The Creation Of A Cure

By Rallaster

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You are a doctor a prodigy in the making. You have always worked hard for everything you have ever gotten, no... More

Chapter One -A Chance Meeting?
Chapter Two -The Foundation
Chapter Three -What am I
Chapter Four-Fractured
Chapter Five - Used
Chapter Seven- The Antics of Dr.Bright
Chapter Eight - Examination of 049
Chapter Nine - 035
Chapter Ten-Event (redacted)
Chapter Eleven- Birth and Anguish
Chapter Twelve- Testing
Chapter Thirteen-Interview.
Chapter Fourteen-Strength of Character
Chapter Fifteen-A Revelation and A Date
Chapter Sixteen-Confrontation
Chapter Seventeen- Dr.Clef
Chapter Eighteen- The First Embrace
Chapter Nineteen-Visions of the Past
Chapter Twenty: Just Human
Chapter Twenty One: Reunions
Chapter Twenty Two : Missed Affections
Chapter Twenty Three: Dr.Narváez
Chapter Twenty Four- Another Day
Chapter Twenty Five- SCP 049-C
Chapter Twenty Six- Answers
Prelude to Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Seven: The Price of Treason
Chapter Twenty Eight- Resolve
Chapter Twenty Nine- A Book
Chapter Thirty - Making Up
Chapter Thirty-one: Questions
Chapter Thirty Two: A Brief Hello
Chapter Thirty-Three :Life Finds a Way
Chapter Thirty Four- The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter Thirty-Five: The Prince
Chapter Thrity-Six: The Hanged King
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Almost Lost
Chapter Thrity-Eight: Confessions of Love
Chapter Thirty-Nine: After
Chapters Forty: The Brothers Death
Chapter Forty-One: SCP 166
Chapter Forty-Two: A Malady
Bonus Report on Tree of Bright
Chapter Forty-Three: Fated
Chapter Forty-Four: The Pestilence
Bonus report for 01 Eyes Only
Chapter Forty-Five: Choice of Truth
Report on Tree of the Booooterflies
Chapter Forty-Six: What shall be left behind
Bonus Report The Serpentine Tree
Chatper Forty-Seven: Goodbye
For a Fun Bonus Happy Halloween!🎃 👻
Strenght of Will (Bonus Story)
His Will
Your Will

