(Discontinued)Stronger than H...

By Alienhunter01

46.4K 367 308

The world used to be a normal place the world used to be my home until one day everything changed. More

Harem part 1
Harem part 2
Friends and Frenemies
Chapter 2 Time for school and for vengeance part 1
Chapter 3 Time for school and for vengeance part 2
Chapter 4 Hell declares war
Hello there
I'm still alive but I have some news.
I got some good news and bad news
Sad news but some good news at the same time.

Chapter one It begins

3.5K 35 21
By Alienhunter01


Location: Earth


It was a rainy night in Fight Alley and by the looks of it some thugs want a piece of our hero

Thug 1: your going to wish that your mama never gave birth to you!

Thug 2: Yeah we are going to break your face!

Thug 3: Both of you shut up and let's just teach him a lesson already!

Y/N: Oh please like there is anything for you to teach me besides I think I can teach you three something. So bring it.

The first thug went for a tackling attack while the second tried to go around
But Y/N evaded by jumping over him then grabbed the second thug and slammed him to the ground causing the ground to form small cracks under him while the first thug run into a solid brick wall that broke his nose and getting him a nose bleed.

Thug 2: arrrgh!


Thug 3: Grow the hell up you'll be fine!


Thug 3: Nevermind I'll handle this. (Grumbles): you want something done right you do it yourself. (Normal): Why don't we end this by you dying?

He pulls out a heavy revolver and then points it at Y/N

Thug 3: DIE!

He then fires his revolver at
Y/N giving him all six shots but only to find out his bullets went nowhere instead they were floating place.

Thug 3: what the hell?

Y/N: So tell me of how we are going to end this again because I think I missed heard you did you say with me dying or with you dying?

Y/N then forced pushed all of the six revolver shots at the third thug killing him instantly. The other thugs watched with fear and starting to regret their life decisions. Y/N looks over at their direction scaring the absolute hell out of them.


Y/N: You don't have to worry I'm not going to kill you two instead I'm going to let you on a little warning (demonic voice): DON'T EVER DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS EVER AGAIN UNDERSTAND!

Thug 1 & 2:(filled with fear): yep never again we agree with you ok now bye!

And with that the two thugs booked the hell out of there before Y/N changed his mind.

Y/N: I guess I better get home pretty sure that they are probably getting worried about at least one of them knows that I got this.

Y/N began walking back home it was a few blocks away from Fight Alley so he doesn't have to go that far and while he was walking he suddenly felt like he was being watched.

Y/N: hrmm? Hello? Is someone there?

No response only silence

Whatever that was it's gone now but I don't think I should let my guard down at least not yet.

Putting that feeling aside he resumed his walk home but still on guard thinking that the thugs from earlier is coming back for revenge but he knows that he can handle them pretty easily. After a few minutes he finally reached his destination.

Y/N: Home sweet home. I just hope that she is on sleep mode.

Y/N uses the force to quietly open the door and tiptoed in praying that she is asleep. When he got inside he lightly forced pushed the door quietly and when it did the lights suddenly come on and a girl with long brown hair in a white and pink dress with white and pink leg stocking along with a big pink bow on her head materialized in front of him
With a pouty look on her face.

(Imagine that she is pouting)

Y/N(nervous): h-hey Kizuna h-how are y-you?

Kizuna AI: Just sitting here with a pervert that keeps on playing those R - rated games and worrying about you when you are gone for so long but besides that I'm doing great!

Y/N: Sorry about that but I had to see what the trouble was about at Fight Alley.

Kizuna AI: But you know how bad that place is what if you get seriously hurt?

Y/N: I'll use my healing powers and besides you and Mel know that I can handle my self. Speaking about Melody where is she?

Kizuna AI: In your room playing those R - rated games on YOUR COMPUTER!

Y/N(nervous): hehehe.

Kizuna AI: Baka your lucky that I like you I'll let Melody know that your home.

Y/N: Thanks Kizuna.

Y/N(thoughts): Kizuna is right I am lucky but she chose to stick right by me after all me and her are good friends I'll never forget the day were I meet her when I was a kid.


