Twenty Cents / 20 Cents (Boyx...

By ZachhT

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Ryder Kings. Leader of the mafia gang - Wolves. He doesn't give two shïts about anything. At the age of 23, h... More

Warning and Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9

Chapter 8

4.8K 172 96
By ZachhT

Noah was woken up by loud cheers and rowdy chattering that came from downstairs. He whined softly but eventually say up on the bed. He patted the surrounding with his eyes still closed.

"Ahhh it's Ryder's home." Noah reminded himself. He crawled out of his bed in his duck onesie and moved to do his morning business. He walked out of the door sleepily, yawning with his eyes only slightly opened.

He climbed down the stairs as he yawned yet again. The noise got louder and louder when Noah went down to the first floor. When he did, many men and women stared at him. He stared back. It was so quiet.

He was suddenly so awake.

"It's the boss's boy!" One yelled.

"Uh.." Noah whispered awkwardly. Suddenly, everyone erupted in cheers.

"The boss's boy!" They would cheer. He stood there awkwardly as they lifted up plates of breakfast. Liam saw his discomfort and pulled him aside.

Good morning. It's usually like this so I hope you get used to it. Liam signed. Of course, Noah didn't understand at all so he looked at him awkwardly too.

"He said good morning and it's usually this noisy and all so he hopes you get used to this." Ryder's husky morning voice drifted into Noah's ears.

Noah turned around and grinned happily before throwing himself into the arms of his lover.

"Morning boss!" They would greet and Ryder would nod to them in acknowledgement.

"Good morning love," Ryder greeted his baby. "Mornin! Thank you Liam!" Noah smiles at them as Ethan pulled Liam away after greeting his boss.

"Momma is still asleep?" He asked.

"I'm not sure love, why don't you go check? I'll go grab you two some breakfast." Ryder said as he planted a kiss on Noah's forehead.

"Okay!" Noah smiled happily as he skipped his way up to his mother's room. Noah was stopped when he reached the third floor, a small cute boy had tapped his shoulders.

"You're the boss's boy?" He asked. Noah flushed and played with his fingers before nodding.

The boy's face scrunched in an unhappy manner and glared at Noah who he found annoying. "He doesn't love you. He loves me." He spat out.

Noah, confused, stared at him. "Huh..? Wha..?"

That annoyed the boy the most though. "You're so fake. My god. Ryder and I go way back. I know things you don't. You're probably some slut he picked from the streets. You little whore." He grinned when he saw the discomfort on Noah's face.

Noah wanted to say he didn't believe him but then he realised he probably forced Ryder into being his lover, asking him like that, Ryder probably had no choice but to say yes. Plus, he barely knew anything about Ryder. They rushed into it.

Satisfied, the boy purposely bumped into Noah, causing the boy to stumble down a few steps.

Upset, Noah continued climbing up the stairs. He wanted to cry actually, but he himself knew best how to keep it in, to pretend everything was okay.

He knocked on his Mother's room door. He took a deep breath before calling out for his mother.

He smiled happily when his mother came out. "Morning Momma. You slept in." His mother chuckled and nodded. "I haven't slept this good in awhile actually." That made Noah smile a little more.

"How were you not awoken by the noise.." Noah mumbled. They walked down the stairs together to find Ryder and get themselves some breakfast.

"Momma must've slept like a log." She joked. When they reached the first floor Noah saw the boy clinging onto Ryder. It took everything in him to pretend not to notice and to not cry right there and then.

The little boy caught the eyes of Noah though and he smirked mischievously.

The boy planted a kiss on Ryder's cheeks.

Noah gritted his teeth and looked away. "Momma, I'm not hungry, I'll eat later." Noah whispered before he ran back up to his room.

Upset, he screamed into his pillow. He was throwing a tantrum right now and seriously, Noah wanted to rip his own head off.

Sarah knew something was off with her son though so she scanned the room. What would make her son this upset? And she spotted what she hopped she'd never spot.

Her face scrunched up in anger and she stomped towards Ryder. "If you're toying with my son, stop it." She jabbed her finger on his chest angrily.

"Ma'am what? No." Ryder defended.

"What's he doing then? Ryder, my son has gone through enough shit. I don't care if you're some part of a gang or anything but if you're toying with him then stop. He doesn't need you to make shit worst." Noah's mother snapped.

"Ma'am, that's not true. I'm not toying with him." Ryder tried to explain.

"Kinda hard to believe when you have this.. boy.. clinging onto you and smooching you all over your damn face. Go explain it to Noah yourself. If I see him hurt I will bring you down, I don't care if you're a gang leader. I will personally make sure you go down to hell with me." His mother threatened before she turned around and stomped away.

Ryder stared down at the boy clinging onto his hands. "When will you stop it?" Ryder sighed angrily. "You've wrecked my love life again and again. Don't you think it's enough? What we had was in the past. I picked you up when you were at your lowest so you think it's love. It's not, Caleb. You need to stop before I kick you out of this damn gang. You're testing my patience."

Caleb stared at Ryder in shock and anger. "You know you love me! Everyone is trying to keep us apart and you're not even trying? What the fuck Ryder." Caleb screamed angrily, causing everyone to turn and stare.

"Ugh. That nasty bitch again. Boss should just kick him out I fucking swear." A girl rolled her pretty green eyes.

"Yeah man. So fucking annoying. He probably thinks that Ryder owes him or some shit. Ugh." Another agreed.

Ryder sighed angrily. "Stop it Caleb." Ryder warned.

"Is it that little bitch you brought back yesterday? What? He's got the face and he's got the ass so now you're ditching me for him? Is that it? For that slut? He has an innocent face but god knows how many guys he had fucked already! You-" Ryder cut him off with a slap across the cheeks.

Everyone stopped and stared at their boss, shocked at the fact that he had slapped Caleb. Everyone knew that no matter how annoying Caleb had been, Ryder had always tried to entertain his bullshit. But today.. Everyone knew the boss's boy wasn't just a plaything now.

"Fuck off." Ryder cursed at Caleb. His eyes glaring daggers at him. If looks could kill, Caleb would have been in hell already.

Caleb held his hurting cheeks and looked around, glaring at anyone who stared. Really nobody was scared of Caleb. They just didn't want to cause trouble with their boss but now that they witness what they just witnessed, everyone wouldn't be afraid to say and do whatever they wanted with him.

Caleb couldn't even fight, he was tiny and couldn't even hold a gun properly. At this point, he was a laughing stock.

"I fucking quit Ryder. Watch your fucking Bitch's back. Don't wanna scar his pretty face." Caleb gave him a finger before he turned and left.

"Fucking hell, who the fuck does he think he is." Ethan cursed as he emerges beside his boss.

Do you want me to check on Noah? Liam signed.

"Yeah. Please. Fuck I want to shoot somebody." Ryder cursed. Ethan nodded at Liam and Liam left to check on Noah.

"Boss, you good?" Multiple men asked.

"Eat your shit and don't ask." Ryder tried to joke but really it came out more serious and intimidating then intended.

"Boss, nobody's gonna touch your boy. We live in a gang house it's impossible to come here and touch him." The green eyed girl said.

"I won't take my chances. Cynthia, I need you and your team to take turns to stay with Noah round the clock. Don't leave him out of your sight." Ryder instructed.

"Aye aye sir."

Nobody's touching Noah.


I just realised this book has been on hold for a year-

Wtf I'm so sorry guys I didn't know it has been that Long!!! Enjoy this chapter!!

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