Chapter Six- Home

2.1K 74 7
By Rallaster

Fluff and mini tiggers

You hear the compressed swish as the door opens. Your back is pressed tightly against the wall of the door. The darkness of the room hides you both well as three armed D-class personal walk in. You wait until they shout for the dummy to put it's hands up too slip out behind them. Your feet clack loudly on the steel grating as you run 049 behind you. You see an open door and look inside quickly. It was an office for some unknown researcher you slip inside with 049 and try to force air into your burning lungs. You hear approaching steps behind you, opening a small closet you push 049 into it and slide in closing the door softly. Your body was jammed flushed against 049. You look up at him and see grey eyes heavy with lust upon you. You try and shift to give him some space but it only causes his leg to slip between yours and your hips to rub roughly into his. He let's out a groan as he looks down at you.
"Sorry." You mubble. You feel his hand touch your check as his lips move closer to yours. You close your eyes as you feel his breath on your skin. Your body covers itself in goosebumps as your pulse thumps widely in your ears. His lips brush against yours tentatively as if asking for permission. Every warning in your head leaves as you press your lips eagerly against his. You can feel the cold edge of his beak press against your cheek. His large hands holds your face still, your own holding onto his shoulders. This was not the time for such things but as you pull away for a moment and gazed into his now silvery eyes it seemed neither of you care. 049 then pulled you even more tightly against him, his lips smashing atop yours again. This kiss was more passionate then last. You can't help the soft gasp that comes your throat when you feel his tongue caress you begging for entrance. When suddenly your yanked out of his arms by your hair.
"Found you!" D-328 yells slamming your head off the corner of a steel wall. You see stars as you tumble to the floor. Gun shots ring out as one of them screams and thuds to the floor lifeless. You throw up head spinning wildly as you feel blood run down your face. You cry out as your forced to your feet. Your lips tremble as you try and force your vision to focus.
"Do not harm her." 049 says firmly. You look at him to see he is holding his shoulder, black red bood seeping threw his gloved fingers.
"Shut up you son of a bitch." D-328 spits at him. "I knew this slut was yours! No one ever comes back, no one but her."
"We need to leave." The other one says. You feel the cold barrel of a hand gun press into your temple.
"Shut the fuck up man." D-328 yells. "You wasted my brother. He was all I fucking had! Now your gonna watch as I take your little whore from you!" You feel his lips slam onto yours as you squirm hard still dazed. A growl emits from 049 as he charges forward. Threw tears you push the gun in time for it to miss his chest and graze his ribs. Your body goes flying foward crashing into his chest you both grunt in pain. He wraps his arm around you protectively as you hear the other D- class yell,
"Fuck look!" You think the old man is still here."
"Shut your fucking mouth he is drawn to sound." D-328 whispers harshly. 049 wipes the blood from your face. You swallow a whimper, now was not the time for weakness. You draw him into a hug and whisper,
"When I say so duck." He pulls away from you and nods.
"Come on Adam. It ain't fucking worth it- the fuck was that." The other D class says. Adam covers the guys mouth shoving him against the wall.
"Shut your fucking mouth." Adam whispers harshly pointing the gun at his friend. Drawing a scalpel you took from 049 chambers you wait until Adam takes his hand off of the man mouth and throw it into his knee. The man cries out and 049 pushes you down covering your body with his own. You hear a blood curdling scream as the smell of rot slaps you hard in the face. Guns fire as both D-Class scream in horror and pain. Then silence complete silence. 049 pulls you upright then grabs your arm tugging you into a run.
"We must flee." 049 says. You don't argue you just run. Your limbs feel weak, your lungs burn and your head throbs in agony by the time you both stop.
"Ah yes beautiful." A haunting voice whispers. You whirl around and see nothing. 049 looks as well seeing nothing, he then looks at you with concern.
"You require treatment." 049 says
"Oh yes treament while you lay on your back." The voice whispered again. You turn your head causing more white hot pain to shoot threw your skull.
"Ahhh." You cry falling backward.
"Raven!" 049 calls
"Mmmmm yes my little bird." The voice calls sweetly. You look up to see a warning just over 049 shoulder. You can only make out SCP 035. "Free me." The voice calls. "FREE ME!"
"Raven. Do not close your eyes." 049 says seriously, removing his medical bag. You feel tired, your eyes heavy, you open them comical wide in an attempt to stay awake. 049 flushes your head wound, dabbing it dry you hiss in pain and feel him rub something into your wound. "My apologies. I fear this wound runs deep." 049 sighs.
"Oh little bird with your blood so sweet. How I tremble to taste your meat." The voice whisperers to you.
"Do you hear that." You ask
"No." 049 says his hand reaches up to your forehead. "No fever."
"My old friend is so sweet is he not." The voice calls "yet he made me bleed, you will bleed for him too." Your eyes shift back to the sign,
"What dose that say." You ask pointing.
"Be still." 049 says. "Your frontal plate is fractured." You feel a tear fall,
"How bad." You ask weakly.
"I am unsure." 049 says "the numbing agent has yet to take effect." Gentle he prys at the wound looking at your face for signs of discomfort. You look away as more blood falls down your face.
"It seems to be minor." 049 says "I worry for I sense swelling." You feel him flush it again with water.
"I can't feel my left hand." You say more tears falling.
"Freeze!" An Agent yells.
"I must insist I be allowed to continue." 049 says his voice dark.
"Hands up SCP 049 right now!" The agent yells.
"Raven require treament." 049 says angrily "her life is at great risk."
"Now SCP 049! I will not say it again!" The Agent yells.
"Please." You beg 049 "don't... hurt.049..please..." putting away his bag 049 stands slowly.
"That's it nice and slow." The agent says.
"Agent Hill statues update." His com blares.
"Copy Command. Currently outside 035 containment area. Located Dr. Raven Crow and 049. No sign of the rogue D-Class." Agent Hill says gun still trained on 049.
"Copy that Agent Hill. Bright is demanding an up date on Dr. Raven Crow." Command voice says.
"Copy that command. I caught him in the act of turning her into a zombie." Agent Hill says "Request permission to terminate."
"No!" 049 screams, "she is not a victim of the pestilence!"
"Ya sure cause you cured her right?" Agent Hill sneered.
"I can't feel my left arm" you mutter weakly.
"I must insist." 049 begs, "her brain is swelling."
"Agent Hill." Command crackles.
"Copy Command." Agent Hill says.
"That is a negative on termination. Dr. Raven Crow can not be turned into a Zombie. SCP 049 touch has no effect on her. Repeat it has no effect on her." Command states.
"Shit." Agent hill says. "Command I need medical now!"
"I can assit her." 049 says "you have my word I shall do no more then that."
"Fine." Agent Hill says "but no blades." Withdrawing his bag once more 049 kneels before you.
"Raven?" 049 calls to you threw the fog in your head.
"Yes." You mutter.
"I must relieve the swelling." 049 says.
"Command ETA on medical." Agent Hill says.
"Copy that Agent Hill. They are currently held down by several rogue D-class." Command says as 049 removes a small drill. "ETA 20 minutes."
"Whoa SCP 049 put it down!" Agent Hill yells.
"Do not test me further." 049 yells back. "It insults me enough that one full of pestilence such as you has swayed my hands from saving her thus! I will delay my treatment no longer, imbecil!" Your body is numb as you float now on the edge of consciousness, you hear yet do not feel bone being drilled. The sour smell of vomit waves over to you as the Agent wretches, 049 mumbles amateur.
"I can feel my arm." You sigh softly.
"That is good." 049 says his voice encouraging.
"Yes." The voice chimes in "Alagadda my sweet home I can all but see you.
"Alagadda." You whisper, the word itself tastes of exquisite ashes.
"Home." 049 answers. You nodded as your eyes grow heavy, so heavy. You hear foot steps running, so many foot steps.
"Please." You rasp out "do as they say. I could not handle if something....where to..happen...." your mouth stops working as your body feels heavy.
"Raven!" 049 calls to you, he sounds so far away. "You must stay awake."
"No." The voice calls "Dream of home little bird, dream of our home."