Kizuna AI was good friends with my parents she always enjoyed their company my parents always told me about her and said that one day I would meet her because they told her about me and she said that she would love to meet me that day finally came

Kizuna AI: hello

Y/N(shy): h-hello

Kizuna AI: what is your name?

Y/N: I'm Y/N

Kizuna AI: that's cute name

Y/N: *blushes*

Kizuna AI: Awww so cute. I can already tell that you and me will be very good friends

And that was the start of our friendship and when I got older I was able to meet Projekt Melody she really liked to tease me but me and her became fast friends like me Kizuna AI did and they were always there for me even in my most darkest time my family was murdered by a unknown group but the last thing that I remember them saying that the murderer wielded a cane with an Apple of Eden on top of it and a huge smile on his face but the most noticeable features was his wings big fucking wings I was at Kizuna AI's place at the time when it happened I still remember the look on her face when she told me the sad news the police asked me and Kizuna if my family had any enemies like I mean my family had people that weren't huge fans of them but they would never do such a thing the last thing that they told me about the murderer that he was asking my family for me because of some prophecy that he kept going on about. A few days after we attended at my parent's funeral many people were their telling me that they were sorry of what happened and if I needed to talk to anyone they told me to come and see them. Two of them in particular gave me their numbers so I can talk to them if I want they names was Ironmouse and Silvervale they knew me from Melody she would always tell them about me and how easy I was to tease. They always wanted to meet me but in a happy scenario but at least in the end they finally get to meet me we talked a few times but it been a few days since I talked to them I hope they don't think I forgot about them. Ever since that day I was starting to have nightmares about that night were I was staring face to face with the devil himself but before anything else I would also see a girl that looked like him who was between me and him like she was defending me she would always turn around and smile at me before I wake up. Then I starting having these weird powers that no one else knows about it except Kizuna and Melody who promised me that they would not tell anyone about it but I promised them that one day I will tell everyone about it. Whoever that murderer is he knows me and I know nothing about him that's why I promised my self that I would never go out and find him until I know who or what he is.

Flashback over

Projekt Melody:Y/N. Y/N.

Y/N: what?

The one who knocked Y/N out if his thoughts was a girl with dark blue hair with two pink hair that will glow and a bandaid across her nose wearing her long sleeve jacket and her black bra as well black panties with white leg stockings.

Y/N: oh hey Melody I was just thinking......(notices her wearing almost nothing)*blush* MEL WHY ARE YOU NOT WEARING ANY CLOTHES!

Projekt Melody: I was playing an R-rated game then Kizuna told me you were back so I just grabbed what was closest and wore it. Plus (she smirks) you know you like it.

She then moves towards you wrapping her arms around you giving you a very nice tight hug.

Projekt Melody:
(Still smirking) Wow you are just rock hard for me aren't ya?

Y/N:*Still blushing* Shut up.

Projekt Melody: (Still smirking) aww come on now don't be like that. We all know it's true I've seen you masturbate to me it's really nothing to be ashamed of.

She then goes up to your ear while lightly tapping on your rock hard tent.

Projekt Melody: (whispers) besides why do you got to masturbate to me when I'm right here in front of you

She then softly moans in your ear giving you a very lewd image of you and her.

Y/N:*blushing very much* Very funny Melody good joke but if you keep this up I won't be able to hold myself back.

Projekt Melody:(Serious) Who said I was joking now?

Y/N:*blushing like crazy* WHAAAA!?

Projekt Melody:(Smirks) You heard me.

Y/N*still blushing but comes to the realization of something* Y-your h-horny aren't you?

Projekt Melody: Yeah but can you blame me like I was
R - rated games and I was about to relief my self until I got interrupted.

Y/N*blush slowly fads* Oh well if that's the case then I'll make it up to you in anyway.

Projekt Melody: Oh are you sure you want to promise me that remember
(She Smirks again) it's anything.

Y/N: I'm aware.

Projekt Melody: Well I don't have anything in mind at the moment but I'll still hold you up for it.

Y/N: I understand.

