sculpted curls. Her lips were purple her bottom one poked out in a pout and her eyelashes were thick. I didn't even know babies were born with lashes. Her eyes were blue but I was told that could change.

She didn't look like me at all, and she was the Most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

When the door to the room opened, Kody quickly stood. I repositioned the cover so that I wasn't totally exposed and then nodded so that he would pull the dividing curtain aside.

Aiden, King and Macy stood on the other side of the room.

"Let me see her." Macy said in a low voice as she quickly walked to the side of the bed.

I smiled, shifting the baby so that she could get a clear view.

At the movement my daughter opened her eyes and sent Macy a slow smile.

Macy put her hand on her heart. "Oh, my gosh. Ezra she's so beautiful."

I smiled thanking her. and then her brows rose and she laughed.

"Oh shit, she looks like Aiden."

And then it hit me. My baby looked exactly like Aiden. Her eyes big and wide like his, her bottom lip pouty. Her hair was even curly like his.

She had his fucking nose.

"Get out of my room, Macy." I groaned looking from my baby to Aiden.

Aiden was smiling now. "She does kind of look like me. Hey Kody, remember that picture of me at the-"

"Yeah, I know the one Shit. Let me look at her" He pushed Aiden away from the bed taking his place and staring into our daughters face. "She has my eyes." He finally said after a while.

Technically she did. Though her eyes were a little lighter than Kody's they were close. Aiden had light grey eyes.

"Don't jinx it bro- they can still change." Aiden said with a laugh.

I turned to him. "You know Aiden- I never really noticed how much you looked like a girl."

That wiped the smile off of his face. "You're just jealous she looks nothing like you."

I mean I did carry her for just shy of nine months.

After a few more jokes, everyone left and it was just Kody and I.

When the staff member came in with the paperwork we needed to sign, I got nervous. We still hadn't decided on a name.

I decided to get the easy part out of the way. I signed my name and passed the form to Kody so he could do the same. When he passed them back, he looked embarassed.

"I don't want to hear anything about this Ezra."

I was confused until I read his part of the form. "Sir Kody Vincent?" I asked.

He frowned. "What did I just say." He stalked away, grabbing the baby out of the bassinet. The amount of love in his expression when he looked at our daughter almost distracted me from the matter on hand but I shook it off.

"Kody are you telling me your real name is Sir? As in Beyonce's child?"

He didn't look up from the baby. "Sir Kody. One name. And that doesn't leave this room. I only told you because you gave me a daughter."

Here in this moment, I was as happy as I probably could ever be. "Sir Kody huh? How came you didn't change it?"

He shrugged. "Nobody calls me it. They assume it's supposed to be left off. My mom liked the renaissance period. We all got names like that."

He'd told me about his mom so I understood why he didn't change it. I raised a brow. "Rory? Aiden?"

He smiled. "I'm not telling you their real names. It's a sibling promise."

I literally had to know. "Wow. And after I gave you a daughter..."

He chuckled sitting down in the chair next to me and giving me a good look at said daughter.

"She really does look like him." I said.

Kody shrugged. "Aiden looks exactly like my grandfather so my dad's going to get a kick out of that."

Mr. Vincent was flying in the following morning.

I sighed content. "You know Kody, I have the perfect name for her."

When I told him, she smiled widely and I new it was a perfect fit.

Addison Lee Vincent Born 19:08 06/02/2019

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