Darkness never ending is what encompasses you. Your body painfully curls tightly into a ball as it is pulled apart and tightly gripped back together. You hit a floor hard, opening your eyes you realize you are in fact laying apon a celling. Vertigo hits you as you shut your eyes tightly against it. Voices speak millions upon millions, in languages that should never exist, that could not be spoke with a human tongue. You feel so weak like this so vulnerable so you force your eyes back open. You look around you with the wonderment of a child. The checkered surface you lay on was neither up nor down as staircases were abound. Builds of impossible beauty and architecture filled the spaces crowding the very air. Beings of power walked along the paths masks of all sizes covered their faces. Laughter alien in tone rang out tickling your ears with small razors. Black flooded your vision as you fell now. Stars flooded past you, endless in number. You screamed as you felt human reality confine you and with a mighty anguish thud your body was once more your prison.

You sit up screaming pulling and clawing at your own skin.
"Dr.Crow!" Dr.Brights voice rang out the sound so insignificant compared to the many you just heard. "Stop! I need a sedative! DR.CROW CAN YOU HEAR ME!"
"Let me out." You sob. "This skin it hurts! I can't breath!" You feel a needle stab threw your skin and your vision goes black again.

You hear someone calling your name Raven, yes that was your name. You open your eyes tears falling as the light assaults your eyes.
"Dr.Bright." you groan.
"Usually a women only says my name like that after a very long night." Dr.Bright says leaning over you. At least he sounded like Dr.Bright.
"I am sorry I thought you were Dr.Bright." you say weakly.
"I am." He replies. "Just with a fancy new skin." You try to make a smart ass comment but instead you vomit off to your side. The bitter sour taste of bile slips pasts your tongue as gagging and reaching noises fill the air.
"That usually happens only after someone swallows." Dr.Bright says. You give Bright the middle finger and slowly sit up wiping your mouth with your hospital gown.
"049." You pant holding your head. "Is he....alright."
"Great." Dr.Bright says. "SCP 049 only removed three bullets from his body. So sure we will go with great."
"How are this" You ask looking him over. He holds up his lovecraftian locket,
"I am trapped in this wonderful horrible piece of shit." He replies checking your chart. "So how far did you get with SCP 049." You blush as you remember his lips pressed so passionately against your own.
"What did you see?" You ask.
"The end of a very lustful kiss." Dr. Bright says giving you a very sensual smile.
"That was it." You reply. Your body burns in disappointment.
"Damn it, you mean you didn't even palm him or nothing." Dr.Bright whines.
"Uh that would be a little private." You reply crossing your arms.
"Come on the pot is up to a 1000 bucks on him having a dick underneath those muscle robes." Dr.Bright wines louder. "I need money for Warhammer figurines."
"I could never do that to him." You reply frankly. "He is a gentleman."
"I got money that he is kinky AF." Dr.Bright teases.
"Asshole." You snort.
"And proud." He says. "Speaking of drilling holes. That one in your skull is closed."
"Impossible." You say feeling for the wound. You feel nothing your scalp is flawless not even a scar.
"Not for you apparently." Dr.Bright says removing his glasses. "Infact you have no scars, or evidence that you have ever been injured. For fuck sakes your hymen repaired itself." You draw your legs into chest and cringe at the thought of them touching your body without permission.
"That is not possible. I have had a boyfriend, and that fling with Dr. Williams and an affair with Sgt Carter!" You yell trembling while shaking your head. You feel sick at the knowledge they were inside you.
"The Doctor was female, and it was done in privacy." Dr.Bright says softly, "it dose not make it right but I hope it helps." You nod gently because as ridiculous as it sounds it did.
"How is this possible?" You whisper
"That was confidential until 13 hours ago, and only known to 05." A women says. She is surrounded by armed Agents.
"Dr.Crow meet 01 of 05." Dr.Bright says. "Few people get this honour so be nice. Warning she can be prickly."
"Shut up Jack." The women says lighting a cigarette. Her faded blue eyes look you over as she takes a long drag. "I knew this day would come but for christ sake, it came to fast." You can see crows feet eched deep within her skin, her suit look expensive and costum tailored. "Dr.Crow, before you lost consciousness you whispered something, can you repeat what you said?"