Melody looks you into your eyes for a few seconds then smiles and gives you a quick peck on the cheek

Y/N:*Blushes* M-MELODY?

Projekt Melody: What you want another one?

Y/N:*Blushing* MEL?

Projekt Melody: I'm kidding I'll blow you instead.


Project Melody: I'm just joking but don't be surprised if I actually want to do that with you because I'm still going to hold on to your promise that you made earlier but anyway as much I love to tease you I'm gonna go back and finish what I started ok.

Y/N: You do that I'm just going to lie down on the couch for a bit.

Y/N goes into the living room and then flops down on the couch but before he can get any shut-eye someone was knocking on his door.

Y/N: uuuhhhh hold on I'll be there in a minute I'm just gonna take a nap later anyway.

Y/N got up from the couch and walked towards the door but while he was walking towards the door he sensed that same feeling he had when he thought that someone was watching him he put his guard up and opened the door to only just to see a shirtless man with weird looking tattoos all over his body.

Stranger: mmmmm I thought you'd be bigger but your definitely the one. Long way from home aren't you?

Y/N: What do you want?

Stranger: Oh you already know the answer to that.

Y/N: Whatever you seek it's not here. You should move on.

Stranger: Haha and here I thought your kind were so helpful, so much more better than us, so much smarter and yet here you are hiding all the way out here.
Like. a. Coward

Y/N: My friend you do not want this fight.

Stranger: Oh but I do.

The stranger then punched Y/N across face signifying that he wants a fight but Y/N still kept his cool and calmly asked him to leave again.

Y/N(irritated): Leave. My. Home.

Stranger: You are going to have to kill me for that to happen.

He then punched Y/N's gut and across his face but when was going to punch his face the third time Y/N caught it with a face of anger.


Stranger: Oh finally.

Y/N then punched him square in the face sending him a couple feet back.

Y/N: You'd would not listen.

Stranger: No no no. Nooo fine my turn.

With that the stranger punched Y/N in the gut so hard it launched him into the air and made him land on his backyard. Y/N was dazed but for a moment when he noticed the stranger above his house and then tried to pounce on him but Y/N got out of the way in time.

Stranger: How incredibly disappointing. Come on then

Y/N got into a fighting stance and charged at his attacker punching him across the face as well doing a spin attack and backhanded him and then kicked him into a rock causing the rock to crumble then the stranger rushed Y/N with a quick punch but Y/N counter it with a punch of his own sending the stranger a couple feet away from him but the stranger quickly got up and charged at Y/N and slammed him to the ground and spun him around and threw him into the air and jumped up after him causing the both of them to land on Y/N's roof.

Stranger: Tell me what I want and the pain stops real simple.

The stranger then tried to punch Y/N in the face but he dodged it but it caused the stranger to make a hole on
Y/N's roof the stranger looked inside and noticed both Kizuna AI and Projekt Melody.

Stranger: Why haven't you introduced them to me.

Filled with anger Y/N slammed him over to the other side of the roof punching him continuously.

Y/N(filled with anger) LEAVE. MY. HOME!

Y/N slammed both his fist onto the stranger face causing both of them to fall into Y/N's garage

Stranger: Struck a nerve
did I?

Y/N then grabbed one of his cars and smashed it across the stranger causing him to fly back a couple feet and
Y/N rushed him and slammed him into a rock but he still kept going.

Stranger: What is it that your hiding!

Y/N then slammed him against a concrete wall but the stranger slammed him to the ground.

Stranger: Haha slow and old you should have never came to the mortal realm.

The stranger then healed his wounds while Y/N was confused by this but didn't have much time to care.

Stranger: So care to try again?

Y/N: Man you talk to much.

Y/N then went to grab him but the stranger evaded his grab and spun them both around where now Y/N's back was facing the wall now Y/N tried to punch him but only just to get body slammed into the wall causing him to get stuck.

Stranger: You won't talk? Fine maybe your lady friends will.