"Alagadda." You confirm the same ash taste sliding along your tongue but now a copper aftertaste lingered. She forces the smoke out of her lungs in a harsh breath.
"Why the truth?" 01 asks you.
"I am sure you have ways of making me tell the truth. I would rather avoid them if possible." You grimly counter.
"Smart girl." 01 says smiling. "Tell me what did 035 say to you while you were outside it's contentment cell." You pause as the conversation fills your head. Did she want to know every single word. She coughs to grab your attention one more. "A reminder Dr.Crow you were team leader in the biological warfare special forces team. I know you can remember, your trained to remember. " she says with a confident grin. Taking another long puff from her cigarette. The smell of menthol and tobacco waving over you. Taking a deep breath you say word for word what the demented voice or rather 035 said to you. She nods here and there waiting patiently for you to finish.
"When SCP 049 drilled a hole in your skull he damaged the chip keeping your anomalous powers at bay. He is being punished for his desecration currently." She tells you rubbing the side of her mouth with her ring finger.
"He didn't know." You spit angrily.
"Ignorance dose not absolve it from being punishment." She says her eyes narrowing, "you should know that." You clench your bed sheets tightly as you gritted your teeth, this shit was why you left the military.
"I don't have birth parents do I." You say.
"We do not know what entity's birthed you. You were given to the foundation by a...friend with strick instruction that you were to live among humans. The chip was installed shortly before you were placed in foster care." She said "Even your foster parents didn't know what you were." You felt a ball forming in your throat, happiness filled your heart with the knowledge that your parents love for you was real.
"Please don't hurt him." You choke out.
"So Jack was right feelings have developed between you two." She says smiling. You have never hated a smile so much in your life. "Good." Your gut dropped at the word and you suppress tears. "Unless.....Jack do you have any concerns." She ask flicking her ashes off on the floor.
"Of course I do." Dr.Bright says coldly. "Nothing like this has ever been allowed before."
"You have never been one for rules Jack, have you?" She says lighting a new cigarette with the first.
"Are you giving me free rain 01." Dr.Bright replies. She laughs out smoke along of smoke.
"Please Jack we both know what that leads to." She says. "05 will draw up restrictions and regulations, as long as their feelings are proven to be an asset to us."
"And if they stop being an asset." Dr.Bright asks his voice dark.
"Class one amnestics can be administered, they can also be moved to different sites, or..." she paused taking another long drag. "Termination of SCP 049 can be authorized."
"No!" You scream. She smiles broadly at your distress. Her eyes were so cold, so dead and yet something now glimmered within them. "Bitch." You sneer. She shrugs,
"I was called worse by Jack yestarday. Though in your position I would call myself the same." 01 replies.
"What do you want from me." You ask.
"That is the million dollar question." 01 snickers. "You seem to have a magic ticket Dr.Crow, one SCP 049 lost and SCP 035 had stolen from him. You are going to be our secret weapon when we go back to Alagadda. So your going to keep up with your good behavior and your going to keep listening as well as you have been."
"01 maybe her privileges could be extended pending review?" Dr.Bright suggest.
"Will you accept full responsibility for her actions?" 01 asks.
"Yes." Dr.Bright says. She shakes her head chuckling,
"Looks like you just gave her the job of being your assistant, Jack." 01 replies.
"I have told 05 before I don't need an assistant." Dr.Bright says firmly
"Dr.Crow I will see if I can't secure you a regular paycheck for your troubles. Lord knows you will have plenty." 01 says eyeing Dr.Bright who glares daggers at her. Your shoulders feel heavy, your stomach weak. You lay back in your bed wishing like hell you could just wake up, but then 049 would not be real. "Questions." 01 says stepping out her cigarette.
"When can I see him again?" You ask.
"Him?" She asks raising her eye brow. Gritting your teeth you clarify,
"049." You reply.
"I am sorry pardon." She says stressing her words.
"Scp 049." You spit at her the words feeling foul.
"Now if you want." 01 says checking a tablet brought to her. His punishment ended 5 hours ago."
"Please." You say softly looking away.

You closes your eyes as the medical staff exists the room. You just need to know he is okay, that is it. Don't show them, you repeat over and over to yourself. Don't let them see how deep your feeling are beginning to run for him.
"Dr.Crow." 049 says stiffly. You open your eyes and see gauze covering his wounds. The last of the poles is disconnected and the agents slips out of the doors. His hands are still bound infront of him as he eyes you coldly.
"Are you well." You ask
"I am." 049 says curtly. "Is there a reason for my presence. Or are you perhaps bringing me here just to mock me."
"Pardon." You say taken aback.
"Do not play coy." 049 spits his anger biting at you. "You bore a device of my captors. How long have they held sway over your actions." Your heart drops as the moments of kindness you had shared that lead to that single kiss play in your mind.
"No, it is not what you think." You say trying to get up.
"Do not take me for a fool! The gaurds to my cell told me the truth of the matter!" 049 yells
"Please listen." You begin sliding off the table. You fall into a heap on the ground as your legs turn to jello. You let out a groan in pain as you grab you head. "Their liars." You spit back. Turning your head you see him still standing by the door. He closes his eyes in contemplation casting his face downward. "The device in my head was used to control my abilities." You say using the table to stand. Your knees begin to shake as you grow weak again. This time you land against 049 who holds you up awkwardly. You face him tears of pain running with our pause,
"I must return to my work." 049 states. Carefully and with all the strength you can muster you grab a hold of his shoulders.
"You don't believe me." You reply. 049 close his eyes tightly and turns away from you.
"My cure beckons me." He says softly his voice sad. You tentively down his cowl and take a gold.of his face. Your heart soared at this single permitted action, he hated to reveal the flesh under the muscle.
"Can you not feel how much stronger my abilities are." You ask.
"I...." 049 fumbles. You bite back pride and reason as you draw him down. "Raven" he whispers upon your lips. Your lips then met so tenderly your heart aches. His thin lips covered yours again and again, each one more passionate then the last. When something wet touches your cheek and he rips himself away from you and draws up his cowl again. "I must go." He says firmly his breathing uneven. "I have strayed, my work has suffered." He walks toward the door, "goodbye Dr.Crow, I pray we do not meet again. For sanity's sake." You stand still holding back waves of emotion as he taken away. Once the door shuts you sink to your knees a sob crossing your lips, you have never felt so broken and so alone.