Filled with anger and fear of what he would do to them he then ignited his hands on fire causing him to fly out of the wall and slam the stranger against a tree, punching him continuously until he slammed his fist onto the strangers face causing the tree to break he then threw the stranger aside and pick up the tree and rushed him with it through the wall that Y/N was just stuck in.

Stranger: What is it? What are you afraid of? Let's find out.

The stranger then tore apart the tree then punched Y/N in
The chest sending him a couple feet back But Y/N quickly got back up still in fiery rage Y/N wasted no time to deal some damage on the stranger while the stranger can do nothing but take the beating but eventually Y/N stopped and then slammed him into the ground and then threw him towards a wall Y/N then went to proceed to kick him in the face as well as picking him back up to punch him senseless but with the final punch he caused the wall to stumble he the put the stranger aside so he punch the wall to weaken it so he can slam it on top of the stranger.

Y/N Finally that is over.

The ground shook

Stranger: Leaving so soon?

The stranger was still alive but Y/N didn't have enough time to question it because the stranger threw the very wall that Y/N used on the stranger but Y/N punched at the center of the wall making crumble instantly then the stranger launched himself trying to punch Y/N in the face but Y/N caught it then Y/N tried to do the same but the stranger caught his so the both of them cause the land to shake and crack.

Stranger: When my master sent me here he only wanted answers but you! You had to act all proud throw whatever you have at me I'll keep coming but before I end this I want you to know one thing. Hahaha

The stranger then broke
Y/N's grab and launched him into the air with him not far behind but Y/N grabbed him punching his face before being kicked back down to the ground causing Y/N to fall into one of the large cracks but Y/N grabbed onto something that was climbable and had to climb back to the surface.

Stranger: You can't hurt me Nothing can. This fight is pointless your struggle is worthless. It didn't have be this way.

Y/N reached to the surface but only to be met with a kick

Stranger: Pathetic!

that caused the ground to split in two now Y/N was at the other side from were the stranger is standing


The stranger lunged at Y/N but missed briefly. Done with bull-shit Y/N took out his blade

Stranger: Let's end this.

With that they both clashed with Y/N slicing at his skin and the stranger making some quick kicks and punches but Y/N had enough of this he reactivated his Spartan Rage while igniting his blade too. The stranger was taken aback by this rage but was still willing to fight
So the stranger made one final attack but just to be quickly taken down by Y/N's rage then Y/N grabbed the stranger and threw him towards the edge of the cliff
but the stranger grabbed the ledge of the cliff and quickly climbed back up and slapped Y/N's weapon out of his hands but Y/N quickly tackled the stranger to the ground pinning him but some reason the stranger continues to fight.

Stranger: Out of everyone that I have faced I thought you'd would make me feel something but you can't!

Y/N had enough of this stranger's bull-shit if he wasn't going to stop fighting with his own free will then Y/N would make him by breaking the stranger's neck killing him and pushing his body over the cliff. Y/N laid there trying to catch his breath but soon he got up after then started walking back home filled with questions.

Y/N: Who...Who was he? He knew me? Who are the I.M.P? How did he find me?

Y/N then fell on his knees but before getting back up he took a breather for a moment then resumed his walk.

Y/N: No matter he is dead now. I have to make it home I'm pretty sure they are worried sick about me.

But what Y/N didn't realize that he may have ended the fight but the war is about to begin as well his journey to fulfill the prophecy.

To be continued.


Somewhere in hell

POV: Satan

I.M.P Demon(Male): Sir we regret to inform you that the target has not been neutralized.

Satan: Is that so? Does this mean you won't do the job anymore meaning you are no longer any use to me?

I.M.P Demon(Female): Nonono we will still do the job right sweetie?

I.M.P Demon(Male): Yes right we will still do the job (whispers) as long our dispatch keeps us updated.

I.M.P Hellhound(Female): What was that baby dick?

I.M.P Demon(Male): This is exactly what I was talking about!

Satan: ENOUGH! Just don't fail me again! You are dismissed.

I.M.P: Yes my Lord.

Satan: Oh and one more thing Blitzo.

Blitzo: Yes?

Satan: When you have the chance.

Contact the Shadow.

End of preview:

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