049 walked in silence back to his containment chambers, he could hear jeers and sneers from the gaurds surrounding him.
"Told you Steve. You owe me 50 bucks." One Agent says to another. "Fucking thing is a monster. Monster's don't have emotions."
"Dude did you even see the same video feed as me." Another countered.
"I was there. I saw him turn her down. Probably just used her for his cure." The Agent replied. 049 flinched he had not used her, it was just better this way. "Ain't that right ya fucking freak. Tell us was she good in bed, should we give her a go." The Agent sneered at him. 049 forced a growl down, how dare they speak of her honour in such a way. He stopped dead in his tracks, the gaurd jerked still by his sudden display of strength.
"SCP 049 I advise you to keep moving." Dr.Bright said at the end of the hallway swinging his key card in a loop. He continued to walk forward his need to work driving him, yes his work, he must continue his work.
"Hello Doctor." 049 says, "a new mask, I must say blonde dose not suit you."
"I dunno the ladies tend to love it." Dr.Bright says smiling broadly slipping his key card threw before adding,"And some gents." The containment cell door opened. Looking are his shoulders loosened thankfully in their hast the damage caused was minimal. "Oh 049 just so you know, she was telling the truth, the gaurds lied to and are being disciplined for it." Dr.Bright said. 049 remained silent, he regrettable did believed her words when she had told him, he just could not afford the distraction.
"When is my next patient scheduled." 049 asked.
"Tomorrow. Good night SCP 049." Dr.Bright said. "Oh and I can guarantee you, you will see her again." When the gaurds left 049 rubbed his wrists as he looked around. He slowly began setting things right in his lab, his thoughts focused on his patient. With drawing his leather journal he sat down on his cot. A wave of mint and eucalyptus washed over him.
"Raven." He whispered. His fist clenched tightly. No he thought it is better this way, she will be safe this way. The image of the man kissing her roughly, mercilessly played over in his mind. His ambition had hurt her, like it always seemed to. This was his curse he would bare it alone as he always had, he would rid the world of the pestilence. Maybe he mused he could find comfort in there time together. He laid down on his side allowing her scent to consume him momentarily. Closing his eyes her face appeared before him, she was as lovely as ever. He could feel her press against him like before her hips rubbing provocatively against his. 049 body throb with a need he almost did not recognize, it had been so long. He sat up quickly breathing harshly, his elbows resting on his knees. He could still feel her lips on his so full, so willing.
"No." 049 mumbled. "No!" His scream echoed off of the steel walls. His wounds throb from his movements reminding him to rest. 049 covered his head with his arms, as her figure haunted him. His eyes burned as he recalled her tears clearly, this cursed human form made him so weak. Emotions his kind had forgotten coarsed threw him, a pain filled him one beyond even his skilled hands could heal.
"I do not understand." He gasped aloud. He felt his journal brush against him, yes he thought I shall loose myself to work. Picking up the well loved journal he opened it, his cure beckoned him.

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